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Regulations of China Society for Human Rights Studies

2018-03-22 15:20:07Source: en.humanrights.cn
Regulations of China Society for Human Rights Studies
Chapter One General Principles
Article 1
The name of the organization is China Society for Human Rights Studies or CSHRS.
Article 2 
CSHRS is a national academic and non-profit social organization with the status of a legal entity. It is a voluntary group consisting of human rights experts,scholars, practical workers and relevant personnel.
Article 3
The purposes of CSHRS is to study the theories, history and status quo of human rights, explore the development of human rights theories and practice, publicize human rights knowledge, strengthen international exchanges and promote the development of human rights causes both in China and around the world.
Article 4
CSHRS shall observe the Constitution, state laws, regulations and social ethics. It shall conduct its activities in accordance with the Regulation on Registration and Administration of Social Organizations.
Article 5
CSHRS shall receive guidance and supervision from the State Council Information Office and the Civil Affairs Ministry.
Article 6
CSHRS bases its headquarters in Beijing.
Chapter Two Operation Scope 
Article 7
The operation scope of CSHRS covers:
(1)Organizing members to conduct human rights studies, writing and publishing human rights materials;
(2)Organizing seminars and discussions, training and publicity on human rights issues;
(3)Conducting researches and surveys related to human rights to provide proposals for human rights policies in China;
(4)Establishing relations with foreign human rights organizations for international dialogue, exchanges and cooperation, and participating relevant activities held by the United Nations and other international conferences. 
Chapter Three Members
Article 8
Any group or individual who agrees to and is willing to fulfill this Regulation may join CSHRS.
Article 9
The requirements for membership are as follows:
(1)Observing the Constitution, state laws and regulations;
(2)Upholding the Regulation of CSHRS;
(3)Voluntarily applying to join CSHRS;
(4)Being aspired to undertake human rights studies
Article 10
The admission procedures for members are as follows:
(1)The candidate shall submit an application form;
(2)The application must be approved at the Secretary-General Working Conference;
(3)A membership card is granted after the application is approved.
Article 11
The members shall enjoy the following rights:
(1)To participate in activities organized by CSHRS;
(2)To access to the information, materials and studies provided by CSHRS;
(3)To provide suggestions to and supervise the work of CSHRS;
(4)To voluntarily join and freely withdraw from CSHRS.
Article 12
The members shall perform the following obligations:
(1)To observe the Regulation and other resolutions made by CSHRS;
(2)To take part in the work and activities of CSHRS and protect its legal rights;
(3)To undertake the research tasks and work assigned by CSHRS;
(4)To provide relevant materials to CSHRS;
(5)To pay the membership fees.
Article 13
If a member withdraws his or her membership, he or she shall inform CSHRS and return the membership card.
Article 14
If a member seriously violates the Regulation, his or her membership will be ceased by the Secretary-General Working Conference authorised by the Standing Council.
Chapter Four Organizations and Organs
Article 15
The highest power body of CSHRS is the National Council comprised of all the members. The National Council shall be elected every five years. In case of exceptional circumstance, the National Council election can be postponed or held in advance after a decision is made by the Standing Council. The National Council shall execute powers as follows:
(1)To examine and approve the Regulation and its amendments of CSHRS;
(2)To elect the Standing Council;
(3)To elect president, vice president, secretary-general and vice secretary-general;
(4)To examine and approve the working report of CSHRS;
(5)To decide other major issues.
Article 16
The National Council shall be held with the presence of two-thirds of the directors, and no resolution shall be approved without more than half of affirmative votes by present directors. 
Article 17
The National Council shall be held once a year in principle. In case of exceptional circumstance, it can be held by means of communication.
Article 18
CSHRS establishes the Standing Council, elected every five years by the National Council. When the National Council is not in session, the Standing Council executes powers of the council and will be responsible for the council. The Standing Council shall execute the following powers:
(1)To decide working plans of CSHRS;
(2)To implement the decisions of the National Council;
(3)To decide to establish Honorary President, Special Advisor, Consultants and other honorary positions;
(4)To discuss and decide other relevant issues. 
Article 19
CSHRS establishes several Standing Council Units. In case that the directors recommended by Standing Council Units cannot take the position because of work change or other reasons, the unit shall recommend another candidates and report to the Secretary-General Working Conference for approval.
Article 20
The Standing Council shall be held at least once a year with the presence of half of the standing directors. No resolution shall be approved without more than half of affirmative votes by present standing directors.
Article 21
The term of president, vice-president, secretary-general and vice secretary-general is five years and they can be re-elected and serve for no more than two consecutive terms. The extended terms shall be approved with more than half of affirmative votes by members of the Standing Council and its relevant procedures shall be followed in accordance with relevant regulations.
Article 22
The president, vice-president, secretary-general and vice secretary-general shall meet the following requirements:
(1)Observing the Constitution, state laws and regulations;
(2)Having great influence in the fields relevant to the operation of CSHRS;
(3)The maximum official age shall be not older than 70 years old. Those older than 70 shall be approved with more than half of affirmative votes by members of the Standing Council and its relevant procedures shall be followed in accordance with relevant regulations.
(4)Being healthy and able to work normally;
(5)Having full capacity for civil acts.
Article 23
The powers of the president are as follows:
(1)To preside over the National Council and Standing Council meetings;
(2)To examine the implementation of resolutions made by the National Council and the Standing Council;
(3)To carry out activities on behalf of CSHRS.
Article 24
The Secretary-General Working Conference is the executive organ of CSHRS. Its functions are as follows:
(1)To Study and research the annual working plan for CSHRS;
(2)To discuss matters of recruiting new members;
(3)To discuss the issues submitted by the Secretary-General that fall within the scope of the Secretary-General Working Conference.
Article 25
CSHRS shall set up an office as an administrative and coordination body chaired by the Secretary-General. The Secretary-General of CSHRS shall execute the following powers:
(1)To undertake routine tasks and implement the annual working plan;
(2)To decide the employment of full-time workers in the office.
Article 26
The Secretary-General shall be the legal representative of CSHRS and cannot serve at the same time as the legal representative of other groups.
Chapter Five Asset Management and Use Principles
Article 27
The financial sources of CSHRS consist of:
(1)Membership fees;
(2)Social support including donations from domestic and foreign individuals, foundations and non-governmental organizations;
(3)Other legal funds.
Article 28
CSHRS implements a strict financial management system, and all the accounting information is legal, authentic, accurate and complete.
Article 29
The asset management implemented by CSHRS conforms to the national financial management system and receives supervision from the National Council and fiscal departments. 
Article 30
Any unit or individual shall not be allowed to embezzle, divide privately or misappropriate the assets of CSHRS.
Article 31
The salary, insurances and welfares of full-time workers at CSHRS shall be dealt with in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies in the country.
Chapter Six Amendment Procedures of the Regulation
Article 32
The amendments to the Regulation shall be approved by the National Council of CSHRS.
Article 33
The amendments to the Regulation passed by the National Council of CSHRS shall take effect after approval of the nation’s registration and management agencies.
Chapter Seven Termination Procedures
Article 34
The termination or self-dissolution shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of the National Council of CSHRS.
Chapter Eight Supplementary Articles
Article 35
The right to interpretation belongs to the Secretary-General Working Conference of CSHRS.

