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News-Clips (2020. 10-2020. 11)

2021-06-21 00:00:00Source: CSHRS
News-Clips (2020. 10-2020. 11)
October 2020
Xi Jinping says China to donate $10m within 5 years for women’s rights
Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed on Oct. 1 to donate $10 million to UN Women within five years, to accelerate the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.
The Chinese president’s promise came while delivering a speech via video at the High-level Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Beijing’s World Conference on Women.
From: CGTN
China, on behalf of 26 countries, criticizes U.S., other Western countries for violating human rights
Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, made a joint statement at the General Debate of the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly on Oct. 5, on behalf of 26 countries, criticizing the United States and Western countries for violating human rights, calling for the complete and immediate lifting of unilateral sanctions, and expressing grave concern on systematic racial discrimination.
From: Xinhua
Envoy showcases China’s human rights achievements
China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, on Oct.6 showcased his country’s historic achievements on human rights at the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly.
Since the founding of the People’s Republic 71 years ago, the Chinese people have made a great leap forward from standing up to getting rich and becoming strong, and made real achievements in human rights, Zhang told the General Debate of the committee.
From: Xinhua
Nearly 70 countries voice support for China on human rights issues
China’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, on Oct.6 refuted groundless accusations against China on issues related to Xinjiang and Hong Kong by the United States, Germany, Britain and a few other countries.
Nearly 70 countries voiced their support of China’s stance. Pakistan made a joint statement on behalf of 55 countries, opposing interference in China’s internal affairs under the pretext of Hong Kong. Cuba made a joint statement on behalf of 45 countries in support of China’s counter-terrorism and deradicalization measures in Xinjiang. Kuwait also made a joint statement supporting China on behalf of three Arab nations.
From: CGTN
UN envoy hits back at Western smears
CThe Chinese ambassador to the United Nations said on Oct. 6 that the attempt by the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and several other countries to smear China’s human rights record at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee is doomed to fail.
Zhang Jun, China’s permanent representative to the UN, resolutely rebutted the “groundless accusations” the countries made against China and their “wrongful acts of interfering in China’s internal affairs on the excuse of human rights, and provoking confrontation among member states”.
From: China Daily
China shares experience on poverty reduction at UN Human Rights Council Social Forum
The 2020 Social Forum of the UN Human Rights Council focusing on poverty and inequality was held in Geneva, Switzerland on Oct. 8.
Chen Zhigang, Deputy Director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development, delivered a speech online to introduce China’s experience and achievementsin poverty alleviation.
From: en.humanrights.cn
China officially joins COVAX vaccine facility
China has signed an agreement with Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, to officially join the global vaccine initiative known as COVAX, led by the World Health Organization (WHO), Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said on Oct. 9.
Hua said this is an important step China has taken to uphold the concept of a shared community of health for all and to honor its commitment to turn COVID-19 vaccines into a global public good.
From: CGTN
Support given to job seekers high on agenda
China will adopt new pro-employment measures and enhance its support for key groups of job seekers to meet this year’s job creation targets, the State Council’s executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang decided on Oct. 9.
It was agreed at the meeting that since the start of this year, local governments and departments have implemented strong measures to support employment. The surveyed urban unemployment rate has since dropped steadily from its February peak.
From: China Daily 
China’s embassy in Malaysia seeks protection for legitimate rights of detained Chinese sailors
The Chinese Embassy in Malaysia has asked local authorities to protect the legitimate rights and interests of 60 Chinese crew members that Malaysian media reports say were detained along with six fishing vessels by the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) on Saturday, an embassy spokesperson told the Global Times on Oct. 11.
From: CGTN
Human Rights Council elections to be held in UN General Assembly Hall
The elections for the United Nations Human Rights Council will be held in the UN General Assembly (UNGA) Hall on Oct. 13, according to Brenden Varma, spokesman for the UNGA president.
“These are the first elections of the 75th session (of the UNGA), and the first to be held in this manner by the General Assembly,” Varma said on Oct. 12 at the regular briefing.
From: Xinhua
China elected to Human Rights Council for 2021-2023
China on Oct. 13 was elected as a member of the UN Human Rights Council for the term 2021-2023 in the election held at the 75th United Nations General Assembly.
“China expresses heartfelt gratitude to member states for their support and warmly congratulates other elected members,” according to a press release issued by the Chinese mission to the United Nations.
From: Xinhua
Cooperation stressed after UN rights council vote
China’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations on Oct. 13 expressed “heartfelt gratitude to member states for their support” after the country secured a seat for a three-year term on the Human Rights Council in an election during the 75th UN General Assembly.
