Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies


2024-08-12 16:18:56Source: The Journal of Human Rights

January 2024


Internet Safety: New rules to strengthen online protection for children come into effect in China


New rules aimed at protecting children and young people online have come into effect in China. The State Council says the regulations aim to create a healthy online environment, while protecting the legitimate rights and interests of children and young people.


Adopted by Chinese lawmakers last October, the regulations came into effect on Jan. 1. They were proposed by the Cyberspace Administration of China.


From: CGTN


Nation to tackle population aging


The State Council, China’s cabinet, is currently engaged in extensive research and development of policies aimed at nurturing the silver economy and improving the well-being of its senior citizens.


The significance of developing the silver economy as a proactive measure to address population aging, promote high-quality development, and deliver both long-term and immediate benefits was emphasized at the State Council Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang on Jan. 5.


From: China Daily


China’s Xizang to raise educational subsidy standard


The educational subsidy standard in Southwest China’s Xizang autonomous region will rise again this year, according to a fiscal report unveiled on Jan. 7.


The annual subsidy under the “Three Guarantees” policy for education in the region — providing food, accommodation, and school expenses for preschool to senior high school students from farming and herding households and impoverished urban families — will increase by 90 yuan ($12.67) to 5,620 yuan per person in 2024, said the report submitted to the second plenary session of the 12th People’s Congress of the Xizang Autonomous Region for deliberation.


According to the report issued by the regional department of finance, 746,000 students will benefit from the rising subsidy.


From: Xinhua


CBS of the US has told some truth about Xinjiang: Global Times editorial


On Jan. 7, US media CBS published an article about their trip to Xinjiang. Different from some Western media’s rumors and slander against Xinjiang in the past, which are completely groundless, the CBS journalist made a relatively objective record of what was seen and heard during the tour, for example, admitting that the local people showed the reporter “everything” and that they did not see evidence of the so-called “detention centers and prisons.” Instead, what they witnessed are local efforts to build high-speed trains, wind power plants and tourism, as well as ethnic dancing, local wine production, and a remodeled village. The journalists felt “the policing and the atmosphere were relaxed” in Urumqi at night.


From: Global Times


Legal aid ensured for defendants


China has reiterated the significance of free legal aid, with clearer requirements for each department, so that the country can strongly protect human rights and better uphold justice.


The requirements have been recently written into work guidance by the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice that was made public on Jan. 8.


From: China Daily


China issues guidelines for flexible job market in bid to boost employment


In a bid to enhance services for flexible workers, China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MHRSS) issued a comprehensive set of guidelines aimed at standardizing flexible job markets on Jan. 8, aiming to provide workers with transparent and regulated services. The notice is in line with its commitment to integrate this sector into the broader employment public service system.


In the notice, the MHRSS outlined several key areas related to flexible job markets that require attention and improvement.


From: Global Times


Xinjiang University released On Human Rights Protection in Education in Southern Xinjiang from the Perspective of International Human Rights Law (Chinese and English versions)


On January 9, 2024, Xinjiang University released an independent research report On Human Rights Protection in Education in Southern Xinjiang from the Perspective of International Human Rights Law (Chinese and English versions).


From the perspective of international human rights law, the report systematically sorts out the human rights protection of minors in free education in southern Xinjiang under the leadership of the Communist Party of China from the dimensions of the basis of the international law norm and the domestic legal system construction, pointing out that universalizing 15 years’ free education has better improved minor’s education rights protection in southern Xinjiang, and will help improve the cultural quality and social competitiveness of the people in southern Xinjiang and even the entire Xinjiang.


From: en.humanrights.cn


China’s basic living allowances for orphans increase in 2023


In the third quarter of 2023, the monthly basic living allowances for orphans living at welfare facilities and in foster homes across China were 1,885.4 yuan (265.4 U.S. dollars) and 1439.9 yuan, respectively, increasing by 5.2 percent and 6.6 percent year on year, according to the national civil affairs work conference held on Jan. 14.


A total of 146,000 orphans and 388,000 de facto unattended children in China were covered by the country’s support system as of the third quarter of 2023, according to the conference. Each de facto unattended children received a monthly basic living allowance of 1,439.9 yuan, a 6.6 percent increase from the same period of 2022.


From: Xinhua


China improves home-based care services for senior citizens


China has provided over 235,000 home-based care beds for senior citizens nationwide and aims to supply more with standardized service quality, authorities said on Jan. 14.


Statistics released on the sidelines of the national civil affairs work conference held on Jan. 14 showed that a total of 418,000 senior people had been provided with home-based care services.


Provided by workers with professional capabilities, home-based care services can better meet the demands of disabled senior people. The living places of these senior citizens are appropriately modified, including the provision of smart appliances and handrails in bathrooms.


From: Xinhua


China’s work-for-relief programs create over 2.5 mln jobs for low-income population in 2023


China’s work-for-relief programs created more than 2.53 million jobs for the low-income population, which resulted in a per capita income increase worth more than 14,000 yuan (around 1,968 U.S. dollars) for them, according to official data released on Jan. 16.


The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), China’s top economic planner, said that over the past year, the NDRC, together with other government departments, continued to promote work-for-relief programs by increasing special-purpose central government investment support and providing guidance to local regions to push forward the work-for-relief approach in major engineering projects as well as agricultural and rural infrastructure projects in different localities.


