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News-Clips (2023. 04-2023. 05)

2023-10-28 00:00:00Source: CSHRS

News-Clips (2023. 04-2023. 05)

April 2023

Chinese doctors treat 290 million patients in foreign aid over six decades

China has dispatched medical teams totaling 30,000 members to 76 countries and regions over the past six decades, providing 290 million diagnoses and treatments for local people, according to a symposium held in Beijing on April 6.

Currently, Chinese medical teams work at 115 sites in 56 countries, nearly half of which are in remote areas with harsh conditions, said the international symposium marking the 60th anniversary of dispatching the first China Medical Team to Africa.

From: Xinhua

China Focus: China committed to achieving health for all

As this year’s World Health Day falls on April 7 under the theme of “Health for All,” China has been sparing no efforts in achieving that goal.

Over the past decades, the world has witnessed China’s accomplishments in building a healthy China. Average life expectancy, a key gauge of the health level of a country’s residents, has increased from 35 years in 1949 to 78.2 years in 2021 in China. Its basic medical insurance covers over 1.3 billion people. Severe infectious diseases, including smallpox, polio, and malaria, were eradicated in the country.

In the meantime, China has been sharing its public health successes with the globe, staying true to the initiative of building a global community of health for all.

From: Xinhua

China’s Xizang basically builds all-inclusive Tibetan medicine service system

Southwest China’s Xizang Autonomous Region has basically established a Tibetan medicine service system that covers the whole region, said the regional health commission on April 8.

Tibetan medicine services can now be provided by all the region’s community health service centers, 94.4 percent of its township hospitals and 42.4 percent of its village clinics.

From: Xinhua

Chinese vice premier stresses spring agricultural production, rural healthcare system construction

Chinese Vice Premier Liu Guozhong has urged advancing spring agricultural production and strengthening rural medical and healthcare services to ensure national food security and people’s health to bolster the sustained economic recovery.

Liu, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during an inspection tour in east Chinese provinces of Anhui and Zhejiang from April 9 to April 11.

From: Xinhua

Over 170,000 people in China’s Gansu relocated to safer regions

More than 170,000 people in northwest China’s Gansu Province have moved out of areas prone to geological disasters since a relocation project started in 2022, the provincial government said on April 10.

Gansu is one of the most ecologically fragile regions in China. Highly ecologically sensitive areas account for 12.14 percent of the province’s total land area, while areas prone to geological disasters account for more than half of the total.

From: Xinhua

China to ship climate change aids to developing nations

China will soon ship a series of aids to three developing nations to help beef up their capabilities to cope with climate change, according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.

In moves to implement its plan to ramp up South-South Cooperation on climate change, China will provide 5,000 sets of solar power generation systems for household use and 300 metric tons of cement for seawall construction for the Pacific island nation of Kiribati, the ministry said in a media release on April 11.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Experts discuss diabetes prevention at event

Health experts, diabetes patients and industry insiders said on April 11 promoting healthy lifestyles, training grassroots doctors on tailoring insulin therapies and developing novel and more affordable medicines are some of the key tasks to tackle diabetes in China.

China has an estimated 141 million adults living with diabetes, accounting for one-fourth of all people living with the disease worldwide according to data released by the International Diabetes Federation in 2021.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Specifications released for minors’ social work

The Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League issued specifications for minors’ justice social work services on April 14, aiming to protect the rights and interests of juvenile victims as well as offenders.

From: China Daily

China’s State Council discusses improvement on employment support policies

China’s State Council has discussed ways to improve the policies and measures that help stabilize employment, according to a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Qiang on April 14.

The meeting also adopted a draft revision of the regulations on the management of commercial cryptography.

From: Xinhua

Experts hail nation’s progress in advancing global human rights

China has made great achievements in protecting human rights, and initiatives proposed by the country will play a pivotal role in the global governance of human rights, experts said at a recent conference.

During the Symposium on the Global Governance of Human Rights and the Role of NGOs, held in Beijing on April 17, scholars and representatives of think tanks and journalists from eight countries discussed the right to development on the human rights agenda of the United Nations, practices of different countries in promoting and protecting the right to development and the experiences of NGOs in promoting and protecting human rights.

The symposium was organized by China NGO Network for International Exchanges.

From: China Daily Global

Schools must do background checks on staff, ministry says

The Ministry of Education has asked schools and universities to conduct mandatory background checks on candidates who work on campuses for sexual crimes before they are hired.

For primary and secondary schools, when they plan to hire staff, they need to submit an application to the local education authorities to check the national teacher management information system whether the candidates have committed sex crimes, said a notice issued by the ministry on April 20.

