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Peace and Development: Victory of World Anti-Fascist War and Human Rights Advancment

2017-12-28 13:41:20Author: CSHRS


Author:China Society for Human Rights Studies

Press:China Intercontinental Press

Publication date:2017


Publication Remarks

From September 16-17, 2015, the China Society for Human Rights Studies and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development jointly sponsored the “2015 Beijing Forum on Human Rights.” Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the forum. Liu Qibao, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, Secretary of the CPC Secretariat, Minister in charge of the CPC Publicity Department, read out President Xi Jinping’s message of congratulation and delivered a speech. Attendees included some 100 senior human rights officials, experts and scholars, and leaders of relevant organs from more than 30 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, America, Africa and Oceania.
The forum theme was: “Peace and development: Victory of World Anti-Fascist War and Human Rights Advancement,” which received warm response from participants. They conducted full discussion and reached consensus on the four key topics: “World’s Anti-Fascist War: Competition and Lesson between Human Rights and Anti-Human Rights”; “Maintaining Human Rights and World Peace: China’s Outstanding Contribution”; “Right to Peace: Important Connotation of Human Rights”; and “Realization and Safeguard of Right to Development after WWII.” All participants spoke highly of President Xi Jinping’s congratulatory letter, saying it was inspirational, rich in connotation and very thoughtful, was the concentrated expression of the Chinese concept of human rights and the path taken by it in development of these rights. All agreed it was of great significance in guiding the further development of the human rights cause in China. During the discussion, participants said World War II essentially had been a contest between those for human rights and those against in which China had made an important contribution. China has made unremitting efforts to defending the right to peace, which is a great contribution it has made to defending the human rights cause and defending world peace. What China has done is not only good for the maintenance of the fundamental interests of the Chinese people, but also the defense of the common interests of the international community. The participants held that all countries should hold high the banner of the right to peace, and oppose any attempt and behavior geared to distorting and beautifying the history of aggression, and guard against and prevent the havoc of the war and re-occurrence of the human tragedy, so as to defend justice and human dignity, and effectively protect the broad range of human rights. The participating experts and scholars positively evaluated the efforts China has made to the promotion of the right to development. They held that China not only offered an example for various countries through the realization of its people’s right to development, but also played an important role in seeking common development. Participating delegates affirmed diversity in the modes of human rights development, and that there was no one mode universally applicable to the whole world; individual countries needed to take a path to developing and defending human rights that was good for themselves.
A total of 76 papers received during the forum have been divided into five topics and will be published in books. All points of views held by the authors in their respective papers represent their own views, and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the China Society for Human Rights Studies.
China Society for Human Rights Studies
April 2016
General Remarks
Xi Jinping’s Congratulatory Letter to the “2015 Beijing Forum on Human Rights”
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of “2015 Beijing Forum on Human Rights”
BY LUO Haocai (China)
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of “2015 Beijing Forum on Human Rights”
BY HUANG Mengfu (China)
Justice will Prevail, Peace will Prevail, The people will Prevail!
BY YE Xiaowen (China)
Contributions of the Chinese People to Defending Human Rights in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression 