From: Xinhua


China completes 125 million mu of afforestation and improvement on grassland


China completed 125 million mu (8.33 million hectares) of afforestation and the improvement on grassland, and reclaimed desertified land and rocky desertification of land that amounted to 28.57 million mu (190 hectares) in 2023, exceeding the country’s afforestation goals, a teleconference on the national forestry and grassland work held by the National Forestry and Grassland Administration revealed on Jan. 22.


According to China’s Three-North Shelterbelt Forest Program (TSFP), 22 projects of the 68 projects in the TSFP have started successively and have completed afforestation of 18 million mu.


From: Global Times


Side meeting of safeguarding economic, social and cultural rights by Chinese NGOs held in Geneva


A side meeting of the fourth round of United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Working Group, was held on Jan. 22 in Geneva, which was on the theme of placing development at the agenda center — safeguarding economic, social and cultural rights.


The meeting was jointly organized by China’s permanent mission to the UN office at Geneva, YouChange China Social Entrepreneur Foundation, and the China Association for NGO Cooperation.


From: Global Times


China releases white paper on legal framework and measures for counter-terrorism


China on Jan. 23 released a white paper on its legal framework and measures for counter-terrorism, which sums up the characteristics of its counter-terrorism efforts over the past decades and exploration of the path of law-based counter-terrorism work.


The seven-part white paper, which was released by the State Council Information Office on Jan. 23, is titled “China’s Legal Framework and Measures for Counterterrorism.” In the foreword, it expounds on the necessity of counter-terrorism legal governance and outlines the framework for implementing counter-terrorism legal governance construction.


From: Global Times


UNHRC reviews China’s human rights record


China has made undeniable human rights progress in the past five years, Chinese scholars and experts said despite some Western anti-China forces constantly sensationalizing news and pressuring the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) before and during the evaluation on China’s human rights record.


On Jan. 23, the UNHRC officially started a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) on China’s human rights record for the fourth time. The UPR is a peer review of the human rights records of all 193 UN Member States. China is among the 14 states to be reviewed by the UPR Working Group during its session from January 22 to February 2.


From: Global Times


China announces 30 new measures for human rights promotion at UN UPR session


China on Jan. 23 announced 30 new measures aimed at protecting human rights, including initiatives to enhance people’s livelihoods, strengthen legal protection of human rights, promote international human rights cooperation and support the work of the UN human rights mechanisms.


During the fourth round of Universal Periodic Review (UPR) conducted here by the UN Human Rights Council, Chen Xu, head of the Chinese delegation for the review, made such announcement, saying that China considers respecting and protecting human rights as a crucial aspect of state governance.


From: Xinhua


Education at all levels in China’s Xinjiang is at all-time high: expert


The implementation of the education beneficiaries project in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has led to the highest levels in history there for preschool education, nine-year compulsory education, high school education, higher education and vocational education, an expert said here on Jan. 24.


The China Society for Human Rights Studies on Jan. 24 held here a side-event on the theme of “Chinese-style Modernization and Human Rights” during the 45th session of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review of the UN Human Rights Council.


From: Xinhua


Per capita disposable income of Xizang’s rural residents nears 20,000 yuan


The per capita disposable income of rural residents in Xizang Autonomous Region, southwest China, rose to 19,924 yuan (about 2,803 U.S. dollars) in 2023, the local authority said on Jan. 25.


According to the regional department of agriculture and rural affairs, this represents a year-on-year increase of 9.4 percent, 1.7 percentage points higher than the national average.


From: Xinhua


Chinese urban renovations benefit nearly 9 million households in 2023


China accomplished renovation work for 53,700 old residential communities in urban regions in 2023 that benefited 8.97 million households, according to data released by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development on Jan. 30.


The data showed renovation projects saw a total investment of nearly 240 billion yuan (33.78 billion U.S. dollars) last year.


From: Xinhua


China offers winter comfort to people in need


Local governments in China have spent 1.91 billion yuan (268.8 million U.S. dollars) on heating assistance, aiding over 4.85 million households to brave the winter chill, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said at a press conference on Jan. 30.


The supporting measures included providing heating subsidies for families facing difficulties, reducing or waiving heating fees, and supplying warm clothing, fuel, and other winter essentials.


From: Xinhua


Consultation of legislation on Article 23 begins


Hong Kong will enact a new national security ordinance to address risks, Chief Executive John Lee Ka-chiu announced at a news conference on Jan. 30, the same day that the city begins a monthlong public consultation on Article 23 of the Basic Law.


The public consultation on the ordinance, proposed to be titled “Safeguarding National Security Ordinance”, will end on Feb. 28.


From: China Daily


Efforts to improve lives of those with disabilities lauded


China has been praised for its efforts to promote sports among persons with disabilities, and for its progress in enhancing the well-being of the disabled, helping them better integrate into society and assisting them in realizing self-value.


More than 100 participants from over 20 countries and international organizations attended a New Year reception held by the China Disabled Persons’ Federation on Jan. 30, where they heard inspiring stories and took part in some unique games and experiences.


From: China Daily


February 2024


State councilor urges high-quality work for women, children


Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin has urged efforts to advance the high-quality development of work for women and children during her inspection tour in east China's Fujian Province.


From Feb. 2 to Feb. 3, Shen inspected local service centers for women and children in the provincial capital city of Fuzhou and visited rural areas and urban communities to learn about relevant work.


