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Center for Human Rights and Rule of Law Studies at Guangdong University of Technology unveiled in Guangzhou

2024-06-20 10:44:44Source: en.humanrights.cn
Photo of attendees in the seminar
June 20, 2024 --The academic seminar themed "Twenty Years since the Addition of Human Rights Concept into China’s Constitution" was held in Guangzhou, Guangdong province from June 15 to 16. 
This seminar was hosted by Institute for Human Rights at China University of Political Science and Law, the editorial department of the Chinese Journal of Human Rights and the Center for Human Rights and Rule of Law Studies at Guangdong University of Technology.
More than 40 experts and scholars from China Law Society, China Society for Human Rights Studies, relevant universities, and organizations affiliated with the Supreme People's Court attended the seminar. They made in-depth discussions and exchanged their views on the theoretical achievements and practical experience of the implementation of the "Human Rights Clauses" for 20 years, contributing wisdom and experience to China's human rights cause and global human rights governance.
The unveiling ceremony of the Center for Human Rights and Rule of Law Studies at Guangdong University of Technology, a social science research base in Guangdong province, was held at the opening ceremony of the seminar.
(Source: Center for Human Rights and Rule of Law Studies at Guangdong University of Technology; Translated by Ma Caicai)