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On the Value Change of the Right to Education in the Digital Age

2022-05-19 10:28:13Source: CSHRSAuthor: Zhang Yaoyuan
Abstract: The concept of “value” is different from the perspectives of pedagogy and law, but for the right to education, its value analysis should mainly start from the educated themselves rather than the teaching party. Among them, freedom and equity values are the core value of the right to education. From the perspectives of education organization form and education technology development of education model, education right value has undergone a shift from more emphasis on freedom, supplemented by equity to more emphasis on equity, supplemented by freedom. With the advent of the digital age, the subjectivity of the educated is gradually established, and the educated began to share education discourse with the teaching part, education right value began to shift towards the value orientation of equal emphasis on equity and freedom. Among them, the value of education fairness is the bottom line of education that should be adhered to in the digital age, and the value of educational freedom is the call for the development of quality education in the digital age.
Keywords: The Right to Education; Digital Age; Value Change; Educational Equity; Freedom of Education
*About the author: Zhang Yaoyuan, doctoral candidate of the School of Law of Southeast University, and researcher of the Institute of Human Rights (National Human Rights Education and Training Base) of the Southeast University, is mainly engaged in the research on education law, human rights law and constitutional law. E-mail: zyyszu@foxmail.com; Tel: 18024069738; Address: No.14, Juyuan, Southeast University Jiulonghu Campus, Jiangning District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province.
Fund project: National Social Sciences Planning Project “Research on Grassroots Political Stability and Risk Management” (19BZZ048).