Shen, also president of the All-China Women's Federation, called for efforts to ensure the Party's leadership over the work of women's federations, focus on the most practical and tangible matters for women and their families, and promote gender equality and all-around development of women and children.


From: Xinhua


China to ramp up wetland protection, restoration


China will comprehensively enhance its efforts in wetland protection and restoration with targeted measures, according to an official on Feb. 2, which marks World Wetlands Day.


Yuan Jiming, an official with the National Forestry and Grassland Administration, said the country will help establish more wetlands of international importance and develop more international wetland cities, while also promoting the development of a monitoring and supervision system for national wetland parks.


From: Xinhua


Document prioritizes higher rural incomes


China will continue to prioritize increasing the income of rural residents and preventing them from slipping into poverty this year, as their livelihood is closely tied to the nation's social and economic development, said senior officials.


The nation unveiled its annual No. 1 Central Document on Feb. 3, focusing on rural vitalization and food security. The document is the first policy statement released each year by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, China's Cabinet.


From: China Daily


China sends 20,000 disaster relief supply items to Hunan province


The Ministry of Emergency Management and two other government departments have sent 20,000 disaster relief supply items, including cotton-padded quilts, to Central China's Hunan province, the ministry said on Feb. 5.


The ministry upgraded the emergency response for disasters induced by low temperatures, rain, snow and freezing conditions in Hunan from level-IV to level-III on Feb. 4.


From: Xinhua


China continues to enhance public medical services


China's tertiary public hospitals nationwide have further enhanced accessibility of their medical services, according to an official assessment report.


The report, released on Feb. 7 by the National Health Commission and six other departments, was formulated based on the performance of the country's 2,817 tertiary public hospitals in 2022.


From: Xinhua


Increasing efforts help migrant workers resume and find work


Authorities are beefing up efforts to transport migrant workers to their jobs and provide new employment opportunities to propel the resumption of work as the Spring Festival holiday concludes in China, People's Daily reported.


The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and eight other government departments jointly launched a special campaign with a string of online and offline activities from Jan. 25 to April 8, with the aim of providing some 30 million job opportunities.


As of Feb. 17, a total of 18,000 online and offline recruitment events have been organized and 10 million job openings were offered across the country, according to the ministry.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Chinese medical team treats over 20,000 Sierra Leonean patients during one-year mission


The 24th batch of the Chinese medical team in Sierra Leone has provided care for more than 20,000 local patients during its one-year mission.


Chen Yongjun, head of the team, told Xinhua in an interview on Feb. 22 that the team has carried out over 400 surgeries and trained many local medical staff during the period.


From: Xinhua


China publishes guidelines to better protect rights of workers in platform economy


China on Feb. 23 published guidelines to improve protection of the rights of workers engaged in new employment forms, such as ride-hailing and food delivery.


The guidelines compiled by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security stipulate detailed and practical rules to guide platform businesses in improving labor management and addressing problems, including excessive working hours and platform rules lacking sufficient transparency.


From: Xinhua


Making payment easier for foreigners, seniors


At the State Council executive meeting on Feb. 23, a guiding document on further optimizing payment services and improving convenience of payment was reviewed and approved. Focusing on the inconvenience faced by senior citizens and foreigners visiting China, the guiding document aims at promoting multiple payment methods such as mobile payment, bank cards and cash.


From: China Daily


Survey reveals Chinese netizens' top concerns ahead of two sessions


Law-based governance, employment, and rural vitalization are among the top concerns of Chinese internet users, according to an online survey recently conducted by People's Daily Online.


Aimed at pooling strengths, gathering opinions, and voicing public concerns before China's annual two sessions, the survey, conducted annually, began on Feb. 5 and ended on Feb. 25.


From: People's Daily Online


China provides legal aid to migrant workers in 480,000 cases in 2023


China's legal aid agencies nationwide handled 480,000 cases related to legal assistance for migrant workers in 2023, the Ministry of Justice said on Feb. 26.


Over the past year, legal aid agencies helped 540,000 migrant workers recover a total of 6.8 billion yuan (956.7 million U.S. dollars) in unpaid wages, which has effectively safeguarded the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers.


From: Xinhua


Chinese procuratorates handle 190,000 public interest litigation cases in 2023


China's procuratorial organs filed and solved around 190,000 public interest litigation cases throughout 2023, the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) said on Feb. 28.


Of the cases, 168,000 involved administrative litigation and 22,000 fell under the civil sphere.


The coverage of public interest litigation was further expanded last year, with procuratorial public interest litigation being incorporated into a series of new laws concerning people's living environment and ecological protection, among other matters.


From: Xinhua


China makes headway in enhancing daycare services for children under three


China has stepped up efforts to boost the healthy development of daycare services for children under the age of three, senior National Health Commission official Yang Jinrui said on Feb. 28.


The country now has approximately 100,000 nurseries for children under three, collectively capable of facilitating about 4.8 million such children, Yang told a press conference.


From: Xinhua


China sees improved living environment in rural areas


China has made remarkable progress in improving the living environment in rural areas, the country's agricultural ministry said on Feb. 28.


The country stepped up efforts to strengthen the weak links in public infrastructure in 2023, and over 95 percent of villages have launched clean-up campaigns, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.


