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From Human Rights To Humans Without Rights

2024-03-29 14:13:58Source: CSHRSAuthor: Eduardo Klinger Pevida (Dominica)
From Human Rights To Humans Without Rights
Eduardo Klinger Pevida (Dominica)
In 1948 the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was approved, the “common ideal for which all peoples and nations should strive”. In 30 articles, the “basic” civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights that all human beings should enjoy are detailed and serve to measure the behavior of States towards their citizens.
The UN Commission on Human Rights shaped these “rights” into international treaties and two agreements comprising the “types of rights” were drafted: the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Universal Declaration and these two Covenants gave life to the “International Bill of Human Rights”.
Neither the Declaration nor the Charter nor any other document expresses preference for one set of rights over others, all have equal value and must be fully respected and considered.
Both the “inventory” of civil and political rights is collected in one set of articles and that of economic and social rights in others. Certainly, both are violated everywhere, although the dominant powers in the current international order prioritize their attention over civil and political ones and even ignore the violation that they themselves incur in the economic and social aspects of a good part of their own populations. The rich powers, especially those that make up the G7, pretending to standup as global referees above International Law, overlook the fact that the Preamble to the "Declaration states that" freedom, justice and peace in the world have as their It is based on the recognition of the intrinsic dignity and the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family”.
Everyone, absolutely all rights, are equal and should be given equal importance and relevance. However, it is not so. Much more attention is given to most civil and political rights and entities from the international community go so far as to threaten other states with the use of force in order to supposedly guarantee them. Much is said and legislated about the economic and social ones, but little is done despite the fact that they threaten the lives of hundreds of millions of people. 
As for global security and development, and equally to promote peace between Ukraine and Russia, the People's Republic of China, representing 70 nations, submitted to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights a proposal to enhance protection of them, seeking to guarantee full respect for all rights and give priority attention, due to the terrible situation in which hundreds of millions of human beings live, to economic, social and cultural rights.
With the strength of its example, China demands that the world no longer be left out of the enjoyment of their rights to millions of individuals. Certainly, it is inadmissible and inexplicable that rich nations invest heavily in weapons to kill and do not address the critical social problems of important sectors of their own countries. Let us note that these are the same nations that set themselves up as arbitrary and subjective defenders of violations against other nations, for geopolitical interests, forgetting about their own citizens who are excluded from the wealth they like to flaunt.
China recalls on the UN stage that it is urgent to eradicate forms of racism and systemic discrimination that persist in many nations and are deepened by the rejection of immigrants fleeing the misery inherited from colonial systems and a brutal international order unfair that it is time to renew.
Who are those who being so sensitive to political and civil human rights in some countries, are not able to support Chinese initiative to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine?
International organizations point out that close to 900 million people suffer from hunger in the world and the number is growing, not decreasing. To solve the problem there are no "wars", on the contrary, to a large extent, they are consequences of wars. Even in the wealthy European Union 17 out of 100 adults suffer from "severe food insecurity". In contrast, twice as much food as is needed to feed the world is produced annually, but there are threats of famine, tens of millions may starve, including 1.4 million children. We suffer from a systemic problem.
Access to education and health is closed to millions and with malnutrition neither education nor learning can be adequate. 152 million children have to work. 25 million individuals are subjected to forced labor, “21st century slavery”.
The UN demands 4 500 million dollars to prevent millions of deaths, but they do not appear in a world where the richest 1% own more wealth than the other 99%. What sustainability and guarantee of human rights are you talking about? Hundreds of billions of dollars are wasted on war; there is more willingness to provide means to kill than to save lives.
Mainly in Articles 2,3,4, 22, 23,24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 the right of every individual to enjoy the essential human and social rights proclaimed in the "Declaration", namely:
• No discrimination for any reason that includes race and gender factors.
• The “right to life, liberty and personal security”
• No submission to conditions of slavery or servitude
• Article 22 calls for the "right to social security" and that, taking into account the conditions of each State, citizens be guaranteed the "satisfaction of economic, social and cultural rights, essential to their dignity and free development of his personality
• In addition, the right to work is reaffirmed, to enjoy equitable conditions in it, to   protection against unemployment, to "equal pay for equal work", that the remuneration be "equitable and satisfactory" that guarantees the person and his family "an existence in accordance with human dignity". In addition, the right to create unions and to unionize is recognized.
