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2017-02-14 00:00:00Source: CSHRS
Spotlight  (2016.04-05)
APRIL, 2016
Teen Drug Abuse A Serious Problem in China
Wang Feng, a senior official from the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, expressed his concerns about the teen drug abuse in China on the sidelines of a meeting held by the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on April 6, 2016. 
According to the 2015 China Drug Situation Report, Chinese drug users are becoming younger. Over 1.4 million registered drug addicts are under the age of 35. 14,000 adolescent drug users were added in 2015. 
From: chinahumanrights.org
China Issues New Regulations to Protect Whistle-blowers
China’s Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security and the Finance Ministry jointly issued last month the Regulations on Protecting and Rewarding Duty Crime Informers to improve whistle-blower protection. 
The new document encourages real-name whistle blowing by individuals and units. Any individual or unit who reports duty crimes to procuratorial organs shall receive legal protection, according to the Regulations. 
China Issues Report on U.S. Human Rights
China published a report on the United States' human rights situation on April 14,2016. 
The report, titled "Human Rights Record of the United States in 2015" was released by the Information Office of the State Council, China's cabinet, in response to "2015 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices" issued by the U.S. State Department on April 13 local time.
From: Xinhua
Full text: Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2015
The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China published a document titled "Chronology of Human Rights Violations of the United States in 2015" on April 14,2016.
From: Xinhua
China's New Court Rules Eye Human Rights Protection
China's Supreme People's Court issued newly amended court rules at a press conference on April 14,2016. The new court rules with 15 articles added focus on respecting and protecting human rights. 
From: chinahumanrights.org
China, South Africa hold 1st Human Rights Consultation
China and South Africa held the first human rights consultation on April 14 at Pretoria, South Africa.Liu Hua, special representative for human rights affairs of China’s Foreign Ministry,and Nozipho Mxakato-Diseko, Deputy Director-General of the Global Governanceand Continental Agenda of South Africa’s Department of International Relations and Cooperation(DIRCO), co-chaired the consultation.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Procedures in Works for Hukou Reform
China's top planning authority pledged it will issue procedures designed to help migrant workers and their families acquire full urban residential status.
From: China Daily
China Clarifies Criteria for Capital Punishment in Graft Cases
The maximum penalty for convicts found guilty of embezzling or accepting bribes worth 3 million yuan (about 463,000 U.S. dollars) or more in an "extremely serious case" with "extremely vile impact" will be the death penalty, according to a new judicial explanation issued on Monday. 
The ruling was jointly issued by the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate.
From: Xinhua
China Sets New Subsidy Standard for Families with Deceased or Disabled only Children
Parents of disabled or deceased only children will now receive a monthly state compensation of 270 yuan and 340 yuan respectively, according to a document recently released by the Ministry of Finance and the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC). 
From: People's Daily Online
Xi Calls for 'More Tolerance and Patience' Toward Netizens
On April 19,2016, President Xi Jinping called for "more tolerance and patience" toward netizens and welcomed online criticism, "whether mild or fierce", as long as it arises from goodwill.
From: China Daily
China Encourages More Rural Migrants to Settle in Cities
China will relax household relocation policies in 2016 to encourage more migrants settle in cities, according to a press conference held by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on April 19,2016.
President Xi Stresses Protecting People's Interests in Petitioning
Chinese President Xi Jinping has urged governments and localities to invest greater efforts in addressing outstanding issues in public petitioning, an official release said on April 21,2016. 
Xi said in an instruction that outstanding issues aired in public comments and complaints comprise both fresh and lingering problems, but all are concerned with the immediate interests of the general public, social harmony and stability.
From: Xinhua
Taiwan Telecom Fraud Suspects to Face Proceedings on the Mainland
The 77 alleged telecom fraud syndicate members deported from Kenya earlier this month will be tried on Chinese mainland, a Ministry of Public Security (MPS) official said here on April 21,2016.
Chen Shiqu, deputy inspector with the MPS's criminal investigation bureau made the remarks as a Taiwan delegation is in Beijing to discuss the case with mainland police. Forty-five of the alleged fraudsters are from Taiwan.
From: Xinhua
Xinhua Insight: China Bans Wholesalers from Selling Vaccines
Wholesalers are no longer allowed to trade vaccines following a case involving the sale of millions of dollars' worth of improperly stored vaccines, according to a government decision publicized on April 25,2016.
Premier Li Keqiang signed the decree on April 23, which was endorsed on April 13 at an executive meeting of the State Council, China's cabinet. 
The decision to amend a regulation on vaccine circulation and use aims to address the problems identified by an investigation into the vaccine scandal, according to an official elaboration on the document.
From: Xinhua
China Ranks No. 1 in Progress against Child Discrimination
China ranked at the top in a Save the Children survey of 18 countries in reducing discrimination against and neglect of children, with more than 70 percent of Chinese saying they had seen an improvement.
