Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies


2017-05-03 00:00:00Source: CSHRS


AUGUST, 2016

First China-US dialogue on law held in Beijing

China and the United States held a first round of discussions on law in Beijing on August 3, an important step in implementing the consensus reached by the countries' two leaders.

From: chinadaily.com.cn

Over 130 billion yuan distributed to help the poor in 2016

A total of 137.455 billion yuan has been distributed this year as basic subsistence allowances for people with difficulties, according to the social security department of the Ministry of Finance on Aug.5,2016.

From: chinahumanrights.org

Ministry to deal with poor sanitation in villages

All poor villages will reach hygienic standard for human settlements, health risks be basically eliminated, and diseases caused by poor sanitation be considerably reduced by 2020, according to the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD).

From: chinahumanrights.org

Beijing to adopt new residential permit system in October

Beijing will introduce a new temporary residence permit system on Oct.1, local authorities said on Aug.11,2016.

People who stay in Beijing for over six months with a stable job, residence or in full-time education will be able to apply for the permit at public security bureaus. The permit will be issued in about 15 days, according to the provisional regulation announced on Aug.11,2016.
Permit holders will be entitled to many of the benefits enjoyed by permanent residents.

From: Xinhua

China’s medical reform wins global applause

In 2015, the average health level of the Chinese people caught up with that of countries with high and median incomes, according to a report jointly released by the World Bank (WB), the World Health Organization (WHO) and China’s ministries.
For low-income people, the costs of personal hygiene account for 30 percent of the total health expenses, the lowest in recent 20 years, said the report.
A total of 870 billion yuan has been spent on medical facilities since China launched a new round of medical reform in 2009.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China to lift 10 million people out of poverty in next 5 years

China vows to lift ten million people out of poverty by transferring labor force in poor rural areas during 13th five-year plan period (2016-2020), according to a guideline on poverty reduction released by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS) on August 12, 2016.

From: chinahumanrights.org

Chief justice of African human rights meets Chinese ambassador

Lyu Youqing, Chinese ambassador to Tanzania met with Augustino S.L. Ramadhani, Justice of the African Court on Human and Peoples’Rights on August 11, 2016.
Lyu spoke highly of the chief justice’s contribution to Tanzania’s steady development and expressed thanks to him for his efforts in promoting China-Africa friendship.
China and Africa have maintained close and long-term cooperation on human rights development and China is willing to strengthen exchanges with the African Court, said Lyu.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China vows greater support for disabled

China aims to improve its support and protection of disabled people by offering them more customized public services and products in the next five years, according to a State Council plan released on Aug,17,2016.

From: Xinhua

China's organ donation cases rise 45 pct in H1 of 2016

In the first half of 2016, China has completed 1,795 cases of organ donation, up 45 percent compared to the same period of last year, a Chinese official said here on Aug.18,2016.

From: Xinhua

China applies ‘strictest’ mobile phone real name system

All telephone cards need to be registered with users’ real names by June 30th, 2017, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT).
The register rate has reach 92 per cent by May, while there are still nearly 100 million users whose telephone cards face suspension.
Actually, to register telephone cards with real names bears lots of advantages. As it has been registered with users’ personal information, it can not only effectively reduce telecommunication fraud, but also stop the crime of spreading harmful information via telephone.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China promotes minority cultures preservation

China has attached great importance to protecting and developing ethnic minority cultures, making them well preserved and developed in recent years.

From: chinahumanrights.org

President Xi calls for full protection of people's health

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for full protection of the people's health, stressing that public health should be given priority in the country's development strategy.

From: Xinhua

WHO commends Shanghai’s move to create 100% smoke-free public places ensuring compliance and enforcement of the law essential

The World Health Organization (WHO) applauds the Shanghai People’s Congress on its move to strengthen Shanghai’s existing tobacco control laws with respect to smoke-free public places. The Shanghai Regulations on Control of Smoking in Public Places (Amendment Draft), reviewed by the Standing Committee of the 14th Shanghai People's Congress in early August, propose making all indoor – and some outdoor – public places in Shanghai 100% smoke-free.

From: WHO Representative Office

UN expert hails China's achievements in poverty alleviation

A United Nations expert on Tuesday praised China for its huge progress in poverty alleviation, saying that China's achievements in alleviating extreme poverty in recent years have been "extraordinary".
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, Philip Alston, in a statement issued Tuesday highlighted the determination of the leadership of the Communist Party of China, or the ruling party of China, to build a moderately prosperous society free of extreme poverty.

