Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies


2016-08-11 15:06:49
January 2015
Tears as Shanghai laments stampede victims
The city of Shanghai was steeped in sorrow as citizens and victims' families visited the site of the New Year's Eve stampede to mark the seventh-day commemoration of the tragedy on Jan.6,2015.
Braving freezing temperatures and drizzle, visitors laid flowers and winter clothes on the Chen Yi Square near the Bund area, where the stampede killed 36 people and injured 49 others.
There were tearful moments for relatives of the victims, some of whom, overwhelmed by sorrow, fainted at the site and were attended to by medical staff on stand-by.
Many held portraits showing the young faces of the deceased.
From: Xinhua  
Mother ignored daughter’s sexual abuses: China’s first case of cancelling custody
On January 7th, People’s Court of Tongshan District in Xuzhou took a special case raised by Civil Affairs Bureau of Tongshan District to apply for cancelling custody of the convicted girl’s parents and arrange approriate guardian for her.
This case was the first case to apply for cancelling custody since January 1st , 2015 when major opinions on dealing with guardians violating teengers’ rights was released.
From: Chinahumanrights.org   
The revised Journal of Human Rights was published
 On January 10, the first issue in 2015 of the revised Human Rights magazine by the China Society for Human Rights Studies was published in Chinese, followed by the English version on February 10. From 2015, the China Society for Human Rights Studies will entrust the School of Law and the Center for Human Rights Research of Renmin University of China to undertake the Human Rights magazine. The Society has re-positioned the revised magazine and demanded that it should be developed into a professional academic magazine in the human rights field and represent the highest level of human rights studies in China. The magazine has the following mission: following the right political direction, guided by the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and aspiring for academic innovation. It strives to help people at home and abroad to better understand China’s human rights cause, comprehensively demonstrate and promote China’s innovation in human rights theories and narrative, and pay timely attention to the progress in international human rights theories and practices. The magazine also endeavors to advance China’s dialogue and communication with other countries in human rights, enhance the international influence of China’s voice in this area, and tell a good “China story” of human rights in an academic approach.
China needs more human rights education
According to the preamble of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every individual and every organ of society "shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction."
The declaration stated in Article 26 that "education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms."
From: China.org.cn   
Xi calls for more anti-corruption efforts despite achievements
Chinese President Xi Jinping warned the war on corruption was far from over, despite the country's many achievements. Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, was speaking at a key meeting during the fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI), which opened on January 12, 2015.
Other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee -- including Premier Li Keqiang, top legislator Zhang Dejiang, top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng as well as Liu Yunshan and Zhang Gaoli -- attended the meeting, together with many other senior officials. CCDI chief Wang Qishan presided over the meeting.
Reform the Endowment Insurance System for Staff in Public Organs and Institutions
On January 14, the State Council promulgated the Decision on Reforming the Endowment Insurance System for Staff in Public Organs and Institutions. The reform observes the following basic principles: combining equity with efficiency, matching rights with obligations, aligning endowment insurance with economic development level, balancing the pre-reform and post-reform insurance level, solving prominent problems, and ensuring sustainable development. The basic endowment insurance system characterized by the combination of social pooling and individual account will be implemented, under which the basic pension shall be shared between the workplace and the individual.
The National Plan for Children’s Development in Poor Regions (2014-2020) was distributed
On January 16, the General Office of the State Council printed and distributed the National Plan for Children’s Development in Poor Regions (2014-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the Plan). The Plan makes arrangements to further promote children’s development in poor regions, earnestly guarantee their survival and development rights and interests, and ensure all-process care and all-round guarantee from the government, family and society for their healthy growth. The Plan stresses that to ensure the health and education of rural children in concentrated and contiguous regions with special difficulties, guarantee and interference measures shall be taken from their birth to the end of their compulsory education. A safety net shall be woven to ensure the growth of children in poor regions and realize the goal that their overall development level shall approach or reach the national average in 2020. The Plan explicitly demands to focus on two key areas of children’s development - health and education, take into account their benefits and safety, and well implement tasks in five aspects. First, with regard to the health of newborns, focus on several key tasks, including the comprehensive prevention and treatment of birth defects, nutrition of pregnant and lying-in women, and health management of pregnant and lying-in women as well as newborns. Second, with regard to the improvement of children’s nutrition, promote breast feeding of 0-6-month-old babies, expand the pilot scope of nutritional improvement for infants, better policies on nutritional subsidy for students in the stage of compulsory education, and adopt other interference measures. Third, with regard to medical care for children, fulfill a series of tasks including children’s health check, disease prevention and control, medical security, health service, and physical and mental health. Fourth, with regard to the guarantee of children’s education, a range of policies and measures are laid out, such as carrying out early education for infants, accelerating the development of pre-school education, well developing compulsory education in rural areas, promoting informatization in rural schools, and ensuring students’ growth in safety. Weak links in education in regions with special difficulties shall be prioritized. Fifth, with regard to the education of and care for children with special difficulties, policies and measures are put in place to enhance the benefits, special education, assistance and protection of left-behind children, orphans, handicapped children, waifs and the like.
Xi checks up on quake victims
President Xi Jinping visited the quake-hit area of Ludian County in Yunnan province on Jan. 19, 2015, inquiring about the livelihoods of the quake victims in the winter, Xinhua News Agency reported.
August's magnitude-6.5 earthquake left at least 617 people dead with another 112 people missing and 3,143 people injured. It also forced the relocation of 254,000 residents and affected more than 1.08 million people.
Xi told the quake victims that he feels for the loss of family members and friends, and was very concerned about how they were faring during the winter and with the reconstruction work.
From: Xinhua
China and Brazil held human rights negotiations
China Ministry of Foreign Affairs special representative on human rights Liu Hua and department of human rights and social affairs of Brazil Ministry of Foreign Affairs Gith Leoni held first human rights negotiations in Brasilia, capital of Brazil on Jan.19, 2015. Both sides exchanged views on human rights situations, multilateral human rights cooperation and Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and so on.
From: Chinahumanrights.org  
China seeks opinions on government work report
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang presided over a meeting with experts and business leaders to seek opinions on the government work report on Jan26, 2015, which will be officially unveiled in March.
Li said the government must capitalize on both government regulation and market force to make them twin engines for growth. China should accelerate the upgrading of traditional industries and the growth of emerging sectors and balance growth with restructuring to ensure medium-to-high speed of growth with higher quality.
The country's macroeconomic policies must become more timely, accurate and well-targeted to keep economy in a proper range, according to the premier.
In 2015, more efforts will be made on deepening reforms of the fiscal and financial systems, boosting the real economy, promoting innovation, improving people's lives and preventing risks.
From:  Xinhua
Malaysian government declares MH370 accident, all those aboard presumed dead
Director General of Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation Azharuddin Abdul Rahman said that the Malaysian government officially declared MH370 an accident on Jan.29, 2015, and all 239 people on board the plane were presumed dead.
From: Xinhua  
Supreme People’s Court : Listening to Defending Attorney’s Views Concerning Review of Death Penalty
On January 29, the Supreme People’s Court promulgated the Methods on Listening to Defending Attorney’s Views Concerning Review of Death Penalty. The Methods puts forth new measures to earnestly guarantee the defense attorney’s right of defense according to law for defendants in the review of death penalty, which is favorable for ensuring the quality of such cases.
February 2015
State Council: intensify the rule of law in the countryside
On February 1, the Central Committee of the CPC (CCCPC) and the State Council printed and distributed the Several Opinions on Accelerating Agricultural Modernization through Intensified Reform and Innovation, which was the 12th No.1 document issued by the central government in the new century to guide work related with “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”. The Several Opinions consists of five parts - working faster to transform the model of agricultural development with the aim for developing modern agriculture; implementing more policies to benefit farmers with the aim for increasing their income; advancing the construction of the new countryside with the aim for integrated urban-rural development; comprehensively deepening rural reform with the aim for invigorating the development of the countryside; and intensifying the rule of law in the countryside with the aim for improving the work on “agriculture, rural areas and farmers”.
From: The Journal of Human Rights
Academic urges rationality on China's human rights
On Feb.2, 2015, a Chinese academic urged Human Rights Watch to be rational over China's human rights record after the latter published its "World Report 2015" last week.
Human Rights Watch turned a blind eye to China's judicial reform to better protect human rights, said Li Daojun, professor of the Research Center for Human Rights of Shandong University. 
He detailed China's achievements in advancing human rights protection through judicial reform in an article entitled "The Human Rights Watch should keep rational."
From: Xinhua 
The 35th Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development issued
On February 3, CNNIC issued the 35th Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development in Beijing, according to which China had 649 million netizens and its internet penetration rate reached 47.9% as of December 2014. China’s internet sector has made considerable progress in terms of overall environment, popularization of internet application and development of hot-spot industries. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
The National Plan for Comprehensive Trial of New-type Urbanization issued
On February 4, 11 state departments including the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the notice to print and distribute the National Plan for Comprehensive Trial of New-type Urbanization, which listed Jiangsu and Anhui provinces and 62 cities (towns) including Ningbo to carry out such comprehensive trial. According to the Plan, the trial started before the end of 2014, and interim results will be achieved in all pilot projects and duplicable and promotable experience will be accumulated in 2017. The successful experience in those pilot provinces and cities (towns) will be promoted across the nation step by step from 2018 to 2020. The trial is aimed to carry out the following main tasks - establishing the cost sharing mechanism for turning agricultural population into urban residents, establishing diversified and sustainable investment and financing mechanisms for urbanization, reforming and improving the rural homestead system, exploring to set up a new-type management model featuring administrative innovation and administrative cost reduction, and comprehensively pushing systematic and institutional reform and innovation.
From: The Journal of Human Rights
State Council: Accelerating wellbeing of the disabled 
On February 5, the State Council printed and distributed the Opinions on Accelerating Wellbeing of the Disabled, which made arrangements to ensure and improve the livelihood of the disabled , help them share the results of development and enjoy moderate prosperity. According to the Opinions, measures in four aspects shall be taken to ensure the livelihood, employment and income increase for the disabled. The measures are establishing the mechanism to guarantee basic living needs of the disabled, making every effort to help them and their families find jobs and increase income, strengthening and improving basic public services for them, and giving greater play to social forces and market mechanism. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
CCCPC : Strengthening development of socialist consultative democracy
On February 9, the CCCPC printed and distributed the Opinions on Strengthening Development of Socialist Consultative Democracy, which made all-round arrangements for implementing consultation among political parties, in the People’s Congress, in the government, in the CPPCC, among people’s groups, on the grassroot level and among social organizations under new circumstances. It is an overarching guideline that instructs the development of socialist consultative democracy.
From: The Journal of Human Rights
China vows to deepen mutually beneficial ties with AU
China will deepen mutually beneficial ties with the African Union (AU), a senior Chinese official said here on Feb. 9.
After meeting Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe who assumed the AU chairmanship in January, Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi told reporters that China was keen to further engage with the AU for greater bilateral socio-economic benefits.
Expressing optimism about China-Africa relations, Yang described the ties as an exemplar of mutual trust, equality and concerted efforts for win-win cooperation, adding the relationship enjoyed great prospects.
"China will continue its mutually beneficial cooperation with the AU. We are well connected with the AU and all its members and we believe that there is a lot more that we can discuss in terms of economic and social progress in collaboration with each other," Yang said.
He said China paid great attention to Africa's development efforts, including its 50-year development strategy dubbed Agenda 2063.