“China always attaches great importance to the promotion and protection of human rights. Following a path with Chinese characteristics, China has made great achievements in human rights development,” said a statement released by the
delegation, which also extended warm congratulations to other elected members.
From: China Daily
China’s draft law on personal information protection
The draft of the personal information protection law was submitted to the Standing Committee of the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) for first review on Oct. 13.
Comprising eight chapters and 70 articles, the draft covers a broad range of areas surrounding personal information.
From: CGTN
China’s top legislator calls on lawmakers to put people first
China’s top legislator has urged the deputies to the National People’s Congress (NPC) to put the people first, rely on the people, work for the people’s well-being and maintain close contact with them in all respects while performing their duties.
Li Zhanshu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, made the remarks Wednesday at a symposium with 51 NPC deputies,
most of whom come from the grassroots levels, on the sidelines of a legislative session that opened on Oct. 13.
From: Xinhua
China stresses punishment on illegal behavior intended for blackmail
China vows to strengthen the crackdown on illegal behavior intended for blackmail, a problem of great concern to the people, according to new guidelines issued on Oct. 14.
The guidelines, jointly released by the Supreme People’s Court, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security, identify and specify several illegal acts, such as deliberately crashing a car to claim compensation, and their corresponding punishments.
From: CGTN
Tibet achieves “major victory” in poverty relief
There is no so-called forced transfer of labor in the Tibet autonomous region, Qizhala, chairman of the regional government, said on Oct. 15, pointing out that farmers and herdsmen were eager to leave their hometowns to take up vocational training in order to enhance their skills and boost their incomes. 
Speaking at a news conference in Lhasa, the region’s capital, on Tibet’s poverty alleviation work, Qizhala gave the example of Shuanghu county, where herding cattle and sheep used to be the only source of employment.
From: China Daily Global
In historical feat, Tibet eliminates absolute poverty
Southwest China’s Tibet Autonomous Region has accomplished the historical feat of eradicating absolute poverty, according to a press briefing held in the regional capital of Lhasa on Oct. 15.
By the end of 2019, Tibet had lifted 628,000 people out of poverty and delisted 74 county-level areas from the poverty list, said Wu Yingjie, Communist Party of China chief of Tibet, calling the achievement a “major victory.”
From: Xinhua
Job market maintains stability as unemployment drops
The nation’s job market has remained stable with its unemployment rate continuing to fall in past few months, said a senior official of the National Bureau of Statistics at a conference organized by the State Council Information Office on Oct.19.
Liu Aihua, the bureau’s spokesperson, said that in September, the nation’s surveyed unemployment rate in urban areas was 5.4 percent, down 0.2 percentage points from that in August, a remarkable rise from 6.2 percent fall back in February.
From: China Daily
China’s Xinjiang issues report on employment of ethnic groups
Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Oct. 20 issued a report on the employment of ethnic groups in the region.
The report, released by the Xinjiang Development Research Center, concludes that governments at all levels as well as enterprises in Xinjiang, and other provinces and cities have actively helped people of different ethnic minority groups find jobs and fully safeguarded their basic rights such as labor right and the right to development.
From: Xinhua
Ignoring nay-sayers, women can achieve success by self-empowerment
This year, the world celebrates the 25th anniversary of the Women’s Rights Conference in Beijing. Since then, many discussions, forums and all-women events have happened in different countries as the role of women in society grew outside of housework.
On Oct. 24, Beijing hosted the biggest all-women offline event Nu Women Empowerment Summit, intended to create a safe environment for women to share their experiences, struggles, and achievements.
From: CGTN
Ethnic unity, human rights protection in Xinjiang obvious to all:spokesperson
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region’s achievements in economic and social development, poverty alleviation, ethnic unity and harmony, and human rights, and the outcome of counter-terrorism and de-radicalization efforts are there for all to see, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Oct. 26.
Diplomatic envoys posted in China from 20 Arab states and the Arab League toured Xinjiang from Oct. 19 to 22. Spokesperson Zhao Lijian made the remarks at a press briefing while answering a query about the just-concluded visit of Arab envoys to Xinjiang.
From: Xinhua
Xinjiang migrant workers work to pursue happy life, self development:report
The outbound migrant workers in Northwest China’s Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region are all voluntary and have vastly improved the quality of life and enjoyed more development opportunities, according to a report released on Oct. 26.
