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A Mobilization Order to Usher in a New Era with Fresh Progress of Human Rights in China

2022-11-26 00:00:00Source: CSHRS
A Mobilization Order to Usher in a New Era with Fresh Progress of Human Rights in China
LI Junru*
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the cause of human rights in China has stood at a new starting line after a century of hard work. On February 25, 2022, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a group study session on China’s human rights development path. General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered an important speech, calling on us to unswervingly follow China’s human rights development path, pay more attention to respecting and protecting human rights, and better advance the development of China’s human rights cause. The group study of the Political Bureau on human rights is of extraordinary significance. This is a mobilization order issued by the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core to open up a new era and new prospects for the cause of human rights in China.
I. History: Respecting and Protecting Human Rights is the Unremitting Pursuit of the CPC
“Take history as a mirror and create the future.” The CPC has always attached great importance to summing up historical experience. The CPC Central Committee believes that at this important historical moment of the Party’s centenary, and when the Party and the people have successfully achieved the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and when we are marching toward the Second Centenary Goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects, a comprehensive review of the major achievements and historical experience of the Party’s centennial fight is of great realistic and far-reaching historical significance to the efforts to further unify the thinking, will and action of the whole Party, and to help the party unite and lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in achieving new, great victories for socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. Therefore, the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee passed the third historical resolution in the history of the Party. The group study by the Political Bureau summarized again the century-long fight of the CPC to unite and lead the people in striving for, respecting, protecting and developing human rights. By reviewing the historical resolution passed at the sixth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee, we can understand more deeply the significance of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the group study session of the Political Bureau.
General Secretary Xi Jinping said that “It is the unremitting pursuit of Chinese Communists to respect and protect human rights.”1 This is an extremely important statement. Looking back at the century-long fight of the CPC, as General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the group study session, since its founding, the CPC has held high the banner of “striving for democracy and human rights” and clearly declared its proposition of serving the country and the people and striving for human rights. In the periods of the New-Democratic Revolution, socialist revolution and construction, reform and opening up, and socialist modernization construction, the CPC has firmly adhered to the original aspiration and mission of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and led the people in achieving great victories in revolution, development and reform. The Chinese people have become masters of the country, society and their own destiny, and the protection of their rights to life, development and other basic rights has kept making new progress.2 The Chinese people will never forget that it was the CPC that fought bloody battles and unswervingly put an end to the rule of a few exploiters over the vast majority of the working people, thus enabling China to realize the great leap from the thousands-of-years-long feudal autocratic politics to people’s democracy. It was the CPC that, through self-reliance and determination to be strong, led the Chinese people to carry out the most extensive and profound social transformation in history, enabling China, a poverty-stricken country with a large population in the East, to stride forward into a socialist society. It was the CPC that emancipated the mind of the people, forged ahead with determination, and promoted reform, opening-up, and socialist modernization, enabling the Chinese nation to achieve the great leap from standing up to becoming prosperous. It was the CPC that opened up a new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics by being confident and self-reliant, and by keeping the right way when making innovations, enabling the Chinese nation to stand up, become prosperous and become strong. Every “great leap” taken by Chinese society and nation under the leadership of the CPC is a great leap forward in the cause of human rights in China.
In particular, since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has continued to make the respect for and protection of human rights an important agenda of national governance, and has prompted historic achievements in China’s human rights cause. These “historic achievements” are what General Secretary Xi Jinping has summarized as “eight major achievements”. First, we have achieved the First Centenary Goal, completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, made the historic achievements eliminated absolute poverty, and laid a more solid material foundation for the development of human rights in China. Second, we have continued to develop the whole-process people’s democracy, promoted legal protection of human rights, and resolutely safeguarded social fairness and justice, so that the people enjoy democratic rights in a broader, fuller and more comprehensive way. Third, we have promoted fuller and higher-quality employment, established the world’s largest education, social security and medical and health systems, and greatly improved the quality of people’s living environment. Fourth, we have been putting people and life first, effectively responded to COVID-19, and protected people’s lives and health to the greatest extent possible. Fifth, we have fully implemented the Party’s policies on ethnic groups and religions, upheld equality among all ethnic groups, respected people’s religious beliefs, and protected the legitimate rights and interests of people of all ethnic groups. Sixth, we have deepened the reform of the judicial system, strengthened the building of a peaceful China and the construction of the rule of law in China, carried out intensive education and rectification of the political and judicial personnel, and carried out a comprehensive campaign to eradicate organized crime and to crack down on all kinds of crimes, so as to maintain long-term social stability and effectively protect the safety of people’s lives and property. Seventh, China is the only major country in the world that has continuously formulated and implemented four national human rights action plans. Eighth, we have taken an active part in global human rights governance, making China’s contribution and offering China’s solutions to the global human rights cause.3
To sum up, the history of the CPC is a century-long fight of the CPC for better respect and protection of human rights. There are always some people in the world who confuse right with wrong and black with white, make groundless accusations, and even write fake news against the CPC with ulterior motives. They have accused the CPC of disrespecting human rights on many occasions. However, the facts of history have effectively shattered the smears, attacks on, and slandering of China’s human rights cause by those who look at China through colored glasses, those who are hostile to China and those who are trying to sow the seeds of discord between the CPC and the Chinese people.
