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Human Rights Day: Nanjing seminar highlights challenges posed by digital technology

2023-12-10 19:05:38Source: CGTN
Dec. 10, 2023 -- Sunday marks Human Rights Day, established in 1948 to honor the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To mark the occasion, a seminar has been held in East China's Nanjing on human rights protection in the digital age. Scholars from leading universities across the country gathered to discuss the challenges to human rights, posed by the rapid development of digital technologies. The seminar was guided by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and hosted by the Institute for Human Rights of Southeast University. 
GONG XIANGHE Executive Dean, Institute for Human Rights, Southeast University "On the one hand, it is necessary to propose and recognize digital human rights that embody constitutional values in accordance with the principle of 'putting people first'. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen the legislation on digital human rights, legal amendments and legal interpretations, so as to guarantee the realization of digital human rights."