From: Xinhua


China's medical, healthcare sector makes steady progress in 2023


China's medical and healthcare sector witnessed sound progress last year, with the major health indicators reaching the forefront among middle- and high-income countries, according to data released by the National Health Commission (NHC) on Feb. 28.


As of 2023, China's infant mortality rate has dropped to 4.5 per 1,000, the mortality rate among children under five reached 6.2 per 1,000, and the maternal mortality rate decreased to 15.1 per 100,000, the NHC data shows.


From: Xinhua


Xi's human rights book published in French


The launch ceremony for a French-Chinese version of a book of extracts from President Xi Jinping's discourses on respecting and protecting human rights was held in Paris on Feb. 29, together with a seminar entitled “Chinese Wisdom for Global Human Rights Governance".


Compiled by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the book uses nine themes to systematically record the remarks of Xi on respecting and protecting human rights.


From: China Daily


March 2024


Local legislation guards privacy, limits cameras


New legislation on security cameras is aimed at regulating the use of video feeds and protecting people's privacy, rather than having more cameras installed, a local legislator said as the city of Zhuzhou, in Hunan province, enacted the nation's first local legislation on the issue.


The Zhuzhou Public Security Video Imaging Information System Management Regulation came into effect on March 1.


From: China Daily


China to expand basic medical insurance coverage for children


Chinese authorities on March 2 released a circular on the launch of a campaign to expand basic medical insurance coverage for children, aiming to safeguard the rights, interests and health of children in the country.


The circular, issued by the National Healthcare Security Administration, the Ministry of Education and the National Health Commission, sets the goal that by the end of 2024, over 80 percent of newborns are covered by national basic medical insurance in the year of birth.


From: Xinhua


Jobs, regional integration get major lift


A total of 12.44 million new jobs were created in China's urban areas last year thanks in part to the efforts of governments at all levels and various funding, Liu Jieyi said at a news conference on March 3.


Liu, spokesman for the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the nation's top political advisory body, said funds exceeding 300 billion yuan ($41.7 billion) were provided to directly support employment and entrepreneurship.


From: China Daily


Ambassador expounds China's human rights perspectives in Geneva


The Chinese ambassador in Geneva expounded on March 4 China's perspectives on advancing and safeguarding human rights, stressing that peace and development are crucial pillars for promoting and protecting human rights.


Chen Xu, permanent representative of China to the United Nations Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, stated that safeguarding human rights for everyone is a shared duty of the global community at the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council.


From: Xinhua


China aims to add over 12 million new urban jobs in 2024, setting urban unemployment rate of around 5.5%


China's central government aims to create over 12 million new urban jobs in 2024, with surveyed urban unemployment rate of around 5.5 percent, according to the Government Work Report delivered by Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Beijing on March 5.


The premier stressed a greater priority to employment, vowing to better leverage fiscal, tax, financial, and other policies to stabilize employment, and roll out more targeted policies to boost employment this year.


From: Xinhua


China solidifies commitment to improving women's livelihoods around the world


China is willing to work with other countries to promote the global gender equality agenda, build a community with a shared future for humanity and create a better world for all women, State Councilor Shen Yiqin said on March 7.


While addressing a reception marking the International Women's Day at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, Shen, also president of the All-China Women's Federation, extended her festive greetings to women at home and abroad. She said that China will keep collaborating with the global community to implement Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, an agenda for women's empowerment adopted at the Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing in 1995.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Judicial authorities vow harsh punishments for child abusers


Chinese prosecutors and judges endeavored to fight and punish people who harmed children with zero-tolerance last year, with various measures taken to protect women's legitimate rights, according to reports.


The annual work reports of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, China's top judicial authorities, were submitted to the ongoing second session of the 14th National People's Congress, the country's top legislature, on March 8 for review.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


China to continue to prioritize employment promotion


China will continue to prioritize employment promotion work this year by releasing more preferential policies, optimizing job services and tightening supervision on labor relations, said a senior official.


Last year, the domestic job market has shown a forecast-beating performance, with 12.44 million people successfully landing jobs in urban areas and the average surveyed unemployment rate staying around 5.2 percent in urban areas.


“China is a developing country with a large population. Employment is closely related to the basic livelihood of every family and the nation's social and economic development," said Wang Xiaoping, minister of the human resources and social security at a news conference in Beijing on March 9.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


China has made remarkable advancements in disability protection: Chinese expert


China has achieved institutionalized protection and systematic services for persons with disabilities, Zhou Lulu, an expert from Guangzhou University, said on March 11.


At the annual debate on the rights of persons with disabilities during the 55th session of the Human Rights Council here, Zhou expounded China's proactive actions in safeguarding the rights of persons with disabilities.


From: Xinhua


China's experience with gender equality shared at UN


A delegate of the Chinese women's association on March 12 shared the nation's experience in achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls during the annual United Nations meeting focused on women's issues.


The 68th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), which started March 11 and will run to March 22, is an annual meeting to address the inequalities, violence and discrimination against women.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


China, UN organizations co-host side event to promote protection of rights of persons with disabilities


A side event of the 55th session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council was held on March 12 to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities.


The event was co-hosted by the Chinese Permanent Mission to the UN Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, the Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities of the UN Human Rights Council, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Permanent Missions of Mexico, New Zealand and Finland to Geneva, and UN Women.


From: People's Daily


China makes significant progress in protection of privacy rights: expert


China has made significant progress in the protection of privacy rights, Gong Xianghe, an expert from China's Southeast University, said here on March 13 during the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.