From: China Daily
China Adopts New Law to Regulate Overseas NGOs
Overseas NGOs must secure approval from Chinese authorities before they can operate on the Chinese mainland, according to a new law adopted by China's top legislature on April 28,2016.
From: Xinhua
Paris Climate Deal Promotes Human Rights Protection: Expert
A total of 175 countries, including China signed the Paris agreement on climate change on April 22, the first day when it could be signed. 
The milestone Paris accord is the blueprint for fighting against climate change beyond 2020. Its adoption represents global consensus on dealing with global warming. 
“The Paris Agreement is important for human rights protection,” said Tang Yingxia, deputy director of the Human Rights Research Center, Nankai University.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China Spends Trillions on Health Care Improvement
China has spent 5.64 trillion yuan (871 billion U.S.dollars) in the reform period since 2009 to improve its health care system. 
The health budget for 2016 is 1.24 trillion yuan, said the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) on April 28, 2016, adding that the average annual growth rate of medical input has surpassed 20 percent over the past seven years.
From: Xinhua
China Targets Poverty Caused by Major Illness
China’s health commission and poverty alleviation office launched a survey on rural poverty caused by diseases in order to lay foundation for targeted poverty alleviation.
Zhejiang, Beijing and Shanghai Lead Nation in Elderly Happiness Index
Zhejiang Province, Beijing and Shanghai lead the nation in a ranking of happiness among the aged, Beijing Morning News reported.
From: Ecns.cn
Report: Per Capita Wealth of Chinese Families Reached 144,197 Yuan in 2015
The Chinese Family Wealth Report issued by Economic Daily on April 28 shows that the per capita wealth of Chinese families reached 144,197 yuan in 2015.
Based on survey data from 12,000 families spanning 268 counties and 25 provinces, the report studies the scale and structure of Chinese families’ wealth, regional differences, financial assets, housing, financial decision-making and retirement plans. 
From: People's Daily Online
MAY, 2016
Affirmative College Enrollment to Benefit 60,000 from Poor Regions
Chinese universities are required to enroll about 60,000 candidates from poverty-stricken areas, according to an circular published on May 5,2016.
According to the circular issued by Ministry of Education (MOE) and National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the arrangement is designed to promote equal access to higher education between urban and rural areas.
From: Xinhua
China Opposes U.S. Report on Religious Freedom
China has lodged solemn representation to the United States after the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom listed China as a "country of particular concern" in its annual report.
"The Chinese government fully respects and protects its citizens' freedom of religion in line with the law, and Chinese citizens enjoy the rights to full religious freedom in accordance with the law," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei told a regular news briefing on May 5,2016.
"The U.S. ignores this fact and releases reports repeatedly to distort and attack China's religious policies and status. China firmly opposes the U.S. move and has lodged solemn representation to the U.S. side," Hong said.
From: Xinhua
Premier Stresses Employment as China's Economy Slows
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang urged for more efforts to support employment to guard against large-scale unemployment on May 6,2016.
China should shift to growth propelled more by skilled workers and innovation and continue with proactive policies to create jobs, Li said at a symposium held during his visit to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
From: Xinhua
Seminar on Development and Human Rights Held in Wuhan
A seminar on new development concept and China’s human rights protection was held at Wuhan University Saturday, commemorating the 30th anniversary of the UN’s Declaration on the Right to Development.
Over 60 scholars and experts from universities and human rights institutions nationwide attended the seminar held by China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS).
From: chinahumanrights.org
Baidu Has Taken Offline 126 Million P4P Advertisements after Investigation into Wei Zexi Event
On May 9,2016,the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) demanded an overhaul of China's leading search-engine Baidu (NASDAQ: BIDU) following an investigation into the widely-publicized Wei Zexi event. 
The CAC said Baidu relied excessively on profits from Pay for Placement (P4P) listings in search results, and did not clearly label such listings as the result of commercial promotion, compromising the objectivity and impartiality of search results. The public are likely to be misled by the search results they find on Baidu, the CAC said.
From: People's Daily Online
China Targets School Bullying
China's education authorities have launched a campaign to curb school bullying. 
The campaign will last until December and targets elementary, middle and secondary vocational schools nationwide, according to a circular issued by the education supervision committee under the State Council, China's cabinet.
The campaign will focus on legal and mental health education for students. Police and judicial staff will be invited to schools, sources with the Ministry of Education said on May 9,2016.
From: Xinhua
China establishes fast channels for transporting human organs
China's health, police and transportation authorities have jointly established a "green passage" to ensure fast and safe transfer of donated human organs. 
The move is aimed at shortening transportation time and reducing damage or waste of human organs to help patient survival.
From: Xinhua
2016 China Poverty Reduction int’l Forum Held in Beijing
On May 8,2016, the 2016 China Poverty Reduction International Forum was held in Beijing. 
The forum was hosted by the International Poverty Reduction Center in China (IPRCC) and China Internet Information Center (CIIC), and focused on China’s poverty reduction experience sharing under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework. 
