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The Chinese Tradition of learning among Civilizations and Its Contemporary Value to Human Right Cause

2023-09-15 10:18:14Source: en.humanrights.cnAuthor: Su Faxiang
Abstract: Chinese civilization is not only a civilization born in the land of China, but also a civilization formed by continuous exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations. Chinese civilization has attached great importance to exchanges and dialogue with different civilizations in the world since ancient times. A very important reason why China's 5,000-year civilization does not break is that in the process of long-term historical development, it is open and tolerant, and is good at learning and accepting civilizations from other parts of the world. At the same time, it also unreservedly spread its own excellent culture to all parts of the world. The human rights concept of mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual appreciation and mutual learning formed on the basis of Chinese traditional culture is of great inspiration and reference significance to the development of China and its international human rights cause. It is on the basis of fully absorbing these traditional wisdom, abiding by the general rules of international human rights development, and combining with China's actual situation that the Chinese government has continuously promoted the development of the cause of human rights in China and the world, and has made remarkable achievements.
Key Words: Chinese Civilization,Harmonious but different, Coexistence of all living things, sharing beauty, human rights
Chinese traditional culture is rich in the wisdom of mutual learning among civilizations, which has not only made Chinese civilization continuous for 5,000 years, but also laid a solid ideological foundation for the development of human rights civilization in China today. it is the unique contribution of Chinese civilization to the cause of international human rights.The wisdom of mutual learning among civilizations in traditional Chinese culture can be summarized into the following three sentences:
1. "Harmonious but Different"
Different civilizations can also seek common ground while reserving differences and live in harmony. This is the cultural stand that runs through the whole process of the exchange and integration of Chinese civilizations, and is the uninterrupted gene of Chinese culture for thousands of years.
2."All things are nurtured together without harming each other, and the  Dao is parallel without contradicting each other"
It means that all things grow at the same time without hindering each other, and the movement of the sun and the moon changes at 04:00 without violating each other. In terms of culture, it emphasizes cultural diversity and respect for cultural diversity.
3. Giving a plum in return for a peach
In exchanges with different civilizations, Chinese culture advocates reciprocity, gratitude and magnanimity.The late famous Chinese anthropologist Fei Xiaotong (1910-2005) summed up the above-mentioned Chinese tradition of civilization exchange and mutual learning into three sentences: Every form of beauty has its uniqueness, Appreciate other forms of beauty with openness, Share beauty with each other,which is the Chinese wisdom of mutual learning among civilizations and the school motto of the Minzu University of China.
Human rights are the core category of modern human civilization and the key to safeguarding human value subjectivity and exploring the source of legitimacy of human political community. Like other civilizations, there is diversity and pluralism in human rights civilization. The Chinese government has long adhered to the idea of people-centered human rights, adhered to the road of human rights development that conforms to the trend of the times and suited to its own national conditions, constantly raised the level of human rights protection in the process of Chinese-style modernization, and promoted the free and all-round development of human beings. it has embarked on a path of human rights development that suits China's national conditions, that is, it not only attaches importance to political rights, but also regards the rights to survival and development as important contents of the human rights cause.
Based on the Chinese tradition and wisdom of civilized exchanges and mutual learning, China has formed a people-centered core concept of human rights and other concepts concerted with Chinese characteristics, including:
1. Mutual respect:
In the process of promoting the cause of international human rights, mutual respect is the first condition. In the long history, mankind has created and developed colorful civilizations. the civilization of every country and every nation is rooted in the soil of its own existence, which is the crystallization of human extraordinary wisdom and spiritual pursuit. Countries are strong or weak, nations are big or small, all kinds of human civilizations are equal in value, and there is no distinction between civilization and barbarism, advanced and backward, superior and inferior. Every civilization should be respected and cherished. The so-called "each beauty has its beauty" means that while people affirm and identify with their own culture, they should also respect and tolerate the culture of others. We should not hold an one-sided and narrow understanding of the civilizations of other countries and nationalities. Respect others, and abandon pride, prejudice and any form of cultural centralism , which is the basis for mutual learning and common progress of civilizations.
2. Mutual trust:
Due to the different geographical environment, social development, language and historical process, different civilizations have their own different values, so it is natural that there are differences and even contradictions between different civilizations. The differences between civilizations, like biodiversity, are the true nature of the world. There is an old Chinese saying, "do not do to others what you do not want to do to yourself". It is advocated to understand the feelings of others from your own standpoint and not to treat others like that if you do not want others to treat you. It is to advocate maintaining basic trust and understanding of other civilizations on the basis of tolerance and understanding, so that any contradictions and conflicts can be resolved through dialogue and negotiation.
In addition to differences, human civilization also has a common foundation and purpose, such as the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty, the yearning for a happy life, and so on. Mutual respect and trust is the fundamental principle of exchange and dialogue among different countries and peoples and among different civilizations,it’s also foundation of international human right cause.
3. Mutual appreciation
At present, there are more than 200 countries and regions, more than 2500 ethnic groups and more than 6000 languages in the world, which constitute a brilliant and colorful map of human civilization. Different civilizations, like different flowers in gardens, have their own fragrance and beauty. On the basis of mutual respect, it is very important to learn to appreciate and tolerate each other, not only to know how to appreciate the beauty created by themselves, but also to respect and appreciate the beauty created by others, which is the “美人之美”.For example, music, dance, clothing and other art forms can best arouse the spiritual resonance of people of different cultures, different countries and different nationalities. In order to appreciate and understand other civilizations, we must overcome "cultural centralism" and "ethnocentrism".
In addition to abiding by the universal principles and laws of international human rights, each country has different specific practices in building human rights civilization due to different specific circumstances. Understanding the diversity of human rights civilizations, affirming and appreciating the contributions made by countries to the development of the international human rights cause in the light of their own actual conditions is of vital importance to the development of the international human rights cause.
4. Learn from each other
Mutual learning among civilizations is to achieve mutual cooperation and common development through mutual understanding among civilizations. At present, many global problems need to be resolved and dealt with with human cooperation, such as global climate and environmental problems, poverty, COVID-19 epidemic and so on.
Mutual learning among civilizations means sharing beauty with each other. Different civilizations are spiritual wealth shared by mankind and deserve to be cherished and protected. For example, along the ancient Silk Road, Islamic civilization in the Arab world, astronomy, calendar, medicine, and humanities were introduced into China, and China's four great inventions, farming, sericulture and ceramic technology also spread to the world.
Buddhism originated from India, and after it was introduced into China, Tibetan Buddhism and Zen Buddhism were formed, and Zen Buddhism was introduced into Korea and Japan. Chopsticks were first used in China and later spread to Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia.
Although the concept of human rights originated in the West, it contains rich human rights thoughts and ideas in different forms of civilization in ancient times. Due to differences in history, tradition, geography, and reality, the development of human rights undertakings varies greatly among countries around the world. Only by absorbing successful experiences and practices and avoiding failures and difficulties can we learn from each other and jointly promote the continuous development of the international human rights cause.
Mutual learning among civilizations is the humanistic basis for building a community with a shared future for mankind, a bridge for promoting friendship among people of all countries, a driving force for the progress of human society, and a link for safeguarding world peace. The wisdom of mutual learning among civilizations in Chinese traditional culture is of great reference and inspiration to the development of today's international human rights cause. The Chinese government has fully absorbed the wisdom of traditional culture and led the people of the whole country to make considerable progress in the cause of human rights, and has made positive contributions to the development of the cause of human rights in the world.