Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies

Summary of the Seminar on “70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Path, Practice and Theory”

2019-10-22 00:00:00Source: CSHRS

Summary of the Seminar on “70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Path, Practice and Theory”


WEI Xiaoxu*


Abstract: The seminar “70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Path, Practice and Theory”, sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Publicity Department of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and organized by Human Rights Research Center of Jilin University, was held at Jilin University on May 9, 2019. More than 100 officials, experts and scholars from state organs, universities and research institutions attended the seminar. The seminar focused on the historical development experience of the cause of human rights in China over the past seven decades since the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), as well as China’s human rights practices and theories and the promotion of human rights diplomacy and China’s right to speak on international human rights. The seminar was conducive to further understanding the development progress of human rights in the People’s Republic of China, building consensus on human rights, and promoting the integrity and innovation of theoretical research on human rights.


Keywords: PRC; human rights road; human rights practices; human rights theories; review


The seminar “70 Years of Human Rights in the PRC: Path, Practice and Theory”, sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the Publicity Department of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee and organized by Human Rights Research Center of Jilin University, Jilin University School of Law and Jilin University Center for Jurisprudence Research, was held at Jilin University on May 9, 2019. More than 100 officials, experts and scholars from state organs, universities and research institutions attended the seminar. The opening ceremony was presided over by Lu Guangjin, Secretary-General of the China Society for Human Rights Studies. Qiangba Puncog, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the 12th National People’s Congress and president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, Wang Xiaoping, member of the Standing Committee of the Jilin Provincial Party Committee and head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Jilin Provincial Committee, Yang Zhenbin, Party secretary of Jilin University and director of the Human Rights Research Center of Jilin University, addressed the opening ceremony.


In his speech, Qiangba Puncog introduced the historical context and current achievements of China’s human rights development and international exchanges and cooperation and expressed his hopes for further research on human rights. He pointed out that human rights research should be guided by the General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important treatises on human rights. Research on human rights should be made within the historical framework and be based on Chinese civilization and rooted in Chinese history, and the Chinese human rights theories and practices should be studied in a continuous timeline. Research on human rights requires broad and extensive theoretical thinking. Researchers should attach importance to new explorations on the basis of existing research results, broaden their thinking and promote human rights research from a multidisciplinary perspective, establish an academic system and scientific system of human rights in China, and enhance China’s right to speak. Research on human rights cannot be separated from a global perspective. Faced with the marginalization of China and other developing countries in terms of their on human rights discourse, it is important that China uphold openness, inclusiveness, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, take a long-term perspective and enhance theoretical confidence. Researchers on human rights in the new era should stand at the forefront of the times, persist in theoretical innovation and make greater contributions.


I. 70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Beautiful Dream and Great Journey


The first topic for discussion was “70 Years of Human Rights in People’s Republic of China: a Beautiful Dream and a Great Journey”, chaired by Shen Yongxiang, vice president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the former ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Xu Xianming, member of the NPC Standing Committee, vice chairman of the NPC Supervisory and Judicial Affairs Committee and vice president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, Li Junru, vice president of the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the former vice president of the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC, Zhang Wenxian, member of the leading Party group of the China Law Society, director of the Academic Committee and senior professor of Jilin University School of Philosophy and Sociology, Li Buyun, honorary committee member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences , and Liu Hainian, honorary committee member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences delivered speeches respectively.


Xu Xianming reviewed the start of human rights in People’s Republic of China 70 years ago and said that the Chinese people have successfully overcone the “Five Mountains”, of poverty, illness, ignorance, war, and separation, that weighed on human rights in China. Nowadays, China has made Historic Progress in those five areas, and embarked on their own path of human rights. Li Buyun stressed that there had been misunderstandings in the understanding of human rights, and people had different views on what human rights are and who could enjoy them, which led to many wrong steps being taken, but China does not ignore human rights, it emphasizes the protection of the human rights of the majority, which is different from the human rights concept of the West, which is on those of the individual.