From: China Daily

China to boost digital healthcare services further

China will transform and upgrade its healthcare sector further in a more digitalized, internet-oriented and smarter fashion, a Chinese health official said at the International Health Industry Forum of Boao Forum for Asia on April 21.

National Health Commission official Tang Yonglin said that China is on its way to delivering on a range of targets and launching a series of campaigns to comprehensively boost digital health services during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-25).

These targets include cost-efficiently building a support system for digital infrastructure, improving the system of standards for public health information, and advancing Internet Plus Healthcare initiatives, Tang said.

From: Xinhua

Lawmakers discuss rights protection of overseas Chinese

China’s State Council has proposed to draft national legislation on the protection of the rights and interests of overseas Chinese in its report submitted to the country’s top legislature for review.

Since 2015, 10 provincial-level regions across China, including Guangdong, Fujian, Shanghai and Hubei have introduced regulations on the protection of overseas Chinese who come back to the country, gaining practical experience in promoting national legislation and paving the way to draft a national law in this regard, according to the State Council’s report on Chinese nationals overseas.

The report is being discussed at the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress from April 24 to April 26.

From: China Daily

China creates 2.97 million new jobs in first quarter

China added 2.97 million new urban jobs nationwide in the first quarter of the year, with surveyed urban unemployment rate at 5.3 percent in March, indicating that the employment situation in the country remains generally stable, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on April 24.

As part of efforts to optimize policies and measures to stabilize employment, China will continue to implement favorable employment policies until the end of 2024. It is estimated that the burden for enterprises will be reduced by 180 billion yuan ($26 billion) on average annually, according to the press conference.

From: CGTN

Li urges steps to bolster growth of border regions

Premier Li Qiang has called for stronger steps to bolster the growth of China’s border regions, consolidate the outcomes from the poverty alleviation campaign and enable the people and regions to become more prosperous.

Speaking during a three-day fact-finding trip to the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region and Yunnan province, which started on April 24, Li reiterated the need for the nation to focus on high-quality development and foster a new development pattern.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Lawmakers discuss revision of barrier-free law draft

The draft law on the construction of a barrier-free environment was submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, for a second review on April 24, which aims to get more people with disabilities and the elderly more involved in social activities.

The draft law was submitted to the NPC’s Standing Committee for the first review in October.

Some amendments were made after the first review with opinions and suggestions collected from the public. In the past few months, officials from the Constitution and Law Committee also paid visits to places such as Chongqing municipality and Guangdong province to listen to opinions from NPC deputies from all walks of life and representatives of disabled people.

From: China Daily

More than 52,000 college graduates to be hired as teachers in rural areas

China plans to hire 52,300 college graduates this year to work as primary and middle school teachers at under-developed rural areas in central and western regions, a notice said on April 25.

The notice, issued by the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Finance, said the special recruitment effort is expected to improve the teaching quality in rural schools and increase the number of teachers in subjects such as physical education, foreign languages, science and art.

The recruitment drive is mainly seeking teachers for schools in once-impoverished regions, counties undergoing the rural vitalization efforts and those inhabited by minority ethnic groups.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Diplomats from 14 countries visit Kashi

A covey of foreign diplomats from 14 countries on April 28 concluded a fiveday visit to northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, witnessing how people’s livelihood and human rights conditions have improved and cultures of ethnic minority groups have been preserved.

The journey began with Kashi, an ancient city in the far west of Xinjiang. It is home to nearly 4.6 million people and 13 ethnic groups, including the Uygur, Han, Tajik and Hui.

From: CGTN

May 2023

China creates over 2.5 million new jobs for fresh graduates

As of May 3, about 2.53 million new jobs had been created for Chinese college graduates this year via an employment promotion campaign, said the Ministry of Education on May 6.

The ministry launched the campaign last November, with 2,415 universities and colleges participating in the initiative.

From: Xinhua

China aims to increase mental health facilities in schools by 2025

Ninety-five percent of schools and universities in China are to be equipped with psychology teachers by 2025, as the country takes more steps to strengthen mental health education of students, a new guideline said on May 11.

The guideline, jointly issued by the Ministry of Education and 16 other departments, said mental health should be given more attention, and mental health education should be included at all levels of schooling, with efforts made from schools, families and society as a whole.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Barrier-free policies extended to copyright

China is extending the concept of a barrier-free environment beyond simply provisions for physical needs.

China has just marked the first anniversary of the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty on May 5 — the first and only human rights treaty in the field of copyright around the world — after it took effect in the nation last year.