"We think that it is a very ambitious program and it will materialize given the resourcefulness of African people, the strategic vision of African leaders and the many friends that Africa has in the world with one of them being China," he said.
On China-Zimbabwe relations, Yang hailed the fraternal political and socio-economic ties between the two countries, noting that cooperation still needed to be enhanced in such areas as agriculture, energy, infrastructure, human resources training and tourism sectors, among others.
China valued the backing of Zimbabwe on issues that concern its core interests and also affirmed its support for Zimbabwe's efforts to safeguard its independence, sovereignty and dignity, he said.
"We believe that each country has the right to choose its own path of development," he said.
Yang, who is on a three-day official visit to the southern African country, said he agreed with Mugabe that much progress had been made in implementing consensus between Zimbabwe and China on various cooperation agreements signed by the two leaders in 2014.
"China is ready to work with Zimbabwe to further deepen their political mutual trust and expand their cooperation in various areas," he said.
Over one thousand disabled persons realized university dreams
 On the regular briefing of the State Council, vice president of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation Cheng Kai announced that roughly eight thousand and five hundred disabled persons entered the ordinary higher institutions successfully in 2014. If another one thousand disabled persons who have been educated in special educational colleges are counted in, there will be over ten thousand disabled persons realized their university dreams in the past one year.
There are mainly two choices for disable persons to receive higher education, one is to attend ordinary college entrance exams, the other is to attend independent exams for independent recruitment which is a specialized exams for disabled persons to enter higher special education colleges or ordinary higher institutions which established independent colleges and classes for disabled persons.
Established in 1987, Special Education College of Changchun University was the first comprehensive higher special education college to recruit the blind, the deaf-mute and the lame nationwide. With twenty-seven years passing, majors of special education colleges have increased to sixteen and over one thousand disabled students are recruited every year. Besides, postgraduate level has been added to the independent exam for disabled persons, which as experts said was a great progress of education for disabled persons.
Comprehensively deepen the public security reform
On February 15, the Framework Opinions on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Public Security Reform and related reform schemes were reviewed and passed by the central government.
Chinese police will establish an accountability system for officers in light of high profile cases, according to a policy paper issued recently.
The paper, which focused on public security reform, vowed to improve law enforcement responsibility; the correction system; and establish life-long accountability for erroneous cases.
It added that, to ensure accountability, investigators should take responsibility for the cases they investigate.
Some measures have drawn extensive attention, such as “abolishing the system of temporary residential permit, comprehensively implementing the residential permit system, and putting in place a sound basic public service provision system linked with the period of residence and other conditions.”
In addition, it called for changes to the way in which police handled cases, to prevent miscarriages of justice and the use of torture to secure confessions.
From: The Journal of Human Rights
China to abolish controversial temporary residence permit
China plans to abolish its controversial temporary residence permit and push forward reform of the household registration system, according to a public security reform plan released on Feb.15, 2015.
Permanent residence permits will be adopted to replace the much-criticized temporary residence permit, according to the plan approved by central authorities.
From: Xinhua
China continues safe rural drinking water efforts
China will provide clean drinking water to 58.67 million rural residents, including 7.04 million teachers and students, by the end of 2015 to achieve its target for 2011-2015.
"Safe drinking water in rural areas is a government priorities and we must achieve this goal," said Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei.
From: Xinhua
 Xi Jinping: family as a key cornerstone for state development and social harmony
On February 17, the CCCPC and the State Council held the 2015 Spring Festival Gala, at which Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CCCPC, Chinese President and chairman of the Central Military Committee, delivered an important speech, in which he emphasized how the Chinese nation has valued family and kinship since ancient times. He pointed out that no matter how significantly the time and our life changes; we shall always value family development, family members, family education and family tradition. We shall combine that with fostering and advancing the socialist core values, carry forward traditional family virtues of the Chinese nation, promote family harmony, affection, and healthy growth of the next generation, and care for the elderly. In that way family will become a key cornerstone for state development, national progress and social harmony. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
Lawmakers weigh China's draft anti-terrorism law
Chinese lawmakers began reviewing draft legislation for the country's first anti-terrorism law on Feb. 25, to better counter terrorist activities while protecting citizens' rights.
The draft proposal, which comes weeks after fatal attacks this year in Paris, France, and Copenhagen, Denmark, is China's latest attempt to address terrorism at home and help maintain world security.
From: Xinhua
Supreme People’s Court: Comprehensively deepen the reform of people’s court
On February 26, the Supreme People’s Court held a press conference on the Opinions on Comprehensively Deepening Reform of People’s Court, which, with 65 reform measures, is a major outline that guides court reform in the next five years. The Opinions laid down the main tasks of comprehensively deepening the reform of people’s court in the next few years. They include establishing a judicial jurisdiction system appropriately separated from administrative division; establishing the litigation system centered on judgment; optimizing the function and power inside the People’s Court; improving the mechanism of exercising judicial power; forming an open, dynamic, transparent and people-friendly judicial system; making efforts to staff the court with specialized and professional employees; and ensuring that the People’s Court exercises its judicial power independently, justly and according to law. The Opinions specifically listed “strengthening the judicial mechanism to guarantee human rights” as an imminent task in judicial reform. E.g. defendants in criminal custody shall be forbidden to wear identifiable uniform, vest, prisoner’s uniform or other uniforms with identifiable marks of regulatory bodies on trail
From: The Journal of Human Rights
President Xi presses concrete reform measures
On Feb.27, Chinese President Xi Jinping told a meeting of the top reform planning committee that concrete reform measures are needed so the people "feel" the progress.
Xi, speaking during the tenth meeting of the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Continuing Reform, pledged to organize all the reform efforts adopted by the third and fourth plenary sessions of the Communist Party of China's (CPC) Central Committee.
The measures must target important issues and the public must feel the benefits, he said.
The meeting reviewed and passed the General Plan for Football Reform in China, Regulations on Recording, Reporting and Responsibility Investigation of Leaders’ Interference with Judicial Activities and Meddling in Specific Cases, Plan on Deepening Reform of the People’s Supervisor System, and Opinions of Shanghai on Further Regulating Leaders’ Spouses, Children and Children’s Spouses in Doing Business and Running Enterprises. The meeting pointed out that establishing the system of recording, reporting and responsibility investigation of leaders’ interference with judicial activities and meddling in specific cases is of institutional significance for promoting judicial justice and curbing judicial corruption. The purpose of issuing the Regulations on Recording, Reporting and Responsibility Investigation of Leaders’ Interference with Judicial Activities and Meddling in Specific Cases is to draw a “red line” to keep leaders from interfering in judicial activities, set up the “firewall” and “isolation belt” to prevent judicial interference, and provide the institutional guarantee for judicial organs to exercise their power independently, justly and according to law. The meeting also stressed that the purpose of deepening the reform of the people’s supervisor system is to further broaden the channel for the masses to participate in the judicial process in an orderly way and to improve the external supervisory and restrictive mechanism that ensures the independent, just and law-based exercise of procuratorial power. It is of great significance for guaranteeing the masses’ right to know, participate in, express opinions about and supervise procuratorial work. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
"Two sessions" anticipated amid new political, economic landscape
Despite there being no change in government on the agenda, China's routine March meetings -- dubbed the "two sessions" -- are set to be closely watched as the country's political and economic dynamics are changing significantly.
Attention will be focused on China next week as lawmakers and political advisors attend the annual full sessions of the National People's Congress (NPC), the top legislature, and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the top political advisory body.
The two sessions are held to discuss political and economic developments, and adopt policies to deliver the reform promises and economic growth targets set by the Chinese authorities.
Over the years, the sessions have helped navigate the development of China, which is not only very important to the country itself, but also matters much to the world.
From: Xinhua
March 2015
New Registrations come into effect
On March 1, several important regulations officially came into effect, including Provisional Regulations on Real Estate Registration, Regulations on Account and Name of Internet Users and Implementing Regulations on Government Procurement Law
From: The Journal of Human Rights
China Voice: Xi's "Four Comprehensives" a strategic blueprint for China
A moderately prosperous society, reform, rule of law, Party discipline -- these "Four Comprehensives" are Xi Jinping's blueprint for China's future.
The "Four Comprehensives" are tasks raised at Communist Party of China (CPC) meetings over the last two years, since President Xi Jinping took office.
The concept of "Four Comprehensives" is first mentioned by Xi in December 2014, which includes that "comprehensively build a moderately prosperous society, comprehensively deepen reform, comprehensively implement the rule of law, and comprehensively strengthen Party discipline."
From: Xinhua
China's top political advisory body starts annual session
The Third Session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country's top political advisory body, opened in Beijing on March 3, kicking off the most important two weeks on China's political calendar this year.
A total of 2,153 members of the CPPCC National Committee will discuss major issues concerning the country's development during the annual session.
From: Xinhua 
SPP launches campaign against environmental, food, drug crimes
China's Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) is planning a 22 month crackdown on food and drug, and environmental crimes amid heightened public concern.
The campaign will run from March to December 2016, and will see supervision agencies reviewing the case records of administrative and law enforcement organs, the SPP said on March 4.
The campaign will target offenses including environmental resource harm, as well as the sale and promotion of fake food and drugs, according to the SPP.
From: Xinhua
China Focus: Income, corruption top concerns for two sessions: Polls
The public are most concerned that income distribution and countercorruption are discussed at the ongoing two sessions, online polls have shown.
The annual sessions of the top legislative and political advisory bodies are being closely followed by the public, as issues relating to their quality of life are expected to be on the agenda.
From: Xinhua
China's national legislature opens annual session
The 12th National People's Congress (NPC), China's national legislature, opened its third annual session at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of March 5.
Premier Li Keqiang delivers his annual government work report at the opening meeting, chaired by Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the NPC Standing Committee and executive chairperson of the session's presidium.
The session passed the Amendment to the Legislation Law, which was the first revision of the Legislation Law since it was promulgated 15 years ago. The revision is of great realistic and long-term significance for improving China’s legislative system, raising the quality and efficiency of legislation and building a law-based socialist country. The revised Legislation Law contains new regulations in a number of aspects, including legislative system, participation, openness, consideration and supervision. The improvement of this law is conducive to making legislation in China more open and operable and consolidating people’s right to know, participate in and supervise legislation. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
China strsses four major viewpoints on human rights
The 28th session of the UN Human Rights Council on March 5 held a General Segment, in which representative from China stressed China's four basic viewpoints on human rights.
"The politicization of human rights issues and double standards in this regard are still prominent," Said Fu Cong, deputy head of the China Mission to UN at Geneva.
Fu told the session that four major things need to be stressed in terms of international human rights cooperation: to reaffirm the solemn commitment to the United Nations Charter, to respect diversity including cultural diversity in human rights, to respect the model of human rights protection chosen by States, and to treat all human rights equally.
From: Xinhua
20,000 officials investigated for violating citizens' rights
A campaign spearheaded by procuratorial agencies, targeting crimes committed by officials that directly affect the rights of citizens, has resulted in 20,403 officials being investigated.
On March 6, The Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP) announced in a statement that 14,521 cases of misconduct were processed from January 2013 to November 2014.
The statement said the campaign focused on misappropriation of government funds and dereliction of duty that resulted in damage to the environment, food and drug safety or legal justice.
From: Xinhua
Chinese female lawmakers oppose domestic violence
Chinese female lawmakers called Saturday for more help for women to defend themselves against domestic violence.
China needs to introduce a law covering domestic violence as quickly as possible, so as to protect more women from abuse at home, said Fu Lijuan, a deputy to the National People's Congress (NPC) who is from the Hunan provincial justice department.