II. Theory: China Has Blazed Its Own Path of Human Rights Development
The epistemology of dialectical materialism tells us that the reason for summing up historical experience is to reveal the internal laws of things and use it as a guide for action. A review of the history of the Party’s century-long fight in striving for, respecting, protecting and developing human rights to learn from historical experience the laws governing the development of human rights in China and reveals the path of human rights development in China. The greatest theoretical contribution of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at this group study of the Political Bureau is that he clearly outlined and expounded on the scientific connotation of China’s path of human rights development.
We have noted that the theme of this group study by the Political Bureau as well as the keywords of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech are “China’s path of human rights development”. In recent years, academic circles have studied and summarized the wording and connotation of this path in many aspects and at many levels. Such a path has been referred to as “the socialist path of human rights development with Chinese characteristics” and “the path of human rights development with Chinese characteristics,” both of which emphasize “characteristics.” This time, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that this path is “a path of human rights development that is consistent with the trend of the times and suits the nation’s conditions.”4 He also made a profound summary of its scientific connotation with the term “China’s path of human rights development.” This has pointed out a clear direction for us to deepen the study of China’s path of human rights development, advance the development of China’s human rights cause, and vigorously promote China’s human rights vision in the international community.
We have noted that General Secretary Xi Jinping made a comprehensive, profound and insightful summary of China’s valuable experience in human rights practices, the main features of China’s human rights development and the scientific connotation of China’s path of human rights development during the group study session of the Political Bureau. He emphasized that, in the practices of advancing the cause of human rights in China, we have applied the Marxist view on human rights to China’s reality and to the fine traditional Chinese culture, summarized the successful experience of the Party in rallying the people and leading them in respecting and protecting human rights, and drawn on the fine achievements of human civilization, blazing a path of human rights development that is consistent with the trend of the times and suits the nation’s condition. He summarized the scientific connotation of China’s path of human rights development from six aspects. (1) Upholding the Party’s leadership. Xi Jinping said that the leadership of the CPC and China’s socialist system determine the socialist nature of China’s human rights cause, and also determine that we can ensure that the people are masters of the country, adhere to equal and shared human rights, promote the all-round development of all human rights, and constantly realize, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people. (2) Respecting the people’s principal position. He said that the people’s nature is the most prominent feature of China’s path of human rights development. We have been protecting the democratic rights of the people, given full play to the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the people, enabled them to become the main participants, promoters and beneficiaries of the development of human rights, and made more substantial progress in promoting all-round human development and common prosperity for all. (3) Proceeding from national realities. He stressed, as always, that we combine the principle of universality of human rights with China’s realities, advance the cause of human rights in light of China’s national conditions and people’s demands, and ensure that the people enjoy extensive, full, real, concrete and effective human rights in accordance with the law. (4) Upholding the rights to life and development as the primary and basic human rights. He stressed again that survival is the basis for the enjoyment of all human rights and that a happy life for the people is the greatest human right. We have fully, accurately and comprehensively implemented the new vision of development, adhere to the people-centered philosophy of development, stick to the principles of development for the people, by the people, and the fruits of development shared by the people, and strive to achieve higher-quality, more efficient, fairer, more sustainable and more secure development. In the course of development, we make the people’s sense of gain, happiness and security more substantial, secure and sustainable. (5) Safeguarding human rights in accordance with the law. He said that we have insisted that everyone is equal before the law. We have respected and protected human rights throughout legislation, law enforcement, judicial and law observance processes. We have moved faster to improve the legal system that ensures fairness in rights, opportunities and rules, and protected citizens’ personal, property and personality rights. Citizens’ basic political rights to participate in democratic elections, democratic consultation, democratic decision-making, democratic management, and democratic supervision have been protected. Citizens’ economic, cultural, social, and environmental rights have been also protected. Thus, human rights have been better protected under the rule of law. (6) Participating in global governance on human rights actively. He said that we have promoted the common values of mankind, practiced true multilateralism, actively participated in the reform and development of the global governance system including human rights, and promoted the building of a community with a shared future for human beings. General Secretary Xi Jinping also stressed that these six aspects are not only the main features of the development of human rights in China, but also valuable experience gained in the practice of advancing the cause of human rights in China. They should be further upheld and developed in the context of new practices.5
The scientific connotation of China’s path of human rights development summarized by General Secretary Xi Jinping, elaborates on the nature, characteristics and basis of China’s human rights cause, China’s basic views and practices on human rights and human rights protection, as well as China’s basic position on global human rights governance, and systematically and incisively expounds on the scientific connotation of China’s path of human rights development. It can be said that this summary is the most comprehensive, systematic and logical scientific summary so far, indicating that the cause of human rights under the leadership of the CPC has formed a relatively complete scientific theory.
