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Trust in the Path

2015-12-31 13:36:28Author: Maya X. Guo


Author:Maya X. Guo

Press:Foreign Languages Press

Publication date:2015




Like a rising sun. China's rapid development has attracted a great deal of attention over the past six decades. This has been seen as a major world event, although there have been both positive and negative responses from the international community. Some welcome China's development as a result of the Chinese people's creativity and untiring efforts, and believe that it can help to build a multipolar world and serve as a harbinger for a more inclusive human community. Others, however, hold the view that China's rise poses a threat to the present international order. There are even those who assert that China's growth will prove unsustainable, as it refuses to follow the Western development model.
I read Maya's book several months ago as soon as it was published, and I finished it in a single sitting. I deem it one of the most successful books yet published in detailing today's China. Though far from perfect, it provides convincing arguments about China's rise. The views expressed in the book are based not only on the 60 years and more of history of the PRC and its
remarkable achievements in the past three decades, but also on China's sorrowful modern history since 1840, its 2.000-year history as a united country, and its remarkable 5.000-year civilization.
Born and brought up in China. The author also has an overseas education. She is of an independent mind in comparing Western system with the Chinese model. The interviews reflect her close observation of today's China, and the serious thinking her observations have inspired. The 15 interviewees come from a range of different circles;their fields of expertise include politics, economics, society, the national condition, the history of CPC diplomacy, military strategy, management of state—owned property, healthcare, and  private business. Most of them have studied in the United Sates, and some later taught at colleges in the United Sates, Hong Kong or Taiwan. All of them are keen on telling the rest of the world about the real China.
The topics of the interviews vary widely; from systems, theory; development, and reform, to quality of life, strategy, and diplomacy. What they have in common is that both Maya and the interviewees apply independence of thought and of judgment. Their perspectives and the opinions expressed are notably individual. Their arguments, combining both fact and theory, make clear the grounds for China’s confidence in its path, theory and system.
Although they share an optimistic view of China's development, the interviewees never try to avoid confronting problems. Based on China’s prevailing reality, and from an international and historical perspective, the scholars use empirical and comparative methods to explain the opportunities and challenges that China currently faces, and point out the practical significance and possible dangers that can be gleaned from the lessons of history. Such fact-based analyses and conclusions actually serve and defend the overall interests of the Chinese nation. The opinions expressed, though personal, show a love for the country. In line with the prevailing reality, the interviewees’ analyses of China's development during the past 60 years point China in the right direction-that is, learning from all human civilizations with an open mind, and taking a path that suits China instead of copying the Western model.
Today's China is highly open. Many Chinese people want to know what foreigners think of China, and people of other countries also like to hear Chinese ideas and how its people regard their country and the world, and What China’s rise means to the world. I think this series of books provides a different perspective. Its foreign language editions will certainly attract the interest of foreign readers.
China’s rise cannot be achieved in isolation from the rest of the world. It is a political, economic and cultural phenomenon of global and historical significance. During the process, it is necessary for China to communicate with other countries sincerely and in depth, and gain understanding, recognition and support from the rest of the world. I think, through such communications and exchanges of ideas, the rest of the world will learn more and more about China and deal with China in an appropriate way. At the same time China will also get to know itself and others better, and handle its external relationships with wisdom and good sense. I believe that China’s voice will become part of an international harmony which will sound a fresh symphony appropriate to this new era.

Brief Introdution of the Author


Maya X.Guo

Author & Editor, Publishing Center
Phoenix Satellite Television
Published works include
State and Society in China's Democratic Transition, Routledge, New York, 2003;
Strategic Height — Interviews with Influential Chinese Scholars, SDX Joint Publishing Company, Beijing, 2008;
Experiences in America — Family, Society, and Politics, SDX Joint Publishing Company, Beijing, 2010;
The American Logic — Ideology and Politics (Ed.), China Economic Publishing House, Beijing, 2011;
Confidence in the Path: Why China Can Do, Beijing United Publishing Co. Ltd., Beijing, 2013;
Behind China's Economic Miracle — The Coalition of Rural Collective Industries & Grassroots Authorities (Tr.), Foreign Languages Press, Beijing, 2015.


001    Why We Sing of China's Development
011    The Chinese Road:The Road to Modernization for the People's Republic of China
012    The Chinese Road Has Presented Unprecedented Challenges to the Western Model
018    1he Factor of Socialism Is the Accelerator for Achieving Modernization
022    If China Is to Influence the World,It Needs Consciousness, Confidence and Standards
026    "To Achieve Prosperity for MI the People" Is China's True Aim
031    A Spiral Road That Accords with the "Posing Challenges-Accepting Challenges" Model
039    Straighten the Spine of China's Industry
040    The Chinese Role in Economic Globalization
046    The Cornerstone Has Been Laid in the First Thirty Years of New China
OSO    Introduction, Digestion and Assimilation of Equipment Must Be Organized Only by the Central Government
055    Without Key Industry, China Cannot Be a Genuine Major Power
059    Treat State Industrial Progress and Economic Security as the Top Priorities
067    Be Strong and Smart
073    We Can Only Rely on Ourselves to Realize the Dream of Building a Strong Country
074    Educate Chinese People in the Truth about "Globalization"
079    Far from Offering a Bargain, We Shouldn’t Sell XCMG at Any Price
083    Industrial Security Lays the Foundations for the Realization of "Created in China"
087    I Am Full of Confidence in China's Economic Development
091    Our Country Should Provide a Fair Climate of Competition for Private Enterprises
095    Historic Breakthroughs in China's Healthcare Reform
096    The Outbreak of SARS — A Crucial Turning Point in China's Development
102    Progress in the World's Healthcare System Stems from Valuable Experiences of Socialism
110    China Must Draw Lessons from US Healthcare Reform
115    The Anhui Model of Healthcare Reform Saves the Healthcare Reform in China
119    Healthcare Reform at the Grass-roots Level — A Great Example of Social Reform
125    Healthcare Reform in China: From Up to Down and Learning by Doing
131    Strategic Considerations of China's Diplomacy over the Past Six Decades
132    Historic Missions and Objectives Defined by Chinese people
136    Reasons Why the US Refused to Recognize New China
144    Historical and Realistic Causes of the "Leaning to One Side" Policy
149    The Two-sided Effects of"Opposing Hegemony of Two Superpowers"
153    Mao Zedong Begins Integrating China with the Rest of the World
156    The Establishment and Development of "all-round" Diplomacy
162    China’s Diplomatic Strategy in the Past and in the Future
167    The Chinese Dream: From"National Salvation" to"National Renewal"
168    Applying Marxism to China
177    Hard-won Victory for the CPC
183    The Power of Great Men
188    Building on the Past