From: Xinhua
China to speed up drafting anti-corruption law
China plans to develop national legislation to fight corruption, according to a report delivered by top legislator Zhang Dejiang on March 8.
The country will also work out revisions to the Law on Administrative Supervision, said Zhang, chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, while delivering a work report at the annual session of the top legislature.
Making an anti-graft law is in line with a decision on rule of law adopted by the Communist Party of China Central Committee in October in 2014.
From: Xinhua
Chinese leaders urge efforts on poverty eradication, economic restructuring
On March 8, Chinese President Xi Jinping and other leaders urged more efforts to be made on poverty eradication, faster development in areas with concentrations of ethnic minorities, implementing the "Four Comprehensives" and economic restructuring.
While speaking with lawmakers from south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in a panel discussion during the annual session of the National People's Congress (NPC), Xi said targeted measures should be taken to help people lift themselves out of poverty and poverty alleviation work should be done in a timely and down-to-earth manner.
From: Xinhua 
China issues white paper on judicial transparency
On March 10, China's Supreme People's Court (SPC) published a white paper on judicial transparency that said new measures introduced over the past two years have expanded both the scope and depth of judicial openness.
It was the first time in the history of the Supreme People’s Court to introduce what it has done and achieved in promoting judicial openness in the form of a white paper. Published in both Chinese and English, the White Paper comprehensively introduces the progress on promoting judicial transparency, and uses a lot of figures, charts and cases to showcase the achievements made by the People’s Court in that respect since the third plenary session of the 18th CCCPC. The White Paper consists of several parts, including preface, basic information on the People’s Court’s efforts to promote judicial transparency, transparency in trial process, openness of judgment document, openness of implementation, and broadening and innovating ways of judicial transparency. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
Organ ban sign of “progress”
Abandoning the use of organs harvested from executed prisoners for organ transplants is a symbol of China's progress in human rights, as well as in medical and health services, a senior health official said on March 11. 
China has made progress in human rights and judicial reform during recent years, with courts acting with more caution in handing down the death penalty, Huang Jiefu, head of the national organ donation and transplant committee and former vice-minister of health, said on March 11. 
From: Global Times
China pledges iron hand on terrorism
On March 10, China's judicial authorities promised an active offensive on terrorism in the wake of ever-growing threats from terrorist activities.
Chinese courts will play an active role in the fight against terrorism and secessionist activities, and crack down on violence and terrorism and crimes that would severely undermine public security, read a work report of the Supreme People' s Court (SPC) to be delivered by Chief Justice Zhou Qiang.
"We will resolutely safeguard national security, ethnic unity and social stability," the report said.
From: Xinhua
State Council: Boost popular innovation and entrepreneurship
On March 11, the General Office of the State Council printed and distributed the Guiding Opinions on Developing Mass Innovation Space to Boost Popular Innovation and Entrepreneurship, which made arrangements to achieve that end. According to the Guiding Opinions, adapting to the new trend of popular entrepreneurship and innovation in the internet age, developing mass innovation space and other new-type startup service platforms at a faster pace and creating a favorable eco-environment for innovation and business startup are important steps to more quickly implement the innovation-driven development strategy, and adapt to and lead the new normal of economic development. It is of great importance for stimulating the innovativeness of the general public and fostering new engines for economic growth. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
China intensifies quality supervision before World Consumer Rights Day
China's quality supervision authorities organized a national rehearsal of "12365" administrator hotlines in a bid to deal with complaints, reports and consultations from the public regarding product quality.
The rehearsal was held jointly by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine(AQSIQ) and its local branches on March 11, just before World Consumer Rights Day on March 15, known as "3.15" in China.
From: Xinhua
China's top political advisory body to conclude annual session
The 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's top political advisory body, began the closing meeting of its annual session on March 13.
Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, presided over the closing meeting held in the Great Hall of the People.
From: Xinhua
China Headlines: China's Xi shines at 2015 "two sessions"
As China's annual parliamentary session draws to an end, President Xi Jinping is again in the spotlight with the world watching how the Chinese leadership would lift the country's economy amid the "new normal" of slower growth.
Although Xi has not openly spelled out a full master plan for the road ahead in the most important two weeks in the country's political calendar this year, the interactions between Xi and lawmakers and political advisors could offer a glimpse.
From: Xinhua
China needs more efforts in environmental governance: experts
Some foreign experts have pointed out that while China has made tremendous effort in environmental governance and sustainable development, it still faces many environmental challenges and has a long and bumpy road to travel.
The scale of China's economy is one of the biggest challenges China has to deal with in environmental protection nowadays, said Isabel Hilton, director of China-dialogue, a non-governmental organization based in London and Beijing promoting nature conservation and business cooperation.
From: Xinhua
Synchronize rule of law with human rights protection: Blue Book of Rule of Law
Synchronizing rule of law with human rights protection is significant in current China according to Blue Book of Rule of Law jointly released by Research Institute of Law Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Science and Social Sciences Academic Press on the conference of March 18.
President of Social Sciences Academic Press Xie Shouguang presided over the conference. Joint CPC Secretary of Research Institute of Law Studies of CASS and Research Institute of International Law of CASS Chen Su, Study Center member of CASS and head of Research Institute of Law Studies Li Lin, and Chairman of Academic Community of Law School of Renmin University of China Zhu Jingwen attended the conference and delivered speeches.
Overseas optimistic with China’s future as improvement of China’s image
on March 19,Global research report on China’s image in 2014 was released in Beijing. Jointly organized by China International Publishing Group, Millward Brown ACSR and Lightspeed GMI, this report was the third global research on China’s image showing that international acknowledgment of China’s image improved steadily and Chinese leaders and their governance ability employed great international approval.
This report contains nine parts, covering assessment on China’s overall image, politics, economy, foreign affairs, military, culture and technology as well as new assessment on Chinese leaders and large events was added.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China's maternity death rate realized UN Millennium Development Goals in advance
China's maternity death rate fell to 21.7 per 10, 000 with infant death rate and children (below 5 years old) death rate down to 8.9% and 11.7% respectively. All have realized the UN Millennium Development Goals in advance according to the reporter from National Maternal and Child Health Work Conference 2015.
Deputy of National Health and Family Planning Commission of the PRC, also director of State Administration of Traditional Medicine of PRC Wang Guoqiang said National Maternal and Child Health Work Conference 2015 stressed comprehensively strengthened the management of human assisted reproduction technology, specify the management of birth certificate and endeavor to achieve national network of management information system of birth certificate.
China's representatives call for peace, development and human rights by sports
Ambassador Fu Cong, deputy of Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of China to the United Nations Office in Geneva and Other International Organizations in Switzerland made a joint statement on behalf of 129 countries. He encouraged the international community to better develop sports and utilize important events such as Olympics to enhance peace, development and human rights and strengthen international cooperation and dialogues.
Xi stresses boosting public confidence in judicial system
Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that public confidence in the judicial system should be the ultimate gauge of the effectiveness of reform in this sector.
The president was speaking during a collective study session of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's Political Bureau on deepening judicial reform on the afternoon of March 24.
Xi said that building a fair, efficient and authoritative judicial system is integral to the modernization of the state governance and governance capabilities.
From: Xinhua
UNHRC passed the presidential declaration of commemoration motion
United Nations Human Rights Council unanimously passed the presidential declaration to approve China’s representatives’ motion to commemorate the 4th World Conference on Women & the 20th anniversary of Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action on 28th meeting of United Nations Human Rights Council on March 25.
The first national survey of government websites
On March 25, the General Office of the State Council printed and distributed the Notice on Conducting the First National Survey of Government Websites, which made arrangements for this survey from March to December 2015. The purpose of this survey is to have a clear idea of the basic situation of government websites nationwide, effectively solve a number of issues existing in some of them that the public has strongly complained about, such as “untimeliness, inaccuracy, irresponsiveness and impracticality”, and eliminate the phenomenon that some of them are zombie or sleeping websites. The focus of this survey is the usability, information update, responsiveness, practical service and other features of government websites. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
Tibetans mark Serfs' Emancipation Day
Celebrations of the seventh Serfs' Emancipation Day were held in southwest China's Tibet Autonomous Region on March 28.
Some 3,000 people gathered at Potala Palace Square in the regional capital of Lhasa to watch a national flag raising ceremony on the morning of March 28.
In 2009, the regional legislature established March 28 as a day to commemorate Tibetan democracy, which ended the feudal serf system in 1959, freeing 1 million serfs; 90 percent of the region's population at that time.
From: Xinhua
Confidence in food safety dropping
Public satisfaction with and confidence in the country's food safety has dropped compared with last year, according to a research center attached to the China Food and Drug Administration.
Food safety experts said that despite the drop in consumer confidence, overall food safety in China improved in recent years because of stricter law enforcement and increasing company awareness of the issue.
From: China Daily
China sets goal for hospital bed-citizen ration
China has for the first time set a goal for hospital beds per 1,000 citizens, a key indicator measuring a country's medical service level.
According to a healthcare service plan (2015-2020) published by China's cabinet on March 30, the country will aim to provide six hospital beds per 1,000 of its citizens by 2020. This compares to 4.55 in 2013.
The goal has taken into account several factors, including an aging population and the level of members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
From: Xinhua
New regulations on prohibiting leaders’ interference with judicial activities 
On March 30, the General Office of the CCCPC and the General Office of the State Council released the Regulations on Recording, Reporting and Responsibility Investigation of Leaders’ Interference with Judicial Activities and Meddling in Specific Cases. According to the Regulations, judicial organs shall exercise their power independently, justly and according to law, and shall not carry out any requirement by any leader that violates legal duties or procedures or obstructs judicial justice. The Regulations demands that should leaders interfere in judicial activities and meddle in specific cases, judicial staff shall make complete and truthful records so that everything is recorded and traceable. 
On the same day, the Central Committee of Political and Legislative Affairs also published the Regulations on Recording and Responsibility Investigation of Interference in Cases by Judicial Staff. This Regulations demands judicial staff to perform their duties according to law and strictly abide by disciplines. They shall not inquire about or interfere in cases handled by other staff against the rule, or pass relevant materials or inquire about details of a case for involved parties, or intercede or ask favors for them in any way. 
From: The Journal of Human Rights
APRIL 2015
China Pledges Education, Hospital, Juror System Reforms
On Apr. 1, China's central authorities rolled out plans to support rural teachers, overhaul public hospitals and improve public supervision of court cases.
The plans were adopted at the 11th meeting of the central leading group for deepening overall reform on Wednesday, during which President Xi Jinping, who is also head of the group, called on authorities to "show courage and guts" in reform. President Xi called for the country's deepening reform to be carried out based on the "Four Comprehensives," his new political mantras.
From: Xinhua
China Sets Goal for Hospital Bed-Citizen Ration
China has for the first time set a goal for hospital beds per 1,000 citizens, a key indicator measuring a country's medical service level.
According to a healthcare service plan (2015-2020) published by China's cabinet on Monday, the country will aim to provide six hospital beds per 1,000 of its citizens by 2020. This compares to 4.55 in 2013.
From: Xinhua
Prisons to Open Websites for Transparency
The Ministry of Justice has asked provincial prison administrations to launch websites to publish information about remission, parole and other prison affairs.
The websites, to be launched in a drive to improve transparency, should allow citizens to search for information and make enquiries, according to a statement issued by the ministry on Apr. 7.