• The right to rest and free time, reasonable work hours and paid vacations. With firm clarity, Articles 25 and 26 state human rights that hundreds of millions of people in the world are unaware of, not just what they mean, but even that they exist and belong to them.
• Article 25 is especially comprehensive when referring to basic social rights: “Everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living that ensures their health and well-being, as well as their family, and especially food, clothing, housing,           medical care and necessary social services; They also have the right to insurance in case of unemployment, illness, disability, widowhood, old age or other cases of loss of their means of subsistence due to circumstances beyond their control”, and they understand that “maternity and childhood have the right to care and special assistance”.
• Article 26 establishes as a fundamental human right what societies should assume as an obligation: to guarantee every child at birth, in addition to the right to life and health, to receive education, a key factor on which it will depend that come to live in just and humane societies. Without many elites feeling compromised, the Article in question declares that every “person has the right to education” and, furthermore, that it “should be free, at least as far as elementary and fundamental instruction is concerned. Elementary instruction will be compulsory. Technical and professional instruction will have to be generalized; access to higher education will be equal for all, based on the respective merits. It is recognized and declared that “Education will aim at the full development of the human personality and the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms; It will promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations and all ethnic or religious groups, and will promote the development of the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace”.
• Nothing more devoid of content for billions of individuals in the 21st century than he demagogy that emerges, if it were discussed in more than a few societies, when hearing that "everyone has the right to freely take part in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to participate in scientific progress and in the benefits that result from it" because, de facto, a good part of the social nuclei are excluded from such rights that are reserved for privileged sectors that do not accept that these inequalities are overcome. This means that in truth not "every person" enjoys the right "to the protection of the moral and material interests that correspond to them by reason of the scientific, literary or artistic productions of which they are the author" because of the exclusions that derive from societies unfair and arbitrary at the level of social inequality, a lot of talent is wasted by not being able to curdle in its development.
For the privileged of a global order in the process of being discredited and overcome, all these rights are underestimated by social sectors that they despise and that, for this reason, fear that they will take charge of their experience and future and decide to forge a new world within a equally new world order and claim to enjoy those human rights that have been denied to them.
In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights all the rights listed are precisely "universal" none is more important or relevant than another. However, the elites view a truly comprehensive social inclusion as an existential threat, which would jeopardize what they assume as a resource for dominance and manipulation, both against any national social movement and their defense on the international stage. 
The uncompromising “defenders” of human rights focus on the set of civil and political rights that they claim to guarantee in their societies, although they suffer from insufficient coverage for social and humanitarian rights.
They attack China for fighting Muslim terrorists who massacred hundreds of Chinese civilians on their own territory in 2014 and talk about concentration camps that even their sophisticated satellites cannot locate. At the height of cynicism, those who raise their anti-Chinese propaganda are the same ones who have maintained a concentration camp in Guantánamo, depriving hundreds of terrorists captured far from their national territory of all legal protection. In their fierce campaign against China, they are supported by the same people who allowed the CIA to practice torture against Muslims in their countries. It is not necessary to prove it, they have recognized it.
And the defense of human rights? Is there some kind of letter of marque to conveniently violate human rights?
Indeed, in today's world confrontation, between an order in decline and a new one that is being born and expands, the promotion of human rights, focused on civilians and politicians, have become a resource for propaganda and ideological manipulation.
In the articles that run through the "Declaration" from the 5th to the 21st, the set of truly essential social rights and governmental duties are raised, on which they focus to claim others, objectively or not, but, at the same time, deprive to important sectors of their own societies of social and fully humanitarian rights, despite their wealth.
In the set of articles listed, protections and fundamental rights are proclaimed, which the world should critically analyze to appreciate the hypocrisy that characterizes some who project themselves with a double standard. Let's see, namely:
• Article 5 states that no one may be subjected to “torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment”. However, they use them under the pretext of fighting terrorism; some execute it and others have tolerated it in their own territories. Nor do they blush when reactionary elements have practiced it in the fight against "politically incorrect" factors.
• Articles 7 to 11 affirm the equality of all before the law that, frequently and everywhere, in those "just and egalitarian" nations there are two "legal" truths: the one that covers the privileged of each society and the one that apply to the dispossessed and excluded. We all know.
