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The Roadmap of the 18th CPC National Congress and The Chinese Dream

2013-12-29 11:19:26Author: Huang Huaguang & Luan Jianzhang


Author:Huang Huaguang Luan Jianzhang

Press:Foreign languages press

Publication date:2013




The 18th National Congress of the Communst Party of China, convened in November 2012, was another landmark event in Chinese history since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC National Congress in 1978, when China started reform and opening-up for its social advancement and economic development.

This book intends to introduce the latest CPC national congress and the roadmap it outlined for China's future development, and provides theoretical and incisive interpretation of the roadmap and profound elaboration of the Chinese Dream.

Designed in a Q-A format, the book attempts to answer questions posed by the international community and domestic and foreign readers in 12 chapters by 60 questions,supplemented by examples and figures based on authoritative research.

Anyone who is interested in current Chinese affairs will find the book a useful reference as well as a tool to explore the many major issues concerning China.


Brief Introdution of the Author


Huang Huaguang, born in August 1956, received a Master's degree in international politics. He studied in the department of political science of University of Florence in Italy; in 1981 he started to work in the bureau for western European affairs of the International Department of the CPC Center Committe. He was also first secretary of the Chinese embassy in Italy, and deputy secretary of the CPC Tangshan and Fengnan municipal committes of Hebei Province. Since 2011, he is director-general of the research office of the CPC International Department. He has conducted in-depth studies of global and European affairs, political parties and politics, translated The History of Democracy in Europe and The History of Politics and Idology in Europe, and organized the compilation of The CPC's 90 Years of External Exchange and many other books.

Luan Jianzhang, born in February 1971, graduated from the school of international studies of Renmin University of China with a degree of Doctor of Law, and is an adjunct professor of the Chinese and foreign strategic dialogue research center of Shandong University. He worked successively with the Ministry of Foreign affairs office of the CPC Center Committee. He is now deputy director-general of the research office of the CPC International Department, engaged in research on international relations and China's foreign strategies. His publications include the compilation of National Geography-A History Investigation from the Geographic Territory to the Cultural Territiry, Global Hot Issues in the Eyes of Chinese Diplomats, and "Scientific Outlook on Development and China's Foreign Work in the New Situation."






PART ONE Where Will the CPC Go Following Its 18th CPC National Congress?

Chapter 1 Does the CPC Still Believe in Communism?
Why does the CPC hold high the banner of som with Chinese characteristics?
Is som with Chinese characteristics still true som?
What is the difference between som with Chinese characteristics and democratic som?
Why are the guiding thoughts of the CPC constantly adjusted?
Chapter 2 Who Will Accomplish the Mission of the CPC?
How does the CPC admit new Party members?
How does the CPC select and appoint cadres?
How are the top CPC leaders elected?
What is the policy of personnel management that the CPC pursues?
Chapter 3 What If Dissenting Voices Arise Inside the CPC?
What is the organizational principle of the CPC?
How does the CPC develop intra-Party democracy?
Why does the CPC constantly strengthen its discipline?
How does the CPC exercise its leadership?
Chapter 4 Where Does the CPC's Advanced Nature Come From?
Once advanced, always advanced?
What factors does the CPC depend on to maintain its advanced nature?
Can the CPC check corruption?


PART TWO Where Will China Go After the 18th CPC National Congress?

Chapter 5 Will Chinas Economy Continue to Grow?
Why can Chinas economy maintain
rapid long-term growth?
Does Chinas economy still have potential to grow?
How will China update its economy?
Chapter 6 Where Will China Go in Reforming
Its Political Structure?

What is "Chinese-style democracy"?
Why does China not adopt the multi-party system?
Why does China not apply the separation of powers?
Is law-based governance compatible with the Party's leadership?
Is elective democracy the only legitimate form?
How do the Chinese people participate in and deliberate on state affairs?
Chapter 7 How Should Its People Build China into a Cultural Power?
What kind of a cultural power does China want to become?
Will an emphasis on core values affect cultural diversity?
Can cultural freedom and cultural responsibility be unified?
Will China engage in "exporting its culture"?
Chapter 8 Can China Really Build a Harmonious Society?
What kind of changes have occurred in Chinese society?
What is the CPC's philosophy for social construction?
How does the Communist Party of China resolve the issue of employment?
What kind of social insurance system is China to build?
Will China really take action to change the current structure of interests?
Chapter 9 How Can We Make China Beautiful?
Focusing on ecological progress: no alternative or strategic choice?
Building a beautiful China: lip service, or a real commitment?
Fighting climate change: good faith or fake?

PART THREE How Should Chinas Relationship with the Rest of the World Progress After the 18th CPC National Congress?

Chapter 10 How Should China Advance on Its Road of Peaceful Development?
Will China genuinely take the road of peaceful development?
Will China continue its commitment to a non-aggressive national defense policy?
Does Chinas peaceful development have a "bottom line principle"?
Chapter 11 Can China Really Achieve Win-Win Results with Other Countries?
Has China slowed down the pace of opening up to the outside world?
What is Chinas view of trade liberalization?
What would happen in the case of trade friction with other countries?
Why does China attach no conditions to its foreign aid?
Is China engaging in neo-colonialism in Africa?
Chapter 12 What Role Will China Play as a New Power?
Will China adjust its policies of"non-interference" and "non-alignment"?
Will all-out confrontation occur between China and the USA?
Does China intend to "keep friendly relations with distant states and attack its neighbors"?
Will China continue to speak for developing countries?
What kind of international order does China advocate?