Li Junru pointed out with the title of “Historic Progress” that People’s Republic of China has taken three historic strides and made historic achievements in the field of human rights over the past 70 years: The founding of the People’s Republic of China brought about the first great liberation and great leap forward in human rights; the Chinese people have worked hard to get rich and achieved the second great leap forward in human rights in the course of reform and opening-up. The new era has ushered in the third great liberation and leap forward in human rights. The unity of the leadership of the Communist Party of China and the development of human rights in China is the most fundamental human rights experience. Liu Hainian indicated that under the leadership of the first generation of leaders represented by Mao Zedong, the People’s Republic of China has achieved national independence and construction of the state, which is the biggest and most important human right that the Chinese people have gained. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978, the second generation of leadership with Deng Xaoping at its core led China to carry out reform and opening-up to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, opening up a new path for development; The leading group with Jiang Zemin as the core realized the further liberation of human rights and promoted the theoretical construction of human rights; The leading group with Hu jintao at the core clearly defined human rights and the rule of law as the important principles of governance, put forward the people-oriented concept of comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development and the proposition of a harmonious society and a harmonious world. After the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, President Xi Jinping established the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, proposed that realizing people’s aspirations for a better life is our goal, and initiated the “Four Comprehensives” strategy, which has vigorously promoted the progress of human rights in China.


Through the analysis of the theories and practices of human rights, Zhang Wenxian put forward six theoretical propositions concerning human rights jurisprudence: First, the profound change in the major social contradiction has promoted human rights jurisprudence of the new era. Second, the contradiction between the people’s growing demands for human rights and the unbalanced and inadequate development of the human rights cause is a prominent manifestation of the major social contradiction in the field of human rights in the new era. Third, the right to a better life leads to a new generation of human rights. Fourth, the organic unity of the comprehensive development for the people and the comprehensive progress in society is the scientific connotation of the right to development in the new era. Fifth, the globalization of human rights means the building of a community with a shared future for human beings. Sixth, from the belief in human rights to the jurisprudence of human rights, it is the epochal logic of establishing a system gives China a voice in the international discourse on human rights.


II. 70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Achievements Displayed and Multidimensional Observations


The second topic for the symposium was “70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Achievements Displayed and Multidimensional Observations”, chaired by Professor Zhang Yonghe, executive director of the Human Rights Research Institute of Southwest University of Political Science and Law.


Li Fujun, deputy director of the Policy and Law Division of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development made presentation entitled “Large-scale Poverty Alleviation and Progress in Human Rights”, proposed that the significance of the right to subsistence and poverty elimination and the high attention paid to them by the Party and the state determine the specific level of the development of the human rights cause in China. China’s fight against poverty will not only help to achieve its domestic goals, but also further contribute to the world’s human rights cause. Mi Feng, deputy director of the Press and Publicity Department of the National Health Commission, focusing on “Contributing to Global Health”, introduced China’s contribution to global health from three aspects, pointing out that the medical and healthcare system with Chinese characteristics has become a model for developing countries, the development of Chinese medical sciences has benefited people worldwide, and China actively participates in global health governance. Li Xiao, deputy inspector and senior judge of the Research Office of the Supreme People’s Court, introduced the embodiment of China’s substantive progress in human rights in the judicial system. Chen Shiqiu, a member of the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the former ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, pointed out that human rights diplomacy is an important part of President Xi Jinping’s diplomatic thinking. China’s well-tested diplomacy on human rights has ushered in a new era of global human rights governance and set a good example for the whole world.


Zheng Chengliang, senior professor of humanities and social science at Shanghai Jiao Tong University and chairman of Koguan School of Law Academic Committee, spoke on the “Natural Logical Starting Point of the Ought-to-be Rights”, and analyzed the three-stage development of China’s human rights theory from the perspective of theoretical jurisprudence, and proposed that in the view of modern human rights, the theory of innate human rights is more suitable to explain the il faut que (its got to be) of human rights. “Innate” has no religious meaning but refers to “be born with”. Lin Wei, vice president of the University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and vice president of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, took “The Protection of Human Rights in Contemporary Chinese Criminal Law and Its Reflection”as his theme, saying that the scope of the legal interests protected by the Criminal Law is expanding and the rights guarantee has been perfected, the analogy system has been abolished and the principle of nulla poena sine lege (no penalty without a law) has been established. Efforts are being made to limit, reduce and exercise discretion in the use of the death penalty, and the penalty structure as a whole is more inclined to lenient treatment, thus the humanization of the Criminal Law has been strengthened. The specific provisions of the Criminal Law embody the concept of opposing torture and protecting human rights; and protect the rights of special groups in society. Sun Shiyan, professor at the Institute of International Law of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and director of Research Office of International Human Rights Law, starting with the issue of why there are no Chinese task undertakers in the UN special procedures on human rights, considered that so far, the main reason why no Chinese has served as the undertaker in the UN special procedures on human rights lies not in Chinese nationality, but in applicants with Chinese nationality being unqualified. Therefore, we should attach importance to personnel training.