• Some centers of power like to wield the postulates of Article 12 which states that: “No one shall be the object of arbitrary interference in their private life, their family, their home or their correspondence, nor of attacks on their honor or reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks”. However, we know how, accusing others of violating those principles, their own security bodies subject their citizens to incursions against their privacy and, even, in some other country, someone dares to take action to expose these violations – examples from Julián Assange and Edward Snowden – are persecuted and repressed. We have all seen the evidence of privacy violations, even of allied leaders, for the sake of the manipulated argument, at convenience, of “national security”.
• The right to asylum established in Articles 13 and 14 is frequently applied at the discretion and, not infrequently, depending on who is fleeing. The determination of whether the persecuted has committed common crimes or is truly a political persecuted is defined at the convenience and with the coexistence of transnational sectors.
• The defense of individual property, without a doubt, a holy right, indicated in Article 17, is distorted according to who wants to criticize or attack and why.
• What is expressed in Article 18 and especially in 19, enshrining the right to freedom of expression and thought as well as “not to be harassed because of their opinions, to investigate and receive information and opinions, and to disseminate them, without limitation of borders, by any means of expression" demands that we remember, once again, the cases of Assange and Snowden and even the most  recent one of a young man enlisted in the United States Air Force incurred, out of mere personal ego, in the search and disclosure of information considered dangerous to “national security”.
• Article 21 is especially worthy of analysis. "1. Everyone has the right to participate
in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives. 2. Everyone has the right of access, under equal conditions, to the public functions  of their country. 3. The will of the people is the basis of the authority of the public power; This will shall be expressed through authentic elections to be held periodically, by universal and equal suffrage and by secret ballot or other equivalent procedure that guarantees freedom of vote.
In all the nations of the “perfect” democratic essence we find the de facto excluded. Majority sectors lack the resources, and/or the preparation to try to gain access to the organs of power. In the leading nations in defense of social equality, the governments are usually millionaires or oligarchs, the term is usable globally. In those democratic nations, the political system is called "representative" but those elected, once they take office, forget who elected them. (A humble taxi driver from a country that is now called the “Global South” once gave me a magisterial lesson in “democracy”: the problem, sir, is that “the poor are like turkeys, they remember these at Christmas and of the poor in elections”.
Those are the human rights proclaimed 75 years ago and many of them violated and ignored in many places. NOW LET'S SEE THE DRAMATIC SITUATION OF HUMANS WITHOUT RIGHTS.
What happens in the world to those billions who have no rights and don't even know they have rights?
Let us first observe the panorama of the most innocent in our world - children -, those that José Martí, hero of Cuban independence, described as "the hope of the world" but that, in an extraordinarily arbitrary and unfair world, many will never reach fulfill their mission, not only because they will not reach the fundamental factors of formation but because many will not even survive. A report published in January 2023 by the United Nations Inter-Agency Group for the Estimation of Child Mortality - IGME - indicated that in 2021 some 5 million boys and girls died before their fifth birthday, in addition to 1.9 million of babies were stillborn that same year. “Many of these tragic deaths could have been prevented if mothers, newborns, adolescents and children had equitable access to high-quality health care,” they warned.
According to the United Nations, in 2021 a child or young person died every 4.4 seconds. I do not want to torment all of you, but in the 10 minutes that I have been presenting this paper, 137 children and young people could have died everywhere, especially in the nations on the periphery. Fundamental cause: hunger, malnutrition, lack of medical coverage for them and their mothers.
Terrible. In a highly technological world where hundreds of billions of dollars are dedicated to war, every day 24,000 people die of hunger, 18,000 of them are children between the ages of 1 and 4. 80% of those who die of hunger in the world are very young children because they are excluded from enjoying their rights in their countries due to a global order where rich nations look the other way. According to the UN, between 720 and 811 million people suffered from hunger in 2020.
Children are doubly punished for the lack of enjoyment of human rights, first, if they do not die at an early age, they cannot take advantage of what is essential for their physical and mental development and, consequently, they reach a brief adulthood with totally limited opportunities. More than 200 million children suffer the consequences of bad nutrition or malnutrition.