The report, titled “Investigation Report on the Situation of Xinjiang Outbound Young Migrant Workers of All Ethnic Groups,” was based on a combination of field investigations, questionnaires, and in-depth interviews conducted by a research team of the Human Rights Institute of Southwest University of Political Science & Law.
From: Xinhua
Rural income continues its upward climb, shrinking gap
Rural earnings have been rising steadily in China, and the wealth gap between rural and urban residents is narrowing, Liu Huanxin, vice-minister of agriculture and rural affairs, said on Oct. 27.
“The growth rate for the forth quarter is expected to continue to rise, and rural people will get a stronger sense of gain and happiness as we are nearing the goal of building a moderately prosperous society,” he said at a news conference held by the State Council Information Office.
From: China Daily
Nature loss means deadlier future pandemics, UN warns
Future pandemics will happen more often, kill more people and wreak even worse damage to the global economy than COVID-19 without a fundamental shift in how humans treat nature, the United Nations’ biodiversity panel said on Oct. 29.
Warning that there are up to 850,000 viruses which, like the novel coronavirus, exist in animals and may be able to infect people, the panel known as IPBES said pandemics represented an “existential threat” to humanity.
From: CGTN
China urges U.S. to fulfill obligations under int’l anti-crime conventions
China on Oct. 29 expressed firm opposition to the United States slandering China’s efforts to hunt down fugitives and recover illicit money, urging the U.S. to fulfill its obligations under international anti-crime and anti-corruption conventions.
Wang Wenbin, spokesperson with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, made the comments in response to the U.S. filing charges against eight participants in China’s “Fox Hunt” efforts and arresting five of them.
From: CGTN
November 2020
U.S. has no qualifications or right to pose as “human rights preacher”:FM
The United States has neither the qualifications nor the right to pose as a “human rights preacher”, nor should it become a spreader of political viruses and a disseminator of false information, a Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson said on Nov. 2.
Spokesperson Wang Wenbin made the remarks at a press briefing in response to the U.S. State Department accusing China of violating human rights in areas related to Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong and religious freedom.
From: Xinhua
Xinjiang religious freedom fully guaranteed: report
The Islamic Association of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on Nov. 3 released a report on freedom of religious belief in the northwestern Chinese region.
Recently, some anti-China forces from the United States and some other Western countries have been wantonly spreading fallacies that Xinjiang “restricts freedom of religious belief” and “demolishes mosques by force”, the report said.
From: Xinhua
China donates to UNICEF to tackle severe acute malnutrition in Senegal
China has made a donation worth 1 million U.S. dollars to help the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) assist severely malnourished children in Senegal as part of the response to COVID-19 pandemic, UNICEF Senegal said on Nov. 3 in a press release.
UNICEF’s representative in Senegal Silvia Danailov thanked China for mobilizing aid important to supporting their efforts alongside Senegal, noting that the donation will help improve children’s survival.
From: Xinhua
China to improve quality of people’s lives
China will further improve the quality of people’s lives and the level of social construction, according to the full text of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee’s development proposals released on Nov. 3.
From: Xinhua
US human rights record criticized at UN session
The United States’ human rights record was examined by a working group session of the UN Human Rights Council on Nov. 9, with many countries criticizing the US human rights situation and proposing recommendations to the country.
Representatives of more than 110 countries spoke at the session of the UN Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review Working Group, or UPR. They urged the US to eliminate all kinds of discrimination based on race, religion and gender, combat hate speech and religious intolerance, reform the judiciary, eliminate police violence, change a policy of isolating migrant children from their parents, and protect the right to health of the public during epidemics.
From: China Daily
Report accuses US of double standard
In the name of so-called human rights, religion, ethnicity, democracy and freedom, the United States has been pushing the internationalization of secessionism in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, a report said.
It has also provided support to separatist forces in Taiwan, the Tibet autonomous region and Hong Kong to contain the development of China, which it sees as a “strategic rival”, according to the report published on Nov. 10 by the Institute for Central Asia Studies, part of the Center for National Security Studies at Lanzhou University.
From: China Daily
Law boosting benefits for veterans OK’d
The top legislature passed a law on support for veterans on Nov. 11 that will comprehensively improve benefits for those who have served in the armed forces.
The Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress reviewed the law’s third draft on Nov. 10 and adopted it on Nov. 11. The law will take effect on Jan. 1.
From: China Daily
Chinese peacekeepers donate supplies to South Sudan’s police for COVID-19 fight
The Chinese peacekeepers on Nov. 11 donated materials to help South Sudan’s Central Equatoria regional police boost the fight against COVID-19, the Chinese embassy in South Sudan said.
