Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies


2022-09-14 11:09:48
January 2021
China’s Civil Code takes effect
China’s Civil Code officially takes effect on Jan. 1, replacing the country’s previous standalone civil laws.
The Civil Code was passed on May 28, 2020 at the third session of the 13th National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature.
From: Xinhua
Law further protects privacy, experts say
China’s Civil Code, which came into force on Jan. 1, will help people be braver in saying “no” to things that disturb their private lives, including prank calls and spam messages, as it strengthens protection of their privacy and personal information, legal professionals said.
Regarded as an encyclopedia of social activities and a key legal instrument to safeguard people’s civil rights, the code is the first law called a “code” since the People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.
From: China Daily
Center gives villagers respite from high-altitude stress  
In the first three days of the new year, 32 villagers from rural areas of Nakarze county in Southwest China’s Tibet autonomous region moved into a new healthcare center, marking the launch of Tibet’s first healthcare center in an extreme high-altitude area.
From six rural villages in Puma Changthang township, they are the first batch of villagers to benefit from the project. Their average age is 45, with the eldest 74 years old, and the youngest 2.
From: China Daily
Chinese researchers debunk human rights rumors about Xinjiang  
Two Chinese researchers have rebutted the lies of Adrian Zenz, an anti-China figure supported by the United States to fabricate so-called report on northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
In their research article published on Jan. 4, Zuliyati Simayi and Zhang Yaxi at Xinjiang University refuted the allegations of Adrian Zenz while presenting the truth of Xinjiang’s demographic situation.
From: Xinhua
China to increase efforts to cut carbon emissions: official  
China will make more efforts to cut carbon emissions in the industrial sector and roll out plans for key sectors to achieve the goal of peaking carbon emissions, an official said on Jan. 4.
Efforts will be made to strictly control new production capacities in heavy and chemical industries, and to cut the output of crude steel to ensure it falls year on year, said Minister of Industry and Information Technology Xiao Yaqing in an interview.
From: Xinhua
New regulation targets online rumors
Individuals or organizations engaged in the internet information services industry are prohibited from fabricating or spreading rumors to disturb public order on events such as epidemics, according to a new draft regulation.
The revised draft, jointly made by the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Public Security, was released by the administration on its website to solicit public opinion on Jan. 8.
The administration clarified they amended this legal document not only to promote healthy and orderly development of the industry, but also to protect people’s legitimate rights and maintaining national security and public interests.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Xi Jinping calls for “law-governed” China, stresses high-quality judicial work
Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for more substantial efforts to be made in advancing high-quality judicial, procuratorial and public security work based on “systematic and law-based approach.”
Specifically, he stressed the need for preserving the country’s “political security,” while continuing the work on combating gangs and organized crime and advancing trial programs for the modernization of social governance at the municipal level, while speaking at a central conference on political and legal work that convened in Beijing on Jan. 9.
From: CGTN
Shanghai Women’s Federation to propose bigger role for fathers in raising children
The Shanghai Women’s Federation will propose to increase the days of parental leave to the city’s annual legislation and political advisory sessions scheduled for late January.
The proposal, which was revealed during a news conference in Shanghai on Jan. 14, also includes mandating that fathers take no less than one-third of this parental leave.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China’s 2020 job market remains stable despite virus disruption  
China’s job market remained generally stable in 2020 thanks to stepped-up efforts to ensure employment as the country has steadily emerged from the virus-induced economic slump.
In 2020, the surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas stood at 5.6 percent, below the government’s annual target of around 6 percent, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on Jan. 18.
A total of 11.86 million new urban jobs were created for the whole year, completing 131.8 percent of the target set for the whole year, said the NBS.
From: Xinhua
Top legislature planning to protect livelihoods  
China’s top legislature will draft more laws related to people’s livelihoods this year, according to legislators.
The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress plans to put laws related to housing, education, healthcare, nursing, insurance, food safety and the environment on its 2021 work agenda, Zang Tiewei, spokesman for the committee’s Legislative Affairs Commission, told China News Service on Jan. 18.
From: China Daily 
China’s 2020 per capita disposable income doubles from 2010 level  
China’s per capita disposable income reached 32,189 yuan (about 4,961 U.S. dollars) in 2020, more than double the level in 2010, official data showed on Jan. 19.
The figure represents a 2.1-percent year-on-year increase in real terms after deducting price factors, said Fang Xiaodan, an official with the National Bureau of Statistics.
From: Xinhua
China reviews doctor’s law to include pandemic experience, more protection mechanisms
Millions of Chinese physicians are expected to see an increase in professional protection mechanisms and take on more responsibility in medical treatments due to Chinese lawmakers’ decision to amend the Practicing Physicians Law — the country’s law for this professional group. The revision marks the first substantial change on this piece of law since its application in 1999.
The draft version of the physician law was presented on Jan. 20 during the 25th session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress.
From: CGTN
Draft focuses on education in the home  
Parents or guardians should not use violence as a way to teach children lessons, a draft law said on Jan. 20.
The draft family education law also said they should not discriminate against children based on their gender or physical condition, or coerce, lure, incite or use minors to violate laws, regulations or social morality.
From: China Daily
Legal changes for doctors require prompt alerts
Doctors must report cases of infectious diseases, emergency cases of diseases with unknown causes and abnormal health incidents as soon as they are identified, according to draft amendments to a law submitted to China’s top legislature for deliberation on Jan. 20.
The government should ensure the legitimate rights of doctors, including creating a good environment for them to practice medicine and take effective measures to prevent and fight legal violations targeting doctors, the draft said.
From: China Daily global
Courts told to support children in violence, sex cases  
China’s top court has called on courts nationwide to offer psychological, economic and educational support to children when hearing cases involving violence and sexual assault.
The requirements are in a guideline on handling juveniles cases in a new era and was issued by the Supreme People’s Court on Jan. 20.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China mulls penalties for identity theft for school, college admissions  
Chinese lawmakers are considering specific penalties for those who steal the identities of others to enroll in a school or college.
The draft amendment to the nation’s Education Law was presented on Jan. 20 to the lawmakers for the first reading at the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.
From: Xinhua
Financial institutions must be bold in providing more support for SMEs
At a meeting of the State Council’s Leading Group for Promoting the Development of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises on Jan. 21, Vice-Premier Liu He stressed the need for a better development environment for SMEs as well as policies and services to help them overcome the challenges they face. In particular, Liu called for easier financing for SMEs and better protection of their rights and interests.
From: China Daily
China’s call for “building a community with a shared future for human beings” transcends time
On Jan. 25, Chinese President Xi Jinping attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda and delivered a special address via video link. President Xi attended the WEF for the first time on Jan. 17, 2017, when he firmly called for globalization and building a community with a shared future for human beings. His calls have demonstrated his deep thinking on human development as the leader of a major country.
From: CGTN
Beijing to roll out action plan to better serve older people  
Beijing will issue an action plan to provide better services for older people this year, the city’s working committee for the elderly population said on Jan. 25.
According to the draft three-year plan, the city will improve services in nine fields including public services, transportation and intelligent applications to provide better public resources and cultural environment for the elderly.
From: Xinhua
Stipends paid to 253,000 unattended children
More than 253,000 unattended children in China had received living stipends by the end of last year, a civil affairs official said on Jan. 25.
Each of the children, whose parents were absent and unable to take care of them for various reasons, received a monthly subsidy of 1,140 yuan ($176), said Ni Chunxia, deputy director of the Ministry of Civil Affairs’ child welfare department.
The measure was taken after 12 ministries and departments, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs, published a notice on strengthening the protection of de facto unattended children, which came into effect in January last year, she said.
From: China Daily
China underlines well-being of left-behind children, elderly in holiday
China has adopted targeted measures to ensure the well-being of children and the elderly left behind during the upcoming Spring Festival, said an official from the Ministry of Civil Affairs on Jan. 27.
As China has called on all residents to minimize travel during the traditional holiday to prevent the spread of COVID-19, many children and senior citizens will not be able to reunite with their families.
Local officials are required to regularly visit children and the elderly with no one taking care of them to learn their needs and provide help in a timely fashion, said Guo Yuqiang, director of the ministry’s child welfare bureau, at a press conference.
From: Xinhua
Left-behind children, bullying, food safety, migrant pay addressed  
A slew of ministry-level departments, including those responsible for civil affairs, education, and market regulation have responded recently to matters of public concern.
Grassroots-level authorities should understand the situation of children in rural areas whose parents have to skip returning home for the Spring Festival holiday due to COVID-19 and ensure that they have entrusted caregivers, the Ministry of Civil Affairs said on Jan. 29.
From: China Daily
Report: Xinjiang textile workers’ rights protected
The cotton textile enterprises in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region all understand the importance of responsible business conduct and have increased supply chain transparency, a social responsibility report on the industry said.
As China’s top cotton growing region, Xinjiang has boosted its labor-intensive textile industry since 2014 to create more job opportunities for local people, especially women. The industry plays an important role in creating jobs and increasing people’s incomes and social status, said the report, which was released by the Xinjiang Textile Industry Association on Jan. 31.
From: China Daily
WHO research team in Wuhan visits hospitals and seafood market
Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) have visited the Huanan seafood market and two hospitals in Wuhan, the epicenter of China’s coronavirus outbreak last year, according to a Chinese health official on Jan. 31.
They’ve also met with frontline medics and talked with early patients, said Mi Feng, spokesperson for the National Health Commission, at a press conference.
From: CGTN
February 2021
Diplomats from some 50 countries join webinar on latest development in Xinjiang 
A webinar titled “Xinjiang is a Wonderful Land” was held on Feb. 3 to introduce Xinjiang’s natural scenery and development achievements with diplomats from more than 50 countries, including nearly 20 ambassadors, attending the event.
The online event, jointly held by China’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva and the government of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, also attracted the participation of officials from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and UN human rights experts.
From: CGTN
Wang Yi: World should reject vaccine nationalism, promote equitable distribution of vaccines
The world should come together to reject vaccine nationalism, promote fair and equitable distribution of vaccines, and in particular, make them accessible and affordable for developing countries, including those in conflicts, Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Feb. 17.
Wang made his remarks at a virtual meeting of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) concerning the COVID-19 vaccine distribution.
From: CGTN
UN Human Rights Council starts its 46th session
The United Nations Human Rights Council started its 46th regular session on February 22, 2021.
The annual event begins with a high-level segment from February 22 to 24, when dignitaries representing more than 130 countries and regions will address the Council.
From: CGTN
Wang Yi addresses 46th session of UN Human Rights Council
Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Feb. 22 addressed a meeting of the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland via video link.
The regular session started on Feb. 22 and will last until March 23, during which time dignitaries representing more than 130 countries and regions will address the council.
From: CGTN
UN chief calls for vaccine equity at UN rights body meeting
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Feb. 22 stressed that COVID-19 vaccines must be a global public good, accessible and affordable for all.
Speaking at the opening of the 46th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council, he noted that vaccine equity is a critical step in the realization of human rights, while “vaccine nationalism sets us back.”
From: CGTN
UNEA: China calls for global action to tackle environmental issues
In the face of global environmental problems, no single country can solve them alone, said Minister of Ecology and Environment Huang Runqiu at the fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA5) on Feb. 22, calling for global action to resolve the issue.
The two-day UNEA5 themed “Strengthening Actions for Nature to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals” is the first-ever virtual global environment assembly.
From: CGTN
A better life for all: International meeting on Xinjiang gives evidence of its growth
Xinjiang has achieved remarkable growth and benefited all its residents, that’s the message from the international online conference “A Better Life For All” which was held on Feb. 22 in Urumqi, capital of northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
More than 300 participants from more than 80 countries and regions, including many who have stayed in Xinjiang, attended the meeting.
From: CGTN
China makes headway in legal education for minors in 2020
More than 33,000 Chinese prosecutors acted as deputy principals in over 45,000 schools across the country last year to advance legal education for students, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP) said on Feb. 22.
Chinese procuratorial organs also produced TV programs and short videos and compiled books to improve education on the rule of law for minors, said Shi Weizhong, an official with the SPP.
From: Xinhua
Women given only 75% of legal rights afforded to men: World Bank report
On average, women around the world only have three-quarters of the legal rights afforded to men, with the COVID-19 pandemic reinforcing gender inequalities,according to a World Bank report released on Feb. 23.
From: CGTN
Developing modern agriculture and promoting prosperity of rural industries
China on Feb. 22 unveiled its “No. 1 central document” for 2021, stressing the efforts to comprehensively push forward rural vitalization and accelerate the modernization of agriculture and rural areas.
From: CGTN
China rejects Western human rights accusation at U.N. Human Rights Council
China on Feb. 24 voiced strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition over a Xinjiang-related motion passed by Canada’s House of Commons, saying the move wantonly interfered in China’s internal affairs and made malicious provocation against
Chinese people.
China’s ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva also speech to the U.N. Human Rights Council on Feb. 24, said that “At this high-level segment, the United Kingdom, the European Union, Germany, the United States, Canada and a few others abused the platform of Human Rights Council to make groundless accusations against China and interfere in China’s internal affairs, which China strongly opposes and categorically rejects.”