Some billion individuals barely survive on less than 1.25 euros a day, which excludes them from adequate food, decent housing conditions and access to health and other services. They are brutally outside the scope of Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
It is estimated that between 667 and 685 million people are cloistered in conditions of extreme poverty, 89 million more than before the pandemic. If China was able to rescue more than 100 million from extreme conditions of poverty to declare itself in 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, free of that scourge; Why can't others do it? Why do the filthy rich who could do so much to eradicate poverty in the “Global South” instead of applying a far-reaching humanitarian approach, focus on concerns about competing geopolitical influences?
Very useful, although hurtful, are the statistics, surely incomplete, included in the Global Multidimensional Poverty Index – IPM Global –, “measurement of poverty with a focus on the multiple and diverse deficiencies that the poor suffer as a whole in terms of food, education, housing, health and other aspects. The index presents an in-depth analysis of poverty in different regions and countries:
• “The majority (83%) of the multidimensionally poor live in Sub-Saharan Africa (Almost 579 million) and South Asia (385 million).
• Two thirds of poor people live in middle-income countries.
• 83% of poor people are in rural areas.
• In India there are still 229 million poor people, despite its remarkable progress before the pandemic. Nigeria, with 97 million, has the second largest number of poor people.
Simple statistics that do not expose the cruel reality suffered by a good part of humanity that knows nothing of the rights that Article 25 of the Declaration is supposed to offer them. Some 1.2 billion people in 111 countries live in multidimensional poverty, struggling to live on less than US$1.90 a day, according to the World Bank. 50% of the poor - 600 million individuals - lack even electricity and “clean fuels for cooking.
Incredibly, while the champions of the sectarian defense of human rights speak, the World Bank and the World Health Organization - WHO - denounce that no less than 50% of the 8 billion inhabitants of this planet so attacked, are is deprived of essential health services, and for this reason, every year, more families join the poverty train for not being able to pay for medical care; According to these reports, before the pandemic, there were 500 million people who saw the suffering of extreme poverty worsen, which the pandemic aggravated.
Facts and figures from the WHO shake the sense of humanity: some 2 billion people "face catastrophic or impoverishing health care spending"; Inequality in health service coverage remains severe, and the pandemic “further disrupted essential services in 92% of countries.” The universal health coverage – UHC – promoted by international organizations falls far short of the promises that emerge from the sadly famous Article 25. (The UHC implies that people receive health services without suffering a worsening of their economic conditions).
Unfortunately, the inventory of calamities does not end, according to the United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization - UNESCO - around 861 million people, more than 20% of the world's adults, cannot read or write. Far fewer can find out about the postulates of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The data says that 244 million children (a) and young people in the world do not attend school, less than 5% of the population over 15 years of age attend adult education, in a third of the nations. 
What is exposed is only a part of the gloomy panorama in which we live in the so-called developing world.
What is the social situation in the rich world that is so revealed by selected human rights in other nations?
When, due to obligatory objectivity, reports appear to expose the level of poverty and social exclusion that rich European societies still suffer, they always seek defense, pretending to compare themselves with the indicators of the much more dramatic situation that they suffer in Africa, thinking to ignore, incidentally, and that they ignore. in turn, the historical responsibility of the former colonial metropolises with the severe socioeconomic crisis suffered by that continent, despite its immense wealth.
Without embarrassment they speak of their "extraordinary democracy", almost perfect, although, because it is exclusive, it is highly imperfect. They boast of their great development as if within each of these powers they did not hide another "Europe"; the one that harbors great social inequalities and where millions of Europeans go hungry, excluded sectors that lack adequate food, drinking water, decent housing, access to education and health services. None of this inhibits or embarrasses them to proclaim that of the 10 nations with the highest per capita income, 5 are European. 
Although it is undeniable that the pandemic and the confrontation between Russia and Ukraine have hit the European economies, they are not the only factors that explain why hunger is increasing among the 447 million inhabitants of the continent. In essence, the key lies in the contempt for assuming policies that include the entire population within the rights contained in Article 25 and that the entire population benefits from wealth, select, for some. 
Racism and discrimination have made their way in the "Old Continent" making social groups suffer from the non-protection of enshrined "human rights" but which are not in the priorities of those who concentrate on using them as instruments of attack against other countries. . The preferred target now is China. But it is also a strategy that they resort to against any country that they consider does not obey them and threatens their interests of dominance.