From: Xinhua
China Voice: Labor Relations Improvement Signals Human Rights Progress
The Chinese government's latest assertion on workers' rights may bode well for the country's vision of a harmonious society and its course of improving human rights protection.
In a guideline published Wednesday, the ruling Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council said improving labor relations is an urgent task as the country is undergoing major economic and social changes with diversifying employee appeals and increasing labor disputes.
From: Xinhua
China Unveils Roadmap to Judicial, Social Reform
China has rolled out the roadmap to the country's judicial and social reform, setting a timetable and verifiable targets for specific reform measures.
On Apr. 9, the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's General Office, and the General Office of the State Council published the plan to implement the decisions on deepening judicial and social reform made at the fourth plenary session of the 18th CPC Central Committee held in October 2014.
From: Xinhua
Luo Haocai Met Delegation of China Association for Human Rights of Taiwan
President of China Association for Human Rights of Taiwan Li Yongran and his seven companions were invited by China Society for Human Rights Studies to visit the motherland from March 29 to April 2. Vice-chairman of the National Committee of the 10th CPPCC also president of China Society for Human Rights Studies Luo Haocai met the delegation. Vice president of China Society for Human Rights Studies and relative scholars held discussions with the delegation.
Tibet's Path of Development Is Driven by an Irresistible Historical Tide
On Apr. 15, the State Council Information Office, China's cabinet, published a white paper on the development path of Tibet, applauding its development path and denouncing the "middle way" advocated by the Dalai Lama.
The end of the theocratic feudal serfdom in Tibet was a historical inevitability, as the system went completely against the progressive trend in China and the rest of the world. The system trampled on human dignity, infringed upon human rights and impeded development in Tibet, says the white paper.
From: Xinhua
China Announces Water Pollution Controls
On May 14, a plan intensifying the fight against water pollution in China was released. The Action Plan for Water Pollution Prevention and Control aims to reduce pollutants, improve drinking water and promote water saving, according to the State Council, China's cabinet.
From: Xinhua
China's Criminal Law System Saw Remarkable Progress in Human Rights Protection
China-Europe Seminar on Human Rights was held in Strasbourg of France recently. European experts on human rights attending the seminar said China's criminal law system has seen remarkable progress in human rights protection.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Donations for Disabled People Exceed 57 Mln USD in 2014
The total revenue of the China Foundation for Disabled Persons (CFDP) in 2014 reached 384 million yuan (62 million U.S. dollars), with 354 million yuan coming through donations.
From: Xinhua
Chinese Lawmakers Weigh Harsh Regulation on Baby Formula
Tougher regulations on infant milk formula will be introduced to restore public confidence in the domestic dairy industry.
Producers will be required to register powdered baby milk formula with the food and drug regulatory agency, according to a draft revision to the Food Safety Law, submitted to the bi-monthly legislative session of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee for its third reading on Apr. 20.
From: Xinhua
CPPCC Discusses Air Pollution in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei
China' political advisors discussed air pollution in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, during a consultation session on Apr. 22.
According to a statement issued after the session presided over by Yu Zhengsheng, chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), political advisors discussed the issue in connection with a broader strategy for coordinated development of Beijing and its neighboring Tianjin Municipality and Hebei Province.
From: Xinhua
China and UK Held the 22nd Human Rights Talks
Vice director of the Department of International Affairs of China's Foreign Ministry Shi Zhongjun and director of the Department of Asian and Pacific Affairs of Foreign & Commonwealth Office Li Feng co-chaired the 22nd China-UK Dialogue on Human Rights in Beijing on Apr. 22. Officials of departments on foreign affairs and justice from both sides attended the meeting.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China Beefs Up Food Safety Law
On Apr. 24, the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), the country's top legislature, adopted an amendment to the 2009 Food Safety Law with the heaviest penalties yet for offenders.
From: Xinhua
China to Inspect Water Pollution Prevention, Control
China's top legislature will carry out a nationwide inspection on the implementation of the Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law.
Four or five teams will carry out inspections across provincial-level regions in May and June, the water pollution prevention and control committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee said on April 28.
From: Xinhua
China Advocates Online Open Courses
China's Ministry of Education issued a document supporting further application of online open courses in college education on Apr. 28. Colleges have been encouraged to adopt a teaching mode combining the increasingly popular Massive Open Online Course with traditional methods, the ministry said in the concise document.
From: Xinhua

MAY 2015
China Unveils Measures to Shore Up Job Market
On May 1, China's State Council, the country's cabinet, rolled out four measures encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation and creation of more jobs.
The four measures were included in the guidelines on employment and entrepreneurship work under the new situation, which underscored pressure in the job market, and urged proactive employment policies to be implemented.
The government should refine policies and continue encouraging widespread entrepreneurship and startups in order to create a new engine of economic growth, according to the guidelines.
From: Xinhua
Over 100,000 People to be Resettled in South China
A total of 108,300 people currently residing in remote or poor areas in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region are to be relocated this year, the regional poverty relief office said.
From: Xinhua
Nine Million Beijing Residents Drink Water from Yangtze River
Nine million residents in Beijing are drinking water from the Yangtze River in the south, four months after the completion of the south-north water diversion project.
From: Xinhua
China Issues Guideline for Eco-friendly Development
China's cabinet on May 5 published a guideline on improving the country's environment, vowing to achieve "major progress" in the area by 2020. In the 35-clause guideline, the State Council stressed the need to consider environmental protection when planning economic and social development, and to raise public awareness about the environment.
From: Xinhua
China Scales Up the Fight against Sex-Selective Abortions with New Campaign
A campaign began in April to clampdown on illegal prenatal gender tests and sex-selective abortions to address the gender-ratio imbalance, health authorities said.
According to the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), the campaign, which will run until November, will concentrate on medical, health and family planning institutions, as well as illegal fertility agencies, clinics and itinerant physicians.
From: Xinhua
Premier Li Calls for Developing Vocational Education
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has called for accelerated development of vocational education.
Li made the remarks in his instruction to the Vocational Education Week that opened on the morning of May 10. He said developing modern vocational education is an effort to exert China's abundant talent advantage, encourage people to start businesses and make innovations.
From: Xinhua
Beijing Encourages Public to Report on Indoor Smoking
Residents in Beijing can report on indoor smoking in public venues after the smoking ban takes effect in June, a government official said on May 10. The Beijing municipal legislature passed a bill in November last year, banning smoking in all indoor public places, workplaces, and on public transportation.
From: Xinhua
Drug Users Exceed 14 Mln in China
China had 2.95 million registered drug users by the end of 2014, but the actual number is estimated to be in excess of 14 million, according to China National Narcotics Control Commission (NNCC) on May 11.The number of synthetic drug users has seen an average annual rise of 36 percent over the past years, reaching 1.46 million in 2014.
From: Xinhua
More Cultural Public Services to Outsourced
China's government is trying to involve the private sector in more public services related to culture by offering government procurement contracts. On May 11, The State Council, China's cabinet, issued an instruction to expand government procurement of cultural services such as sporting events, museums and libraries, as well as a list of 38 different cultural services that are open to private contractors. The policy is an effort to supplement the limited funds and resources the government spends on public cultural services.
From: Xinhua
Trial Incentivizes Commercial Health Insurance Buyers
China issued detailed guidelines to pilot preferential personal income tax policies for commercial health insurance buyers on May 12. The trial program offers pre-tax reductions for premium payments of less than 2,400 yuan (392 U.S. dollars) per year for qualified employees, according to a joint statement released by the Ministry of Finance, State Administration of Taxation and China Insurance Regulatory Commission.
From: Xinhua
China to Further Improve Public Hospital Services
China will push forward reform in more public hospitals amid a broader overhaul of its health care system, according to a guideline issued by the State Council on May 17. China launched a pilot medical reform on public hospitals in 17 cities in 2010, and the guideline stipulates the reform should cover all of the country's 6,800 public hospitals by 2017.
From: Xinhua
China Invests 100 Bln Yuan in Medical Aid
China has spent over 100 billion yuan (16 bln U.S. dollars) in the past 6 years aiding people who can't afford medical services, a senior Ministry of Finance official said on May 21. The central budget for medical assistance in 2015 stands at 14.1 billion yuan, excluding funds from local treasuries, said Song Qichao, deputy head of the ministry's social security department, at a press conference.
From: Xinhua
CSHRS Delegation Visited Thailand
China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) delegation visited Thailand from May 18 to May 20. During the visiting, the delegation inspected and communicated with Thailand's MFA, National Commission on Human Rights (Thailand), and higher education institutes on human rights protection, human rights theory studies, choices of human rights development road. This visit marked an important step for CSHRS's "going out and bringing in" strategy, which was also significant for communicating human rights issues with neighboring countries especially southeastern countries and vital to introduce China's human rights achievements, strengthen the economic and cultural relationship between two countries.
CSHRS Delegation Visited Malaysia
China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) delegation led by Luo Haocai visited Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia and held seminars with Malaysia's MFA, National Commission on Human Rights (Malaysia), and Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute respectively on May 21 and 22. Chinese and Malaysian scholars and personnel concerned on seminar respectively introduced measures, experiences and achievements on human rights protection and human rights theory studies.
China Eyes Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Stable Employment: Official
China will encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in an effort to create more jobs and stabilize employment, said Xin Changxing, vice minister of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, during an online interview on May 26.
China's State Council, the country's cabinet, rolled out specific measures on employment and entrepreneurship last month, which underscored pressure in the job market and urged proactive employment policies to be implemented.
From: Xinhua
CSHRS Delegation Visited Singapore
On May 25 and 26, China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) delegation led by chairman Luo Haocai visited Singapore and exchanged views with Singapore's MFA, Law School and East Asian Institute of National University of Singapore on measures of human rights protection and social governance, human rights researches, the relation between human rights and economic development and social stability.
JUNE, 2015
China eyes better public service, stability at rural community
China is pushing for greater stability and better public services at the country's vast rural regions in a bid to shore up lagging civil service and advance urban-rural integration.
In a guidance document on advancing rural community establishment co-issued by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, Party and government authorities asked provincial governments to pilot rural communities at selected villages, to accommodate "profound changes in the rural area" such as demographic changes and migrant population.
From: Xinhua
China invests heavily on children's education
Conditions for China's most humble elementary schools have improved significantly since the year's beginning.These schools, located in remote rural areas, generally faced shortage of teachers and teaching stuff. Things have changed thanks to the completion of a national project to extend digital educational resources to them, 64,000 in total, by the end of 2014. 
From: Xinhua
President Xi calls for integrity, patriotism among children
President Xi Jinping has encouraged children in China to love their country, to be good people and to contribute to social progress.
Xi was speaking to some 3,000 members of the Chinese Young Pioneers (CYP) organization and teachers at the CYP's quinquennial congress in Beijing on June 1, International Children's Day.
From: Xinhua
President Xi urges all-out rescue efforts after ship with 458 people sinks
Chinese President Xi Jinping has ordered all-out rescue efforts after a passenger ship carrying 458 people sank in the Hubei section of China's Yangtze River on the night of June 1 .
The ship, named Dongfangzhixing, or Eastern Star, sank at around 9:30 p.m. after being caught in a cyclone in the Jianli section in Hubei Province of the Yangtze River, according to the Yangtze River navigation administration.
Xi also ordered learning lessons and enhancing measures to ensure the safety of people's lives.
From: Xinhua
China issues white paper on human rights
On June 8, Chinese government released a white paper upholding China's unique pattern of protecting human rights and elaborating the progress in 2014.