From: CGTN
Census results attest to China’s complete victory in eradicating absolute poverty
The results of a national anti-poverty census, released on Feb. 25, have attested to China’s “complete victory” in eradicating absolute poverty.
According to the current standards, all Chinese poverty-stricken rural residents have been lifted out of poverty, said sources with the State Council leading group office of national anti-poverty census.
From: Xinhua
Education in China’s anti-poverty campaign: leaving no one behind
China, the world’s most populous country, on Feb. 25 declared that it has eliminated absolute poverty. The feat means China has solved absolute poverty, which has existed for thousands of years. The nation’s people have now realized their long cherished wish for ample food and clothing as well as comfortable housing.
China’s achievement in poverty alleviation is not just limited to improvements in material conditions but also includes efforts in raising public spirit. The country has boosted the enthusiasm, ambition and creativity of the poor by providing them access to education and helped build aspirations.
From: Xinhua
China added 11.86 million new urban jobs in 2020
China added 11.86 million new urban jobs nationwide in 2020, exceeding the target of creating over nine million urban jobs, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said on Feb. 26.
From: CGTN
UN discusses poverty eradication and human rights
Officials and leaders gathered online for the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council to discuss poverty alleviation and the protection of human rights on Feb. 26.
With China recently declaring its achievements in eliminating extreme poverty, Su Guoxia director-general of General Affairs Department from China National Rural Revitalization Bureau, attended the event and shared the country’s experience via video message. Su spoke about how people were always first and foremost on the country’s strategy out of poverty.
From: CGTN
China’s envoy calls for strengthening global cooperation and multilateralism
China’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations’ (UN) Geneva office on Feb. 27 called for countries to strengthen global cooperation and multilateralism and urged the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to conduct constructive dialogue to fulfill its duty.
Chen Xu made the remarks in a statement on behalf of 32 states, including Russia, Cuba, Pakistan, South Africa, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, at the ongoing 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
From: CGTN
March 2021
China bans discriminatory content in online job advertisements
New regulations forbidding discriminatory content in online job advertisements took effect on March 1.
The regulations, released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security last December, stipulate that employers should not post any online recruitment advertisements that discriminate against job hunters of any nationality,race, gender or religious belief.
From: Xinhua
China to prioritize employment: draft outline
China will implement a strategy that prioritizes employment, according to a draft outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for national economic and social development and the long-range objectives through the year 2035 unveiled on March 2.
From: Xinhua
China shares poverty alleviation experience with UN members
China’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN) on March 2 introduced China’s historic achievement and hands-on experience in poverty alleviation to UN organizations and member states during a virtual briefing.
China has completed the task of eradicating absolute poverty, which is truly a miracle of human society, Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the UN said during his briefing.
From: CGTN
Experts discuss Xinjiang employment, labor rights at seminar
A seminar on employment and labor rights in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was held online on March 3 on the sidelines of the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
The seminar was sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, and the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and Other International Organizations in Switzerland.
Organized by the Institute for Communication and Borderland Governance and the School of Journalism and Communication of the Guangzhou-based Jinan University, the event drew experts and scholars from relevant human rights research institutions in China.
From: Xinhua
Virtual seminar focuses on human rights cooperation under Belt & Road
Over 20 Chinese and foreign scholars exchanged opinions on human rights cooperation and achievement under the Belt and Road Initiative at a seminar held on the sidelines of the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on March 5.
The seminar held via video link was jointly sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and Other International Organizations in Switzerland.
From: Xinhua
Visible justice: Top court uses improved laws to better serve people
Chinese people’s personal safety and livelihoods are protected by courts across the country, according to the annual work report delivered by Zhou Qiang, president of the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) on March 8.
By listing typical cases courts in the country had tried in the past year, the report showed China’s determination to protect its people’s rights through legislation and justice trial.
From: CGTN
China emphasizes both crime punishment and human rights protection: SPC
China has been committed to punishing crimes with due consideration to protecting human rights, according to a work report of the Supreme People’s Court(SPC).
Efforts were made in 2020 to protect the innocent from being criminalized and prevent the guilty from escaping punishment, read the report submitted on March 8 to the ongoing national legislative session for deliberation.
From: Xinhua
Poverty relief efforts improve human rights in Tibet: experts at UN side-event
Poverty reduction efforts in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region were praised for their positive role in human rights improvement at a symposium held in Beijing on March 9.
China’s precision poverty alleviation endeavors have delivered what amounts to a historic achievement in the autonomous region and thus gone a long way toward ensuring local residents’ inherent rights to subsistence and development, experts said at a side-event of the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council.
From: Xinhua
Western countries’ unilateral measures condemned at UNHRC
Developing countries including China, Russia, Syria, Iran and Cuba on March 9 made a joint statement at the 46th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), condemning unilateral measures imposed by some Western countries.
These measures have seriously violated human rights, and interfered in national sovereignty and internal affairs, said the statement.
From: CGTN
CPPCC Members’ Corridor: Poverty eradication speaks of Tibet’s progress in 70 years
In the past 70 years, southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region has witnessed historic progress in terms of socioeconomic development and provision of human rights under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), said Lobsang Samdan, a member of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country’s top political advisory body, from Tibet’s Ali Prefecture.
Samdan, who is also the vice chairman of Ali’s CPPCC regional committee, was speaking during an event known as the Members’ Corridor ahead of the closing meeting of the fourth session of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 10.
From: CGTN
64 countries voice opposition to unfounded allegations against China on human rights
Cuba on March 12 delivered a joint statement on behalf of 64 countries at the ongoing 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), calling on some forces to stop making unfounded allegations against China out of political
All sides should promote and protect human rights through constructive dialogue and cooperation, and firmly oppose politicization of human rights and double standards, said the joint statement.
From: Xinhua
Protecting Ethnic Minorities: Experts discuss China’s ethnic minorities,human rights
China says it’s always supported the development of its ethnic minority groups. A video conference was held on the sidelines of the 46th Session of the UN Human Rights Council on March 12 with experts discussing the situation of ethnic minorities and protection of human rights in China. Participants from several countries, including China, Russia and Egypt talked about China’s policies on its ethnic minority groups.
From: CGTN
Child trafficking cases decline sharply in China
The number of child trafficking cases has declined significantly in China thanks to the unremitting efforts of public security organs, the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) said on March 15.
Crimes involving stealing or snatching of children dropped to around 20 annually with all such cases solved in a timely manner, the ministry told a press conference.
From: Xinhua
China representatives stress women’s equality at UN conference
Women’s equality and empowerment will effectively promote women’s participation in social and public affairs, which in turn will accelerate the realization of the 2030 goal of sustainable human development, representatives from China stressed during a UN conference.
During the 65th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women commenced that kicked off on March 15, 42 members from China Youth AIDS Prevention and Education Project Office exchanges their ideas with representatives worldwide.
This year’s session emphasized the effective participation and decision-making role of women in public life and called for the full protection of women’s rights in accordance with the law.
From: China Daily
China’s anti-poverty campaign promotes human rights: experts
China’s experience in combating poverty, the South-South cooperation in poverty alleviation and human rights protection were discussed at a side-event to the 46th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council held online on March 17.
The seminar was attended by nearly 20 scholars from countries including China, Germany, the Netherlands, Egypt and South Africa.
From: Xinhua
UN review exposes dark side of U.S. human rights record
The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted on March 17 the outcomes of its Universal Periodic Review of the United States, shedding light on the appalling state of basic human rights in the country.
During the review, a U.S. representative underscored the country’s pride in its human rights records, whereas a series of alarming facts painted a different portrait of the self-proclaimed “leader of the free world.”
From: Xinhua
Poverty eradication improves women’s rights in China: Chinese UN ambassador
Poverty eradication has improved women’s rights in China and has given a strong impetus to the global implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action and the 2030 Agenda, said Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, on March 19.
Eradicating poverty among women is a critical area of concern of the Beijing Platform for Action and a focus of China’s poverty reduction efforts, Zhang told a webinar themed “Women and poverty eradication: the promise of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action.”
From: Xinhua
China summons EU envoy to protest sanctions over Xinjiang
Vice-Foreign Minister Qin Gang on March 22 summoned Nicolas Chapuis, the envoy of the European Union to China, to protest and denounce the EU’s decision to impose unilateral sanctions on China over the so-called human rights issues in Xinjiang.
On behalf of the Chinese government, Qin also declared China’s countermeasures to the EU decision.
From: China Daily
Regional government condemns sanctions imposed by Canada, UK and the U.S.
Authorities in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region have condemned sanctions announced on March 22 by the European Union, Canada and the United States.
A spokesperson for the Xinjiang regional government said the sanctions were based on lies and violated the human rights of the Uygurs and other ethnic groups in Xinjiang. He said the sanctions aimed to disrupt stability and development in the
From: CGTN
Hungary finds EU sanctions on China “meaningless, pretentious and harmful”
Hungary finds the European Union (EU)’s sanctions on Chinese citizens to be meaningless, pretentious and harmful, Hungarian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Peter Szijjarto said on March 22 during a one-day meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels.
At the meeting, the Council of the European Union adopted unilateral sanctions on four Chinese individuals citing the so-called human rights issues in Xinjiang.
From: CGTN
UN rights body adopts China-sponsored resolution on human rights cooperation
The United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council on March 23 adopted a China-sponsored resolution, calling on the states and other stakeholders to engage in constructive and genuine dialogue and cooperation in the field of human rights, based on universality, impartiality, objectivity, indivisibility, non-selectivity, nonpoliticization, equality and mutual respect.
The resolution, titled “Promoting Mutually Beneficial Cooperation in the Field of Human Rights,” also calls upon all states to uphold multilateralism and encourages other stakeholders, including international, regional and non-governmental organizations, to contribute actively to this endeavor.
From: Xinhua
Online exhibition on anti-poverty achievements of China, Uzbekistan opens in Tashkent
A virtual exhibition on the anti-poverty achievements made by China and Uzbekistan has opened here to share Chinese experience in eradicating poverty.
The main goal of the exhibition, which is themed “Striving for a Better Life—Achievements of China and Uzbekistan in Poverty Reduction,” is to promote cooperation between the two countries in the fight against poverty, organizers of the event said on March 24 during the opening ceremony.
From: Xinhua
Foreign companies should stop politicizing commercial issues: commerce ministry
China opposes any external forces interfering in China’s internal affairs, including Xinjiang affairs, and opposes sanctions against relevant Chinese entities and individuals based on lies and false information in excuse of the “Xinjiang human rights issues,” China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) said on March 25.
From: CGTN
Tibet ushers in moderate prosperity after 62 years
Southwest China’s Tibet autonomous region will keep pace with other parts of the country in completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and embarking on a new journey toward socialist modernization, said Qizhala, chairman of the regional government.
Qizhala made the remarks on March 27 in a televised speech marking the 62nd anniversary of Tibet’s democratic reform.
From: Xinhua
Construction for China-aided rural poverty alleviation facilities kicks off in Laos
China has shared its experiences with Laos on poverty alleviation as construction has begun here for China-aided rural poverty alleviation facilities.
Jiang Zaidong, Chinese ambassador to Laos, introduced the situation of China’s poverty alleviation at the groundbreaking ceremony for the project in Lao capital Vientiane on March 30, noting that China has been actively participating in global poverty reduction efforts.
From: Xinhua
China approves 156 billion yuan to consolidate poverty alleviation outcomes
China’s central government has approved a fiscal budget of 156.1 billion yuan (about 23.75 billion U.S. dollars) to facilitate the synergy of consolidating poverty alleviation outcomes and promoting rural vitalization in 2021, according to the country’s finance ministry on March 31.
The funds are 10 billion yuan more than those allocated for poverty alleviation purposes last year, according to the ministry.
From: Xinhua
April 2021
Xinjiang’s achievements impress visiting envoys
Foreign diplomats think highly of Xinjiang’s development after touring around the region, and have called for more global cooperation rather than defamation, unilateralism and hegemonism.
Amid the attacks from some Western countries on claimed human rights grounds, the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous regional government held talks in Urumqi on April 2 with more than 30 foreign diplomats on the region’s development.
From: China Daily
China issues white paper on poverty alleviation
China’s State Council Information Office on April 6 issued a white paper titled “Poverty Alleviation: China’s Experience and Contribution.”
The white paper was issued to record the course of the Chinese people’s great fight in eliminating extreme poverty, introduce China’s approach, and share its experience and actions in poverty alleviation.
From: Xinhua
Chinese democracy delivers real results to the people
The 8,993 proposals which were submitted to China’s annual legislative session this year were transferred to relevant departments for research and handling, a vivid example of Chinese democracy transforming people’s voices into concrete plans and actions.
The National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee has set 22 priority topics, which can be categorized into six aspects including ensuring the livelihoods of the people, planning the work of the NPC Standing Committee, accelerating the development of a modern industrial system, comprehensively advancing rural vitalization, implementing the regional development strategies and promoting green development, according to the data made public on April 6.