How to explain that 22% of the inhabitants of Europe are in a situation of poverty and social exclusion?
The risk of child poverty or social exclusion grows in Europe where the most prominent cases are: Spain 33 %, Italy 29.7% and the powerful Germany 23.5 % For the whole of the European Union it is 24.2 %.
"Save the Children", a report from the European Union Statistical Office - EUROSTAT -, of March 2023, warns that "approximately one third of all children in Europe live in families that are officially considered poor" and recognizes the tragedy that this means that "the lack of resources negatively affects the physical, mental and social development of children, and has lasting consequences for their adult lives." Some 20 million minor children throughout the continent live in conditions of poverty. 
The report also informed that in the powerful and rich Europe that has disposed of tens, if not hundreds, of billions of euros for the war and to produce weapons, it was home to some 19.6 million children at risk of poverty in 2021, which they justify by arguing that "the poorest children are the ones who suffer the most from the consequences of inflation". Continuing with its self-justification they insist that extreme ecological deterioration bears great responsibility for child’s welfare. The report honestly acknowledges that those "particularly affected are children from socioeconomically disadvantaged population groups, such as immigrants or refugees, children with physical or mental disabilities, members from ethnic minorities or children from single-parent homes.” The serious social impact caused by climate change is not untrue, but they do not mention a single word to explain why these marginalized groups are the ones who pay the worst consequences. It is logical, because they would have to explain how and why those groups exist within wealthy societies that, on the one hand, generate exclusion and, on the other, spend on weapons and wars and not on including them within the framework of the rights enshrined in the Article 25 of the Declaration. There is no "mea culpa" because it would go against the principles on which an elitist and exclusive social regime is based. Why not wage a war against poverty and marginalization?
 Eurostat also denounces, "alarmed" that poverty and social exclusion are increasing on the continent in such a way that 116 million Europeans, 25% of the continental population, "live threatened by poverty and are at serious risk of social exclusion". Some 81 million people already live in poverty while another 35 million are threatened to fall into it. Of the 116 million identified, some 42 million present an "extremely serious situation and cannot even pay basic bills such as heating."
The accumulation of poor people is not only a problem for those nations considered the poorest on the continent, but also includes the most powerful and richest. In France the population at risk is 13.1%; in Germany 15.1%, in Spain 19.6%, in Italy 18.7% and the elitist United Kingdom registers 18.8%. 
Since European leaders often console themselves by comparing themselves to Africa, a region with which they obviously have notable advantages; Let us also note, for more consolation, that the situation in the United States is not much better in terms of “poverty levels and social exclusion”.
In the United States, the richest and most powerful country in the world, elements on which its self-centeredness and supposed "exceptionality" are based, there are 40 million people, 12% of the total population, living in conditions of poverty: official record. In turn, the International Children agency states that one in 6 children is in poverty in the United States, some 11.9 million, while 1 in 9 adults are in the same situation. The United States is the only country that has not signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Indeed, Human Right Watch itself - HRW - and the American Civil Liberties Union - ACLU - have denounced the disproportionate impact of child welfare systems in the United States on "black and indigenous families and on people living in Poverty, as well as the large number of boys and girls unjustly separated" which demands, both institutions demand, that it be considered as "a national crisis that requires immediate attention and action." And what about Article 26 of the Declaration?
The controversial international NGO acknowledges that "in addition to immigration status, race and ethnicity" are the factors that determine who receives the harshest immigration policies, such as expulsion, detention, deportation and extreme anti-asylum policies.”. What about Articles 13 and 14 on the right of asylum? It also denounces that authorities exaggerate crime to "favor policies that are mainly based on the application of the law and punishment instead of addressing underlying needs, such as improving access to housing, health, voluntary services of mental health and educational opportunities. Even, in an unusual criticism of the US system, HRW that. victims of abuse find it difficult to obtain redress before the judicial system, including the “Supreme Court, which has handed down more and more sentences that undermine the protection of rights…”. And what is stipulated in Articles 7 to 11?
Economic inequality increased in 2021, further contributing to the growth of poverty. By the start of 2022, HRW went on to denounce, the concentration of wealth in the United States had reached its highest level in 40 years, resulting in the richest 1% of households appropriating “approximately one-third of all private wealth.”. The report highlights how the poverty rates in homes of black, Latino, and Native American families were twice that of non-latino white households, which, the document states, “the persistence of disparities based on race and ethnicity." ethnicity in terms of income, wealth, debt and employment”.