Chinese UN police (UNPOL) serving in the United Nations mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) also shared best practices and experience in mitigating the pandemic.
From: Xinhua
Local Uygur residents deny “forced labor” allegations in Western media
Members of the Uygur ethnic groups from the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region denied the so-called “slave labor” during a press conference in Urumqi on Nov. 13.
At least seven residents from counties in Hotan Prefecture and Turpan City – some of whom work in factories, – shared their experiences with reporters and spoke up against what they said were baseless claims in foreign media.
From: CGTN
Xi Jinping calls for protecting people’s rights, interests to advance law-based governance
President Xi Jinping has called for a people-centered approach to advance lawbased governance in all fields in China, stressing that people’s rights and interests must be protected.
Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks at a central work conference on law-based governance in all fields in Beijing on Nov. 16 and Nov. 17.
From: CGTN
China boosts employment support to eradicate absolute poverty
China has been bolstering employment support for the poor amid the country’s numerous poverty alleviation efforts.
More than 90 percent of the registered poverty-stricken population have received support in employment or benefited from poverty relief policies through industrial development in rural areas, Li Zhong, vice minister of human resources and social security, told a press conference on Nov. 19.
From: Xinhua
Over 300 million people applied for the digital social security card in China
As of the October 31, 94.9 percent (1.329 billion) of Chinese citizens have already applied for and received the social security card, the country’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said on Nov. 20.
Since the first digital social security card was put into use in April 2018, it has become popular due to its reliability and increasingly rich features. The social service functions in it have been incrementally launched, such as social rights record sheet, pension budget and the exemption of overseas social securities.
From: CGTN
China gives pledge on access for COVID origins probe: WHO
The World Health Organization (WHO) has had assurances from China that an international field trip to investigate the origins of the new coronavirus will be arranged as soon as possible, its top emergency expert said on Nov. 23.
Chinese researchers are carrying out epidemiological studies into early cases and conditions at a seafood market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, where the virus was first identified in the country.
An international team of experts has been formed to carry out phase 2 studies.
From: CGTN
New rules issued for livestream sales upon controversy over quality
China rolled out new restrictions on livestream sales on e-commerce platforms, after several influencers, including “lipstick king” Li Jiqai, face public backlash over the quality of the products and services.
According to the new rules issued by the National Radio and Television Administration on Nov. 23, the e-commerce platforms should verify qualifications of retailers who are going to launch livestreams sales. All the certifications should be well reserved for inspections.
From: CGTN
Say NO to violence against women and girls
Violence against women and girls is an egregious violation of fundamental human rights, and it continues to be one of the most persistent development challenges globally. Nov. 25 marks the commencement of 16 Days of Activism to End GenderBased Violence, a global campaign that runs through Dec. 10. On the occasion, Smriti Aryal, Head of the Office for UN Women China, calls for greater commitment and actions and joint efforts to create a safe and dignified world for all women and girls in China and the rest of the world.
From: CGTN
Standards issued for collection, usage of facial information
A new standard on applications’ collection and usage of personal information was published and started to take effect on Nov. 26, requiring that all must follow the principle of “minimization and necessity”.
The standard was part of a rule published by the Telecommunication Terminal Industry Forum Association (TAF), targeting a widely-concerned issue: the protection of private information in the digital era.
From: CGTN
UN chief calls for greater inclusion of persons with disabilities in society
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Nov. 30 called for greater inclusion of persons with disabilities in society, including in COVID-19 response and recovery.
The UN chief was addressing countries that are parties to the 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which he stressed can only be fully implemented by tackling the obstacles, injustices and discrimination that this population experiences.
From: Xinhua
China has near zero HIV cases from blood transfusion in last 5 years
China’s National Health Commission said on Nov. 30 that nearly zero cases of HIV caused by blood transfusion were reported during the country’s 13th Five Year Plan period (2016-2020) while a significant drop has been seen in infections transmitted via other routes, such as mother-to-fetus transmission and drug injections.
From: CGTN
UN: COVID-19 pandemic has amplified human rights abuses on nearly 40 million people
The COVID-19 pandemic has amplified the risk of violence, discrimination and rights abuses on nearly 40 million people internally displaced or affected by conflict around the world, various international agencies said on Nov. 30.
A new report released by the UNHCR, Norwegian Refugee Council and the UN Refugee Agency-led Global Protection Cluster (GPC) noted that some of the people hardest hit by the pandemic were those with no access to protection services.
From: CGTN