From: Xinhua
Guideline to protect children at schools
The Education Ministry has issued a draft guideline designed to protect minors from sexual harassment, assault and bullying at primary and secondary schools and has asked schools to adopt a zero-tolerance approach to such incidents.
The detailed regulation on protecting minors at schools also bans romantic or sexual relationships between teachers and students. It forbids teachers from molesting, giving verbal or physical sexual suggestions and showing obscene materials to students.
The guideline, issued on April 6, is open for public comment until April 23.
From: China Daily
China to recruit over 84,000 college graduates as rural teachers this year
China plans to recruit 84,330 college graduates as teachers in rural primary and middle schools in 2021 as part of efforts to promote rural vitalization, the Ministry of Education said on April 7.
The recruitment is mainly for the once-impoverished areas and those inhabited by ethnic minorities to consolidate the results of poverty reduction, according to a notice issued by the ministries of education and finance on carrying out rural specialpost teacher recruitment program this year.
From: Xinhua
Communist Party of China makes tremendous success in human rights development over its 100-year history
The International Conference on the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the Progress on Human Rights in China was held in Changchun, capital of northeast China’s Jilin Province, on April 8.
It was joined by more than 100 representatives from over 20 countries and international organizations, who gave a high evaluation on the CPC’s efforts to strive for, respect and safeguard human rights in its 100-year history.
From: People’s Daily
China’s surveyed urban unemployment rate drops in March
China’s surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5.3 percent in March, 0.6 percentage points lower than the same period last year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on April 16.
A total of 2.97 million new jobs were created in urban areas in the first quarter(Q1), said the NBS.
From: Xinhua
China makes remarkable progress in gender equality, women empowerment: official
China has made remarkable progress in promoting gender equality and women empowerment, effectively ensuring women’s rights in areas including politics, economy, culture and social life, a senior official said on April 16.
Yang Wenzhuang, an official with China’s National Health Commission, made the remarks during the launch of the State of World Population 2021 report in Beijing, released by the United Nations Population Fund.
From: Xinhua
China takes further steps to protect language resources
China has launched the second phase of a national language resources protection project. It aims is to promote standard written and spoken Chinese and protect dialects and languages of ethnic minorities, the Ministry of Education said on April 19.
More than 350 colleges, universities, and research institutions have participated in the project so far, involving over 4,500 professionals.
From: Xinhua
New standard set for basic public services
China has released a new standard for national basic public services to ensure equal access for all people and improve people’s basic livelihood, a leading official at the country’s top economic planner said on April 21.
The standard, issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and 20 other departments, covers 80 public services in nine categories, including education, employment, social security, housing and medical services.
From: China Daily
Medical insurance to be expanded for family use
China is expanding medical insurance accounts to enable them to be shared among immediate family members rather than reserved for personal use.
Set up in 1998, the State-level medical insurance system allows only insured employees to use their personal account to cover their own expenses at medical institutions.
Under a reform guideline released by the General Office of the State Council on April 22, immediate family members-including spouses, parents and children-will be able to use the personal account of the insured.
From: China Daily
China to improve urban drainage
China on April 26 released a guideline on improving urban drainage to safeguard people’s lives and property and support sound economic and social development.
The guideline, introduced by the General Office of the State Council, highlighted systematically constructing drainage and waterlogging prevention systems, strengthening urban emergency management, and improving urban planning.
From: Xinhua
China regulates social work of child welfare institutions
China’s child welfare institutions will offer professional social work services and see each social worker is responsible for a maximum of 40 children.
The Ministry of Civil Affairs on April 27 said it has approved the release of a guideline for the social work services of child welfare institutions, which, for the first time, clarifies requirements for institutions carrying out social work.
From: Xinhua
China spends over 5.3 trillion yuan on education in 2020
China spent more than 5.3 trillion yuan (around 817 billion U.S. dollars) on education in 2020, up approximately 5.65 percent from 2019, showed statistics released on April 27 by the Ministry of Education.
The statistics indicated that about 4.3 trillion yuan, or over 80 percent of the total spending, came from government budgetary spending.
From: Xinhua
China launches anti-fraud awareness campaign
Chinese authorities on April 27 launched a nationwide campaign to enhance the public awareness of fraudulent practices, along with a month-long publicity drive to combat telecom and internet frauds.
It is better to prevent the crime in advance than to crack down on it afterward, said Du Hangwei, vice minister of public security, calling for active public participation from all walks of life in the country’s efforts against such illegal activities.
From: Xinhua
Leading group aims to protect minors
The State Council, China’s Cabinet, unveiled on April 27 a high-level leading group to coordinate work related to the protection of minors among various government agencies, as well as judicial and other bodies.
Led by Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan, the cross-departmental group was created to better implement the newly revised Minors Protection Law, said a circular on the website of the State Council.
From: China Daily
China’s maternal mortality rate continues to decrease
China’s nationwide maternal mortality rate was 16.9 per 100,000 in 2020, down 15.9 percent than 2015, said a health official on April 29.
The infant mortality rate was 5.4 per 1,000 in 2020, a decrease of 33.3 percent compared with 2015, said Song Li, head of the division of women and children of the National Health Commission at a news briefing.
From: Xinhua
China amends law for more fairness in education
Chinese lawmakers on April 29 passed an amendment to the Education Law,aimed at ensuring fairness in education by mandating tougher punishment for those who steal the identity of others to enroll in a school or college.
Impostors will have their admission qualifications revoked and slapped with a ban from relevant national examinations for two to five years, according to the amendment, which was approved at the 28th session of the 13th National People’s Congress Standing Committee.
From: Xinhua
Government approves new law to boost rural vitalization
China’s top legislature passed a law on April 29 to promote the national rural vitalization strategy with provisions ranging from attracting talent to boosting rural industries to preserving ecology.
The law will come into force on June 1. It came after a draft of the 10-chapter Rural Vitalization Promotion Act was submitted on April 26 to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee for a third review.
From: China Daily
May 2021
China to stabilize grain production, ensure food security
China will further promote stable grain production and enhance its ability to ensure food security, a State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li
Keqiang decided on May 6.
Thanks to a succession of bumper harvests in recent years, the country has enjoyed an ample supply of major agricultural products and ensured basic selfsufficiency in cereal grains and absolute grain security.
From: CGTN
Latest census data reveals China’s progress in developing higher education, eliminating illiteracy
China has made positive achievements in vigorously developing higher education and eliminating illiteracy among young adults over the past 10 years, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) said on May 11.
The education level of the population has continuously improved, said Ning Jizhe, head of the NBS, citing data from the seventh national census released on May 11.
From: Xinhua
Premier stresses policies to boost employment
China will extend certain pro-employment policies that will help to reduce the burden on businesses until the end of this year, and will further support flexible employment, the State Council’s Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on May 12.
The policy of refunding unemployment insurance premiums to help businesses maintain stable employment will remain in place.
From: China Daily
Health guide calls for boosting childhood nutrition education
A nutrition and health guide for Chinese children and adolescents released on May 15 calls for improvement in children’s diets and efforts to strengthen childhood nutrition education.
The guide, published by the Chinese Association for Student Nutrition and Health Promotion, underlined the need to address undesirable eating patterns among children despite major progress in childhood nutrition and fitness in the country.
From: Xinhua
Chinese state councilor urges better life-quality for the disabled
Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong on May 16 called for improving the quality of life of the disabled and enhancing the protection of their livelihood.
Wang, director of State Council Working Committee on Disability, made the remarks when attending a series of activities marking China’s 31st National Day for Helping the Disabled in Beijing.
From: Xinhua
Seminar commemorating 70th anniversary of Tibet’s peaceful liberation held
A seminar was held in Beijing on May 19 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet.
The seminar was co-organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, the China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture (CAPDTC), and the China Tibetology Research Center.
From: Xinhua
China’s urban employees see increased average salary in 2020
The average salary of China’s urban employees saw growth in 2020 despite the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, official data showed on May 19.
In non-private sectors, the real growth of the average salary for urban employees, adjusted for inflation, rose by 5.2 percent to 97,379 yuan (about 15,155 U.S. dollars), according to data from the National Bureau of Statistics.
From: Xinhua
China takes multi-pronged measures to ensure commodity supply and stable price
China will work to ensure the supply of commodities and keep their prices stable, to maintain steady economic performance, the State Council’s Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on May 19.
Assistance will be provided to help market entities, especially micro and small businesses and self-employed individuals, cope with rising costs and other difficulties in their production and operation.
From: Xinhua
China makes new pledges to help developing countries defeat COVID-19
China on May 21 announced several new measures to help developing countries tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and its sweeping impacts, pledging to contribute $3 billion in the next three years and provide more vaccines.
Addressing the Global Health Summit via video link, Chinese President Xi Jinping urged the world’s leading economies to remedy deficiencies, close loopholes and strengthen weak links in fighting “the most serious pandemic in a century.”
From: CGTN
Infrastructure investment greatly boosts Tibet development
Infrastructure construction in Southwest China’s Tibet autonomous region has greatly boosted social and economic development in the area and enhanced local people’s livelihoods, the region’s top leaders said.
In the past seven decades, the central government has invested 1.63 trillion yuan ($ 253.3 billion) in Tibet to boost the region’s development, and more than one-third of the investments — over 590 billion yuan — was allocated to major infrastructure projects, including the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, Qinghai-Tibet Railway and Lhasa Gongga International Airport, which have effectively promoted the economic and social development of Tibet, according to Wu Yingjie, the region’s Party secretary.
He made the remarks at a news conference held by the State Council’s Information Office on May 21.
From: China Daily
China issues white paper on Tibet’s peaceful liberation, achievements
China’s State Council Information Office on May 21 issued a white paper on the peaceful liberation of Tibet and its development over the past seven decades.
The white paper, titled “Tibet Since 1951: Liberation, Development and Prosperity,” reviewed Tibet’s history and achievements, and presented a true and panoramic picture of the new socialist Tibet.
From: Xinhua
Modern education system basically established in Tibet: official
A modern education system covering preschool, basic, vocational, higher, continuing and special education has been basically established in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region after seven decades of efforts, said a senior local official on May 22.
The rights and interests of people of all ethnic groups in the region have been fully ensured, said Qizhala, chairman of the Tibet regional government, at a news conference on the economic and social development of Tibet held by the State Council Information Office in Beijing.
From: Xinhua
China’s top political advisor stresses cementing poverty relief achievements
China’s top political advisor Wang Yang on May 24 called for consolidating and extending the achievements of poverty alleviation, and fully implementing the rural vitalization strategy.
Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee, made the remarks while attending a special consultative conference in Beijing.
From: Xinhua
China’s orphan population declines by 66 percent
The number of orphans dipped 66 percent between 2012 and 2019, from about 570,000 to 190,000, a Ministry of Civil Affairs official said on May 25.
Zhao Yong, deputy head of the ministry’s child welfare department, said 59,000 of them are reared in the country’s sprawling orphanage network, down 30 percent from 86,000 in 2017, and more than 70 percent of county-level orphanages have less than 10 children.
From: China Daily
Chinese vice-premier stresses better services for veterans
Chinese Vice-Premier Sun Chunlan on May 25 called for more support for retired military personnel and veterans with disabilities and illnesses during an inspection to East China’s Shandong province.
Sun, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, visited veteran communities, a veteran service center, and a
hospital for veterans during the inspection.
From: Xinhua
Joint efforts urged to build beautiful planet
President Xi Jinping called on May 26 for joint efforts and urgent global action to build a beautiful home with harmony between humans and nature, adding that China is standing ready to cooperate with other nations and international organizations to promote global ecological and environmental governance.
Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remark in a congratulatory letter to the World Judicial Conference on Environment.
From: China Daily
Tibet’s human rights make comprehensive progress: experts
China’s Tibet Autonomous Region has achieved significant economic and social development. Its human rights causes have made comprehensive progress and historic achievements over the past 70 years since its peaceful liberation, experts attending an international seminar said on May 26.
The seminar on Tibet’s human rights progress and development over the past seven decades took place in the southwestern Chinese municipality of Chongqing.
Experts and scholars from countries including China, Russia, and Nepal participated in the seminar.
From: Xinhua
Racism and Prejudice: Scholars discuss anti-Asian discrimination in U.S.
Scholars from China, Korea, Vietnam, Singapore and the U.S. have participated in a webinar on anti-Asian discrimination in the United States.
Over 300 people watched Saturday’s event online. They discussed the impact of hostile relationship between China and the U.S. on anti-Chinese prejudice, and the possibility of joint efforts on addressing anti-Black racism alongside prejudice against Chinese and ethnic minorities.
From: CGTN
China wants better physical, mental health for rural children
Chinese authorities have called for improving moral education, sports and cultural activities for primary and secondary school students as well as  pre-school children in rural areas.
At a video conference on May 31, authorities noted that minors are the future of the country and stressed the need to cultivate moral character and a fine lifestyle among rural children and young people.