BY LI Junru (China)
World’s Anti-Fascist War: Competition and Lesson between Human Rights and Anti-Human Rights
The Influence of World War II on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
BY CHANG Jian & LIU Yi (China)
The Right to Life – A Broader Perspective
China’s Contribution to the Victory in World War II
BY Stephane GRIMALDI(France)
Racism and Epistemologies of Ignorance: The forgotten African Soldiers Who Fought Against Fascism in World War II
BY Augustine HUNGWE(Netherlands)
Oradour sur Glane: Keeping the Memory Alive amongst the Ruins
BY Richard JEZIERSKI (France)
On the Indiscriminate Bombardment during the Second World War: The Opposition between Human Rights and Human Rights Abuse
BY LI Er’ping (China)
The Bleeding Wounds – The Japanese Denial of War Crimes and Their Effects on Human Rights
BY Thomas In Sin LEUNG (Canada)
Establish a Community of Human Destiny by Drawing on History and Looking forward to Future: with a Discussion about the New Developments of Human Rights Theory in President Xi Jinping’s Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia
BY Liu Hainian (China)
Peace and Development: Victory of World Anti-Fascist War and Human Rights Advancements
BY Akmal Kholmatovich SAIDOV (Uzbekistan)
Seeking for Peace and Promoting Development, Composing a New Chapter for International Human Rights Cause
BY TIAN Lin (China)
The Impact of the Rise of ISIS on Human Rights Implementation
BY Lionel VAIRON (France)
A Battle of Human Rights and Anti-Human Rights in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression
BY XUE Jinwen (China)
Theory and Practice of Mao Zedong’s Thought on POW Human Rights during the War of Resistance Against Japan
BY WANG Longwen (China)
On The Diversification of Human Rights Responsibility Actors
BY WANG Ruixue (China)
Maintaining Human Rights and World Peace: China’s Outstanding Contribution
China’s Outstanding Contributions in Promoting Human Rights and Maintaining World Peace
BY LIU Huawen (China)
China’s Participation in and Contribution to the Work of UN on Human Rights Protection
BY LUO Yanhua (China)
Peace and Development: The Human Rights Dimension of “One Belt and One Road” Strategy
BY LU Haina (China)
Protection of Human Rights: Positive Contributions of Procuratorates in China
BY LI Zhongcheng (China)
Analysis on the Creation and Influence of the “Miracle in Fushun” – A Case Study on the Juridical Practice of Transforming Japanese War Criminals by China
BY SUN Jie (China)
Safeguarding Human Rights and World Peace: China’s Outstanding Contributions – with regard to Jingxing Mining District
BY TIAN Hongsheng (China)
The Evolution of Human Rights Policies and Peace Keeping around the World – The Great Contribution of the People’s Republic of China
BY Stefano VERNOLE (Italy)
On the Significance of China’s War of Resistance Against Japan in terms of Human Rights
BY XIAN Kailin (China)
New China’s Treatment to Japanese War Criminals in the Early Years and Its Important Contributions to the International Human Rights Cause: From the Perspective of Transitional Justice
BY ZHU Liyu, XIONG Kan (China)
China’s Role in Advancing International Human Rights since World War II
BY Tom ZWART (Netherlands)
Protecting Human Rights and Maintaining World Peace: China’s Excellent Contributions 
BY Zhang Xiaoling & Liu Pei’en (China) 
Right to Peace: Important Connotation of Human Rights
Right to Peace-Important Connotation on Human Rights
BY Bem ANGWE (Nigeria)
Contributions of the “One Country, Two Systems” Policy to the Right to Peace
BY GU Mingkang (Hong Kong, China)
Evolution and Reconstruction of the Meaning of the Right to Peace under the New Situation
BY GONG Xianghe & ZHU Jun(China)
The Desire for, and Reality and Predicament of the Right to Peace
BY HE Zhipeng (China)
Right to Peace: The Contribution of the Organization of American States
BY Juan F. JIMENEZ Mayor (Peru)
Right to Peace: Important Connotation for Human Rights
BY Mahmoud KAREM (Egypt)
Right to Peace: Important Connotation of Human Rights – The Case of Liberia
BY Augustine KONNEH (Liberia)
Peace and Humanity 
BY Pen-Ching LEE (Taiwan, China)
Strive to Safeguard People’s Right to Peace: China’s Understanding and Practice
BY LI Yunlong (China)
The Right to Peace: An Important Content of Human Rights
BY Yung-Ran LEE (Taiwan, China)