Wang Qingfeng, vice president of the School of Philosophy and Sociology and professor of the Human Rights Research Center of Jilin University, with the topic of “Four Ideas about Human Rights”, studied human rights from multiple philosophical propositions and pointed out that people are value subjects rather than tools, and the essence of human rights is regarding people with dignity. Rights entail obligations and the goal of freedom in an individual’s private life must be balanced with the goal of justice in public life. Liu Cheng, chair of UNESCO Peace Studies and director of Nanjing University Peace Studies Institute, whose topic was “Reflection on the Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings from the Perspective of Peace Studies”, pointed out that despite the crisis of globalization, building a community with a shared future for human beings offers a great opportunity. The road to peace is a multilayered process involving understanding, tolerance, acceptance, cherishing and participation, and human rights are an important part of Peace Studies, which should be paid great attention to. Professor Wang Da from the Economics School and the Human Rights Research Center of Jilin University, analysed the progress of China’s human rights cause from the perspective of economics, introduced the status quo of China’s right to subsistence and the right to development, poverty alleviation and emissions reduction, and its Gini coefficient, and made comparisons with the changes in poverty rates and gender discrimination in different countries based on detailed data and charts, and introduced the Chinese public’s awareness of human rights issues.


III. 70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Practical Development and Theoretical Exploration


The third topic for the symposium was “70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Practical Development and Theoretical Exploration”. It consisted of four sections chaired by Professor Zhou Wei, director of the Human Rights Research Center of Sichuan University.


A. Section 1: development of human rights and approaches to theoretical innovation


In this section, Chen Shengli, deputy director of the National Public Culture Development Center in Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Jia Yujiao, professor of Jilin University School of Philosophy and Sociology, Yang Chunfu, professor of Hohai University School of Law, Zhang Guobin, excetive member of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, Liu Xiaonan, professor of China University of Political Science and Law Institute for Human Rights, Professor Xu Yuzhen, vice president of the College of Public Administration at Jilin University, and Yu Jun, professor of College of Public Administration in Jilin University, delivered speeches respectively.


Starting from the specific categories and fields of human rights, Chen Shengli focused on “Accelerating the Construction of Modern Public Cultural Service System and Guaranteeing the Cultural Rights of the People” to detail the following four aspects: Attaching great importance to protecting the cultural rights of the people; establishing and improving the safeguard mechanism for public cultural services; promoting supply-side reform to improve service quality; and implementing cultural projects to benefit the people and promote the organic integration of public services and modern science and technology. With the title of “Progress from the Right to Subsistence to the Right to Development — based on the Analysis of China’s Anti-poverty Practice and Future Trend”, Jia Yujiao reviewed China’s anti-poverty achievements since the launch of reform and opening-up, sorted out the anti-poverty course during the 40 years of reform and opening-up, and forecast the future trend of anti-poverty. Yang Chunfu, with the topic “The Logical Mechanism of the Theoretical Innovation of Human Rights with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era”, analyzed the logical mechanism required in the theoretical innovation of human rights with Chinese characteristics in the new era from the perspectives of the motivation, principles, requirements, methods and guarantees for theoretical innovation of human rights. Zhang Guobin, focusing on “Making International Exchanges and Cooperation and Building Human Rights Development Community”, expounded on the connotations of human rights from the perspective of diplomacy, and emphasized that human rights diplomacy is so important that the international exchanges and cooperation should be strengthened to promote the building of human rights development community through diplomatic efforts, especially the exchanges of think-tanks and civil society organizations.


In terms of equality and non-discrimination, Liu Xiaonan, taking “Equality and Non-discriminatory International Standards, Overseas Experience and Chinese Practice” as the topic, introduced China’s achievements in eliminating discrimination as well as the related mechanism and legal system construction, and meanwhile expounded that China has been exploring the mechanism and measures to promote equality and eliminate discrimination. In particular, it has made a lot of progress in terms of safeguarding gender equality. With the topic “The Development of the Concept, System and Practice of Prohibiting Discrimination in PRC”, Li Zijin summarized the development of the concept of prohibiting discrimination in PRC, and introduced the devlopment trends for the concept, system and practice of prohibiting discrimination in PRC.