From: Xinhua
Prosecutors pledge to help shield youngsters
Procuratorial authorities will fully meet their responsibilities to protect minors and prioritize the quality and effectiveness of such work, an official from China’s highest prosecution agency said on May 31.
Shi Weizhong, head of the ninth division of the Supreme People’s Procuratorate, was addressing a news briefing a day before revisions to the Minors Protection Law and the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency Law came into force.
From: China Daily
China strengthens death sentence review to better protect human rights
China has reinforced human rights protection in death sentence review and tightened the conditions applicable to the death penalty in recent years, a top court official said on May 31.
Defendants who render significant meritorious services shall generally be granted leniency and be exempted from the death sentence if possible, Li Xiao, a senior judge with the Supreme People’s Court (SPC), told a press conference.
From: Xinhua
China achieves all human rights targets set in past 5 years, outlines fourth plan to set new targets
China has accomplished all its targets for improving people’s human rights in the past five years, including lifting all people out of extreme poverty, further protecting women’s and children’s rights, overturning wrongful convictions and promoting the development of ethnic groups, senior officials and experts on human rights said at a press conference on May 31.
More than 170 indexes on various fields related to human rights set under the National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020) have been accomplished, with Chinese people’s sense of happiness and security being greatly improved, said Li Xiaojun, director of the publicity department of the Human Rights Bureau in the State Council Information Office of CPC.
From: Global Times
Xinjiang enjoys best 5 years of human rights development: official
The past five years have been the best for the development of human rights in China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, a Chinese official said on May 31.
People’s living conditions have improved remarkably and great achievements have been made in the fight against poverty in Xinjiang, Li Xiaojun, an official with the State Council Information Office, told a press conference.
From: Xinhua
June 2021 
Disabled Chinese children benefit from gov’t-led rehab scheme 
Disabled children in China have received 676,000 rehabilitation services from a government-led relief scheme since 2018, the China Disabled Persons’ Federation said on June 1. 
Rolled out three years ago and dedicated to children with disabilities, the scheme has seen a year-on-year increase in the number of kids acquiring such relief, according to the federation. 
From: Xinhua 
China Focus: “Reunion” campaign helps find over 1,600 missing,abducted children 
Chinese police have located or rescued 1,680 missing or abducted children this year, including adults who went missing or were kidnapped as children, the Ministry of Public Security said on June 1. 
Since the nationwide campaign of “Tuanyuan” meaning reunion in Chinese, was launched in January, police have resolved 85 cold cases involving child abduction or trafficking, the ministry told a press conference. 
From: Xinhua 
China sees fewer arrests, indictments related to school violence,bullying 
The number of arrests and indictments for crimes related to school bullying and violence on campus in China dropped significantly from 2017 to 2020, thanks to China’s campus safety efforts, the country’s top procuratorate said on June 1. 
In 2020, procuratorial agencies across the country approved 583 arrests for relevant offenses, a decrease from 4,157 in 2017, according to a white paper on juvenile-related procuratorial work released by the Supreme People’s Procuratorate (SPP). 
From: Xinhua 
China sees progress in employment for relocated rural people 
China has made progress in employment for people relocated amid its povertyalleviation program, data from the country’s top economic planner showed on June 3. 
Some 3.78 million of these people were employed so far, which means that at least one family member with working capabilities of these relocated households has a job, said Tong Zhangshun, an official with the National Development and Reform Commission. 
From: Xinhua 
China dispatches vaccine, syringe aid to 66 countries 
China has completed dispatching COVID-19 vaccines and syringes to 66 countries and one international organization as of June 7 amid efforts to provide vaccine aid and strengthen international cooperation, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said. 
The MOC, along with relevant government bodies, will ensure that vaccines are delivered to recipient countries as soon as possible, said Qian Chunying, an official with the ministry, on June 7. 
From: Xinhua 
China-Europe seminar focuses on COVID-19, right to life and health 
An international seminar was held on June 8 in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality and in Italy’s Rome, focusing on COVID-19 and the right to life and health. 
The 2021 China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights was held both online and offline, with over 180 participants from home and abroad in attendance, including political figures, experts, scholars, business people, artists and the media. 
From: Xinhua 
Tribunals help protect the rights of children 
China has stepped up efforts to promote judicial protection of children, with more than 1,800 juvenile tribunals set up in courts nationwide by the end of last month to strengthen juvenile protection and crime prevention, an official from China’s top court said on June 8. 
The State Council’s leading group for the protection of minors issued a guideline on June 6 that called for their enhanced protection in six areas: family, school, society, the internet, government, and the judiciary. 
Chinese state councilor stresses ensuring food safety 
Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong on June 8 urged continuous efforts to guarantee the country’s food safety. 
People’s lives and health should be put first, said Wang, calling for efforts to firmly stick to the bottom line of ensuring food safety. 
From: Xinhua 
China increases penalties for workplace safety violations in new law amendment 
China’s top legislature on June 10 adopted an amendment to the Law on Workplace Safety. 
The amendment stipulates heavier penalties for workplace safety violations by production and business operation entities and their responsible persons. 
From: Xinhua 
Xinjiang’s population increases 18.5 percent over past decade 
The population of northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region increased by 18.52 percent from 2010 to 2020, the country’s seventh population census showed. 
Xinjiang’s permanent population had reached 25.85 million by October 2020, a rise of about 4.04 million from the country’s sixth population census in 2010, the latest census data released on June 14 by the regional statistic bureau showed. 
From: Xinhua 
New department to supervise after-school training program 
China’s Ministry of Education on June 15 announced the establishment of a special department for supervising after-school education and training programs. 
It will set out the standards for the content and duration of both online and offline training, the qualifications of tutors as well as the charges, and will oversee their implementation jointly with relevant authorities, according to the ministry. 
From: Xinhua 
China’s surveyed urban unemployment rate drops in May 
China’s surveyed urban unemployment rate stood at 5 percent in May, 0.9 percentage points lower than the same period last year, data from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) showed on June 16. 
Compared with the April level, the May figure was 0.1 percentage points lower, said the NBS. A total of 5.74 million new urban jobs were created in the first five months. 
From: Xinhua 
China’s Inner Mongolia gains ground in controlling desertification 
The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region that lies at the forefront of China’s fight against desertification has witnessed remarkable growth of green coverage, local authorities said on June 17. 
Thanks to its afforestation efforts, the region’s forest coverage rate and the comprehensive vegetation coverage of grassland have reached 23 percent and 45 percent, respectively, the regional forestry and grassland bureau said. 
From: Xinhua 
Forum discusses fighting desertification in BRI nations 
An online forum where researchers and experts gathered to discuss how to combat desertification in countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative was held on June 17, which is also the United Nation’s Desertification and Drought Day. 
More than 300 representatives from universities, institutes, enterprises and international organizations attended the forum which was held by the Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) and the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. 
From: chinadaily.com.cn 
China’s top court specifies rules for online litigation 
China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) on June 17 issued a set of rules for courts to handle online litigation, in an effort to promote and regulate digital litigation services. 
The rules stipulate that online litigation has the same legal effect as that filed on paper, and provide that the litigation rights of the parties concerned are fully protected in the process. 
From: Xinhua 
Canada’s using human rights as political tool at UN doomed to failure: Chinese diplomat 
Canada’s spreading disinformation to frame China at the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is nothing but using human rights as a political tool, and is doomed to failure, a senior Chinese diplomat said on June 17. 
Ahead of the 47th regular session of the UNHRC, which is scheduled from June 21 to July 13, Canada is leading in making a Xinjiang-related joint statement at the interactive dialogue on the annual report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. 
From: Xinhua 
Eldercare services to become more affordable, accessible and reliable 
The Ministry of Civil Affairs will draft a spectrum of policies from land acquisition to financing to talent in an attempt to bolster the supply of affordable, accessible and reliable services for the fast-growing elder population, a ministry official said on June 18. 
Efforts will be made to let market play the “decisive role” in the distribution of eldercare resources, said Li Banghua, deputy head of the ministry’s eldercare service department. 
From: chinadaily.com.cn 
Seven decades on, Tibet ecology a success story 
The Tibet autonomous region has made steady progress in addressing desertification along with other environmental issues in recent years as it seeks to 
build an ecological security shield on the frigid Qinghai-Tibet plateau in Southwest China, a regional government official said on June 18. 
The region’s forested areas had reached more than 12 percent of its total area by 2020, with 81.4 billion yuan ($12.6 billion) worth of funding having been pumped into local environment restoration efforts over the past seven decades, said Luo Jie, head of Tibet’s ecology and environment department. 
From: China Daily 
Poverty relief exchanges help ASEAN 
ASEAN Secretary-General Lim Jock Hoi has hailed poverty relief exchanges between China and the regional body as being crucial to Southeast Asian countries’ recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. 
The global novel coronavirus outbreak is reversing progress made in curbing poverty in the region in recent decades, putting its people at “heightened risk of falling back into deeper poverty”, he said in a video speech at the 15th ASEAN-China Forum on Social Development and Poverty Reduction on June 22. 
65 countries jointly oppose interference in China’s internal affairsunder pretext of human rights 
Belarus, on behalf of 65 countries, delivered a joint speech on June 22 at the 47th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council held in Geneva, stressing that respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries and non-interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states are basic norms governing international relations. 
The affairs of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and Tibet Autonomous Region are China’s internal affairs, and the outside world should not interfere, according to the statement. 
From: CGTN
China calls for international cooperation on human rights 
A senior Chinese diplomat on June 22 called on countries to work together to promote international cooperation on human rights and uphold international justice. 
Chen Xu, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN Office at Geneva (UNOG), made the remarks while delivering a joint statement on behalf of a group of countries at the ongoing 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council. 
From: Xinhua 
Pandemic slowing poverty relief progress: Expert 
The novel coronavirus pandemic has slowed the world’s progress in protecting people’s economic, social and cultural rights, and the situation requires ever closer cooperation among the United Nations, countries and regions, as well as social groups, an expert said. 
Wang Xingzui, executive vice-president of the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation, said at an online conference on June 25 that protecting people’s economic, social and cultural rights has long been a focus of the UN Human Rights Council, as it’s key to the life and welfare of billions of people all over the world, especially those living in developing countries. 
From: China Daily 
Bullet train debuts on new railway in Tibet 
The first electrified railway in southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region opened on June 25, linking regional capital Lhasa with the city of Nyingchi, as 
“Fuxing” bullet trains enter official operation on the plateau region. 
With a length of 435 km and a designed speed of 160 km per hour, the new railway is a single-line electrified railway. The newly opened Lhasa-Nyingchi railway has provided southeast Tibet with access to railway services for the first time in history. 
From: Xinhua 
Chinese NGOs call for more international efforts to safeguard right to development 
Some Chinese NGOs and international experts have called for more efforts from non-government sectors to help safeguard human rights during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as the right to food, education, housing and decent work. 
The calls were made at a parallel event for the 47th Session of the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council, which was held online from Beijing on June 28, about non-governmental organization (NGO)’s contribution to the right to development. 
From: CGTN 
Education ministry opens financial-aid hotlines for college students 
China’s Ministry of Education has opened hotlines for inquiries on college financial-aid programs, according to an announcement published on the ministry website on June 29. 
This marks the 17th year in a row that the ministry has opened such hotlines for inquiries and complaints regarding the country’s financial-aid policies for college students. 
From: Xinhua 
Rights of the disabled continue to strengthen 
China has constantly strengthened protection of the rights of people with disabilities and gradually improved their legal protection, experts said during an online human rights seminar on June 29. 
Organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies, the seminar, with the theme “Legal Development and Disability Rights”, was a side event of the 47th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. 
China to steadily improve social security benefits 
China will steadily improve its social security benefits and other social safety-net programs during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), a plan released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced on June 30. 
In the five years, China plans to establish a basic pension scheme for enterprise employees under unified national management and boost the supplementary pension fund to over 4 trillion yuan (about 619 billion U.S. dollars). 
From: Xinhua 
July 2021 
China accomplishes building of moderately prosperous society in all respects: Xi 
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, announced on July 1 that China has realized the first centenary goal — building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. 
“This means that we have brought about a historic resolution to the problem of absolute poverty in China, and we are now marching in confident strides toward the second centenary goal of building China into a great modern socialist country in all respects,” Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, said at a ceremony marking the CPC centenary. 
From: Xinhua 
Chinese experts call for revival of human rights’ concept 
Chinese experts called for a revival of the concept “human rights,” saying the cause of “human rights” is becoming an excuse for hegemony, hampering 
international solidarity. 
The calls were made on July 2 at a parallel event for the 47th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which was held online in Xi’an, northwest China’s Shaanxi Province, with the theme “Human Rights and International Solidarity.” 
From: CGTN 
HK chief: Residents’ human rights unaffected by national security law 
The national security law for Hong Kong only targets an “extremely small minority of criminals” that endanger national security. At the same time, the human rights and freedom enjoyed by the overwhelming majority of the residents will not be affected at all, said Carrie Lam, chief executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), on July 5. 