From: Xinhua

Transplant rumors “insult” to organ donors

China performed 10,057 organ transplants in 2015. The claims by some Westerners that China does 100,000 transplantation surgeries each year is utterly ridiculous. It is an insult to both transplantation professionals and voluntary organ donors, said Huang Jiefu, director of China's National Organ Donation and Transplantation Committee, at the 26th International Congress of the Organ Transplantation Society.

From: chinahumanrights.org

2016 Experience China shows Iran the beauty of Xinjiang

"2016 Experience China in Iran-Cultural Exploration of Western China", a large-scale cultural event, held its opening ceremony in Teheran, Iran, on Aug 22.
The theme of the 7-day event this year is Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

From: Chinaculture.org

UN expert:Enormous challenges ahead for China’s poverty alleviation
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights said August 23 that China’s achievements in alleviating extreme poverty in recent years, and in meeting highly ambitious targets for improving social well-being, have been extraordinary.

From: chinagate.cn

165 major projects to improve people’s livelihood

China’s top agency on reform and development has issued a document that aims to quicken the implementation of 165 major projects to improve people’s livelihood. The projects have been listed in China’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) which outlines China’s development in the next five years.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China responds to India’s missile deployment

To maintain peace and stability in the border areas between China and India is an important consensus reached by the two sides. China hopes that India will do more to maintain peace and stability, said Senior Colonel Wu Qian, spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense (MOD), at a regular press conference on Aug.25,2016.

From: chinahumanrights.org

'Experience China' cultural activities kick off in Kazakhstan
A number of Chinese cultural and folk art performances were recently presented at an exhibition of Chinese culture put together for the Kazakh people. Many local visitors turned up to experience the China Cultural Heritage Exhibition, a part of "Experience China 2016," a large scale event opened in Kazakhstan on Aug. 26.
Nearly 40 Chinese folk artists demonstrated traditional folk crafts including pottery, embroidery, Chinese shadow puppetry, paper-cutting, dough sculpture, sugar blowing and gourd pyrography. In addition, qigong, acrobatics, tea ceremonies and folk dance were also on show.

From: People's Daily Online

Income gap narrows between Chinese families: report

China has made huge achievements in narrowing the income gap between the rich and the poor, according to a press conference on sustainable development sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) on Aug.28.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China's national image, global role continue to rise: report

China's national image saw steady rise in global recognition in 2015, especially as an economic power.
The 2015 China National Image Global Survey, which was published on Aug. 29, showed that China's national image has seen a steady rise globally. Now ranking second, just after the U.S., the nation's image was rated 6.2 out of 10, up 0.3 points from 2014. Following China on the list are Russia, the U.K. and Germany.

From: People's Daily Online

China to grade provincial governments' food safety performance

The central authority will send inspectors to review provincial-level government food safety, according to a document published on Aug.29,2016.
The General Office of the State Council published a circular on the annual review and assessment of food safety work.

From: Xinhua

Ministry: Poor students getting better nutrition

More than 33.6 million students living in poverty have become healthier overall as a result of government subsidized meals, but improved food availability and safety remain top priorities, along with health education, the Ministry of Education said.

From: China Daily


Xi attends G20 summit in Hangzhou
On Sept. 4, 2016, Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the Group of 20 (G20) summit and delivers an opening speech in Hangzhou.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China's legislature ratifies Paris Agreement on climate change
China's top legislature on Saturday ratified the Paris Agreement on climate change, a significant international legal document that outlines post-2020 global climate governance.

From: Xinhua

Peng Liyuan attends anti-AIDS activity with G20 leaders' wives

Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping, invited the wives of leaders attending the G20 summit to an anti-AIDS advocacy tour in Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, on Sept.5,2016.

From: Xinhua

China Focus: China celebrates first Charity Day
China's first Charity Day, which fell on Sept.5 and follows the enforcement of the Charity Law last week, was celebrated with a string of promotional activities nationwide.

From: Xinhua

China holds forum to commemorate WWII victory anniversary
On Sept.2,2016, China held a forum to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the victory in the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.

From: Xinhua

Hangzhou G20 results that benefit your life
Under the theme of "Toward an Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy," this year's G20 Summit was held from September 4-5 in the eastern Chinese city of Hangzhou.
The G20, which represents 85 percent of global GDP, 80 percent of international trade and 65 percent of the world's population, is considered one of the most influential platforms for global financial governance.
The summit not only matters to countries all over the world, but also benefits their citizens, according to the Voice of China, a China National Radio program. Let's take a look at what benefits the summit brings.

From: China Daily

Action plan aims to reduce new disability cases over next 5 years

China's central authority has issued a national action plan to reduce new disability cases by 2020 by promoting awareness and early screening, Xinhua News Agency reported on Sept.6,2016.