From the perspective of Public Administration and government governance, Xu Yuzhen, who took “Safeguard Rights of Decision-makers in Major Administrative Decisions” as the topic, put forward the close relationship between the responsibility of administrative decision-makers and the protection of human rights, and analyzed the forms and causes of being lazy and neglectful in local government decision-making. With the title of “Digital Government Governance and the Protection of Citizens’ Right to Political Participation”, Yu Junbo introduced the relationship between digital governance and citizens’ right to political participation from the practical cases of the EU and China. Through big data analysis, Xu revealed the influence of digital governance on political participation, and the pitfalls and challenges of digital participation.


B. Section 2: practice and theory of safeguarding human rights under the rule of law in China


In this section, Wang Hongyu, deputy division director of the No. 2 Research Office of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the NPC Standing Committee; Hu Zhenyi, division director of the Bureau of Law Popularization and Law-based Governance of the Ministry of Justice of the PRC; Professor Min Chunlei of Jilin University School of Law and the Human Rights Research Center; Cao Xianfeng, deputy director of Jilin University School of Law and rofessor of the Human Rights Research Center; Professor Chen Youwu, executive director of the Human Rights Research Institute of Guangzhou University, successively delivered speeches.


In terms of the progress in the practice of the Rule of Law of human rights, Wang Hongyu entitled his speech “New Progress in the Legislation of Human Rights Protection in China since the 18th CPC National Congress”, and pointed out that the political, economic, social, cultural and such rights of Chinese citizens have been confirmed and guaranteed in law. The strengthening and improvement of the legislation on human rights protection by the NPC and its Standing Committee are mainly reflected in the rights to subsistence, the right to development, economic, social and cultural rights, political and civil rights, as well as the judicial guarantee system for human rights, and the protection of the rights and interests of women, children, the elderly and the disabled. Hu Zhenyi, with the title of “Thoroughly Carrying Out Popularization of the Law to Enhance the Awareness of Human Rights in the Whole Society”, showed clearly that popularizing the law should focus on the study and publicity of the Constitution and the in-depth study and publicity of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics; and an accountability system for popularizing the laws and regulations should be established.


As for the theoretical exploration of the rule of law on human rights, Min Chunlei focused on the “Development and Outlook of Human Rights Protection in Criminal Procedure Law of the PRC” to state clearly that the nature of Criminal Procedure Law determines that the protection of human rights of the prosecuted is the eternal theme of the Criminal Procedure Law, to avoid the abuse of public power and ensure the protection of human rights for every citizen. China’s Criminal Procedure Law is paying more and more attention to the respect and protection of human rights. Cao Xianfeng started from the provisions on personality rights in the draft Civil Code and the three types of protection of personality rights in China, pointing out that personality rights is an important aspect of human rights, and with the adoption of the Civil Code, the protection of human rights will move to a new height. Chen Youwu, with the topic of “Strengthen the Safeguard of Rule of Law on Human Rights: Basic Consensus on the 70-Year Development and Progress of the Cause of Human Rights in the PRC”, reviewed the course of the legal guarantee for human rights, divided the legal protection of human rights in China into stages, and pointed out that strengthening the legal protection of human rights will lead to the future development of the human rights cause and the legal cause in the PRC.


C. Section 3: protection of specific groups’ human rights and new types of rights


In this section, Professor Li Erping of the Kunming University Of Science and Technology, Professor Li Hongbo of China University of Political Science and Law and the Human Rights Research Center of the China Foreign Affairs University, Zhang Di, director of the Liaison Department of the All-China Women’s Federation, Zhang Xiaoling, of the Department of Teaching and Research on Politics and Law of the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC (National Academy of Governance), Shao Chunbao, former vice secretary of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) of the State Council , former Chief of the SASAC Supervision Bureau, and former head of Discipline Inspection Group of China Telecom, and Wang Xiumei, professor of Northwestern University Law School, delivered speeches.


Based on the title “Little Buddhas and Nine-year Compulsory Education”, Li Erping introduced the compatibility between the nine-year compulsory education and religious education received by Little Buddhas. He believed that the nine-year compulsory education received by Little Buddhas has a legal basis, which is not in conflict with the inheritance of Tibetan Buddhism and is conducive to the promotion of the ethnic religious culture. Li Hongbo believes that with regard to the issue of the right to environment, China has always been striving to promote domestic environmental protection. In traditional Chinese culture, the concept of harmony between man and nature is highly compatible with environmental rights. China should give full play to its advantages and promote an environmental community with a shared future for human beings through the protection of environmental rights.