Gong, on behalf of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, said privacy is a fundamental human right and a key element in the protection of human dignity.


Calling the Personal Information Protection Law enacted in 2021 in China “a milestone," Gong said the law provided a comprehensive legal framework for the protection of personal information and thus helped protect the people's rights to privacy.


From: Xinhua


Experts laud China's achievements in safeguarding ethnic minorities' right to education


China has made significant progress in safeguarding ethnic minorities' right to education during its modernization, said experts at a side event of the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council on March 14.


During the event, hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, Chinese experts and scholars from universities and research institutions presented findings on China's efforts to guarantee ethnic minorities' right to education in its modernization, with a focus on Xizang Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


From: Xinhua


China calls for advancing AI to protect children's rights


A Chinese diplomat on March 14 called for advancing high-quality development of artificial intelligence (AI) to help promote children's mental health and protect their rights at the 55th session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council.


Delivering a joint statement on behalf of 80 countries, Chen Xu, the permanent representative of China to the UN Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland, said that AI represents a new frontier in human development and should be governed under the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution, and shared benefits.


From: Xinhua


Chinese courts work with government agencies to protect children from food safety violations


While continuing to harshly punish those who produce or sell harmful food to juveniles, Chinese courts have also been required to work with government agencies to jointly strengthen the fight against crimes related to food safety.


The requirement was put forward by the Supreme People's Court, China's top court, on March 15 when introducing four influential food safety cases involving children.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Experts share insights on China's legal protection of human rights


China has continuously improved its legal protection of human rights, effectively guaranteeing people's rights to survival and development, said experts at a side event of the 55th session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council on March 15.


During the event, hosted by the Human Rights Research Center of the Northwest University of Political Science and Law (NWUPL), scholars from China and abroad exchanged insights on China's experience in the legal protection of human rights, including poverty alleviation, desertification control, counter-terrorism, and the rights of disabled people in sports.


From: Xinhua


Experts share views on China's minority rights protection in Geneva


Experts and scholars from China and abroad shared the achievements and experiences of minority rights protection in China, focusing on the practices in Xizang Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, at a seminar here on March 18.


The seminar titled “The Protection of Human Rights for Minorities: Progress in China's Ethnic Autonomous Regions" was organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies during the 55th session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council.


From: Xinhua


China launches nationwide crackdown on trafficking of women, children


China has launched a nationwide crackdown targeting human trafficking crimes involving women and children, deploying a special operation that will run until the end of 2024.


Authorities were instructed to actively take responsibility, carefully organize and deploy, and severely crack down on crimes of trafficking women and children in accordance with the law, according to a meeting co-held on March 18 by the Ministry of Public Security on the operation.


From: Xinhua


Chinese premier stresses improving people's well-being


Chinese Premier Li Qiang has stressed meeting people's expectations for high-quality life and improving their well-being while promoting high-quality development.


Li, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during his inspection tour of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces that ran from March 18 to March 20.


From: Xinhua


China to improve accessibility of quality children's health care services


A Chinese health official said on March 19 that China will actively improve its children's health services and the accessibility of quality pediatric medical resources.


National Health Commission official Li Dachuan said at a press conference that China will establish two national and five regional children's medical centers, and provide support for 67 key clinical specialties related to pediatric health care.


From: Xinhua


Constructive dialogue, cooperation key to human rights protection: Chinese ambassador


China's permanent representative to the United Nations (UN) Office in Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland has stressed the need to promote and protect human rights through constructive dialogue and cooperation.


During the 55th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Chen Xu denounced the politicization and instrumentalization of human rights issues in a joint statement delivered on March 20 on behalf of the Group of Friends on the Promotion of Human Rights through Dialogues and Cooperation.


The joint statement pointed out that the politicized and polarized atmosphere is exacerbating at the Human Rights Council, which runs counter to its original intention and violates the principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity, non-politicization and non-selectivity.


From: Xinhua


Article 23 legislation to create stable, prosperous future for Hong Kong: official


Article 23 legislation will bring about a stable and prosperous future for Hong Kong, Cheung Kwok-kwan, deputy secretary for justice of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) government, said on March 20.


Cheung made the remarks while addressing the 55th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.


From: Xinhua


China to launch law popularization campaign aimed at rural women


China has decided to launch a law dissemination campaign intended for women in rural areas, in a bid to raise their law awareness and offer legal services to those in need, according to an official statement on March 26.


A circular jointly released by Chinese authorities, including the All-China Women's Federation and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, made arrangements for this campaign aimed at women in rural areas, as well as their offspring and families.


From: Xinhua


China healthcare to mobilize professionals for health clinic support


A key focus of China's healthcare sector this year is to mobilize senior medical professionals in urban areas to the grassroots level and strengthen support for primary health clinics, the National Health Commission said during a news conference on March 27.


Mi Feng, spokesman of the commission, said that over the years, China has been continuously channeling quality medical resources to grassroots facilities, improving their infrastructure and services and enhancing the training of local healthcare workers.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Symposium held to mark 65th anniversary of democratic reform in Xizang


A symposium was held in Beijing on March 28 to mark the 65th anniversary of the democratic reform that ended feudal serfdom in southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region.


The symposium, which focused on the practice of Chinese modernization in Xizang, was attended by scholars and experts from both China and abroad, either online or offline.