"The tremendous achievements China has made in its human rights endeavors fully demonstrate that it is taking the correct path of human rights development that suits its national conditions," says the white paper published by the State Council Information Office under the title "Progress in China's Human Rights in 2014."
From: Xinhua
FAO honours China for reaching hunger target
China was honored for reaching the World Food Summit (WFS) target at the 7th “Outstanding progress against hunger,” a special event hosted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, Italy on June 7. Chinese Vice Premier Wang Yang attended the award ceremony and delivered a speech.
CSHRS wraps up 10-day human rights visit to Southeast Asia
A delegation from the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) led by Luo Haocai, former Vice-Chairman of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, visited Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore from May 18 to 27. During the ten-day visit, the delegation had discussions with officials and scholars from ministries of foreign affairs, national commissions on human rights, universities and think tanks on human rights’ protection, the development road and academic researches of human rights and reached a consensus on a wide range of issues.
China issues 5-year plan to support rural teachers
3.3 million rural teachers in China are expected to get a pay rise thanks to a recently issued five-year plan, the Village Teachers Supporting Plan (2015-2020), which aims at promoting a more fair and balanced education system. 
Ai Weiwei’s art exhibition held in Beijing
Ai Weiwei’s modern art exhibition is going on at Beijing 798 art zone starting from June 6, which draws attention from some small circles in Beijing and foreign media. The exhibition named after “Ai Weiwei” was approved by authorities and it showcases the re-assemblage of a 400-year-old ancestral hall of Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) in two different areas. The art insiders said ordinary people interpreted this as the modern civilization’s impact on ancient buildings. Two more Ai’s modern exhibitions will be held this week in Beijing.
Survey: ‘human flesh searching’ abused in China
55.1 percent of netizens said the human flesh searching has been abused, according to an online survey conducted by China Youth Daily’s social research center which interviewed 1839 respondents.
Human flesh searching has played a positive role in fighting corruption and curbing bad practices. However, more and more incidents showed that this form of online vigilante justice is getting closer to cyber bullying. Some Internet users felt they are fully justified to hunt down and punish their targets. But usually, those who are tracked down will suffer online violence and their friends and families will also be affected.
China spends more on medical aid
The Chinese government spent 109.5 billion yuan (17.9 bln U.S. dollars) aiding people who can't afford medical services during the 2009-2014 period, an official said on June 17.
Government spending on medical aid rose by an annual average of 13.8 percent during the period, said Jiang Yu with the Ministry of Finance.
From: Xinhua
China to invest more in people's livelihood
China will increase investment in projects focused on people's livelihood in order to stabilize growth and facilitate economic restructuring, China's cabinet said on June 17.
The central government will invest more in upgrading the power grid in rural areas, building grain storage and sewage disposal facilities, relocating old urban industrial zones and other projects, according to a statement released after an executive meeting of the State Council, China's cabinet presided over by Premier Li Keqiang.
From: Xinhua
Xi stresses rural poverty relief
President Xi Jinping has stressed poverty relief in underdeveloped rural areas as key for economic development nationwide.
On June 18,Xi made the remarks at a Communist Party of China symposium on poverty relief and economic and social development in the 2016-2020 period.
From: Xinhua
China, US hold candid talks on ties and human rights
Top US and Chinese officials are joining frank talks on a variety of issues, including cyber security and human rights at the ongoing Sixth Round of US-China High-Level Consultation on People-to-People Exchange (CPE) and the Seventh China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) held in Washington on June 23 and 24. 
China co-sponsors discussion on gender equality at UN human rights session
China's Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva Wu Hailong on Wednesday said China co-sponsored a discussion on gender equality during a Human Rights Council (HRC) session.
From: Xinhua
China issues report on U.S. human rights
China published a report on the United States' human rights situation on June 26.
The report, titled "The Human Rights Record of the United States in 2014," was released by the Information Office of the State Council, China's cabinet, in response to "the 2014 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices" issued by the U.S. State Department on June 25 local time.
From: Xinhua
China makes progress in battling malnutrition
China has made headway in relieving malnutrition during the 2002-2012 period, according to a population-wide health survey released by the country's health authorities on June 30.
The "2015 report on Chinese nutrition and chronic disease" was released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) during a press conference.
JULY, 2015
China’s official human rights website upgraded and launched
The China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) introduced its upgraded website both in English and Chinese languages on July 1. 
The website (http://www.humanrights.cn/) and its English-language version (http://www.chinahumanrights.org), which were launched in August 1998, are the only authorized portals for China’s human rights related information. The websites aim at presenting an objective picture of China’s human rights conditions in a comprehensive and prompt manner. As a window for the world to understand China’s human rights progress, they are dedicated to telling human rights stories in China, and introducing Chinese and foreign conceptions of human rights. They have played important roles in raising public awareness of human rights and letting China have more say in the international human rights field.
Xinhua Insight: China adopts new law on national security
On July 1, China's top legislature adopted a new national security law highlighting cyber security and demanding the establishment of a coordinated, efficient crisis management system.
From: Xinhua
Chinese human rights delegation made debut visit to Mexico
On July 6, The human rights delegation of China’s State Council Information Office (SCIO) visited Mexico and held a joint press conference in Mexico. This is the first time the Chinese delegation for human rights visited Mexico.
Chinese envoy disagrees with UN human rights chief's comments on its security law
On July 7, China's envoy to the UN office in Geneva has expressed disagreement with relevant comments by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the country's National Security Law.
Nationwide two-child policy expected soon
China will probably introduce an overall two-child policy in one or two years, senior demographers expect, as the top population authority said the government would keep fine-tuning birth rules to ensure a sustainable and balanced population growth.
From: China Daily
First-tier cities have less appeal to graduates
First-tier cities appear to have become less glamorous for university graduates facing pressure to find jobs this year.
A record number of students graduated from college amid China's economic slowdown, making the job-hunting season one of the toughest in history.
College graduates reached a record high of 7.49 million, up 220,000 compared with 2014, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.
China's Netizen Population Hits 668 Million
The number of China's online population, the world's largest, hit 668 million in June, with 594 million of those using mobile devices to go online.
From: CRI Online
China to expand critical illness insurance
China will expand its critical illness insurance system to cover more urban and rural residents, the State Council, or China's cabinet, decided on July 22.
All participants in the country's basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents will be protected against critical illness by the end of this year, according to a statement released after an executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang.
The coverage of China's basic medical insurance system for urban and rural residents exceeded 95 percent by the end of 2014, reaching more than 1.3 billion people, official data show.
From: Xinhua
Seminar on development right protection under ‘new normal’ opened
The seminar on “New Normal of China’s Economy: Sustainable Protection of Development Right” opened in Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE) on Thursday. The seminar, hosted by the DUFE, was launched by China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS), and co-sponsored by DUSE’s Human Rights Research and Education Center.LuoHaocai, Chairman of the CSHRS, attended the seminar and delivered a speech. More than 70 experts and scholars from universities and human rights research institutions had in-depth discussions on the sustainable protection of right to development under the ‘new normal’ economic landscape.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lu Kang's Remarks on the Casualty of Chinese Staff Caused by Somali Terrorist Attack
At around 4 p.m. July 26 local time ( around 9 p.m. Beijing time), a suicide car bomb hit Jazeera Palace Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia, causing casualties to many countries. The Chinese Embassy in Somalia is located in the hotel, and one security staff of the Chinese Embassy working in the hotel died from severe injuries with three other staff mildly injured.
The Chinese side is deeply shocked by the terrorist attack and strongly condemns it. We are saddened by the loss of the Chinese staff, and extend deep condolences. We also express sincere sympathies to the bereaved family and the injured. The Chinese side also mourns for all the victims.
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
China values ‘positive roles’ of overseas NGOs
“China highly appreciates the positive roles of overseas NGOs, and will welcome and support their friendly activities in China. China will provide better services for overseas NGOs,” said GuoShengkun, Minister of Public Security on July 25.
A symposium on overseas NGOs was jointly held by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA), Ministry of Public Security (MPS), and Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) in Shanghai on July 25.Guo presided over the symposium.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Chinese Question Time show boosts govt transparency
A BBC Monitoring journalist wrote in his July 29th article after watching the live-broadcast topical debate program aired by a TV channel in Jinan, Shandong province on July 26 that Chinese media become braver to challenge oversights about political broadcasts and want more government transparency under President Xi’s anti-graft campaign.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China to launch national survey of senior citizens
China will launch a massive sample survey of senior citizens on August 1. This survey, the fourth China has made on the living situation of senior people in rural and urban areas, will last about one month with the effort of 40,000 census-takers, according to a press release held by China National Committee on Ageing.
From: People's Daily Online
Sichuan to relocate 1.2 mln from disadvantaged areas
The southwestern province of Sichuan plans to relocate 1.2 million residents out of areas where the geography is blamed for grinding poverty.
The resettlements will target villages with harsh living conditions or fragile biodiversity, as well as scattered settlements in which it is hard to provide infrastructure and public services, the provincial government said at a press conference on July 30.
From: Xinhua
Expectant Almaty eyes 2022 Games bid win over Beijing
Kazakhstan`s capital before glitzy Astana took over its mantle in 1997, Almaty is the less-fancied competitor in a two-horse race which will be voted on by 90+ International Olympic Committee (IOC) members on July 31.
"Beijing is still the favourite but it is getting closer to call as the announcement nears," Christoph Becker, a sports editor for Germany`s Frankfurter AllgemeineZeitung, told AFP.
From: AFP
Nanjing releases draft law banning minors under 6 to be left alone
No child under six years of age can be left alone without proper care in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, according to a new local draft law released for public scrutiny.
The draft adds that minors must not be physically harmed by parents or guardians. Minors should not be subjected to chronic hunger as punishment, according to the draft law, which also protects children from the use of insulting language by their guardians.
From: Ecns.cn
Beijing ecstatic for winning 2022 Winter Olympics bid
A proclamation of IOC President Thomas Bach about 4330 kilometers away sent Beijing into ecstasy.
On July 31, German announced to the world in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia that Beijing won the bid to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, making the Chinese capital the first city to host both summer and winter Olympics.
From: Xinhua
Beijing cuts residency permit wait
New measures have been introduced that cut the minimum waiting time for foreigners seeking residence permits in Beijing by five days.
From: China Daily
U.S. calls Japan’s wartime sex slaves “terrible violation of human rights”
The United States said Thursday victims of Japan's wartime sexual slavery were trafficked by the country's military in a rebuttal of a Japanese ruling party committee's claim that they were recruited by private companies rather than coerced.
From: Yonhap News Agency/chinahumanrights.org
China willing to work with U.S. to contribute to world peace, stability: FM
On Aug.5, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said China is willing to work with the U.S. side to make full preparations to ensure the success of Chinese President Xi Jinping's historic state visit to the United States in September.
The visit will not only make further arrangements for mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields and push forward the new major-country relations between the two countries, but will also jointly send positive signals to the international community, Wang said at a meeting with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on the sidelines of the ongoing ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting.
Wang said China is ready to step up cooperation with the United States in the fields of investment, military, climate change, finance, economy and trade, energy, hunt of corrupt officials, justice and public health.
China also wishes to join hands with the United States in strengthening coordination and collaboration on regional and international issues concerning the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, Iran nuclear program, Middle East, counter-terrorism and Afghanistan so as to play a constructive role in safeguarding world peace and stability.