Li Chen, a professor from the Law School of Renmin University of China, said at a forum on constructing a barrier-free environment on May 11 in Beijing that the implementation of the treaty has extended people’s understanding of the barrier-free environment from only physical needs to allowing copyright exceptions for visually impaired people so they can access copyrighted books and other works.

From: China Daily

China continues promoting employment around graduation season

China’s Ministry of Education will hold a special employment promotional campaign from May to August to ensure high-quality and full employment among college graduates this year.

The campaign around graduation season will focus on five tasks, including creating more jobs, improving employment guidance, and strengthening assistance for key groups, the ministry said on May 15.

From: Xinhua

China to provide trainee jobs for college graduates, young people

China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and another nine government agencies on May 15 jointly issued a circular on increasing trainee jobs for young people, including college graduates.

This year, the country plans to offer no fewer than 1 million trainee posts to college graduates not employed within two years of leaving education, as well as other young people aged 16 to 24, according to an MHRSS official.

From: Xinhua

China’s top legislature to inspect wetlands conservation law enforcement

The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, will send lawmakers to six provinces between May and July to inspect the enforcement of the Wetlands Conservation Law.

Meanwhile, the NPC Standing Committee will also entrust local legislature in eight other provincial-level regions with law enforcement inspection, according to a meeting of the law enforcement inspection groups of the NPC Standing Committee on May 16.

According to the meeting, lawmakers will inspect law enforcement from seven aspects, including how local governments and related authorities fulfill their statutory duties of protecting wetlands and wetlands’ utilization and restoration.

From: Xinhua

Disability rights NGO to host centennial events in Beijing

Rehabilitation International will organize a series of events and forums in Beijing from May 19 to May 23 to celebrate its 100th anniversary.

A non-governmental and non-profitable world organization initiated in the United States in 1922, Rehabilitation International has made great contributions to protecting the rights of people with disabilities. The China Disabled Persons’ Federation joined the organization as a member in 1988.

The federation’s president, Zhang Haidi, was elected as president of Rehabilitation International in 2016.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

76th World Health Assembly: China vows to enhance international health cooperation

China will continue enhancing international cooperation to safeguard global health security and advance the establishment of a global community of health for all, a Chinese senior official from the National Health Commission (NHC) said at the press conference of the 76th World Health Assembly held on May 20.

The World Health Assembly, which convenes annually in Geneva, Switzerland, serves as the decision-making body for the World Health Organization (WHO). This year’s assembly will take place from May 21 to May 30.

During the assembly, the Chinese delegation will engage in the evaluation of more than 70 proposals related to preparedness and response to public health emergencies, universal health coverage, noncommunicable diseases, and the proposed program budget for 2024-2025, among other topics.

From: CGTN

Xi extends greetings to people with disabilities

President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Rehabilitation International Centennial Celebration in Beijing on May 21, China’s 33rd national day of assisting disabled people.

Xi extended greetings to all individuals with disabilities, their families and relatives, and to those who are dedicated to serving disabled people across the nation. He also expressed gratitude to all international organizations and individuals who care for and support the cause of empowering people with disabilities in China.

From: China Daily

Xi praises volunteers, urges public effort in trash sorting

President Xi Jinping has called for promoting trash sorting as a new trend of low-carbon life amid the nation’s efforts to improve people’s living environment and advance ecological conservation.

Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remark on May 21 in a letter of reply to volunteers who are engaged in trash sorting in a residential community in Shanghai’s Hongkou district.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

China releases document on advancing elderly care system

Chinese authorities released a set of guidelines for facilitating the building of the basic elderly care system on May 21.

The document, released jointly by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council General Office, emphasized that facilitating the building of this system bears great importance in China’s efforts to pursue a proactive national strategy in response to population aging and ensure equitable access to public services.

According to the guidelines, basic elderly care services consist of material assistance, nursing, and caregiving services, among others. They are provided directly by the government or by parties supported by the government.

From: Xinhua

Rehabilitation International issues landmark declaration on rights of disabled in Beijing

Rehabilitation International published the Beijing Declaration at its centennial celebration on May 21, which was also China’s 33rd national day of assisting disabled persons.

Under the declaration, the organization requests authorities and the world at large to promote humanitarianism and improve legislation to eliminate discrimination against and protect the rights of disabled people.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Xi sends congratulatory letter to Rehabilitation International Centennial Celebration

Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the Rehabilitation International (RI) Centennial Celebration on May 21.

