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The Historic Achievements of the Communist Party of China in Respecting and Protecting Human Rights in the New Era

2024-08-13 14:40:05Source: The Journal of Human RightsAuthor: ZHANG Yi

The Historic Achievements of the Communist Party of China in Respecting and Protecting Human Rights in the New Era


Abstract: In the new era, the Communist Party of China (CPC) has made historic achievements in respecting and protecting human rights. Building upon the principle of the "two integrations" (integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and fine traditional culture), it has nurtured new theories on respecting and protecting human rights in the new era, which can address the fundamental questions of whom and what the human rights protection efforts in the new era are for. Guided by the principle of "taking our own path," it has charted a distinct course for the development of human rights, diverging from the Western approach. The CPC has maintained the unity between Party leadership and the respect for and protection of human rights, promoting progress in human rights through the pursuit of "high-quality development," and ensuring various fundamental rights of the people through the rule of law. Building upon the past experience, the CPC has established the "source" of the institutional framework for respecting and protecting human rights in the new era, crafted the "body" of this institutional framework, and introduced its practical "application." In promoting the comprehensive advancement of human rights protection, the CPC has facilitated the connotative development of human rights protection in China, empowering China in international human rights discourse, and contributing Chinese strength and wisdom to global human rights governance.

Keywords: new era · the Communist Party of China · human rights protection · historic achievements