Lam made the remarks at a legal forum on the national security law — officially known as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the HKSAR. The forum, hosted by the Department of Justice of the HKSAR government, was held a few days after the first anniversary of the law’s implementation. 
From: CGTN 
U.S. Human Rights: NGO leaders call on UN to increase monitoring of racism in U.S. 
Experts and NGOs have called on the UN Human Rights Council to take action against systemic racism in the United States. The calls were made on July 5 at a 
parallel event for the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, held online from Beijing. 
Speaking at the event, the director general of the UN Association of China expressed concerns over the mistreatment of racial minorities in the U.S., especially Asian Americans after the COVID-19 outbreak. 
From: CGTN
Li vows better protection of workers’ rights 
China will better protect the rights and interests of workers engaged in new forms of employment, to boost flexible employment, create jobs and increase people’s income, the State Council’s Executive Meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on July 7. 
“The lawful rights and interests of workers engaged in new forms of employment must be upheld. The flexibly employed now total over 200 million across the country. Last year, we realized fairly sufficient employment, and flexible employment saw an increase of 7.7 percent,” Li said. “New forms of employment have become a key source of job opportunities and an important underpinning for keeping overall employment stable.” 
Experts call for efforts to curb U.S. cyber surveillance 
Experts attending a seminar via video link under the 47th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council called for global efforts to curb the large-scale cyber surveillance conducted by the U.S. on other countries on July 9. 
Nine experts among other participants discussed the situation in three aspects related with the U.S. cyber surveillance: the U.S. legislation and practice on cyber surveillance, the evaluation of the U.S. behavior based on international law and the efforts against such hegemony. 
From: CGTN 
Experts call for more respect for different human rights models 
Experts from China and other countries called for more respect from the international community on different models of human rights development at a parallel event on minority rights protection for the 47th Session of UN Human Rights Council on July 9 in Beijing. 
Men Lijun, vice president and secretary general of China Foundation for Human Rights Development, said that the key to protect minority rights should be improving their living and development conditions. 
From: CGTN 
NGOs, experts call for peace, development in human rights protection 
Leaders of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and experts from China, Cambodia and other developing countries called for a stronger focus on development in the global human rights cause. 
The calls were made during a parallel event for the 47th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, held online from Beijing on July 9, with the theme “Promote Human Rights through Development — Practices of NGOs.” 
From: CGTN
Big declines seen in infectious diseases 
China witnessed significant drops in new cases of nearly all major infectious diseases last year, with the number of new HIV/AIDS infections seeing its first yearon-year decline in a decade, according to an annual health development communique released by the National Health Commission on July 12. 
The number of viral hepatitis cases dropped by 11.5 percent year-on-year, with tuberculosis cases down by about 13.6 percent, the communique said. 
UN rights body adopts resolution on development 
The 47th session of the UN Human Rights Council on July 12 adopted a resolution, highlighting that development and the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. 
Co-sponsored by China and a number of other countries, the resolution, titled “The contribution of development to the enjoyment of all human rights,” emphasizes the important role of inclusive and sustainable development in promoting and protecting human rights. 
From: Xinhua
China issues white paper on protecting rights of Xinjiang’s ethnic groups 
China’s State Council Information Office on July 14 issued a white paper detailing the country’s progress in protecting the rights of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. 
The white paper, titled “Respecting and Protecting the Rights of All Ethnic Groups in Xinjiang,” said the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have upheld a people-centered approach to human rights protection and Xinjiang has made steady progress in this regard over the past 70-plus years. 
From: Xinhua 
Xinjiang residents debunk lies of human rights violations with personal experiences 
Residents from northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on July 15 debunked lies from politicians of some Western countries on human rights violations in Xinjiang with their personal experiences. 
At a press conference held in Beijing by the Xinjiang regional government, several Xinjiang residents shared their own stories via video link. 
From: Xinhua 
Country’s first labor court opens 
China’s first court for handling labor disputes opened in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, on July 16 to better protect workers’ rights and maintain good relations between employers and employees. 
Suzhou Labor Court was set up as a division of the Suzhou Intermediate People’s Court after the Supreme People’s Court, the country’s top court, approved its creation in June. 
Aid boosts Xinjiang’s economic development 
Despite the pandemic, assistance from 19 provinces and municipalities has effectively helped the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region to boost social and economic development, thereby winning the tough battle against poverty and improving ethnic unity, a senior Party official said. 
Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Chairman of the CPPCC National Committe, called for continued comprehensive, targeted and long-term support to Xinjiang through the “pairing assistance” program, at the eighth national meeting on pairing assistance to Xinjiang. The meeting was held in Aksu, Xinjiang, from July 19 to July 21. 
China to continue protecting legitimate rights, interests of one-child families 
China will continue to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of families with only one child, according to a decision released on July 20. 
The country will continue to implement its current reward and assistance system and preferential policies for families with only one child and rural families with only two daughters, born before the two-child policy, said the decision on improving birth policies to promote long-term and balanced population development, adopted by the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council. 
From: Xinhua 
Xi stresses prioritizing people’s safety, property in flood prevention, control 
Chinese President Xi Jinping on July 21 demanded that authorities at all levels must give top priority to ensuring people’s safety and property, and carefully and strictly implement the flood prevention and disaster relief measures. 
Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remarks in an important instruction after continuous heavy rainfall hit regions including central China’s Henan Province, causing heavy casualties and property losses. 
From: Xinhua 
State councilor stresses improving lives of disabled people 
Chinese State Councilor Wang Yong has emphasized efforts to develop programs for people with disabilities and improve their lives. 
Wang made the remarks on July 22 during a work conference on the development of programs for people with disabilities. 
From: Xinhua 
Premier: Bolster flood control, disaster relief efforts 
Premier Li Keqiang called on July 26 for stronger early warning and first response mechanisms to beef up flood control and disaster relief measures, saying that the central government will mobilize a fund of several billion yuan from its contingency reserve to help flood-hit areas. 
Speaking during a videoconference in Beijing on fighting the floods and providing disaster relief, Li said the central government will scale up relief measures based on a more thorough assessment of the situation, and local authorities must arrange special funding and use the donations in a transparent manner. 
Measures urged to ensure safety of rain-affected people 
Amid a “grave and complicated “flood control situation, the Ministry of Emergency Management has demanded that local authorities nationwide enhance early warning measures and thoroughly check urban areas at risk of flooding, including subways, to ensure people’s safety. 
The ministry also demanded that subway operators suspend their operations and evacuate passengers in the event of extremely heavy rainfall, according to a media release from the ministry on July 27. 
Top court wants better judicial protection for rural vitalization 
China’s top court on July 26 issued a document calling for better judicial service and protection to serve the country’s rural vitalization and modernization of agriculture and rural areas. 
The Supreme People’s Court (SPC) document includes 26 articles on promoting judicial work related to both high-quality and efficient agricultural industry and better living environment in rural areas. 
From: Xinhua 
China intensifies emergency rescue, disaster relief in flood-hit Henan 
China has deployed personnel, allocated funds and equipment amid consolidated efforts for emergency rescue and disaster relief after record-heavy downpours in Henan triggered severe floods, an official said on July 28. 
The country has sent about 46,000 personnel from the People’s Liberation Army and the People’s Armed Police Force as well as about 61,000 militia members to Henan for flood control and emergency rescue, Zhou Xuewen, vice minister of the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM) and the Ministry of Water Resources, told a press conference. 
From: Xinhua 
Political advisors discuss strengthening public health protection net 
Chinese national political advisors convened a bi-weekly seminar on July 29 to discuss strengthening the network for public health protection. 
The seminar, held by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China’s top political advisory body, was presided over by Wang Yang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. 
The network is vital to protecting people’s health and safeguarding economic and social stability, Wang said, adding that it also embodies the CPC’s original aspiration and mission. 
From: Xinhua 
China to build more maternal, child care institutes 
China will establish one standardized maternal and child healthcare institute in each province, city and county, health authorities said July 29. 
More high-quality medical resources will be provided for maternal and child care, according to a notice issued by the National Health Commission. 
From: Xinhua 
Life of disabled improved during 13th Five-year Plan: federation head 
More than 10.7 million disabled people with difficulties were covered by subsistence allowance by the end of 2020, according to a press conference held in Beijing on July 29. 
During the 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020), a total of 26 million disabled people benefited from living allowances and nursing subsidies, said Zhang Haidi, chairperson of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation. 
From: Xinhua 
August 2021
More high-quality teachers for rural areas
China plans to train more high-quality teachers for less-developed regions to improve education in central and western parts of the country, said a notice issued by nine central government departments on Aug. 3.
It will train about 10,000 students a year to become teachers in underdeveloped counties starting from this year, the notice said.
From: China Daily
China to provide 2 billion COVID vaccines globally
President Xi Jinping said on Aug. 5 that China will provide a total of 2 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to the world this year, in the latest effort to honor its commitment to make vaccines a global public good by ensuring vaccine accessibility and affordability.
He also said that China will donate $100 million to the COVAX global vaccine initiative for the distribution of vaccines to developing countries.
From: China Daily
Tibet helps college graduates land jobs
The central government and the Tibet autonomous region have been prioritizing efforts to secure college graduates employment in the region, and industries and businesses are encouraged to provide more job opportunities for them, regional authorities said on Aug. 6.
Employment, especially of college graduates in the region, has been highlighted by President Xi Jinping on multiple occasions.
From: China Daily
China issues white paper on human rights progress through moderate prosperity attainment
China on Aug. 12 issued a white paper to elaborate on how its realization of allround moderate prosperity represents comprehensive progress in ensuring universal human rights in China, and a new contribution to the world’s human rights cause.
Titled “Moderate Prosperity in All Respects: Another Milestone Achieved in China’s Human Rights,” the white paper was released by the State Council Information Office.
From: Xinhua
Nationwide COVID fight proves effective
The domestic COVID-19 outbreak affecting 18 provincial-level regions in China since late July is complicated but under control, and the risk of seeing widespread outbreaks across the country is low, health officials said on Aug. 13.
More than 777 million people in China have completed full COVID-19 vaccinations as of Aug. 12, Mi Feng, a spokesman for the National Health Commission, said during a news briefing. That accounts for about 55 percent of the nation’s population.
From: China Daily
China adds over 8 million urban jobs
China added 8.22 million new urban jobs from January through July, roughly 74.7 percent of the nation’s annual target, the National Bureau of Statistics said on Aug. 16.
The surveyed unemployment rate was 5.1 percent in July, up 0.1 percentage points from a month earlier. The rate was 16.2 percent and 4.2 percent for the 16-24 and 25-59 age groups, respectively, the bureau said.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China’s draft legal aid law proposes more support for remote regions
A draft law deliberated by China’s top legislature proposes more legal aid resources for the country’s remote regions.
The draft legal aid law on Aug. 17 returned to the National People’s Congress Standing Committee for a third reading.
From: Xinhua
Draft law revision to better protect female soldiers
A draft revision to China’s military service law has proposed strengthening protection of the lawful rights and interests of female military personnel.
The draft was submitted to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, China’s top legislature, for a second reading on Aug. 17.
From: Xinhua
Li vows more aid to Henan relief
Premier Li Keqiang has pledged greater support to flood-hit areas in Henan province to expedite steps for post-disaster reconstruction, saying that lessons must be drawn from the floods to strengthen weak areas in urban development.
Speaking at a conference on post-flood reconstruction in Zhengzhou, the provincial capital, on Aug. 19, Li urged local authorities to assume their responsibilities in planning the rebuilding of the flood-hit areas, with steps to repair damaged farmland and to rebuild and reinforce damaged homes.
From: China Daily
China passes new law to protect doctors
China has passed a law on protecting the lawful rights and interests of physicians, providing a legal guarantee for the implementation of the Healthy China strategy.
The legislation was adopted at the closing meeting of a session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress on Aug. 20.
From: Xinhua
China adopts legal aid law
A law on legal aid was adopted by China’s top legislature on Aug. 20 amid the country’s efforts to regulate and promote legal assistance to better safeguard social fairness and justice.
The law was adopted after the third reading at the 30th standing committee session of the 13th National People’s Congress, which opened on Aug. 24.
From: Xinhua
China urges rectifying formalism and reducing burden on grassroots
China’s central authorities have demanded effective action to fight the practice of formalities for formalities’ sake, while also reducing the burden on officials and workers at the primary level, according to a meeting on Aug. 20.
Recognizing the results of efforts in this regard over the past years, the meeting called for more input in reversing the problem of overburdening primary-level officials and workers.
From: Xinhua
China adopts new law to protect personal information
China’s top legislature on Aug. 20 voted to adopt a new law on personal information protection, which will take effect on Nov. 1.
Lawmakers approved the law at the closing meeting of a regular legislative session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), which started on Aug. 24.
From: Xinhua
New expressway begins operation in Tibet
The world’s highest expressway — linking Lhasa, capital of the Tibet autonomous region, with the region’s northern city of Nagchu — began operation on Aug. 24.