From: Xinhua
Xinjiang passport reform sign of improved governance
According to the Xinjiang Daily, China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region will introduce a unified system for issuing and managing passports. Passport application requirements and handling procedures will be simplified, and all residents in the region will enjoy equal treatment. The new policy quickly became a heated topic in Xinjiang society, and a highly welcome one.  
From:Global Times
One-third white-collars work 5 extra hours a week
Over half of Chinese white-collar workers sit all day in offices without getting any exercise, and one-third work an extra five hours a week, according to a survey by Zhaopin.com, a Chinese recruitment services website.
The website's report shows that many white-collar employees are under heavy pressure due to continuous meetings and a lack of exercise.
From: Ecns.cn
Ministry of Education issues guidelines on school mental consulting services
China's Ministry of Education issued a guideline concerning the development of mental consulting services in primary and secondary schools, as reported by thepaper.cn on Aug.11.
The guideline requires services to keep students mentally fit should be established and regulated in the country's schools.
From: CRI Online
China, U.S. hold 19th human rights dialogue
China and the United States have held the 19th Human Rights Dialogue here to discuss the human rights situations in both countries and exchanged views in a candid and professional manner, the Chinese delegation said on Aug.16.U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Chinese ambassador to the U.S. Cui Tiankai delivered opening speeches.
The two sides exchanged views in depth in a candid and professional manner on the new developments in the human rights situations in both countries, legal and conceptual perspectives of human rights, multifaceted cooperation in the human rights sphere, rights and commitments of the freedom of speech, religious freedom, anti-racism, counterterrorism and fighting violent extremism, among other things, the delegation said in a news release.
Human Rights issue should not dominate the meeting next month between Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Barack Obama, said Li Junhua, director-general of the Department of International Organizations and Conference of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, at the 19th China-US Human Rights Dialogue.
"China shows an open-mind attitude toward human rights issue. We have both consensus and disagreements on this issue, but it should not be the whole picture of China-US relations. The two countries should be farsighted and focus on cooperation in handling the differences," Li said.
Li said that China-US relations, as the most important bilateral relations in the world, have an impact on the whole world. He believed that the meeting between the two heads of state next next month will contribute to building a new type of great power relationship, deepening comprehensive cooperation between the two countries as well as the global stability and development.
From: Chinahumanrights.org
China allocates 22 bln USD to students in need of assistance in 2014
More than 142 billion yuan (22.1 billion U.S. dollars) was allocated to student assistance programs in 2014, up 19.92 percent year on year, according to a report released by the Ministry of Education on Aug.18.
From: Xinhua
Blue book on China’s human rights wins award
On August 7th, 2015, the Annual Report on China’s Human Rights No.4 (2014)(Blue Book on China’s Human Rights) compiled by the China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS) was awarded second prize in the Excellent Blue Books Competition at the 16th Annual National Meeting on Papers sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Social Science(CASS) and co-organized by the Social Sciences Academic Press(SSAP) and Hubei University. The blue book was also granted the right to use the title”Innovative Academic Publishing Project of CASS” in 2016.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China allocates 860 mln yuan to fight floods, droughts
On Aug.19, the Ministry of Finance announced that it has allocated 860 million yuan (136.5 million U.S. dollars) to fight flood and drought.
Of the total, 615 million yuan will be sent to regions hit by typhoons, rainstorms and floods, while the remaining 245 million yuan will go to drought-hit areas.
Flooding has resulted in the deaths of 232 people with 55 people still missing nationwide this year, with southern China reporting the majority of victims, said the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters on Aug.18.
From: Xinhua
China has almost wiped out urban poverty. Now it must tackle inequality
China has lifted more people out of poverty than anywhere else in the world: its per capita income in increased fivefold between 1990 and 2000, from $200 to $1,000. Between 2000 and 2010, per capita income also rose by the same rate, from $1,000 to $5,000, moving China into the ranks of middle-income countries. Between 1990 and 2005, China’s progress accounted for more than three-quarters of global poverty reduction and is the reason why the world reached the UN millennium development goal of halving extreme poverty. This incredible success was delivered by a combination of a rapidly expanding labour market, driven by a protracted period of economic growth, and a series of government transfers such as the above urban subsidy, and the introduction of a rural pension.
From: The Guardian
Prisoner-amnesty deal deliberated by lawmakers
An official pardon is being considered for prisoners who meet a certain criteria, according to a draft decision submitted to China's top legislature on Aug.24.
In the spirit of the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II, four categories of prisoners who are not deemed a threat to society may become eligible for amnesty, Li Shishi, director of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee's legislative affairs commission, told a bimonthly session that started on Aug.24.
From: Xinhua
Path smoothed for organ donors
On Aug.22, China published its first national guideline on organ donation to better regulate the process and further raise public awareness.
The guideline will be handed to all the country's coordinators to help them explain the principles and policies to relatives of dead patients and to receive their approval for organ donations.
From: China Daily
China Headlines: China legislates against domestic violence, law stepping in family affairs
Chinese legislators are working on a law specifically for domestic violence that highlights prevention and introduces habeas corpus, bringing traditionally silent victims under protection of law.
President Xi urges more care about young people
Chinese President Xi Jinping called for more attention to teenage development on Aug.25, saying their development bears upon the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
From: Xinhua
China's organ donation number tops Asia
China has topped Asian countries in organ donation numbers, with average organ donation being 2 per 1 million population (PMP), said Huang Jiefu, head of a national human organ donation and transplant committee in Guangzhou on Aug.22, People's Daily Overseas Edition reported.
China published its first national guideline on organ donation on Aug.22, which is aimed at raising the public's awareness and understanding of the cause. The guideline expounds on the country's principles and polices in the field, including ethics, standards to judge death and standards on extraction and distribution of organs.
From: People's Daily Online
Sex with minors to be considered rape: reports
Sex with underage prostitutes might be considered rape in the third reading of amendments to China's criminal law next week, reports said on Aug.27.
The draft amendments will be tackled by China's top legislature, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, when it meets from August 24 to 29.
From: Global Times
Xinhua Insight: China passes law to control air pollution
On Aug.29, China's top legislature adopted an amendment to the Air Pollution Control Law that will restrict various sources of smog and make information on environmental cleanliness more readily available to the public.
From: Xinhua
Xi calls on countries to remember war history, pursue peaceful development
On Sept.3,Chinese President Xi Jinping said all countries should draw lessons from the history of World War II and stick to peaceful development.
Xi made the remarks while addressing a reception after a grand military parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.
From: Xinhua
China to cut troops by 300,000: President Xi
China will cut the number of its troops by 300,000, President Xi Jinping announced on Sept.3.
Xi made the announcement while addressing the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War.
From: Xinhua
China issues white paper on Tibet, reaffirming regional ethnic autonomy
On Sept.6, China issued a white paper on Tibet ahead of the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the ethnic autonomous region.
Titled Successful Practice of Regional Ethnic Autonomy in Tibet, the white paper said that since the democratic reform was carried out in 1959 and that the regional ethnic autonomy came into practice in 1965, Tibet has established the new socialist system and achieved historic leaps and bounds in its economic and social development.
From: Xinhua
Online course seeks to protect children from sexual assault
An online course designed to help children protect themselves from sexual assault and molestation will be offered for the first time in the upcoming semester to fourth-and fifth-grade students in Shanghai primary schools.
The course, created with cartoon images and interactives, provides simulations to educate children on appropriate responses should someone try to touch or talk to them inappropriately, offer them rides or introduce them to pornography.
The course also includes an introduction to puberty and the physical and mental changes children undergo.
From: China Daily
Delegation salutes Tibet anniversary
National flags fly atop office buildings and from the windows of many homes. Red lanterns hang from electrical poles. Red banners with slogans in Chinese and Tibetan languages cover the railings of overpasses in the streets.
on the morning of Sept.8,the capital of the Tibet autonomous region is ready for a grand ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the region's founding.
Top political adviser Yu Zhengsheng arrived in Lhasa on Sunday at the head of a 65-member delegation from the central government to attend the ceremony and other festivities. The delegation will be at the ceremony in front of the Potala Palace on Sept.8.
From: China Daily
70,000 orphans receive free health insurance
On Sept.7, More than 70,000 orphans were given free health insurance as a new-school year gift.
The children, from Sichuan Province in southwest China, and Guangdong in south China, are the latest beneficiaries of a Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) and China Children Insurance Foundation (CCIF) program launched in July 2009.
The insurance, which is covered by donations and lasts for at least 12 months, is for underprivileged children and MCA-registered orphans. More than 440,000 orphans have benefited from the program since its conception, according to CCIF managing director Heidi Hu.
From: Xinhua
Nutrition improvement plan benefits over 32 mln rural students
Over one third counties and one fourth rural students at the compulsory education level have been benefiting from the nutrition improvement plan since its start three years ago, according to a report on the plan released by the Ministry of Education on Sept.6.
By the end of April 2015, a total of 133,800 schools nationwide have been piloting this plan, covering over 32 million rural students according to the report. 91,400 rural schools in compulsory education in 699 poor-stricken counties have piloted the plan, benefiting more than 21 million rural students.
64,828 schools in pilot regions have opened cafeterias since 2012, with the number of school cafeterias increasing to 65.98 percent.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Public to have more say on pollution
In its effort to clean up polluted urban rivers, China will give more weight to public opinion in determining which rivers are given a clean bill of health and removed from a listing of polluted waters.
At least 60 percent of respondents to a government survey must conclude that a river or pond is polluted to have it included in the list of rivers that are polluted and to be remedied.
Only when more than 90 percent of residents who live near those rivers are satisfied that a river or pond is clean can the government then declare that river clean and remove it from the list of polluted rivers.
Additionally, the government will establish a monitoring platform to release updated information to the public in a timely manner on its pollution control efforts.
From: China Daily
Rising cancer rate drives prevention plan
Health officials seeking to curb the country's fast increasing cancer rate are implementing a three-year nationwide plan that expands cancer screening, registration and prevention while reducing smoking.
Cancer has become a major public health problem, with some 2 million people dying of cancer every year and more than 3 million new cases reported annually, the National Health and Family Planning Commission said.
From: China Daily
Prisoners on death row to get free legal aid
Convicted criminals on death row will be entitled to free legal representation under a new rule drafted by the Ministry of Justice, a ministry source told China Daily.
The ministry will assign lawyers to condemned prisoners who cannot afford one during the review of their sentences to ensure equal access to justice, according to the source.
From: China Daily
Attaining full human rights shared goal of humanity: Xi
Attaining full human rights for people is a shared goal of the humanity, President Xi Jinping said in a congratulation letter to the Beijing Forum on Human Rights, which began on Sept.16.
More than 100 officials and human rights experts from more than 30 countries and regions will attend the two-day forum.
The theme of the forum, "peace and development: victory of World Anti-Fascist War and human rights advancement" is quite fitting as the world is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War, Xi said in the letter.
From: Xinhua
Beijing Human rights forum to focus on peace, development
The annual Beijing Forum on Human Rights, which focused on peace and development, was wrapped up on Sept.17.
The two-day event attracted more than 100 officials and human rights experts from more than 30 countries and regions. The discussions centered on the relationship between the victory of the World Anti-Fascist War and the progress of human rights.
Forum subjects including the lessons drawn from the war. China's contribution to human rights and world peace were also discussed at the event.
The attendees exchanged views through speeches and group discussions. They also paid a visit to the Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in Beijing on Sept.17
From: Xinhua
Adoptions approved for abduction victims
Abducted children rescued by police can now be legally adopted, instead of being left stranded at welfare institutions waiting for their parents to find them.