From: Xinhua


April 2024


Protection of consumers' personal information highlighted in China's new regulations


Business operators in China are prohibited from collecting excessive personal information while providing commodities and services through apps, according to a set of newly released regulations for implementing the law on the protection of consumer rights and interests.


An official from the Cyberspace Administration of China explained the provisions on the protection of consumers' personal information in the regulations at a briefing held by the State Council Information Office on April 9.


From: Xinhua


Foreign envoys praise prosperous Xinjiang at conference


Over 70 foreign diplomats from 49 countries attended a conference held in Beijing on April 10, to learn about economic and social development and human rights protection achievements in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


Ambassadors delivering speeches gave positive comments on Xinjiang and some shared their personal experiences of their visits to Xinjiang. They are looking forward to more cooperation between their home countries and China's Xinjiang.


From: Xinhua


Regulations to protect environment


The State Council has introduced new regulations governing a mechanism for ecological compensation, which aims to provide incentives for institutions and individuals that carry out environmental and ecological protection. The new regulations, signed by Premier Li Qiang, will come into force on June 1.


 Following Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, the regulations uphold the idea that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, a release from the State Council said on April 10.


From: China Daily


Medical insurance fund remains strong, despite aging population


China's basic medical insurance fund had garnered 3.4 trillion yuan ($470 billion) in revenue by the end of last year, and authorities said that the fund is operating steadily, though payment reforms are needed to maintain its stability amid an aging society and rapid socioeconomic development.


The fund received 2.7 trillion yuan in income last year while spending 2.2 trillion yuan, leading to an annual surplus of 500 billion yuan, Zhu Yongfeng, deputy director of the National Healthcare Security Administration's department of planning, finance and regulation, said during a news conference on April 11.


From: China Daily


Age limit raised to give women better support


To offer more support to young female academics, the National Office for Philosophy and Social Sciences announced a policy change on April 12 that raised the age limit for female applicants to National Social Science Fund Youth Projects to 40, five years more than the age limit for male applicants.


The fund's annual projects are designed to cultivate young talent and encourage innovation in social science research. The Youth Projects specifically target early-career scholars.


The age limits for male and female applicants were previously the same.


From: China Daily


Law professor gives lecture on addition of human rights concept into China's Constitution


A lecture on the addition of human rights concept into China's Constitution was held on April 12 in Xiamen University.


The lecture titled "Twenty Years Since the Addition of Human Rights Concept into China's Constitution: Achievements and Challenges" was given by Han Dayuan, professor of School of Law of Renmin University and standing director of China Society for Human Rights Studies.


Professor Han gave an in-depth explanation of the topic from four aspects: historical background, practical results, academic significance and challenges and prospects.


From: School of Law, Xiamen University


Top court stresses protection of children in divorce cases


Chinese courts should put children's protection as a top priority in the handling of divorce cases, with prudence to deal with problems of child custody, visitation and property allocation in such lawsuits.


The requirement has been stressed by the Supreme People's Court, China's top court, in a guideline on April 15, aiming to provide more care and stronger legal supports for children involved in divorce disputes.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Greater efforts urged to improve children's living environment


Judges and relevant workers are being urged to attach greater importance to addressing the underlying issues of juvenile crime such as inadequate family care, internet addiction, and school bullying, in order to provide a better environment for children to grow up in.


The Supreme People's Court made the requirement in response to the rising instances of juvenile delinquency over the past three years.


From 2021 to 2023, Chinese courts concluded 73,178 criminal cases involving people under the age of 18 and sentenced 98,426 juveniles, according to data released by China's top court on April 16.


From: China Daily


Diabetics in China have access to affordable treatment


Thanks to China's drug centralized procurement drive, diabetes patients have access to more affordable and advanced insulin injections, said the National Healthcare Security Administration on April 17.


China rolled out a bulk buy program targeting insulin injections in late 2021, leading to an average price cut of 48 percent. Insulin products chosen by the program became available at reduced prices in May 2022.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Xizang details progress in education


The Xizang autonomous region has witnessed a remarkable transformation in its educational landscape since the region started practicing democratic reform in 1959, regional education authorities said at a news conference on April 17.


Over the past 65 years, under the special care of the central government and with support from people across the nation, education in Xizang transitioned from a privilege enjoyed by a few to a fundamental right accessible to all, Cai Shoukuan, an official from the regional department of education, said at the news conference.


From: China Daily


Over 1,000 children in Xinjiang to receive free heart surgeries


A program initiated by the Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF) will provide free surgeries for 1,056 children from northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region with congenital heart diseases (CHDs).


 The CRCF, together with several hospitals in Shanghai, Beijing and the provinces of Henan and Shandong, dispatched six groups of medical experts to carry out CHD screening for children in 14 locations in Xinjiang between March 24 and April 18.


From: Xinhua


New environment and ecology laws submitted for review


The compilation of an environment and ecology code is being steadily advanced so that it can be submitted for review by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, within this year, an official said on April 19.


Yang Heqing, spokesman for the NPC Standing Committee's Legislative Affairs Commission, told a news conference that codifying laws related to environment and ecology protection.


He remarked while introducing developments of this year's legislation plan.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


China continues to create jobs, pledges continued enhancement


China created 3.03 million new urban jobs in the first quarter of the year, completing its corresponding target set in this year's government work report, said the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on April 23.