Over 100 hundred guests at home and abroad discussed how China’s experience of alleviating poverty could better help other countries.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China to Relocate 2 Million Poor People This Year
“2016 is the starting year to relocate over 2 million poor people,” said Liu Yongfu, head of the State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development at a press conference on May 10,2016.
From: chinahumanrights.org
"Experience Western China" Event Brings New Silk Road to Italy
On May 15, 2016, the event "Experience western China" kicked off in Italy's Milan on Sunday to help people know more about China, especially the northwestern part of the country.
The event, co-organized by the State Council Information Office of China, China's Embassy in Italy and China's Consulate in Milan, started with an ethnic dance and song show held in the Italian northern city.
From: Xinhua
Chinese Police Launch Mobile App to Find Missing Children
on May 15,2016, Chinese police launched a mobile app to encourage witnesses to report the whereabouts of missing or trafficked children.
More than 5,000 anti-trafficking police will provide updates to the app on receiving new reports of missing children, according to a statement from the criminal investigation bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. 
Users near where the child disappeared will receive push notifications, including photos and descriptions.
From: Xinhua
China has World’s Strictest GM Safety System
China has established a national monitoring system for genetic modified (GM) food and cultivated a batch of technological talents to ensure GM food safety, said Wan Jianmin, an academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.
China has also built a strict safety evaluation system for GM products which have to undergo lab tests, food safety tests evaluation and environmental tests. 
From: chinahumanrights.org
China Becomes No.1 in Voluntary Organ Donations in Asia
Voluntary organ donations by citizens have risen 120 times in past six years since China began the trial in 2010, making the country No.1 in Asia in the number of voluntary organ donations.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China Sets New Standard for State Compensation
On May 16,2016, a new standard for state compensation for infringing upon citizens' personal freedom was released by China's Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate.  
Under the new standard, residents whose personal freedom is encroached on will be given 242.3 yuan per day in compensation.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China holds 9th human rights dialogue with Switzerland
On May 17,2016, China and Switzerland held the 9th Human Rights Dialogue in Beijing, co-chaired by Liu Hua, the human rights envoy of China's Foreign Ministry, and Nicolas Wyrsch, Swiss special envoy for human rights.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China Vows to Help 12 Million People out of Poverty Through Tourism Development
China has vowed to help 12 million people out of poverty in the next five years through tourism development and strengthening international tourism cooperation.
From: Xinhua
Migrants' Children Will be Able to Take Gaokao Locally
Nearly 10,000 children whose parents are migrant workers in Guangdong province will be allowed to take this year's college entrance examination-or gaokao-in the province without returning to their hometown, according to the provincial examinations authority.
From: China Daily
UN Secretary-General: China Demonstrates Great Leadership to Advance 2030 Agenda 
On May 20,2016, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said that China has demonstrated great leadership and made a remarkable commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.                                                       
From: Xinhua
125 Arrested in Vaccine Scandal 
Prosecuting authorities have approved the arrests of 125 people suspected in a vaccine scandal involving 570 million yuan ($87 million), the Supreme People's Procuratorate said on May 21, 2016. 
Another 37 people involved in the case were being investigated on suspicion of duty-related crimes such as bribery, abuse of power and dereliction of duty, it said.
From: China Daily
China Has 2,740 Natural Reserves 
China has a total of 2,740 natural reserves, covering 14.83 percent of the whole territory, Environmental Protection Minister Chen Jining said on May 22, 2016.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China Puts Down More Funds to Subsidize Compulsory Education 
The Chinese government has allocated 134.5 billion yuan (20.5 billion U.S. dollars) to subsidize compulsory education this year, the Ministry of Finance said on May 22, 2016.
From: Xinhua
Senior Official Calls for Improvement of Ethnic, Religious Work
On May 24,2016, a senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC) called for improvement in work related to ethnic and religious affairs. 
Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, made the remarks during an inspection tour in north China's Henan Province between May 22 and 24, with ethnic, religious work as his focus. 
From: Xinhua
China, UK hold 3rd Judicial Round-table Meeting 
On May 25,2016, the 3rd China-UK judicial round-table meeting was held in China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) , focusing on judicial justice in the 21st century.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China Contributes Greatly to Global Sustainable Development 
China has made great contributions to global sustainable development in implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda), said China’s Environmental Protection Minister Chen Jining at the high-level meeting of the 2nd United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) on May 26, 2016.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Tibetan Thangka Paintings Displayed in Germany 
The opening ceremony of the Wonderful West exhibition: Thangka Paintings Display of Western China’s pictures was held on May 28 at Frankfurt, Germany.
The exhibition is part of the Chinese western culture event jointly sponsored by China’s Consulate General in Frankfurt and the State Council Information Office.
About 130 photographs and 30 thangka paintings on Tibetan culture were on display, offering Germans an opportunity to understand natural beauties, ecological environment and traditional cultures of Western China.
From: chinahumanrights.org