III. Actions: Forming a Joint Force to Promote the Development of Human Rights in China
A well-known quote from Marx goes, “Philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways; but the point is to change it.”6 Chairman Mao also said, “A Chinese Marxist is not a good Chinese Marxist if he or she does not know how to understand China through reforming China and to reform China through understanding China.”7 Every one of us, whether we are Party workers in human rights, including theorists of human rights, or Party officials at all levels, should conscientiously study General Secretary Xi Jinping’s remarks on the history of human rights development in China, as well as his remarks on China’s path of human rights development and its scientific connotation. We not only need to understand these remarks, but also need to understand them well and deeply and put them into practice. Fundamentally, we need to follow General Secretary Xi Jinping’s profound thoughts on China’s path of human rights development and the requirements it makes for us. We need to mobilize the whole Party to form a joint force to promote the development of human rights in China and open up new prospects in the new era for the cause of human rights in China.
From the history of the CPC’s century-long fight, we can see that the CPC was born to fight for the human rights of the Chinese people, became stronger because of its respect for and protection of the human rights of the Chinese people, and make unremitting efforts for the human rights cause of the Chinese people. At the same time, we have also noticed that some comrades, including some leading cadres who bear responsibilities, lack a correct understanding and political awareness of human rights protection. The violations of the human rights of certain groups such as women, minors and the elderly in some places, the bureaucratic and formalistic problems in some officials’ disregard for human rights, and the practices of putting law enforcement at odds with respect for human rights in some areas all remind us that there is still a long way to go to respecting and protecting human rights well.
Today, we are at a crucial stage of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. At the same time, we are facing profound changes unseen in a century in the world. Against this backdrop, some people in the international community have been using the so-called “human rights issue in China” to contain China in the name of “defending human rights.” Some of us are allergic to the term “human rights” and shy away from speaking up about human rights. We should know that the issue of human rights has never been the “monopoly” of the so-called “human rights defenders” in the West. From their primitive accumulation of capital and colonization of the world, they have a bad record on human rights. In contrast, we have unswervingly fought for the human rights of the Chinese people for 100 years. We are the real defenders of human rights. While respecting and protecting the human rights of all people in accordance with the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, we must uphold the banner of human rights around the world with great confidence. That’s what a Communist should be.
Today, China has embarked on a new journey to fully build a modern socialist country and march toward the Second Centenary Goal. We need to have a deep understanding of the importance and urgency of doing a good job in our human rights work, unswervingly follow China’s path of human rights development, pay more attention to respecting and protecting human rights, and better promote the cause of human rights in China. The group study session of the Political Bureau on China’s path of human rights development has set an example for the whole Party. During the group study session, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed that Party committees (organizations) at all levels should shoulder the historical responsibility of promoting the development of China’s human rights cause, strengthen organization and leadership, take the initiative to fulfill their responsibilities, and earnestly implement the National Human Rights Action Plan. Officials at all levels, especially leading ones, should conscientiously study the Marxist and contemporary Chinese views on human rights, raise their awareness and confidence, and take the initiative to respect and protect human rights. All regions, departments and industries should strengthen their awareness of respecting and protecting human rights and form a joint force to promote the development of China’s human rights cause.8
To promote the development of human rights in China, we must “form a joint force”. This is what General Secretary Xi Jinping requires us to do. All regions, departments and industries should form a joint force; development of the Human rights cause and protection of rule of law should form a joint force; human rights theoretical research and education and training should form a joint force; organizational advantages and publicity advantages should form a joint force; domestic work and foreign exchanges should form a joint force. It is worth noting that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech not only called on Party committees (organizations) at all levels, especially leading cadres, to “form a joint force to promote the development of China’s human rights cause”, but also put forward clear requirements on how to “form a joint force,” This is mainly reflected in the following aspects.
