Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies


2014-12-30 14:24:45Author: ssap




Cooperation to Promote Human Rights and Build Chinese Dream 


Promoting the Progress of China's Human Rights Cause in 2013 in Roots 


Reading the Documents of Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of CPC from the Perspective of Human Rights 


The Protection of Labor's Right of Receiving Remuneration in 2013 


The Safefguard of Citizen's Health Rights and Reform of Public Hospital 


Progress on the Protection of Civil Environmental Rights in Ecological Civilization Construction 


Social Deliverative Democracy and the Protection of Civil Rights 


Anti-corruption and the Protection of Human Rights 


The New Development of Rights to Legal Assistance for Criminal Detainnees 


The Education-through-labor System Reform in China and Human Rights Protection 


Public Interest Litigation and Human Rights Protection 


Human Rights Protection in Community-based Correction 


Protection of Human Rights of Special Groups 


Protection of Right of the Stay-at-home Children in Rural Areas 


Legal Protection Report on Freedom from Sexual Assault Aganist Chinese Girls in 2013 


Protection of the Legistimate Rights for Overseas Chinese Citizens 


Protection for the Rights of the Drug Addicts 


Analysis Report on China's Human Rights Related Legislation in 2013 


The Development of China's International Cooperation and Exchanges in Human Rights Field in 2013 


An Analysis Report on the Human Rights Books Published in Mainland China during 2003-2013 


Survey on the Protection of the Land Rights of Rural Women in Sichuan from 2012 to 2013 


A Survey of Shenzhen "CANYOU" Self-employment Model 


The Human Rights Protection through Correction and Prevention of Criminal Wrong Case 