With a speed limit of 120 kilometers per hour and sitting at an average altitude of over 4,500 meters, the 295-km Nagchu-Lhasa Expressway is a section of the G6 Beijing-Tibet Expressway. The new expressway, the first between the two cities, will shorten the drive between them to three hours from more than six previously.
From: China Daily
Religious freedom, ethnic unity highlighted
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has underlined the importance of fully implementing the Party’s theories and policies concerning ethnic groups in order to further promote equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony among all of them.
Xi, who is also China’s president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the remark on Aug. 24 during his two-day inspection tour of Chengde in Hebei province.
From: China Daily
“New workforce” eligible for insurance
Couriers, online food delivery staff and housekeepers in Beijing are eligible for up to 100,000 yuan ($15,430) from the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, local authorities said on Aug. 24.
Special-purpose insurance funds, guaranteed for a year, were designed for the “new workforce”. After joining a trade union, they will benefit from the mutual assistance funds if they or their children are diagnosed with diseases or become disabled in an accident.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Nation surpasses 5-year targets to reduce occurrence of range of disabilities
China has hit a host of targets set in 2016 to reduce the occurrence of disabilities, an official said on Aug. 24.
The achievements are spread across a wide range of areas, including coverage of prenatal checkups, treatment of chronic diseases, and the number of car accidents and work injuries, said Hu Xiangyang, who oversees rehabilitation affairs at the China Disabled Persons’ Federation.
From: China Daily
Litigants, judicial system benefiting from online case filing system
China’s top court said on Aug. 24 that more than 10 million cases were filed online last year, which made settling legal matters more convenient for litigants and helped improve judicial efficiency.
Compared with initiating a lawsuit offline, the online filings helped litigants and their lawyers save about 1.6 billion yuan ($247 million) in commuting costs, and they spent 4.86 million fewer hours in court, according to Xu Jianfeng, director of the information center at the Supreme People’s Court.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Government aims to upgrade transport services
The transport sector will continue to improve service quality to benefit people as it builds on major progress made in the past, Transport Minister Li Xiaopeng told a news conference in Beijing on Aug. 24.
The ministry aims to provide more convenient, faster and more comfortable services to benefit more people, he said.
From: China Daily
Meeting vows support for women, kids
The State Council’s executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Aug. 25 adopted the Outline for Women’s Development in China (2021-2030) and the Outline for Children’s Development in China (2021-2030), and required improving support measures for the third-child policy.
From: China Daily
Beijing’s teacher rotation policy aims to improve equity
Primary and middle school teachers in Beijing’s public school system will be required to take part in rotation programs to further improve education equity and quality in the city.
Teachers and principals who have worked at the same school for more than six years will be asked to shift to a school in another district and share their knowledge and experience with new colleagues and students, Beijing Education Commission spokesman Li Yi said at a news conference on Aug. 25.
From: China Daily
Plan aims to eliminate cervical cancer
China’s top health authority is drafting plans to eliminate cervical cancer, with a focus on expanding screening nationwide and increasing the number of girls and women getting vaccinated against the cancer-causing human papillomavirus, officials and experts said on Aug. 27.
Xu Xiaochao, an official from the National Health Commission’s maternal and child health department, said that since a major cervical cancer screening program mainly targeting rural areas was launched in 2009, the public’s awareness and willingness to take such examinations have grown significantly.
From: China Daily
Chances, challenges for China’s job creation in 2021-2025
China’s job market will remain generally stable for the next five years as the country cranks up its proactive job-creation measures to cope with the challenges ahead.
Led by the country’s consistent job-first policy, the State Council has released a plan on boosting employment for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025), vowing to add over 55 million new urban jobs in the next five years.
Li Zhong, vice minister of human resources and social security, told a press conference on Aug. 30 that the plan is an “important guide” for the work related to employment, which faces both opportunities and challenges.
From: Xinhua
China builds 78 million units of affordable housing in 13 years
China has built more than 78 million compensatory homes of various types across the country since 2008, benefiting more than 200 million people, the country’s leading housing official said on Aug. 31.
In addition to constructing new public rental housing, affordable rental apartments and homes with shared ownership, the country has also rebuilt many areas in shantytowns to meet the housing demands of low-income families, said Wang Menghui, minister of housing and urban-rural development, in a news conference organized by the State Council Information Office.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China to increase government-subsidized housing in 2021-2025
China will focus on the development of government-subsidized rental housing in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) to ensure the housing security for the people.
The country has built over 80 million sets of government-subsidized and renovation housing, improving the living conditions of more than 200 million people with difficulties, Wang Menghui, minister of housing and urban-rural development, told a press conference Aug. 31.
From: Xinhua
September 2021
Xinjiang seminar counters Western critics
The Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region presented an online seminar on Sept. 8 to convey information about its labor and employment situation to the permanent Chinese delegates at the UN office in Geneva, Switzerland.
Erkin Tuniyaz, vice-chairman of the Xinjiang government, said the region attaches great importance to the promotion of employment. The average annual income of employees in Xinjiang reached about 30,000 yuan ($4,650).
From: chinadaily.com.cn
National drive to find jobs for disabled graduates launched in Hebei
Authorities have launched a program on Sept. 8 in Shijiazhuang in Hebei province, to help disabled graduates find jobs, according to the China Disabled Persons’ Federation.
Organized in conjunction with the Education and Human Resources ministries, the program signals the start of a nationwide initiative to help disabled graduates secure employment as record numbers will enter the job market this year, the federation said in a media release.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China to launch pilot programs on business environment to better benefit firms and individuals
China will roll out pilot programs on the business environment in several selected cities in support of local reform effort in better benefitting firms and individuals, the State Council’s executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on Sept.8.
The improvement of the business environment is a fulcrum in unleashing market vitality and social creativity, and promoting high-quality development. The implementation of the Regulation on Improving the Business Environment will be advanced and a market-oriented, world-class business environment governed by a sound legal framework will be nurtured across the nation.
From: Xinhua
China issues human rights action plan for 2021-2025
China on Sept. 9 published the latest human rights action plan, setting the objectives and tasks of respecting, protecting and promoting human rights in the period from 2021 to 2025.
Titled “Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025),” the document was released by the State Council Information Office.
From: Xinhua
10 firms to better tend to rights of workers
Ten leading companies in China’s thriving platform-based economy, including food delivery giant Meituan and ride-hailing company Didi, have been urged to “play an exemplary role” in protecting the rights of their flexibly employed workers, authorities said on Sept. 10.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said during a meeting that it will give administrative guidance to 10 major companies involved in the new form of employment in order to address prominent problems in the protection of workers’ lawful rights and interests.
Chinese premier stresses efforts to safeguard people’s health
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has stressed efforts to safeguard people’s health as a significant step to boost public well-being, elevate medical expertise, and continue raising the quality of medical and healthcare services.
Li, also a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, made the remarks during his inspection to Peking Union Medical College Hospital (PUMCH) on Sept. 13.
From: Xinhua
Official calls for wealthy countries to protect human rights
A senior official on Sept. 14 urged the United States and some of its wealthy allies to roll out human rights plans and “genuinely” protect the rights of their people.
Li Xiaojun of the State Council Information Office’s human rights affairs bureau said 60 countries worldwide have made their own action plans on promoting human rights.
Only China, Indonesia and Mexico have rolled out four such documents consecutively, whereas the US, Canada, France, Germany and Japan have not made any such plans so far, he said at a news conference in Beijing.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Wars, conflicts main causes of large-scale human rights violations: diplomat
A Chinese envoy on Sept. 14 highlighted that wars, conflicts and regional turmoil are the main causes of large-scale human rights violations, saying that without peace and security, all human rights cannot be realized.
Delivering a joint statement on behalf of a group of countries at the 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Chen Xu, China’s permanent representative to the UN Office at Geneva, highlighted that international peace and security currently face unprecedented challenges.
From: Xinhua
Global efforts needed in protecting human rights, China says
China will continue to fulfill its international human rights obligations, constructively participate in international human rights governance and help build a fair and efficient international human rights system, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Sept. 15, calling on countries worldwide to jointly build a world with sustainable peace and guaranteed human rights.
On Sept. 14, at the ongoing 48th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, China delivered a joint statement on behalf of over 40 countries, appealing for global efforts on building sustainable peace and protecting and promoting human rights.
From: Xinhua
China urges Japan’s cooperation on nuclear wastewater at Human Rights Council
On September 15th, the 48th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council held a dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Safe Drinking Water and Sanitation.
The representative of China made a speech and pointed out that the disposal of polluted water from the Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan is related to global ecological and environmental safety and people’s lives and health in all countries.
From: CGTN
Global realization of right to development far below expectation: Chinese envoy
The right to development is a universal and inalienable human right, however, at present, the global realization of the right to development is far below expectation, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Sept. 16.
Delivering a joint statement on behalf of over 50 countries at the 48th Session of the Human Rights Council on Sept. 16, Chen Xu, China’s Permanent Representative to the UN Office at Geneva, also called upon the UN human rights bodies to prioritize the right to development and mainstream in the UN system.
From: Xinhua
China’s urban, rural subsistence allowances cover 44 million people
Nearly 44.3 million people were covered by China’s urban and rural subsistence allowances by the end of last year, a senior civil affairs official said on Sept. 17.
The average subsistence allowances standard increased by 105.3 percent for urban residents and 188.3 percent for rural residents respectively, compared to the end of 2012, said Li Jiheng, minister of civil affairs, at a press conference.
From: CGTN
China, like-minded countries call on UN to address human trafficking, forced labor issues in U.S.
China and like-minded countries on Sept. 17 called on the UN Human Rights Council and relevant UN human rights mechanism to attend to issues of human trafficking and forced labor in the United States and take necessary actions.
Speaking on behalf of a group of countries at the 48th session of the Council, Jiang Duan, minister of the Chinese mission to the UN in Geneva, stressed that human trafficking and forced labor are serious human rights violations, which in particular harm women and children.
From: Xinhua
China, like-minded countries highlight harm of illegal military inter- ventions on human rights
China and a group of like-minded countries on Sept. 22 called on the United Nations (UN) Human Rights Council, the High Commissioner for human rights and relevant UN Special Procedures to pay close attention to the harm of illegal military interventions on human rights and take necessary action to seek justice for the people of victimized countries.
Speaking on behalf of the group of countries at the ongoing 48th session of the Human Rights Council, Jiang Duan, Minister of the Chinese Mission to UN at Geneva, said that “certain countries” flagrantly conducted illegal military interventions in and prolonged occupation of sovereign states, which severely violates international law and undermines the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the victimized countries.
From: Xinhua
Courts find thousands not guilty
A total of 8,491 criminal defendants across China were declared not guilty between 2013 and the end of June this year because evidence in their cases was not sufficient to convict them.
The Supreme People’s Court, the country’s top court, released the number at a news conference held by the State Council Information Office on Sept. 23, highlighting the importance of protecting human rights in the process of handling criminal cases.
Experts: Human rights in Tibet make great progress
The Tibet autonomous region has made all-around progress and remarkable achievements in the human rights cause over the past 70 years, experts said on Sept. 24 during an online meeting.
The meeting, organized by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Research Center for Human Rights at Northwest University of Political Science and Law, focused on the development of human rights in Tibet since its peaceful liberation 70 years ago.
From: China Daily
Experts highlight privacy protection in digital era
Chinese and foreign experts have called for strengthened regulations on the application of digital technologies to improve the protection of personal information at a seminar in Beijing.
The seminar on scientific and technological development and human rights protection, also a side event of the 48th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, was hosted by the China Society for Human Rights Studies on Sept. 26.
From: Xinhua
China issues white paper on Xinjiang’s demographic development
China’s State Council Information Office Sept. 26 issued a white paper detailing the demographic development in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.
The white paper, titled “Xinjiang Population Dynamics and Data,” said over the past 70 years, Xinjiang has seen rapid and steady population growth, improving population quality, higher life expectancy, and faster urbanization and modernization.
From: Xinhua
Seek shared ground on human rights, say experts
Countries should seek more shared ground on human rights through multilateral communications conducted on the basis of respect and inclusiveness, experts said at a human rights meeting in Beijing on Sept. 28.
The meeting was a side event at the 48th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. It was organized by the China Foundation for Human Rights Development and the Minzu Unity and Progress Association of China.
From: China Daily
Top political advisor stresses development, prosperity in border areas
China’s top political advisor Wang Yang has called for solid efforts to boost development in border regions to benefit the people living there.
Wang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference National Committee, made the remarks on Sept. 28 while visiting an exhibition on achievements in helping border areas and their residents to achieve prosperity.
From: Xinhua
China issues white paper on moderate prosperity
China’s State Council Information Office on Sept. 28 issued a white paper to document the country’s journey to moderate prosperity in all respects, or Xiaokang.
The white paper, titled “China’s Epic Journey from Poverty to Prosperity,” said the realization of moderate prosperity in all respects, as declared in July, marks a critical step towards national rejuvenation for the country.
From: Xinhua
UN event reveals the real Xinjiang
A virtual event held on Sept. 29 at the United Nations introduced the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region’s natural beauty and development achievements to the outside world.