The Foundations of ‘Peace’ as a Value for the Promotion of Human Rights in Africa
BY Nomthandazo NTLAMA (South Africa)
Right to Peace and Human Rights: Challenges for International Law
BY MizanurRAHMAN (Bangladesh)
The Codification of the Right to Peace by the United Nations: A Pending and Essential Effort
BY Vilma THOMAS Ramirez (Cuba)
Right to Peace as Part of Human Rights: Controversy and Connotation
BY TANG Yingxia (China)
Right to Peace Based on the Attributes of Human
BY YANG Chengming & YE Yanan (China)
A Brief Discussion on the Meaning of the Right to Peace
BY YANG Guang (China)
The Department of Public Security and Prison Management Composes the Vital Force of Enhancing Judicial Safeguard of Human Rights
BY ZHAO Chunguang (China)
Human Rights, Sovereignty and Right to Peace: Equilibrium and Adaptation
BY Chih-Chieh CHOU (Taiwan, China)
Realization and Safeguard of Right to Development after WWII
Nexus of Human Rights and Development
BY Muhammad ARSHAD (Pakistan)
Dialogic Jurisprudence and Social Rights
BY Jaime Olaiz González& Juan Manuel Acua (Mexico)
Restoration of Peace and Order, Defense of Human Rights and Human Development – the Philippine Experience
BY Teresita ANG SEE (The Philippines)
Religion and Social Cohesion: Towards an Advancement of Human Rights through a Sino-Ned Dialogue
BY André VAN DER BRAAK (Netherlands)
UBUNTU as a “Receptor” for Human Rights: How Rights Can be Understood as Relationships 
BY Narnia BOHLER-MULLER (South Africa)
70th Anniversary of the United Nations and the Progress of International Human Rights Protection.
BY DAI Ruijun (China)
Bridging the Competition Between Universal and Relative: Cultural Approaches to Human Rights Implementation under International Law 
BY Julie FRASER (Netherlands)
Realization of the Right to Development, Prospects for Drafting a Convention on the Right to Development
BY Mohammad Reza GHAEBI (Iran)
Legal Protection of the Ethnic Minorities’ Rights to Development in China
BY Gulazat Tursun(China)
The Implementation and Protection of Development Rights after World War II
Daniel Kottut (Kenya)
Realization and Safeguard of Right to Development after WWII
BY Serges Djoyou KAMGA (South Africa)
Safeguarding the Right to Development in the Post-World War II Era: Conceptual Challenges and China’s Instrumental Role in Africa
BY Stacey LINKS (South Africa)
Scientific Connotations of the Right to Development and China’s Practice
BY LI Buyun (China)
Realization and Protection of the Right to Social Security in China
BY LI Mingfu (China)
Multilevel Protection of Human Rights in the Inter-American System – Existence of This Protection at International and National Levels
BY Claudio Enique NASH Rojas (Chile)
Right to Development in the Age of Globalization: Conceptual Concerns and Alternatives
BY Oladejo Justus OLOWU (South Africa)
Realization and Protection of the Right to Development after the Victory of World War II
BY Lau Teng Pio (Macau, China)
The Importance of Fighting Corruption for Promoting Human Rights
BY VODA Kristina Rudolfovna (Russia)
The Enforcement of Human Rights in Indonesia 
BY Andi Abu Ayyub SALEH, Dudu Duswara MACHMUDIN & Roki PANJAITAN (Indonesia)
Interplay of Human Rights and Development: The Implementation and Guarantee of Development after the Victory of the World War II
BY Yubaraj SANGROULA (Nepal)
Rise and Realization of the Right to Development after the WWII – To commemorate the victory of the Global War against Fascism, the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the United Nations and the 30th anniversary of the promulgation of the Declaration on the Right to Development
BY WANG Xigen(China)
A Discussion on the Practice of Labour Rights Protection in Macao SAR
BY Sio Chi Wai (Macau, China)
New Strategy for the Development of Human Rights: Relationship between the Belt and Road Initiative and the Right to Development
BY YANG Xiejiao (China)
The Paris Principles and the Realization Mechanism for the Right to Development
BY YUAN Gang (China)
“Women Hold up Half the Sky”: Engendering the Right to Development 
BY Mimi ZOU (Austrilia)
Social Development and the Formation of the Equality Concept
BY ZHANG Yonghe (China)
Social Work and Human Rights Protection
BY ZHOU Qiang (China)
The Evolution of the Human Rights Review Mechanism of the United Nations 
BY ZHU Xiaoqing (China)