In terms of women’s rights, Zhang Di, with the topic of “Protecting Women’s Human Rights and Promoting Comprehensive Development”, said that in the 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the legal framework for the protection of women’s rights has been constantly improved, the cause of women’s rights has developed steadily, and various action plans and special plans have been actively implemented, but there is still room for improvement in the protection of women’s rights. Zhang Xiaoling analyzed the achievements and challenges in the protection of women’s rights in the People’s Republic of China over the past 70 years and believed that it is an important task for China to further promote the level of women’s political participation.


As for human rights in cyberspace, Shao Chunbao, with the title of “Characteristics, Achievements and Trends of China’s Cyber Human Rights”, analyzed the development of cyber human rights in China and pointed out that in the convergence and integration of the real world and the digital world, the cyber human rights cause adapts to the development of cyber construction, with distinctive features, great highlights and broad prospects. Wang Xiumei, with the title of “On Rules for Safeguarding Human Rights in Cyberspace - based on Tallinn Handbook 2.0”, introduced the rules for the protection of human rights in cyberspace and the most concerned human rights issues in cyber-space and their main controversial points in the practice of various countries.


D. Section 4: theoretical interpretation of the road of human rights in the past 70 years of the PRC


In this section, Li Yunlong, professor at the International Strategic Research Institute of the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC (National Academy of Governance), Xian Kailin, former executive director and professor of the Human Rights Research and Education Center of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Tang Yingxia, deputy director of the Human Rights Research Center of Nankai University and associate professor of the Law School, successively delivered speeches.


Professor Li Yunlong pointed out that the basic characteristics of the development of human rights in contemporary China are based on socialism, and the historical premise is the new concept of equality shaped by the People’s Republic of China, and the emphasis is on the protection of economic and social rights. With the title of “On People’s Right to a Better Life and Happiness”, Xian Kailin pointed out that when people’s pursuit of a happy life is combined with specific human rights practices, the former will be transformed from due human rights to real human rights, and real happiness should be able to truly benefit the people. Centered on “The Historical Conditions and Experience Summary of China’s Human Rights Development Path since the Founding of the PRC”, Tang Yingxia introduced the human rights achievements of the past 70 years from the aspects of ideological liberation, law guarantee, policy guarantee and the substantial improvement of actual rights.


IV. 70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Diplomatic Expression and China’s Voice


The fourth topic for the conference was “70 Years of the PRC’s Human Rights: Diplomatic Expression and China’s Voice”, consisting of three sections, chaired by Lu Zhi’an, executive deputy director of the Human Rights Research Center and associate professor of the Law School of Fudan University.


A. Section 1: enhancing the voice of human rights diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in international human rights


In this section, Li Yi, first secretary of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Luo Yanhua, professor of the School of International Relations of Peking University, Ni Siyi, deputy director of the Editor-in-chief Office of Xinhua News Agency, Chang Jian, director of the Human Rights Research Center of Nankai University and professor of School of Zhou Enlai Government Management of Nankai University, delivered speeches.


In the theoretical exploration of China’s concept of human rights diplomacy, Li Yi focused on “Being deeply involved in the Global Governance of Human Rights, promoting Building a Community with a Shared Future for Human Beings”, introduced the international exchanges and cooperation on human rights, pointed out that the current deficit of human rights is serious, and that there is still a long way to go to realize human rights. China should strengthen the theoretical construction of human rights, keep developing China’s outlook of human rights, promote international cooperation and security, safeguard international fairness and justice, promote and protect human rights in the process of development, and emphasize the right to subsistence and the right to development. Luo Yanhua introduced the various stages of China’s participation in international human rights affairs before and after the launch of reform and opening-up, proposing that China’s contribution to the international human rights system is mainly reflected in the initiation of international human rights rules and mechanisms, the inclusion of international human rights voice system, and the establishment of high-end platforms for developing countries’ exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights.


In the fight for China’s voice on human rights to be heard, Ni Siyi focused on “Realization and Improvement of China’s Voice on Human Rights”, proposed that China’s stronger voice originates from the elevation of its national power, the international community’s wide recognition of China’s path and concept, the institutional construction and effective overseas publicity of China’s voice on human rights, so we should do well in the work related to public opinions and media in the process of human rights development. Chang Jian summarized the impact of China’s advocacy of human rights on the international community with the title of “A Study on the World Influence of China’s Human Rights Advocacy”.