The event “Xinjiang is a Wonderful Land” was jointly held by China’s Permanent Mission to the UN and the government of the Xinjiang region, and moderated by Dai Bing, deputy permanent representative to the UN. It provided a glimpse of real life in Xinjiang, located in Northwest China.
From: China Daily
China’s Human Rights Action Plan fully implemented, finds third-party evaluation
The National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020), released by the Chinese government in September 2016, has been fully implemented, according to an evaluation by third-party experts.
All of the 168 objectives and tasks have been completed, many of which have been completed ahead of time or over the goals set in the Action Plan, said an evaluation report on the Action Plan implementation unveiled on Sept. 29.
From: Xinhua
October 2021
China urges solidarity on delivering jabs to all
China’s ambassador to the United Nations on Oct. 1 called on all countries to strengthen solidarity and achieve vaccine equity at an early date to overcome the “vaccine nationalism” that has left many developing nations short of COVID-19 vaccines.
In a joint statement made on behalf of 78 countries, including Mexico, Pakistan and South Africa, Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the UN, noted that vaccines are a powerful weapon against viruses. However, as “a global public good”, their equity in terms of distribution is “far from being reached”, and their accessibility and affordability “need to be solved urgently”.
From: China Daily
Chinese envoy highlights role of poverty eradication in promoting, protecting human rights
A Chinese envoy on Oct. 4 called on all countries to heighten their attention to poverty alleviation and develop strategies to reduce poverty based on their national situation.
Addressing a side-event of the ongoing 48th session of the UN Human Rights Council, Chen Xu, China’s permanent representative to the UN Office at Geneva, also called upon nations to make concrete efforts to improve people’s livelihood and strengthen social security, in order to make sure that the development outcomes benefit the populace in a fair manner.
From: Xinhua
Happy life, smiling faces best clues to China’s human rights policy: envoy
A Chinese envoy said on Oct. 7 that the best answer to China’s human rights situation is found in people’s happy life and smiling faces.
“The best answer to China’s human rights situation lies in the happy life and smiling faces of the Chinese people,” Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations (UN), told the General Debate of the Third Committee of the 76th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA).
From: Xinhua
China achieves remarkable results in pollution control: white paper
Through an increasing effort to combat pollution, China has achieved remarkable results in pollution control, according to a white paper released on Oct. 8 by the State Council Information Office.
Having announced a battle against pollution, the country has improved the quality of air, water and soil, said the white paper titled “Biodiversity Conservation in China.”
From: Xinhua
Experts, officials discuss building ecological civilization at forum
Over 300 scholars and government officials from 14 countries and eight international organizations including the UN attended a forum on global ecological civilization construction in southwest China’s Yunnan Province on Oct. 9, according to local authorities.
At the forum themed on jointly building an ecological civilization and protecting the beautiful planet, guests said countries in the world are closely linked and it is essential to together face ecological and environmental problems.
From: Xinhua
Beijing hosts seminar on global human rights governance
Multilateralism and international cooperation are essential tools to protect human rights and create a fair international order, experts and leaders of social organizations said at a seminar in Beijing on Oct. 13.
The seminar on global human rights governance is a side event of the 48th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council and has attracted nearly 20 experts, academicians and leaders of social organizations from China and other countries.
From: CGTN
Global counter-terrorism symposium calls for int’l cooperation
Experts attending a counter-terrorism and de-radicalization symposium in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou have called for international cooperation on counter-terrorism and joint efforts to tackle risks and challenges.
Held both online and offline on Oct. 13, the fourth global symposium on counter-terrorism, de-radicalization and human right protection attracted officials, experts, scholars and representatives from non-governmental organizations from countries including China, the United Kingdom, the United States, Sweden, Italy and Pakistan.
From: Xinhua
Premier urges focus on care for elderly
In an instruction to a national working meeting on aging on Oct. 14, Premier Li Keqiang underlined the need to focus on elderly people’s needs in social security, elderly care and healthcare services, as part of efforts to tackle the aging trend and improve the group’s sense of gain, happiness and security.
He added that more efforts should be devoted to developing community-based elderly care services and mobilizing the whole of society to meet diverse demands for elderly care.
From: China Daily
China to further enhance human rights protection: officials
China has made great progress in terms of human rights protection, and the Communist Party of China (CPC) will continue its efforts in advancing the cause of human rights, officials said on Oct. 15 at a symposium marking the 30th anniversary of the country’s first white paper on human rights, “Human Rights in China.”
Over 70 people, including officials, representatives from grass-roots organs, scholars and experts, attended the symposium, which was held by China’s State Council Information Office.
From: Xinhua
Human rights adhere to path of development
China’s path of human rights development, explored by its people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, is in essence a concrete manifestation of the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the field of human rights, a senior official said on Oct. 15.
The fundamental goal of the path is to protect people’s rights and interests and to promote the all-round development of the people, said Jiang Jianguo, deputy head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee.
From: China Daily
Chinese premier stresses importance of autumn harvest to food security, stable prices
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang underlined the importance of harvesting and sowing work this autumn and winter to ensure food security and stable prices on Oct. 20.
At an executive meeting of the State Council, Li also heard a report on energy supplies for the winter, and called for scaled up policy support for micro, small and medium-sized firms.
From: Xinhua
Chinese poverty eradication experience shared at South-South cooperation seminar
Chinese and foreign experts and scholars held in-depth discussions on China’s experience in poverty eradication and international cooperation on poverty reduction at a seminar on Oct. 21.
The seminar was jointly hosted both online and offline by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC).
From: Xinhua
Religious organization calls for international exchanges on conservation
Members of the China Committee on Religion and Peace (CCRP) on Oct. 21 expressed its willingness to promote ecological conservation and green development 
together with international counterparts.
Religious and environmental protection personnel from over 20 countries joined an online meeting held by the CCRP to discuss religious culture and ecological civilization.
From: Xinhua
China considers raising teacher qualification requirements
China is considering raising the standard of qualifications required for teachers in a proposed revision to the Teachers Law, Minister of Education Huai Jinpeng said on Oct. 21.
Teachers will have higher education requirements, Huai stated when delivering a report to the ongoing session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee.
From: Xinhua
Global Women’s Development Forum held in Hangzhou
The Third Global Women’s Development Forum is held in Qianhe village, Jiande county-level city in Hangzhou on Oct. 23.
The village is the birth place of the slogan “Women hold up half the sky,” which has inspired generations of Chinese people since the 1950s.
Over 150 attendants from home and abroad discussed the slogan’s power in the new era and the village’s successful practices in supporting female entrepreneurs.
From: www.ehangzhou.gov.cn
China’s efforts in upholding world peace praised
Foreign envoys spoke highly on Oct. 25 of China’s tremendous contributions as a member of the United Nations, saying that the presence of the People’s Republic of China in the UN since 1971 has made it the most universal and representative international organization with the greatest authority.
They made the remarks as they gathered in Beijing for a conference marking the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the People’s Republic of China’s lawful seat in the UN.
From: China Daily
Job market on track to meet employment targets
The domestic job market has been running smoothly over the past nine months thanks to government efforts to improve jobseeker’s working skills, crack down on companies in arrears of wage payments and implement campaigns to help college graduates land jobs.
The latest figures from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on Oct. 27 show that around 10.45 million people landed jobs in urban areas from January to September. That figure is 95 percent of the nation’s target of creating 11 million new jobs in urban areas this year.
From: China Daily
China’s trade council unveils commercial mediation rules for for- eign-related IPR disputes
China’s trade council on Oct. 29 released commercial mediation rules for the settlement of foreign-related intellectual property rights (IPR) disputes, the first of their kind in the country. The rules will take effect on Nov 1.
Issued by a mediation center under the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the rules detail regulations on applications, personnel, modes and fees related to the mediation of IPR disputes.
From: Xinhua
Xi’s speech provides likely solutions to counter global pandemic, poverty and climate change
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at the Group of 20 (G20) leaders’ summit reflects China’s “very deep concern” for global community, rallying all nations to address key issues including sustainable development, climate change and the global fight against the pandemic, analysts said.
In a speech delivered on Oct. 30 via video link, Xi said the world is “faced with changes and a pandemic both unseen in a century”. He encouraged members of the G20, as the premier forum for international economic cooperation, “to shoulder its due responsibilities, bear in mind the future of humanity and the welfare of the people, uphold openness, inclusiveness and win-win cooperation, practice true multilateralism, and promote the building of a community with a shared future for human beings”.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
November 2021
Dogs can guide visually impaired in public
The Beijing Municipal Barrier-Free Environment Construction Regulation, which allows the visually impaired to be accompanied by a guide dog in public places and even use public transport, came into effect on Nov. 1.
The regulation will be of immense help to the visually impaired, because guide dogs can help them navigate the streets and use public transport with less trouble.
From: China Daily
Better data protection will boost digital economy
On Nov. 1, the Personal Information Protection Law was officially implemented. Combined with the Data Security Law that came into effect on Sept. 1, the legal framework in the field of data security is being established and improved.
From: China Daily
China Focus: China to boost international IPR cooperation
China is endeavoring to promote a broader and deeper opening-up of the intellectual property rights sector to boost international IPR cooperation during the 14th Five Year Plan period (2021-2025), said the IPR authorities at a press conference on Nov. 1.
The IPR authorities have drafted three major moves targeted to make breakthroughs in IPR global cooperation, Gan Shaoning, deputy head of the National Intellectual Property Administration (NIPA), said at the press conference.
From: Xinhua
Insurance reforms aid access to medicines
China’s drug insurance regulatory reforms in the past few years have greatly eased the financial burden of patients while boosting access to advanced and innovative medications, according to a blue paper released on Nov. 2.
The country has rolled out a number of major medical insurance policies since 2018, including regular updates of its drug reimbursement list, price negotiations with drugmakers and national bulk-buy programs.
From: China Daily
Ministries protect truck drivers’ rights
Sixteen ministry-level departments, including transport and public security, jointly released a guideline to protect the rights of truck drivers.
The guideline, released on Nov. 3, aims to create a better working environment for truckers and protect their legal rights. It includes measures for building more rest stations for truckers and offering property insurance to ease their troubles.
From: China Daily
Photo exhibition commemorating 50th anniversary of restoration of China’s lawful seat in UN held in Geneva
An exhibition, titled `Promoting Shared Prosperity for a Peaceful Future, was jointly hosted by the Chinese Mission in Geneva, the UN Office in Geneva and Xinhua News Agency. Li Song, charge d`affaires of the Chinese Mission in Geneva on Nov. 4, together with dozens of UN officials and ambassadors from other countries, visited the photo exhibition.
From: Xinhua
Nation aiming to train more social workers
China aims to promote the training of professional social workers to assist grassroots level governance, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Last month, a record 829,000 applicants sat for an annual national examination for social worker’s certification, a year-on-year increase of 36 percent, Chen Jun, deputy director of the charity promotion and social work department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, told a news conference on Nov. 5.
From: China Daily
China to include screening for depression in student health checks
China will include screening for depression in student health checks amid efforts to prevent the mental disorder among teenagers, according to a statement released on Nov. 9 by the Ministry of Education.
The statement was released in response to a proposal on preventing depression among teenage students put forth by the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, China’s top political advisory body, during its fourth session from March 4 to 10 this year.
From: Xinhua
China’s COVID-19 vaccines help emerging states achieve impressive vaccination rates: UK research report
Chinese-made COVID-19 vaccines have helped some emerging countries achieve impressive vaccination rates, in some cases faster than richer economies, said 
a British research report on Nov. 10.
The Economist Intelligence Unit, research and analysis division of Economist Group, said in its latest report that more than seven billion shots have been administered around the world as of late October. However, developed countries have succeeded in vaccinating large percentages of their populations, while many developing states have made only negligible progress.
From: Xinhua
China seeks public opinion on internet data protection draft regulations
The Cyberspace Administration of China on Nov. 14 issued a set of draft management regulations on protecting internet data security to solicit opinion from the public.
According to the regulations, the country shall establish a category- and classbased data protection system.
From: Xinhua
Li pledges orderly low-carbon transition
China has adopted a series of measures that effectively eased pressure on the supply of electricity and coal, and the country’s future energy supply is guaranteed, Premier Li Keqiang said on Nov. 16.
While addressing the World Economic Forum Special Virtual Dialogue with Global Business Leaders, Li said that China will consider its national conditions and push forward the low-carbon transition in a balanced and orderly way on the premise of ensuring the steady and safe supply of energy.
From: China Daily Global
China approves plan to digitalize government services
A State Council executive meeting on Nov. 17 reviewed and approved a plan to digitalize government services nationwide during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).
China will accelerate the construction of a digital government to improve administrative services, according to the meeting, which was chaired by Premier Li Keqiang.
From: Xinhua
China responsible for 95% of APEC forest increase
Forest cover in China increased 26.5 million hectares from 2007 to 2020, contributing about 95 percent of the total increase among all 21 members of the APEC, the National Forestry and Grassland Administration said on Nov. 17.