The national urban surveyed unemployment rate stood at 5.2 percent last month, reflecting overall stability in the employment market, the ministry said.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Draft law to boost energy development


A draft law being reviewed by Chinese legislators would require the improvement of energy development and utilization, and provide support for nonfossil and low-carbon energy.


The 69-article draft energy law was submitted for first review on April 23 to the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature.


From: China Daily


Chinese premier stresses consolidating achievements in poverty alleviation


Chinese Premier Li Qiang on April 24 stressed action to effectively consolidate and expand achievements in poverty alleviation.


Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during a research trip in southwest China's Guizhou Province.


From: Xinhua


China provides funding for school meals to 165,000 children in Uganda's Karamoja


China has allocated funding through the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) to provide school meals for over 165,000 children from 315 schools in northeastern Uganda.


The contribution is part of China's commitment to improving food security and nutrition, strengthening people's livelihoods and boosting local economy, said Zhang Lizhong, Chinese ambassador to Uganda, while speaking at the handover ceremony on April 24.


From: Xinhua


China opens 829 sites providing free pneumoconiosis treatment


China has opened 829 sites providing free treatment for people with pneumoconiosis, cases of which account for approximately 90 percent of all reported cases of occupational diseases in the country, an official of the National Health Commission (NHC) said on April 25.


Wang Jiandong, who is the NHC official in charge of occupational health, said at a press conference that these sites, which are located in 28 provincial-level regions, provided free treatment to more than 1.2 million pneumoconiosis patients between 2021 and 2023.


From: Xinhua


China's ecological environment improves steadily in Q1


China saw its air and water quality steadily improve in the first quarter of the year amid the country's constant efforts to fight pollution and sustain green development, official data showed on April 28.


In the first quarter, the average density of PM2.5 in 339 Chinese cities at and above prefecture-level stood at 43 micrograms per cubic meter, down 6.5 percent year on year, according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.


From: Xinhua


May 2024


China stands ready to have constructive engagement and cooperation with UN human rights mechanisms


At the invitation of the Chinese side, the UN Special Rapporteur on the negative impact of unilateral coercive measures on the enjoyment of human rights, Alena Douhan, will visit China from May 6 to 17, Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Lin Jian said on May 6.


"She will have exchanges with relevant government departments, companies, industry associations, social organizations and so on in China. China stands ready to have constructive engagement and cooperation on the basis of mutual respect with UN human rights mechanisms, including the special procedures of the Human Rights Council, to contribute to the healthy development of the global human rights cause," Lin said.


From: en.humanrights.cn


Peng encourages investment in women's education


China is willing to work with UNESCO to encourage increased global investment in girls' and women's education and help more women obtain equal access to education rights, said Peng Liyuan, wife of President Xi Jinping.


Peng, who is also a UNESCO special envoy for the advancement of girls' and women's education, made the remark on May 6 when meeting with UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay as she visited the organization's headquarters in Paris, France.


From: China Daily


Patients benefiting from unified healthcare systems


The number of cross-regional hospital visits in China — a sign of uneven distribution of medical resources — has fallen significantly in recent years thanks to efforts made to ramp up overall public healthcare capacity, health officials said during a news conference on May 7.


Zhu Hongbiao, an official at the National Health Commission's department of healthcare reform, said that China has so far set up 13 national medical centers specializing in different fields of medicine, 125 national-level regional medical centers and 114 provincial-level regional medical facilities.


From: China Daily


China's top legislator stresses improving working mechanisms for absorbing public opinion


China's top legislator Zhao Leji has stressed efforts to improve working mechanisms for absorbing public opinions and pooling the wisdom of the people.


He noted that the organic unity between Party leadership, the running of the country by the people, and law-based governance must be upheld.


Zhao, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the National People's Congress Standing Committee, made the remarks during his inspection tour from May 7 to 10 in central China's Henan Province.


From: Xinhua


Ministry moves to ensure all rural households have water access


The Ministry of Water Resources will roll out tailored measures to ensure that all rural households will be covered by water supply projects.


Li Guoying, minister of water resources, made the remark at a conference on rural water supply in Guyuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, on May 8.


From: China Daily


China's State Compensation Law shows increased use, focus on rights


China's State Compensation Law has seen a significant rise in utilization over the past three decades, reflecting a growing emphasis on protecting human rights and regulating government actions.


Since its implementation in January 1995, Chinese courts have handled over 318,000 state compensation cases, awarding more than 7.5 billion yuan ($1.04 billion) in compensation, according to data released by the Supreme People's Court on May 14. The data was presented at a seminar commemorating the law's 30th anniversary, attended by legal professionals, law enforcement officials, and political advisors.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Nearly 90 pct of hearing-impaired children in China use cochlear implants


The research, development and application of cochlear implants have enabled nearly 90 percent of hearing-impaired children in China to hear, speak and attend regular kindergartens and schools, according to a press conference held by the China Disabled Persons' Federation (CDPF) on May 14.


Scientific research projects in the fields of disability rehabilitation, barrier-free environment development and assistive technology have been included in China's plan for key research and development.


From: Xinhua


Nationwide campaign launched to address campus issues including bullying, excessive homework


China's Ministry of Education (MOE) on May 14 launched a nationwide campaign to address 12 key issues in primary and secondary education, including campus bullying, excessive homework, and the distortion of history in teaching.