On the development and protection of human rights, General Secretary Xi Jinping has pointed out that it is important to promote the all-round development of human rights, adhere to China’s path of human rights development, meet the people’s expectations for a better quality of life, and constantly meet their growing demands for rights in various aspects. We should coordinate efforts to promote economic development, democracy and the rule of law, ideology and culture, equity and justice, social governance, and environmental protection, and do a good job in employment, income distribution, education, social security, medical care, housing, elderly care, and support for the young. We should improve the protection of human rights in all areas while promoting coordinated development of material, political, cultural, social, and ecological civilizations.
On the mechanism for protecting human rights, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the need to strengthen the legal protection of human rights, deepen reform in the field of the rule of law, improve the mechanism for protecting human rights by the rule of law, and ensure that legal protection for human rights is strengthened to fully cover the whole process of legislation, law enforcement, administration of justice, and observance of the law. We should ensure that the people feel fairness and justice in every legal system, every law enforcement decision and every judicial case. We need to systematically study and solve prominent problems in the rule of law that the people feel strongly about, and treat people’s demands fairly in accordance with the law. The miscarriage of justice, which hurts people’s sentiments and interests, must be completely eradicated. All acts that infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of the people, and all acts of indifference to violations of their rights and interests, must be investigated and punished in accordance with discipline and law.
On human rights publicity and education, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is important to promote a correct view on human rights, extensively publicize and popularize knowledge about human rights, and create a favorable atmosphere for respecting and protecting human rights. Education on human rights should be carried out among all the people, especially among young people. Marxist and contemporary Chinese views on human rights should be incorporated into the national education system. It is necessary to strengthen human rights training for public officials, especially those at the grass-roots level. We need to leverage the strength of mass organizations to better protect the rights and interests of specific groups such as women and children, the elderly, and the disabled. We should rely on the vivid practices of the development of human rights in China, create original concepts, and develop China’s human rights discipline system, academic system and discourse system. We should strengthen the development of human rights think tanks and research bases, and focus on cultivating a group of high-level human rights experts who have a solid theory foundation, are proficient in academics, are familiar with international rules, and can tell stories about China’s human rights.
On the international human rights arena, General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed the importance of promoting global human rights governance, carrying forward the common values of mankind, adhering to the principles of equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, mutual learning, win-win cooperation and common development, and making global human rights governance more fair, equitable, reasonable and inclusive. We should actively participate in United Nations human rights affairs, conduct extensive international exchanges and cooperation on human rights with other countries, especially developing countries, and play a constructive role.
On the global publicity of human rights, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that human rights are historical, concrete and realistic, and thus we should not talk about human rights in isolation from the social and political conditions and historical and cultural traditions of different countries. When evaluating a country’s human rights, we should not judge it by other countries’ standards, still less should we adopt double standards or even use human rights as a political tool to interfere in other countries’ internal affairs. We should take the strategic initiative, focus on telling China’s human rights stories well, and use visualized and specific expressions to make contemporary Chinese views on human rights more attractive, appealing and influential.9
To sum up, on China’s path of human rights development, the mobilization order to promote the development of human rights cause in China has been issued. Standing at the new starting line of China’s cause of human rights, should we continue to make unremitting efforts? There is no doubt that the answer is that we must take actions, form a joint force, and make even greater efforts to open up new prospects in the new era of human rights cause in China.
(Translated by CHEN Feng)
* LI Junru ( 李君如 ), Vice President of the China Society for Human Rights Studies and former Vice President of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.
1. Xinhua News Agency, “Xi Jinping stresses firm adherence to China’s path of human rights development and better development of China’s human rights cause during the 37th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee”, People’s Daily, February 27, 2022.
2. Ibid.
3. Xinhua News Agency, “Xi Jinping stresses firm adherence to China’s path of human rights development and better development of China’s human rights cause during the 37th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee”, People’s Daily, February 27, 2022.
4. Ibid.
5. Regarding the characteristics and experience of the six points above, please see Xinhua News Agency, “Xi Jinping stresses firm adherence to China’s path of human rights development and better development of China’s human rights cause during the 37th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee”.
6. Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, Selected Works of Marx and Engels, vol. 1 (Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 2012), 140.
7. Mao Zedong, Collected Works of Mao Zedong, vol. 2 (Beijing: People’s Publishing House, 1993), 344.
8. Xinhua News Agency, “Xi Jinping stresses firm adherence to China’s path of human rights development and better development of China’s human rights cause during the 37th group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee”.
9. For the above discussion on forming a joint force, see ibid.