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Tibet Education: Scholars say reports about boarding school 'assimilation' are false and misleading

2023-03-31 11:31:08Source: CGTN

March 31, 2023 -- Scholars and experts have refuted accusations that China's is violating human rights in the Tibet autonomous region. They say the reports on the so-called "colonial" boarding schools are unfounded and ill-intentioned. Sun Tianyuan reports.


Scholars around the world have described Western reports on Chinese boarding schools in Tibet false and misleading.


XIRAO NIMA Professor, Minzu University of China "Some countries should thoroughly review their own problems and take practical actions to solve them, instead of smearing Tibet using the perspective of Western colonial education."


COLIN MACKERRAS Emeritus Professor Griffith University "The advancement of education in Tibet and better education for Tibetans is a human rights advance and achievement. It certainly does not, as many in the West suggest, that China is abusing human rights, let alone destroying Tibetan culture."


A scholar from the China Tibetology Research Center explained that students are free to choose whether to live on campus. He said that boarding schools suit the region's conditions.


XIAO JIE Deputy Director, Institute of Contemporary Studies China Tibetology Research Center "Tibet is a vast and sparsely populated area. It is difficult to run schools so far apart while ensuring high quality education for students. Also, many parents work in the cities and they lack the time to take care of their children."


Bilingual education is now required in all primary and middle schools in Tibet.


This can help students learn about their traditions while mastering Mandarin, the standard language used across China.


Official data shows that over 215 billion yuan, or 31 billion U.S. dollars, was invested in the autonomous region's education sector over the last decade. Now, Tibet has over 3,000 schools.


Before the region's liberation in 1951, 95 percent of young adults in Tibet were illiterate. Only noble people and men had access to education.


SUN TIANYUAN Beijing "Education has played an important role in Tibet's socio-economic development. It also boosted cultural exchanges among different ethnic groups. Scholars say it's vital to carry on the work to benefit more people in the region. SUN TIANYUAN, CGTN, BEIJING."
