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Webinar on poverty alleviation and human rights protection held

2020-09-23 15:44:16Author: Zhou Tianyu,en.humanrights.cn
During the 45th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, China’s Permanent Mission to Geneva and the China Society for Human Rights Studies jointly held a webinar Monday to introduce China’s latest poverty alleviation efforts.
Sanchita, deputy delegate of Bangladesh’s Permanent Mission to Geneva, said that the spread of the novel coronavirus compounds poverty alleviation across the world. Under the severe circumstances, the international cooperation mechanism is crucial for fighting epidemic and lifting people out of poverty. To help people get rid of poverty, we still face a lot of challenges which call for closer cooperation between governments, international organizations and media to maintain the hard-earned outcomes of poverty alleviation and protect human rights. 
Yan Qing, associate professor at the School of Journalism& Communication, Jinan University, said that communication has a role to play in helping people shake off poverty. Thanks to its good interactivity, social media is instrumental in cutting poverty and human rights protection.
Yang Fuqiang, associate researcher of the Institute of Sociology, Xinjiang Academy of Social Sciences, pointed out that Xinjiang’s achievements in poverty alleviation show the advantage of China’s socialist system which can pool strengths to deal with key undertakings.
The video conference was organized by Jinan University. Officials from Permanent Missions of Malaysia, Iran, Syria and Venezuela to Geneva and representatives from the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and NGOs also joined the webinar.