The government's failure to renew the child tax credit that expired in December 2021 has thrown 3.7 million children into poverty. In 2019, more than 240,000 detained minors were documented according to a report by the Sentencing Project, being considerably higher among black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific Islander minors.
In the country that proclaims itself a champion and example of a democratic model, it is facing severe attacks against the right and transparency of the vote. Which is “disproportionately” affecting Blacks, Latinos and Aboriginal people. In the country of perfect democracy, Article 21, which enshrines the equal right to vote, is violated.
In February 2022, the report "If I Wasn't Poor, I Wouldn't be Unfit: The Family Separation Crisis in the UD Child Welfare System" was released, in which they documented how in a situation of poverty, fighting to be able to pay rent is valued as negligence and lack of capacity to be parents and serves as justification to take childrens far from parents. The HRW-ACLU report exposes the racial bias at work in a system with “significant racial and socioeconomic disparities in participation in the child welfare system where black children are nearly twice as likely to be investigated as white children and more likely to be investigated of being separated from their families”.
Recently, in February 2023, the US radio station Voice of the Americas denounced that 34 million in the United States suffer from food insecurity and that 9 million of them are children. For its part, the Bloomberg Center warns that hunger levels in the country have worsened since the beginning of the pandemic. Some 53 million Americans attended food banks in 2021, contrasting with the 40 million that attended before the pandemic. Now, as the pandemic has died down, the number of hungry is rising again.
Incredible but true, in a leading country in science and technology, which accumulates the largest number of Nobel Prizes, there are 43 million semi-literates, with serious difficulties in reading and writing. According to the United States Department of Education, 54% of adults between the ages of 16 and 74 – some 130 million people – do not have basic reading comprehension skills, which places them below a sixth grade. The information was collected in a study by the Barbara Bush Foundation and Gallup in which they consider it to be a "largely ignored" social crisis for which, due to lack of funds, programs are not designed.
On what morality is it based to promote sectarian and unfounded campaigns against other nations for geopolitical perversity and not look at themselves and their great pending record of correcting the violation of social and humanitarian human rights in their own countries?
China should give them back the pill.
They fuel a war that could have been avoided and that could be stopped with dignity for all parties. Xi Jinping's objective proposal for peace is ignored. War is of geopolitical expediency. For them, those who continue to suffer on both sides of the Atlantic trying to survive trapped in poverty are “collateral damage.
The conditions of poverty suffered by a large part of humanity must honestly sensitize those who have so many millions ready for war and consequently combat global poverty. They should fully embrace, without hypocrisy or irony, the "Declaration" and benefit their discriminated and mistreated populations.
Now the EU and the US, due to their geopolitical interests and frightened by the presence of China supporting and cooperating with the needs of the always misnamed Third World, have "discovered" the need to pay attention to this group of nations, not out of solidarity but to try to “decouple” them from China. 
Countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America are doubly grateful to China, first, because through the ambitious and supportive program of the Belt and Road of the 21st Century it has provided, and provides, strategic support for their development and, in secondly, because their presence and action has motivated the West to remember them and offer promises of help, not out of real solidarity, but by offering them Siren Songs to distance them from China. I hope they go beyond promises and that help really flows.
In the former colonial world, the consequences of the abuse to which they were subjected by the dominant powers and the plundering of their resources are still suffered, while the only wealth left to them by those former metropolises is the truly great debt trap that is constantly growing.
For the ruling powers, both in the “advanced” nations and in the subordinated periphery, today, violating those elementary rights to sectors of the population is an instrument of domination and control. They arbitrarily establish manipulated divisions between what they call "democracy vs. autocracy" and, correspondingly, exalt a single model of democracy and an exclusive code of "values" that, both one and the other, generally lack social inclusion.
Article 28 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights establishes that "Every person has the right to establish a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms proclaimed in this Declaration are fully realized”.  For this reason, it is everyone's duty to fight for a new order that would not go against anyone but for the common good in a future of shared well-being.
(Eduardo Klinger Pevida is Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Dominican Republic Director of the Center for Analysis and Studies on China and Asia - CAyECHA )