According to the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Public Security, children can be adopted after a 12-month search fails to locate their parents or other guardians. The ministries announced the decision in a jointly released notice.
From: China Daily
China issues regulation to safeguard lawyers' rights
China has issued a regulation on safeguarding the rights of lawyers.
The regulation was made by the Supreme People's Court (SPC), the Supreme People's Procuratorate (SPP), the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of State Security and the Ministry of Justice.
The regulation says those organs should respect lawyers, improve their systems to ensure lawyers' rights, and safeguard lawyers' rights to know, the rights of application, petition, and other rights of meeting defendants, reading files, collecting evidence, debating, raising questions and others.
From: Xinhua
China releases full text of reform plan for ecological progress
China has released the full text of an integrated reform plan for promoting ecological progress on Sept.21.
The plan, which consists of 56 articles, was released by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council, or China's cabinet.
The plan was approved at a meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on September 11.
The document said the plan was worked out in order to build a beautiful China and handle the relationship between humankind and nature, and solve serious ecological and environmental problems.
From: Xinhua
China issues white paper on gender equality, women's development
China issued a white paper on gender equality and women's development on Sept.22, providing a comprehensive overview of the country's policies for women and the unremitting efforts made in this regard.
Gender equality and women's development in China not only show the country's own progress, but also constitute a historical contribution made to global equality, development and peace, said the white paper, which was released to mark the 20th anniversary of the UN's Fourth World Conference on Women held in Beijing.
From: Xinhua
China issues white paper on Xinjiang ethnic equality, unity
On Sept.24, China issued a white paper on ethnic equality, unity and development in Xinjiang, stating that the development and progress in Xinjiang mark the successful implementation of China's system of ethnic regional autonomy in the region.
The white paper, titled "Historical Witness to Ethnic Equality, Unity and Development in Xinjiang" and issued by the State Council Information Office, stressed that implementing regional autonomy in areas where ethnic minorities live in concentrated communities is a basic political system of China and is an important step on the correct path of handling ethnic issues in a Chinese manner.
From: Xinhua
Chinese president makes four-point proposal on promoting women’s rights
On Sept.27, Chinese President Xi Jinping made a four-point proposal on further advancing women's rights worldwide while addressing a high-level summit at the United Nations (UN) headquarters.
From: Xinhua
Chinese president calls for development, stability to resolve European refugee crisis
On Sept.28, Chinese President Xi Jinping called for elimination of poverty and conflict to address the European refugee crisis.
Meeting with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Xi said that the root of the current refugee crisis troubling the Europe lies in unbalanced development and social instability.
In addition to humanitarian aid, the international community should find an effective solution for poverty and social instability and especially eliminate the cause of conflicts in the refugees' countries in order to cope with the crisis, Xi noted.
According to the UN refugee agency UNHCR, over 42,000 people, mostly refugees, reached Greece by sea in the first five months of 2015.
From: Xinhua
Xi announces major measures to support UN
On Sept.28, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced a series of major actions in support of the United Nations (UN) and its peacekeeping efforts.
Addressing the UN General Assembly, he said China will join the new UN peacekeeping capability readiness system, take the lead to set up a permanent peacekeeping police squad, and build an 8,000-strong standby peacekeeping force.
Also, China will establish a 10-year, 1-billion-U.S.-dollar China-UN peace and development fund to "support the UN's work, advance multilateral cooperation and contribute more to world peace and development," he added.
In addition, Xi said, China is to provide a total of 100 million dollars of free military aid for the African Union in the next five years to support the establishment of the African Standby Force and the African Capacity for Immediate Response to Crisis.
From: Xinhua
Xinjiang to focus on maintaining stability
On Oct,8, Yu Zhengsheng, China's top political advisor, said that long-term stability and security are the top priorities in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region. He stressed that counterterrorism will be the focus of the local government's work.
From: China Daily
Spotlight: Xi raises six-point proposal for advancing ties in talks with Obama
On Oct.9, visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward a six-pronged proposal for the next-stage development of China-U.S. relations.
Xi made the suggestions in his talks with U.S. President Barack Obama at the White House, which culminated his four-day first state visit to the United States.
From: Xinhua
All-out effort underway to lift 70m out of poverty
China will work hard to lift about 70 million people in rural areas out of poverty by the end of 2020, a senior official from the government's top task force on eliminating poverty said on Oct.12.
From: China Daily
China, Netherlands hold 9th human rights dialogue
The 9th China-Netherlands Human Rights Dialogue was co-hosted from October 8 to 9 in the Netherlands by Liu Hua, Special Representative for Human Rights Affairs of China’s Foreign Ministry and Kees Van Baar, Human Rights Ambassador of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Foreign affairs, judicial and security officials from the two countries attended the dialogue.
FM: China never shies away from human rights topics
China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his Czech counterpart Lubomír Zaorálek on October 12 in Prague, capital of Czech Republic.
They exchanged views on economic and trade cooperation between the two countries and reached broad consensus.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Official:China protects rights of religious freedom
Chen Zongrong, vice director of the State Administration for Religious Affair (SARA) met with the U.S. delegation led by Tom Malinowski, Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on October 14, 2015. Officials from the SARA, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) and the American Embassy in China attended the meeting.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Xi pledges stronger support to rid all Chinese of poverty by 2020
The Chinese government will enact more support policies to lift the country's 70 million poor people above the poverty line by 2020, President Xi Jinping pledged ahead of the 23rd International Day for the Eradication of Poverty on Oct.16.
From: Xinhua
China rejects U.S. religious freedom report
On Oct.15, China criticized the U.S. State Department's annual religious freedom report, urging the country to stop interfering in China's internal affairs under the pretext of religious issues.
From: Xinhua
China to gradually postpone statutory retirement age
China will gradually postpone its statutory retirement age, as its workforce retires the earliest in the world, said an official on Oct 14.
The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security is set to publicize a reform plan on postponing the statutory retirement age, said minister Yin Weimin.
Britain & China's 'win-win' with Xi Jinping's visit
Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain from October 19 to 23 is important in itself, clearly illustrates the basis for mutually beneficial relations between different countries and shows principles for overcoming problems between states.
From: Xinhua
China Focus: China proposes joint efforts for poverty relief
Chinese officials stressed international cooperation to relieve poverty worldwide while encouraging developing countries to learn from its own experience on Oct.17.
2014 poverty alleviation yearbook released
On Nov.17,a comprehensive guide to China's efforts to alleviate poverty was released in Beijing on the 23rd International Day for the Eradication of Poverty.
The yearbook produced by the International Poverty Reduction Center in China recorded China's accomplishments in 2014. The English version will be released soon.
China sees record number of organ transplants
The number of organ transplants has hit a record high this year after voluntary organ donations became the only legitimate source. During the first nine months, the number of deceased organ donors reached over 2000 with more than 6000 organs donated. In addition, the number of living-donor (family members) transplantation reached more than 8000. Meanwhile, the quality of transplants has greatly improved. 
From: chinahumanrights.org
Per capita income up 9% in first three quarters
China’s per capita disposable income reached 16,367 yuan, a nominal growth of 9.2 percent year-on-year or a real growth of 7.7 percent after deducting price factors, which was 0.1 percentage point higher than that in the first half of the year, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) revealed on Oct.19.
Per capita disposable income of urban residents reached 23,521 yuan, a nominal growth of 8.4 percent year-on-year or a real growth of 6.8 percent after deducting price factors. Per capita disposable income of rural residents reached 8,297 yuan, a nominal growth of 9.5 percent year-on-year or a real growth of 8.1 percent .
Chinese Ambassador to the UK "war of words" BBC reporter confrontation and human rights issues
Ambassador Liu Xiaoming at the BBC thing as brand program "Newsnight" (Newsnight) studio to accept the show host Evan Davis (Evan Davis) live interview, Chairman Xi Jinping's state visit to Britain introduced the situation and answer questions about the Chinese economy, network security, Sino-British trade and economic and investment cooperation, human rights questions.
From: BBC
Pricing reform to protect low-income residents
China will remove price controls on 80% items by the central government in order to give more roles to the market according to the new released pricing catalog by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) on Oct.21.
The government will have no pricing power on items not included in the new pricing catalog, which will take effect on January 1, 2016.
So far, the prices of 97 percent of the commodities and services have been decided by the market and the price reform will not influence the livelihood of low-income residents.
From: chinahumanrights.org
More than 53,000 Beijing couples opt for second child
More than 53,000 couples in Beijing have applied for a second child since the city changed its birth control policy in early 2014.
By the end of September, 53,034 couples in Beijing had submitted applications, among which 48,392 couples were approved. Of the potential mothers, 57 percent were aged between 31 and 35 years old.
From: Xinhua
Blueprint 'focuses on growth, livelihoods'
Social development and improving people's livelihoods form the major part of China's next five-year development plan, according to a leading economist and adviser on drafting of the blueprint.
From:China Daily
Survey: over 80 percent of Shanghai women are happy
More than 85.7 percent of them are "fairly" or "relatively happy", according to a newly published report on the happiness index of women in Shanghai.
Most women in Shanghai think that happiness comes from one's own physical and mental health. Only 12.5 per cent of respondents are of the opinion that happiness comes from high income and a wealthy life.
From: People's Daily Online
China to allow two children for all couples
China will allow all couples to have two children, abandoning its decades-long one-child policy, the Communist Party of China (CPC) announced after a key meeting on Oct.29.
From: Xinhua
Progress toward fairer income distribution
The 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-15) period has seen great improvements being made in the income distribution system. In February 2013, the authorities decided to further improve the income distribution system, increase urban and rural residents' incomes, narrow the income gap and manage income distribution according to the Guideline on Deepening Reform of Income Distribution System, which spelt out the overall demand and target of the income distribution system reform during the 12th Five-Year Plan period.
From: Xinhua
Development “sole route” to realizing human rights
“Development is both the foundation of peace and the sole route towards the realization of human rights. Only through development can people's aspiration for a better life be fulfilled and human rights and human dignity truly safeguarded,” said Liu Jieyi, China’s permanent representative to the UN at a general debate on human rights at the Third Committee of the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly, or the Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee (SOCHUM) on October 30, 2015.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China unveils detailed scheme to deepen rural reform
China unveiled a rural reform plan on Nov.2, underscoring the importance of developing modern agriculture and raising farmers' income.
The outline, released by the State Council, China's cabinet, said that by 2020 the agricultural management and rural collective property rights systems will both be improved, and reforms to the rural land system will be rolled out as pilot programs.
From: Xinhua
China to advance reform of household registration system: Xi
President Xi Jinping called for the prompt execution of changes to the household registration system, according to a document issued by the Communist Party of China on Nov.3, 2015.
From: Xinhua
Scholar: China’s new five-year plan to further protect civil rights
“China’s human rights guarantee based on law and people’s democracy will be further improved during the 13th Five-Year period,” Chang Jian, vice director of the Human Rights Research Center of Nankai University, said to CRI online.
Chang said there are mainly two aspects closely related to human rights in the newly-released 13th Five-Year Plan. One is the principle of shared development which puts people at the first place during development instead of focusing on GDP as the biggest indicator of growth.
The other aspect is to protect civil rights. In particular, the democratic negotiation should be strengthened when it comes to interests closely related to people’s livelihood. If more people have a say in policy-making, people’s political rights will be better guaranteed.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Chinese human rights scholar submits shadow report to UN committee
The UN Committee against Torture (CAT) will meet at the Palais Wilson in Geneva from November 9 to December 9 to examine measures adopted by Liechtenstein, Azerbaijan, Austria, Denmark, China and Jordan to prevent and punish acts of torture. 