He extended warm regards to persons with disabilities, their relatives and personnel working for them, and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to international organizations and people from all sides that care about and support the cause of persons with disabilities in China.

From: CGTN

China raises pension payments, issues guidance for basic elderly care system

China announced on May 22 that it will raise the basic pension payments for retirees in 2023, marking the 19th consecutive annual increase.

The average monthly payment for pensioners of enterprises, government agencies and public institutions is set to be lifted by 3.8 percent from the 2022 level, according to a circular jointly issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Finance.

Last year, China raised the basic pension payments for retirees by 4 percent from the level of the previous year.

From: CGTN

Forum on Xizang’s development opens in Beijing

A forum on the development of Xizang opened on May 23 in Beijing to pool wisdom for further development of the autonomous region in Southwest China.

The one-day forum, jointly hosted by the State Council Information Office and the regional government of Xizang, brings together officials, experts, and representatives of enterprises and media organizations from home and abroad.

The forum focuses on Xizang’s new chapter in high-quality development and human rights protection.

Five sub-forums are scheduled to be held to discuss topics including whole-process people’s democracy, high-quality development, as well as Xizang’s culture and ecological civilization.

From: Xinhua

Xizang urged to accelerate high-quality development

President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter on May 23 to a forum on the development of the Xizang autonomous region and urged the region to accelerate high-quality development in the new era and make sure people in the region can live a better life.

“People’s happiness is the ultimate human right, while development holds the key to delivering better lives to the people,” Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said in the letter to congratulate the opening of the 2023 Forum on the Development of Xizang, China. Xizang is the name of Tibet in Chinese.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Job fair for disabled people held in Beijing

Over 100 government-affiliated institutions in Beijing teamed up on May 24 to hold a job fair for people with disabilities, the first of its kind in the city, Beijing Daily reported.

A total of 107 positions were offered at the event organized by the city’s Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, and the Beijing Disabled Persons’ Federation. All job vacancies were open for handicapped people regardless of their degree and category of disability, with requirements on age and education level of job seekers lowered.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

China wins WHO public health award for elderly healthcare promotion

A national center under the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention was honored with a public health award by the World Health Organization (WHO) on May 26 for its contribution to promoting healthcare for the elderly.

The WHO awarded the 2023 public health prizes and awards to individuals and institutions worldwide at the ongoing 76th World Health Assembly in Geneva.

From: CGTN

Courts’ info sharing system to protect minors

Chinese courts will set up an information sharing system with bodies and associations that have close contact with children in order to exchange tips and leads on minors that may need legal assistance, so as to strongly protect their legitimate rights and interests.

The Supreme People’s Court, the country’s top court, announced the decision on May 29 while introducing how courts at all levels took measures to assist children in case handling over the past three years.

From: China Daily

Courts spend 426 million yuan to help minors with cases

More than 10,000 children received legal assistance from Chinese courts between 2020 and 2022 after they or their families had trouble with case handling, an official with China’s top court said on May 29.

During the period, courts nationwide gave minors 426 million yuan ($60.2 million) to dealing with cases involving matters such as injuries caused by traffic accidents or mental problems due to issues at home, according to Kong Ling, head of the Compensation Committee Office with the Supreme People’s Court.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Arab League officials see different Xinjiang from the one portrayed by West

A delegation of diplomats and officials from the Arab League and its Secretariat said that they witnessed a different Xinjiang from the one that has been portrayed by Western media.

After attending the 18th senior officials’ meeting and the 7th senior official-level strategic political dialogue of the China-Arab States Cooperation Forum, the 34-member group visited northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from May 30 to June 2.

From: Xinhua

Guideline gives support to juveniles

Chinese courts should educate divorcing parents to ensure their underage children can obtain care and support from their families, according to a new guideline.

The 24-article guideline on family education was issued by the Supreme People’s Court, China’s top court, and the All-China Women’s Federation on May 30, aiming to offer stronger protection for children by urging their parents or guardians to fulfill their duties.

If juvenile delinquency or misconduct by children’s guardians is discovered, courts will also be allowed to educate the family, said the guideline, which will take effect on June 1.

From: China Daily

Children get festive message

President Xi Jinping extended festive greetings to children across the nation on May 31, encouraging them to seek all-around development in their moral grounding, intellectual ability, physical vigor, aesthetic sensibility and work skills, and dedicate themselves to the cause of national rejuvenation.

Xi conveyed the message during a visit to Beijing Yuying School ahead of International Children’s Day, which falls on June 1. The visit came days after Xi presided over a group study session of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee on building China into a leading nation in education.

From: chinadaily.com.cn
