Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies

Oriental Culture and Human Rights Development

2014-12-19 21:02:50


Author: China Society for Human Rights Studies

ISBN: 7506018241

Press: The Oriental Press

Page: 449

Publication date: 2014

Price: ¥26.00




Sponsored by the China Society for Human Rights Studies(CSHRS) and the China Foundation for Human Rights Development( CFHRD) , the International Symposium on Oriental Culture and Human Rights Development was successfully held in Beijing, October 29-30, 2002. The Symposium focused on three topics: universality of human rights and cultural diversity, the Oriental and Western cultures and human rights, and culture and human rights in the globalization process. The three - day Symposium attracted more than 70 scholars,experts, officials and parliamentarians from 26 countries, including Australia, China, Cuba, Ethiopia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Japan,Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, Pakistan, the Phil-ippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, SriLanka, Thailand, Ukraine, the United States of America, and Vietnam. During the Symposium, Mr. Buhe, then Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China, met with the participants and delivered a speech. To memorize this event,we compile and publish some selected papers submitted to the Symposium in both Chinese and English. The book comprises four parts.Part I contains as Introduction the speeches delivered by Mr. Buhe;Mr. Zhu Muzhi, Honorary President of CSHRS; Mr. Zhou Jue, President of CSHRS; Mr. Yang Zhengquan, Vice President of CSHRS and Executive Vice President of CFHRD; and Prof. Dong Yunhu, Vice President and Secretary General of CSHRS. Parts II, III and IV incorporate some papers under the three topics.





Address to When Meeting Symposium Participants
Undertanding is Important
Carry Forward the Fine Cultural Tradition of the Orient and promote the Development of the Human Rights Cause
A Fruitful Human Rights Dialogue Among Different Culatures-Speech at thd Closing Geremony

Universality of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
The Universaluty of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
Universality of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity:Some Interpretaions
Human Rights:A Unifying Factor or an Issue That Rrovokes Mistrust and Tension?
Plural Culture and Universal Human Rights-Also on the Development Trend of Human Rights in China
Univesality of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity:A South African Perspectiove
universality and Specific Cultrual Background of Human Rights
Universal Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
The Universality of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
Universality of Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
Evolution and Questions on Human Rights

The Oriental and Western Cultures and Human Rights
The Impact of Traditional Culture on the Concept of Human
Confucian Human Right Ideas and Their Influence on Modern Human Right Thoughts
Cultural Consciousness and Guarantee of Human Rights
Self or Others? A Point on Dilemma of Human Rights and the Culture of Love
The Influence of Oriental Cultural Changes on Human Rights
An Exploratory Study on the Thought of Human Rights in Confucian Culture
Combining Collective and Individual Human Rights in Chinese Culture
The Concept of Human Rights in Traditional Chinese Culture
" Harmony"  and Human Rights-The Traditional Chinese Concept of "Harmony is to Be Prized" Reflected in Human Rights
Traditional Chinese Culture and the Concept of Human Rights
Human Rights Development Under the Background of Cultural Intermingling
The Value of Chinese Harmony Spirit in Contemporary Human Rights Development
Islamic Human Rights and Their Implementation in Saudi Arabia
Notes on the Rule of Law and Human Rights in Chinese Traditional Culture
My Views on Traditional Tibetan Culture
Local Govemment in India and Human Rights
The Human Rights Debate in Australia
The Influence of Different Historical and Cultural Experiences Between the East and the West in Human Rights
Human Rights :  An Ethiopian Perspective
Macao Culture and Development of Human Rights
Mulan :  A Positive Cender Perspective in Traditional Chinese Culture
Promote Socialist Culture and the Healthy Progress of Human Rights
To Persist in Humanistic Principle in the Creation of Enterprise Culture for Promoting Comprehensive Development of the Employees

Common Development and Cultural Plurality-Comments on Human Rights and Culture in the Context of Globalization
The Oriental Traditional Virtues and the World Human Rights Cause During the Period of Economic Globalization
The Oriental Traditional Virtues and the World Human Rights Cause During the Period of Economic Globalization
Culture and Human Rights in the Context of Globalization
Culture, Human Rights and Globalization
Right to Life :  European Legal Tradition and Ukraine