Shadow reports are a method for NGOs to supplement or provide an alternative point of view to governmental reports that states are required to submit under international treaties. The shadow report submitted by Professor Zhang expounded China’s implementation of the Convention and proposed opinions and suggestions about preventing cruel punishment in China.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China to promote integrating healthcare and eldercare services
China will promote the integration of health care with elderly care to address its aging population, an official statement showed on Nov.11.
These efforts will benefit millions of Chinese families and create numerous jobs, according to a statement released after an executive meeting of the State Council, China's cabinet, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang.
From: Xinhua
China stresses quality over quantity in future education reform
China will focus on improving the quality of instead of the quantity of school courses as an effort to promote universal education for high school students, said the Ministry of Education on Nov.11.
Moral education for students must be put in first place and China should popularize and improve high school education at the same time, Liu Limin, deputy head of the ministry, made the remarks on a seminar held in Beijing on Nov.11.
From: Xinhua
China's floating population to hit 291 mln in 2020: report
The number of floating people - those who left their places of origin to seek employment or education elsewhere - is expected to increase by 6 million annually in the next five years to hit 291 million in 2020, a government report said on Nov.11.
The report, which was released by the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said China had 253 million floating people at the end of 2014. The number represents about one sixth of the country's total population.
From: Xinhua
100 million migrant workers to get urban residence permit
According to the proposals that constitute the 13th Five-Year Plan issued recently, China will strengthen the reform of household registration system, which will give migrant workers who have stable job and income in cities and towns urban residence permits and allow them to move to cities and towns with their families.
It means migrant workers could be urban residents with legal status.
From: People's Daily Online
Attacks in Paris prompt China to boost security
China will intensify counter terrorism security measures following the Paris attacks that so far claimed 132 innocent lives and injured hundreds of people on Nov.13, public security authorities said on Nov.15.
From: China Daily
Government on target for reduced pollution in 2017
China's major cities should reach their targets in reducing major air pollutants by 2017 as planned, experts said, though ozone poses a more stubborn problem.
Among the six major air pollutants listed in the Action Plan on Air Pollution Control and Prevention, the concentrations of five saw significant decreases in 2014 in 74 major cities, according to the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
From: China Daily
China completes ratification of 2006 Maritime Labor Convention
Chinese ambassador to the UN Office in Geneva has submitted the Instrument of Ratification of the 2006 Maritime Labor Convention (MLC) to the International Labour Organization (ILO), marking China's ratification of and entry into the 2006 MLC, according to the Ministry of Transport of China. 
From: chinahumanrights.org
Top political advisor highlights targeted poverty relief in ethnic regions
China's top political advisor Yu Zhengsheng has called for "precise" poverty relief measures as the country plans to lift all its people out of poverty by 2020.
From: Xinhua
Ministry mulls tough regulation on college student credibility
College students who lose creditability might be dismissed, according to a draft amendment issued by the Ministry of Education on Nov.17.
The amendment on student creditability education was first adopted into the guidelines for colleges. It urged colleges to carry out creditability education and establish creditability records.
From: Ecns.cn
Book on late leader Hu Yaobang's works published
A collection of speeches and works by Hu Yaobang, the late general-secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has been published by the People's Publishing House.
The book, released to commemorate what would have been Hu's 100th birthday on Nov. 20, includes writing and speeches from 1952 to 1986, many of which published for the first time, according to the publisher's statement issued on Nov.19,2015.
From: Xinhua
All students to receive free textbooks
All students in compulsory education will receive free textbooks starting from the spring semester of 2017, the finance and education ministries announced on Nov.20.
Yu Weiping, vice-finance minister, said the students will also be exempt from tuition and other education fees.
The Chinese government started offering free textbooks in 2008, and a report released last year by the China National Center for Student Financial Aid showed that in 2013, about 86 percent of the 138 million students in the nine-year compulsory education period were using free textbooks.
The new policy will cover students from private schools.
From: China Daily
Tibet to raise life expectancy to 70 by 2020
Tibet Autonomous Region in southwest China plans to raise its average life expectancy by two years to 70 in five years, a local official has said.
From: Xinhua
Seminar on child protection held in Nankai University
The Seminar on Teaching Methods of Child Protection was held by the Research Center for Human Rights of Nankai University on November 10 and 11, 2015.
Teachers and human rights scholars attended the seminar, including Professor Xue Jinwen, Party Secretary of Nankai University and Director of Research Center for Human Rights, child protection experts from Denmark, and over 60 primary and high school teachers from the affiliated schools of Nankai University.
The seminar aimed to spread knowledge of child protection to primary and high school teachers.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China, Germany hold "candid, in-depth" dialogue on human rights
China and Germany held "candid" and "in-depth" talks during their 13th Human Rights Dialogue in Beijing on Nov.24, according to an official press release.
The two sides exchanged views on new development in fields of human rights, different understandings of the human rights concept, human rights judicial protection and other affairs, said the press release.
From: Xinhua
138 mln Chinese students to enjoy gov't financial support
Around 138 million Chinese students will benefit from a system that ensures funds for compulsory education beginning in 2016, the Ministry of Education (MOE) said on Nov.26.
From: Xinhua
China pledges resolute measures to root out poverty by 2020
China's top leadership on Saturday pledged resolute measures to help the remaining 70 million poor people shake off poverty and enjoy essential social services by 2020.
From: Xinhua
Chinese president arrives in Paris for climate change conference
On Nov.29, Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Paris to attend the opening ceremony of an international conference on climate change.
From: Xinhua
9,542 disabled students enrolled in college in 2014
A total of 9,542 disabled students were admitted to universities including 7,864 to higher institutions and the rest to colleges for special education, according to an evaluation report on special education released by the Ministry of Education recently.  
From: chinahumanrights.org
China's aging population exceeds 200 million
By the end of 2014, China's population of 60 years of age and above reached 212 million, accounting for 15.5 percent of the total population, making China the country with most aging population in the world, says a report.
The "2015 Report on China's Large and Medium-Sized Cities Employee Pension Reserve Index" jointly was released by Insurance Association of China, Institute for Social Security Research of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and other three institutes on Nov. 29.
The report shows that China's population aging has been severe.
According to the report, the employees of state-owned companies have the highest pension reserve since their job positions are relatively stable and the supporting measures are in place, followed by the employees of foreign-funded enterprises and the employees of private enterprises have the lowest pension reserve. 
From: People's Daily Online
Beijing vows 'strong control' of population growth
Beijing again vowed that it would strongly rein in its population growth and set a ceiling of 23 million as the capital grapples with a shortage of water resources and a looming limit in carrying capacity.
From: chinadaily.com.cn
China and EU Hold the 34th Human Rights Dialogue
On November 30, 2015, the 34th China-EU Human Rights Dialogue was held in Beijing. The dialogue was co-chaired by Director-General of the Department of International Organizations and Conferences of the Foreign Ministry Li Junhua and Managing Director for Asia-Pacific Department of the European External Action Service Ugo Astuto of the EU, and attended by representatives from Supreme People's Court, the United Front Work Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), State Ethnic Affairs Commission, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, Ministry of Environmental Protection, National Health and Family Planning Commission and State Administration of Religious Affairs. Both sides exchanged views on new progress and cooperation in human rights area, human rights and environmental protection, social integration and human rights and other issues, holding that the dialogue was candid, comprehensive and deep and promoted mutual understanding. 
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Provinces vow to eradicate poverty ahead of schedule
Over ten provinces have released their provincial 13th Five Year Plan (FYP) as of December 1, 2015. They pledge to “double their 2010 GDP and per capita income for both urban and rural residents by 2020” and realize the goal of poverty alleviation in advance.
From: chinahumanrights.org
Report suggests delaying retirement age starting in 2018
A green book on population and labor has advised authorities to postpone the statutory retirement age to 65 starting in 2018, Chinanews.com reported.
From: Ecns.cn
China to tackle issue of 13 mln non-registered population
China is mulling measures to assist the 13 million people who haven't been registered in its household system,also known as "hukou". The issue was one of the major topics at a meeting of the Ministry of Public Security held over the weekend.
From: Ecns.cn
Report suggests delaying retirement age starting in 2018
A green book on population and labor has advised authorities to postpone the statutory retirement age to 65 starting in 2018, Chinanews.com reported.
China to tackle issue of 13 mln non-registered population
China is mulling measures to assist the 13 million people who haven't been registered in its household system,also known as "hukou". The issue was one of the major topics at a meeting of the Ministry of Public Security held over the weekend.
From: Ecns.cn
1st China-Europe Human Rights Forum eyes child protection
The first China-Europe Human Rights Forum was held at the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in Strasbourg, France on December 4, 2015.
Chinese and European experts, scholars and legal personnel attended the Forum and exchanged views on child protection.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China releases blueprint on fighting poverty
The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council released a poverty alleviation instruction on Dec.7,2015.
The document followed a high-profile conference on the issue in Beijing late in November, during which the leadership pledged measures to help lift the country's remaining 70 million poor out of poverty by 2020.
From: Xinhua
US expert: China is making progress in human rights protection
“China has made great progress in protecting political rights and other human rights. In the long run, China is making progress in its human rights cause,” Stephen A. Orlins, President of the National Committee on US-China Relations (NCUSCR) said to CRI Online when he attended the Sixth Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights .
The Sixth Sino-American Dialogue on the Rule of Law and Human Rights was held in Beijing on December 7 and 8, 2015. The theme of the dialogue is “building a country based on rule of law and promoting human rights protection”.
More than 40 law and human rights experts from China and the US attended the Dialogue and held extensive talks on human rights protection.
From: chinahumanrights.org
China, US law experts discuss human rights issues
Experts from China and the United States held talks on various human rights topics during the Sixth Sino-American Dialogue on Rule of Law and Human Rights in Beijing.
The two-day event, which started on Monday, brought together 40 experts, scholars, judges and lawyers from the two countries to discuss protecting the interests of people involved in legal cases, human rights protection in judicial reform and guiding lawyers to contribute to the judicial system.
From: Xinhua
China's new residence permits promise better public services
From next year, an interim regulation on China's residence permit system will ensure access to basic public services while encouraging local governments to provide better services.
From: Xinhua
Schools in poor areas getting help
The central government has launched a national campaign to evaluate basic school conditions and oversee billions of yuan in renovation projects in an effort to improve education in areas with high poverty.
From: China Daily
Draft law against domestic violence to include psychological harm, cover cohabitation
China's first counter domestic violence law may include emotional or psychological abuse and cover cohabitation in order to bring more traditionally silent abuse victims under protection, a new draft read.
From: Xinhua
Chinese bid farewell to one-child policy with law amended
Chinese lawmakers adopted an amended family planning law on Dec.27,2015, a historic move allowing all couples to have two children amid efforts of balancing the country's population structure.
From: Xinhua
Counter-terrorism law key for national security legislation: top legislator
Chairman of the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee Zhang Dejiang said China's first counter-terrorism law was key part of a law system to ensure national security.
From: Xinhua
China creates 64 mln new jobs in 2011-2015
China has created more than 64 million new jobs for urban residents since 2011, topping the government target of 45 million for the five-year period, an official said on Dec.28,2015.
From: Xinhua
China provides over 140 billion yuan to low-income groups
China has provided more than 140 billion yuan (21.6 billion U.S. dollars) to low-income residents over the past 11 months of 2015, according to the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) on Dec.28,2015.
From: Xinhua