B. Section 2: the human rights implications of building a community with a shared future for human beings and the belt and road initiative


In this section, Xu Yawen, professor at the School of Law and secretary general of the Human Rights Research Institute of Wuhan University, Meng Qingtao, associate professor of Human Rights Research Institute of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and Liu Hongchun, associate professor of Human Rights Law Research Center of Yunnan University School of Law, gave speeches.


On the topic of “The Belt and Road Initiative and the Strategy Analysis of Chinese Enterprises Undertaking Human Rights Responsibility”, Xu Yawen held that the government should formulate and implement relevant laws and policies, work out guidelines, business and human rights action plans, and establish a regulatory system. Companies should incorporate the principle of respecting human rights into their corporate governance, take the initiative to issue human rights accountability reports, and strengthen their dialogue and cooperation. With the title of “The Contribution of the Community with a Shared Future for Humanity in the Global Human Rights in Cause”, Meng Qingtao proposed that the community with a shared future for human beings breaks the theoretical framework of the traditional Western paradigm, breaks the operational logic of the imperialist concept of universality, and advocates the principle of extensive consultation, sharing and co-construction. Liu Hongchun whose topic was “Perfect Humanitarian Aid to Help Building a Community of Account-ability”, taking the operations of an UK NGO HPA (formerly named UKaid) and the Women’s and Children’s Development Centre in Ruili, Yunnan Province as examples, introduced the specific situation of the humanitarian aid, and pointed out all these can be used as reference for better humanitarian assistance.


C. Section 3: comparison and mutual learning of human rights development between China and foreign countries


In this section, Zhu Yuan, commentator and senior editor of the Comment Department of China Daily, Zhu Ying, associate professor and vice President of the Human Rights Research Institute of Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and associate researcher Wang Longwen of the School of International Relations of Sichuan University and the Collaborative Innovation Center for Security and Development of Western China Border Areas, gave speeches.


Zhu Yuan held that the legal basis for Americans to carry guns is no longer solid, and the interests behind the guns cause difficulties in management, ultimately harming the safety and violating the human rights of American citizens. Zhu Ying analyzed and compared the Chinese and Western humanitarian approaches from the perspectives of Chinese humanitarian approaches, Western humanitarian value system, and the universality of human rights. Wang Jiangwen believed that the American research paradigm of Chinese studies on Chinese ontology shows a pattern of “multiple integration”, involving the integration of various fields, disciplines and values. Therefore, we should actively respond andchange the research mode and make predictions for US studies.


V. Seminar Conclusion


The Closing Ceremony was presided over by Zhou Chunguo, Party secretary of School of Law at Jilin University. Professor He Zhipeng, executive director of Human Rights Research Center of Jilin University and Deputy head of the School of Law, made an academic summary. He pointed out that human rights research should attach importance to theory, which should be a systematic explanation. “Explanation” means that the theory is a subjective discourse expression, and “systematic” means that the theory needs interlocking argumentation. Theoretical research has its significance as long as it is reasonable and justified. Theoretical research should avoid one-sided consensus without room for any argumentation but be made more systematically and meticulously. Theoretical exploration is required to seek innovation, to have new breakthroughs. Although it is important to conduct research in traditional fields, it is often refreshing to study issues from new perspectives and directions, and new inspirations can be obtained, and new achievements can be achieved on this basis.


Lu Guangjin, Secretary-General of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, delivered closing remarks. He summed up four impressions of the conference: first, active participation, the number of participants and the number of papers included in the conference set a record. Second, there are a wide range of topics, both traditional and emerging. Third, it is honest and innovative to view human rights issues in China and the world based on the correct human rights view and position, which is conducive to expanding the international influence of China’s voice. Fourth, it is well-organised and the efforts made by Jilin University as the organizer are impressive. He put forward four points: First, China’s human rights research is in the ascendancy. In the past 30 years, it has been continuously developing, accumulating and building consensus, so that the current theoretical research achievements and talent pools could be obtained. Second, there is still a long way to go in the research on human rights, we should bear a sense of responsibility and demonstrate spirit of perseverance. Third, the research on human rights should focus on the right to speak and the right to heard, actively expresing China’s human rights concepts, theories and achievements through different channels and on different occasions. Fourth, there is much to be done in the research on human rights. Researchers need to contribute to the progress of China’s cause of human rights. The China Society for Human Rights Studies will further support the development of China’s human rights cause and theoretical research on human rights.


(Translated by XU Chao)


* WEI Xiaoxu ( 魏晓旭 ), Doctoral Candidate Candidate, School of Law of Jilin University.