From: China Daily

Paralympic opening ceremony held in Brazil
More than 4,400 athletes from 160 countries and regions will compete at the Rio Paralympic Games, which officially opened at the Maracana Stadium on Sept.7,2016.

From: Xinhua

China vows to form closer community of shared future with ASEAN
China has vowed to form a closer community of shared future with Southeast Asian nations while commemorating the 25th anniversary of their dialogue relationship.

From: Xinhua

Senior official calls for strengthening religious work
On Sept.7,2016, top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng urged Communist Party of China (CPC) committees at all levels to strengthen and improve leadership over religious work.

From: Xinhua

White paper hails China's progress in judicial protection of human rights
On Sept.12,2016, a white paper published by the State Council Information Office hailed the new progress made in human rights protection in the field of justice as China enhances the rule of law in all respects.

From: Xinhua

Premier Li to present Chinese solutions, cement friendship during upcoming America tour
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang will attend the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly and pay official visits to Canada and Cuba, during a trip on Sept. 18-28.

From: Xinhua

China's space lab Tiangong-2 blasts off
China`s space lab Tiangong-2 roars into the air on the back of a Long March-2F rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwest China, Sept. 15, 2016.

From: Xinhua

Ma Zhaoxu Delivered a Joint Statement on Behalf of Nearly 140 Countries During the 33rd Session of the Human Rights Council
On September 16, 2016, during the 33rd Session of the Human Rights Council, Ambassador Ma Zhaoxu, Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the United Nations Office at Geneva and Other International Organizations in Switzerland delivered a joint statement entitled "Realizing Development for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights" on behalf of nearly 140 countries, emphasizing that development is vital for the promotion and protection of human rights.

From: Permanent Mission of PRC to the UN Office at Geneva and Other International Organization in Switzerland

China's Tibetan cultural delegation boosts exchanges with Czech Republic
A cultural exchange delegation from China's Tibet Autonomous Region attended a seminar in Prague on Friday to deepen exchanges with Czechs.

From: Xinhua

Official: Paralympics gives hope to the disabled

On Sept.18,2016,2016 Rio Paralympics was closed and China sets a record with 239 medals including 107 gold medals, both ranking the first on the list.

From: chinahumanrights.org

"September 18 Incident" remembered in China
At the 85th anniversary of the "September 18 Incident", many regions in China hold theme activities to remind people to remember history and never forget national humiliation.

From: chinahumanrights.org

Photo exhibition on China's human rights progress held in UN

To mark the 30th anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Right to Development, a photo exhibition themed “sustainable development and progress of China’s human rights” sponsored by China’s State Council Information Office was opened at the UN headquarters in New York on September 19, 2016.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China to provide 100 million U.S. dollars in additional aid for problems of refugee movement
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said here Monday that China will provide 100 million U.S. dollars in additional humanitarian aid to help solve problems brought about by massive movement of refugees and migrants.

From: Xinhua

Beijing unveils new guidelines on household registration

Beijing residents will no longer be classified as either rural or urban dwellers once the local government carries out further reform of its household registration system, the Beijing Municipal Government announced on Sept. 19.

From: People's Daily Online

China Student Aid Development Report 2015

Educational equality is an important foundation of social equality. Ensuring students from impoverished families enter school and complete their studies smoothly, is an important measure to promote educational equality and a crucial means to alleviate poverty.
In 2015, through the joint efforts of the financial and educational departments of the central and local governments, as well as schools at all levels, student financial aid in China made new breakthroughs.
The national student financial aid system was enhanced through increased subsidies, with more special aids targeting at registered poverty-stricken students, orphans and disabled students. New policies were also implemented to prevent students dropping from school due to financial problems.

From: China Daily

China to relocate over 9 million people in next 5 years to alleviate poverty

China has announced plans to relocate more than 9 million impoverished people to less geographically disadvantaged areas in the next five years. The move is part of China's recent efforts to deliver on the government’s goal of eliminating poverty during the 13th Five-Year Plan period (2016-2020).

From: People's Daily Online

2016 China-Europe human rights seminar eyes ethnic minorities

The 2016 China-Europe seminar on human rights was held in Chongqing on Sept.28,2016, during which experts and scholars exchanged views on ethnic minorities’ rights protection.
The seminar is sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), attracting over 50 Chinese and European experts and scholars to participate.

From: chinahumanrights.org

China publishes action plan on human rights
The Chinese government on Thursday published its third national action plan on human rights protection, addressing challenges and promising to improve people's standard of living and quality of life.
The National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020), released by the State Council Information Office, follows the previous two which covered 2009-2010 and 2012-2015 periods.

From: Xinhua