According to a circular made public on May 14 by the MOE on its official website, the campaign will run through 2024 and will primarily focus on problems related to safety breaches, disorder in daily management and faculty misconduct.


From: Global Times


Courts use of technology makes legal services more accessible


Thanks to various technologies widely used in the construction of courts and judicial work, individuals and departments can access and enjoy better legal services in China, a report said.


The report on Informatization Development of Chinese courts was issued by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Law on May 16.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Chinese state councilor highlights tech-powered assistance for disabled


Chinese State Councilor Shen Yiqin on May 18 called for enhanced research and application of technology-powered assistance for disabled individuals to create a better life for them.


Shen, also director of the State Council's working committee for disabled people, made the remarks while attending an activity on helping the disabled.


From: Xinhua


Guidelines for ethics review committee on organ procurement and transplantation released


The National Health Commission, China's top health authority, on May 20 released a guideline specifying requirements of the establishment of an ethics review committee for organ procurement and transplantations at hospitals.


The document said that medical institutions carrying out organ procurement and transplants should set up an ethics review committee and each committee should comprise at least nine personnel and of an odd number.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Report: China among nations with lowest crime rate


China has registered a significant drop in the number of serious violent crimes over the past few years, making it a country with one of the lowest crime rates and strongest sense of security, according to a report.


The Annual Report on Rule of Law in China, which was released on May 20 by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences' Institute of Law, said the number of felonies including intentional homicide and gun violence continued to decline last year, while other crimes related to national security or involving drugs were effectively controlled.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


SCO member states call for harsher punishment on human trafficking


Harsher punishment should be given to human traffickers by rule of law, so that people's legitimate rights can be protected and the social stability can be maintained, according to Zhang Jun, president of China's top court.


Zhang made the remark while delivering a speech at the 19th conference of presidents of supreme courts of Shanghai Cooperation Organization member states, which was held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on May 23.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


China steadily enhances ability to ensure livelihood during development


"The Chinese people's aspiration for a better life is the goal we have been striving for, and the ultimate purpose of advancing reform and promoting development is to improve the livelihood of the people," Chinese President Xi Jinping said. Xi is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission.


Xi made the remarks while chairing a symposium attended by representatives from businesses and academia in Jinan, east China's Shandong province on May 23.


From: People's Daily


Mental health platform launched for college, middle schools


A monitoring platform for students' mental health was launched during an event for Mental Health Day in college and middle schools in China, which falls on May 25 every year.


The platform will use psychological assessment tools tailored to Chinese adolescents to conduct sample monitoring of the mental health status of primary, secondary and university students nationwide, providing scientific guidance and support for local authorities and school.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Xi calls for promoting quality and quantity of new jobs


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has called for sustained efforts to promote high-quality and sufficient employment to keep enhancing the sense of gain, happiness and security among the vast majority of workers.


While presiding over a group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on May 27, Xi said that China's high-quality development should be a process of improving and expanding employment opportunities.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Vice premier calls for consolidating anti-poverty achievements, improving water infrastructure


Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong has called for solid efforts to consolidate anti-poverty achievements and improve water conservancy infrastructure.


Liu, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during a research trip that took place from May 28 to May 30 in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.


From: Xinhua


Chinese envoy calls for efforts to protect safety of women, youth


China's permanent representative to the United Nations Fu Cong on May 28 called for efforts to protect the safety of women and youth at a Security Council meeting on the subject.


The international community should make efforts to "promote a ceasefire and cessation of violence so as to protect the safety of women and youth," Fu said at a United Nations (UN) Security Council High-Level Debate on the Maintenance of International Peace and Security: The Role of Women and Young People.


From: Xinhua


Red Cross China spends 97 mln USD on public welfare in 2023


The Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF) spent 689 million yuan (about 97 million U.S. dollars) on public welfare programs in 2023, the CRCF said May 28.


An annual report on the CRCF has been released, providing the public with an overview of the foundation's work over the past year, including humanitarian assistance, disaster relief and first aid services.


From: Xinhua


Experts call for unity against terrorism


Facing pressing global security challenges, international experts called on May 29 for more efforts and cooperation among countries to fight terrorism, the common enemy of humankind.


The fifth international symposium on counterterrorism, deradicalization and promotion and protection of human rights, held in Chongqing and organized by Southwest University of Political Science and Law, attracted about 70 representatives from home and abroad.


They held in-depth discussions and exchanges on counterterrorism and deradicalization, legal system construction, national security, human rights protection and women's development rights. Foreign experts also spoke about their countries' experiences in counterterrorism and deradicalization work.


From: China Daily


Quality of children's healthcare rises in China


The number of pediatricians in China has increased by 74.4 percent from 2015 to nearly 206,000 at present, a health official said on May 31.


Shen Haiping, deputy director of the commission's department of maternal and child health, said that China now has 158 children's hospitals and 3,082 maternal and child care facilities.


"The number of beds per 1,000 children has reached 2.7, up by 0.27 in 2015," she said during a news conference.


From: chinadaily.com.cn


Ministry orders schools to step up anti-bullying measures


The Ministry of Education said on May 31 that each primary and middle school should establish an anti-bullying committee and ensure camera surveillance coverage in corridors and other acceptable places on campus.


As communities have launched campaigns to tackle campus bullying and violence, the ministry laid out specific requirements in a notice published on its website.


From: chinadaily.com.cn