The administration also said the forest cover of the Asia-Pacific region grew by a total of 27.9 million hectares during the same period, achieving the goal of increasing forest cover of the region by at least 20 million hectares of all types of forest by 2020.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Democracy should be common goal with diversified approaches: Chinese diplomat
Common goals with diversified approaches showcase exactly what diplomats are doing in various domains in Geneva, because civilizations are rich and diverse, and so is democracy, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Nov. 18.
Li Song, charge d’affaires of the Chinese Mission in Geneva, said at the opening of a webinar titled “Democracy and Human Rights: Common Goals with Diversified Approaches” that democracy is not something that could be mass produced.
From: Xinhua
China initiates month-long recruiting program for college graduates
China’s Ministry of Education (MOE) has launched a month-long recruiting program starting from Nov. 20 to help the country’s over 10 million new college graduates in 2022 secure a job.
Together with 12 major job-hunting agencies, the MOE will hold online recruitment activities and organize at least 10 large-scale national job fairs for key regions, key industries and key groups.
From: Xinhua
China aims to safeguard groundwater with new rule
China will impose high penalties on violations that may jeopardize its groundwater resources with a new regulation, as it strives to address excessive exploitation and pollution of the resources, a senior official said. 
Wei Shanzhong, vice-minister of water resources, made the remarks in a news conference organized by the State Council Information Office on Nov. 22, following the publication of a recent regulation on groundwater management.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Courts warned to stop refusing to file new cases
Chinese courts will be criticized and held accountable if they are found to not have filed new cases because they are handling existing disputes, China’s top court said on Nov. 23.
Since 2015, courts nationwide have been ordered to file cases immediately after receiving plaintiffs’ registrations and ensuring their materials are sufficient, “but we’ve still discovered some courts have refused to accept new cases at the end of a year because they have been under pressure to solve existing disputes,” said Qian Xiaochen, head of the Case Filing Tribunal with the Supreme People’s Court.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Overdue move to better protect tenants’ rights
The Shanghai municipal government released details of a regulation on indemnificatory housing, which includes government-backed rental housing for qualified new residents, young people and other groups, at a news conference on Nov. 23. According to the regulation, the increase in the rent for indemnificatory housing should be limited to 5 percent a year.
On Nov. 24, the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress reviewed a draft on indemnificatory housing, and decided that the deposit rental housing agencies collect from tenants should not exceed a month’s rent. The congress also authorized the Beijing government to better regulate the rental housing market.
From: China Daily
Nation’s legal aid system offers lessons
China’s practices of ensuring that people can have equal access to justice and supervise administrative powers in accordance with the law are valuable lessons for other countries, two Chinese human rights experts said during the third session of the United Nations’ Forum on Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law.
The forum, focusing on equal access to justice for all, was held in Geneva, Switzerland, on Nov. 23 and Nov. 24.
From: China Daily
Democratic systems “diverse”
Democratic systems used to protect human rights are diversified and should be appropriate to each country’s own situation, experts on law, politics and public affairs from China and overseas said at an international seminar on Nov. 24.
The experts made the remarks at an international webinar on “The Diversity of Democracy: Systems and Practices across States”, which was led by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and hosted by Central South University’s Human Rights Center in Changsha, Hunan province.
From: China Daily
Government action plan promotes breastfeeding
China will promote breastfeeding over the next five years by improving hospitals’ consultancy services, public support facilities and protecting women’s working rights during lactation.
A plan released by the National Health Commission on Nov. 24 said breastfeeding is of great importance to promote a new-born’s growth, and can also reduce the morbidity risk to mother and baby.
From: China Daily
Shanghai parents get longer child care leave
Parents in Shanghai will be able to enjoy more time with their newborns and extra annual child care leave after a revision to the municipal population and family planning regulation was passed by the city’s legislature on Nov. 25.
The revision was approved by the standing committee of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress to bring the local regulation into line with the amendment of China’s Population and Family Planning Law in August.
From: China Daily
Single children in Zhejiang given 5-day vacation to see parents
Young people in Zhejiang will get more time to care for their aging parents, according to a newly released regulation from the Zhejiang People’s Congress on Nov. 25. 
For families with only one child, if one of the child’s parents is over 60, the child can take five days off to accompany their parents every year, with the child’s salary, bonuses and other social benefits remaining, according to the regulation.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China sets rules to safeguard drivers’ rights, curb monopoly in ridehailing sector
China rolled out a guidance on Nov. 30 to better safeguard the rights of workers from emerging businesses in the transportation industry, such as ride-hailing, requiring operators to improve income distribution mechanisms and guarantee rest periods for drivers.
The move came after Chinese regulators told 10 companies in the delivery and ride-hailing sectors, including Meituan, DiDi Global, Alibaba Group’s Ele.me and Tencent Holdings, to better protect their workers in September.
From: CGTN
China spending more on education
China spent more than 5.3 trillion yuan ($832 billion) on education last year, up 5.7 percent from 2019, according to the national education expenditure report released on Nov. 30.
The report, jointly released by the Ministry of Education, the National Bureau of Statistics and the Ministry of Finance, said government budgetary spending on education totaled about 4.3 trillion yuan last year, up 7.2 percent year-on-year.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
December 2021
So-called “democracy summit” goes against basic spirit of democracy, Pakistani newspaper says
The so-called “Summit for Democracy” led by the United States goes against the basic spirit of democracy and will further polarize the world, resulting in the emergence of new blocs, Pakistan’s The News International reported on Dec. 2.
“It is a bad sign, as the world direly needs cooperation and joint efforts to tackle the issues of pandemic, climate change, food insecurity, water and energy,” said the article titled “Democracy summit, undemocratic practices.”
From: Xinhua
China’s democracy guarantees all people’s right to happy life, experts say
China’s State Council Information Office on Dec. 4 released a white paper titled “China: Democracy That Works,” which expounded on the values, history, institutional frameworks, practices, and achievements of China’s democracy.
China’s democracy, according to experts and observers from multiple countries, has guaranteed all people’s right to a happy life and promoted the country’s rapid development.
From: Xinhua
Xi sends congratulatory letter to 2021 South-South Human Rights Forum
Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the 2021 South-South Human Rights Forum, which opened in Beijing on Dec. 8.
Noting that human rights are a symbol of human civilization progress, Xi said putting people first and taking people’s longing for a better life as the goal is the responsibility of all countries.
From: Xinhua
China vows to work with developing countries to promote international human rights
China, as the world’s largest developing country, pledged to work with all developing countries to promote the sound development of the international human rights cause, at a forum on human rights on Dec. 8.
The 2021 South-South Human Rights Forum, a biennial event held this year for the third time in Beijing, was themed “putting people first and global human rights governance.”
From: CGTN
Chinese people are enjoying better human rights: Chinese UN ambassador
The Chinese people are enjoying better human rights and making positive contributions to the global human rights cause, said the Chinese UN ambassador on Dec. 9 in a message for Human Rights Day, which falls on Dec. 10.
The theme for this year’s Human Rights Day is equality. The protection of human rights and the pursuit of equality is an ideal shared by all humanity. It is also one that is constantly pursued by the Chinese people, said Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations.
From: Xinhua
People’s rights guaranteed in democracy
People’s rights have been well guaranteed under China’s whole-process people’s democracy, Chinese experts said at a seminar held by Shandong University on Dec. 10.
Li Junru, vice-president of China Society for Human Rights Studies, said the whole-process people’s democracy in China combines electoral democracy with consultative democracy and it covers democratic election, consultation, decision-making, management and supervision.
People can participate extensively in the management of State and social affairs and fully exercise their democratic rights in their daily lives, he said, adding that the will of the people can be reflected in all aspects of the country’s political and social life.
From: China Daily
China stresses policy support to safeguard people’s well-being in 2022: key meeting
China will make sure its social policies well safeguard people’s well-being, according to a statement released on Dec. 10 after a tone-setting economic meeting.
The country will promote both the economic development and the well-being of its people and make basic public services more available, according to the annual Central Economic Work Conference which concluded on Dec. 10 in Beijing.
From: Xinhua
National pension system vital to erasing disparity, ensuring payments
China will reconfigure the national pension fund this year in order to narrow the disparity between provinces and regions and improve the equity of the national pension system.
On Dec. 16, Vice-Premier Han Zheng stressed at a teleconference that introducing a State-level system for the national pension fund was an important central government decision, which will benefit the people and social stability.
From: China Daily
Trade Law draft amendment for new sector workers to be examined
A draft amendment to strengthen protection for people engaged in new forms of business, such as deliverymen and drivers with ride-hailing services, will be reviewed by lawmakers next week, a senior legislator said on Dec. 17.
The draft amendment to the Trade Union Law will be submitted for review to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, the country’s top legislative body, which will begin its session on Dec. 20.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Symposium celebrates nutrition improvement plan
The International Symposium for the 10th Anniversary of the Nutrition Improvement Plan took place in Beijing on Dec. 18, with participation from more than 120 government officials, scholars and representatives of international organizations and enterprises.
Carrying the title “Investing in Child Nutrition for Healthy Future”, the symposium was hosted by the China Development Research Foundation and co-organized by the United Nations World Food Program and covered topics including the achievements of the plan in the past decade, rural revitalization and international experience.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Draft revision of Civil Procedure Law emphasises rights, consent
A draft amendment to the Civil Procedure Law was submitted for a second reading on Dec. 20 at an ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.
The draft amendment was presented for a first reading in October, but the version presented on Dec. 20 aims to further simplify civil procedures while laying emphasis on the rights and consent of the parties involved.
From: Xinhua
Law to comprehensively protect women’s rights
The top legislature of China is reviewing the draft amendment to the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests from Dec. 20 to Dec. 24. The amendment defines “discrimination against women”, strengthens protection of women’s personality rights and interests, and bans any subjugation of women, by nonviolent as well as physical abuse.
The amendment focuses on problems related to women’s rights and interests protection that have become apparent over the past nearly 30 years since the law was last revised.
From: China Daily
Envoy urges fair vaccine distribution
Ensuring ample supplies of COVID-19 vaccines and distributing them fairly is a “pressing” task as the Omicron variant spreads rapidly, said the Chinese ambassador to the United States on Dec. 21.
During an online meeting hosted by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the pandemic, Qin Gang said China is the leading supplier of COVID-19 vaccines to other countries.
From: China Daily
Chinese women’s average life expectancy exceeds 80 years in 2020
The average life expectancy of Chinese women reached 80.88 years in 2020, up from 77.37 years in 2010, according to the National Bureau of Statistics on Dec. 21.
Chinese women’s social status has been raised significantly over the past decade, and their sense of accomplishment, happiness and security has increased dramatically, said an NBS report on the monitoring results of the Outline for the Development of Chinese Women (2011-2020).
From: Xinhua
Report exposes limitations, drawbacks of American democracy
The China Society for Human Rights Studies on Dec. 23 published a report, laying bare the limitations and drawbacks of American democracy.
The American voting democracy centered on elections can hardly sustain democratic politics in a complete sense, and it is far from being an ideal system for modern democracy, the report noted.
From: Xinhua
Spokesperson: China-proposed resolution safeguards rights to peaceful use of sci-tech
The United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Dec. 24 adopted a Chinese-proposed resolution on arms control, which China said safeguards the legitimate rights of all countries to peaceful use of science and technology and participate in international cooperation. 
The resolution titled “Promoting International Cooperation on Peaceful Uses in the Context of International Security” was adopted at the plenary meeting of the 76th session of the UNGA.
From: CGTN
Chinese political advisers discuss strengthening rights of minors
Chinese political advisers on Dec. 24 discussed measures to promote the judicial protection of minors’ rights and interests at a consultation session in Beijing.
The biweekly session was held by the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, China’s top political advisory body.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
Xi emphasizes steps to ensure food security
President Xi Jinping has reiterated the need to stabilize the fundamentals of the agricultural sector and ensure the nation’s food security, saying that China should achieve assessable outcomes in growing more soybeans and other oil crops.
Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, called for more concrete measures and stronger implementation to guarantee stable agricultural production and supply and steady growth in the sector and rural areas.
Xi’s remarks were published on Dec. 26 as the two-day Central Rural Work Conference, which outlined China’s rural development plans for the coming year, was concluded in Beijing.
From: China Daily
Gender equality for women improving, survey says
China has created a better social environment for women’s individual overall development and achieved wider recognition of gender equality in the past decade, said a survey released on Dec. 27.
The Survey on Social Status of Women in China, jointly conducted in 2020 by the All-China Women’s Federation and the National Bureau of Statistics, said that about 97 percent of the 30,000 male and female respondents aged 18 to 64 nationwide agreed that women enjoy a more favorable social environment.
From: China Daily
Readers applaud Xi’s discourses on protection of human rights
A book with extracts from President Xi Jinping’s discourses on respecting and protecting human rights demonstrates how China conducts its people-centered approach to human rights protection with solid actions, officials and experts have said on Dec. 28 at a meeting where Chinese and foreign readers shared their views on the book.
It also provides guidance for a wide range of developing countries to find their own paths toward human rights protection according to their own domestic conditions, they added.

