Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies


2009-01-27 15:30:42

Jan 3


A press conference for 2008 Blue Book of China's Society, also known as the reporting conference on social situation in China, was held by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences while respected professors attended including Prof. Lu Xueyi, a well-known socialist, and Prof. Li Peilin, president of Institute of Sociology (an institute of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences). "With regard to the effect of price hike, per capita disposable income of urban residents still increased by 13% in 2007," said Li Peilin, "that means 2007 is one of the years when the increase of disposable income of urban residents per capita outdoes that of GDP. In terms of farmers, the disposable income per capita surged by around 8% in 2007 when the farmer's income grew the fastest in the past 11 years." The above-mentioned figures indicate the improvement of people's livelihood promotes social stability and happiness of people.


Jan 7


The 2008 International Forum on Economic Globalization and Trade Union opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China. Chinese President Hu Jintao made a speech at the opening ceremony while Wang Zhaoguo, chairman of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, presided the ceremony. President Hu said that China had attached great importance to sustainable development and was willing to cooperate with the international community to address the challenges posed by the international issues like climate change, environment pollution and energy shortage. Besides, China is committed to contribute to the global sustainable development.


Hu said Chinese government pay great attention to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers by means of promoting democratic rights, solving problems related to the most practical, direct and concerned interests of workers, improving the situation in employment, income distribution, social security, health care and labor safety, and protecting gender equality, rights and interests of women staffs. Besides, the government also had developed a harmonious labor relation to build a just and fair society and safeguard workers’ status as masters of the society.


Jan 8


The National Bureau of Statistics published the 7th survey about public security in the eyes of Chinese residents. It turned out that the rate of people feeling safe increased gradually in a steady way. When it came to public security, 93.3% of the interviewee believed it as "very safe", "safe", or "OK", which was up by 1.3% than 2006. As the sampling process applied the multi-phased, stratified and proportional method, the interviewees, across the country, were randomly selected among people aged above 16 from 101,029 different families, 4,649 rural village committees (or urban residents' committees), 3,115 townships (or towns and neighborhoods), 1,836 counties (or cities and districts), 31 provinces (or autonomous regions and municipalities).


Jan 8


According to the national conference of director-generals from departments of justice across the country, the Department of Justice had strengthened establishment of legal aid agencies to meet the need of legal services for people with difficulties and issued On Improving Legal Services for Rural Migrant Workers and Disabled Persons. Besides, lawyers had gained a prominent achievement in claiming back arrears of project fund and wage for rural migrant workers. While the government enhanced funds for legal aid services, more and more people were encouraged to enjoy the services. In the past five years, legal aid agencies had accepted 1.06 million cases for legal aid service requirements and 1.84 million people enjoyed the services.


Jan 9


"Until the end of 2007, around 20,000 rural reading rooms have been built, while the number of rooms will increase to 50,000 at the end of 2008. The rural reading room is a project launched by General Administration of Press and Publication and other seven Departments, which is targeted to develop rural culture and offer convenience for people in rural areas." said Mr. Liu Binjie, director of General Administration of Press and Publication. A rural reading room is expected to have 1,000 books, 30 different newspapers and journals, and 100 video and audio products at least. The project of 'rural reading rooms' will benefit for farmers in book purchase, rental and reading and is significant to protect basic rights of culture for people in rural areas.


Jan 12


With improvement on coal mine safety situation and closure of substandard mines, death toll in coal mine accident decreased to 3,786 people in 2007, 20.2% less than that of 2006, which had already got a 20.1% decrease, revealed by Li Yizhong, director of State General Administration of Work Safety, said in national conference on work safety.


Jan 11-14


During visit to Anhui province, President Hu Jintao stressed on the significance of consistently enhancing capability of self-innovation, which was essential to gain developing initiatives and bring new advantages of development.


"The party and the government are to provide increasing high quality livelihood to ordinary people", Hu said, "the Central Committee has decided to raise the state subsidy in new rural cooperative medical system (NRCMS) from RMB 40 yuan per person to RMB 80 yuan and the policy will be implemented progressively within two years. It is helpful to solve difficulty in health care for people in rural areas."


Jan 15


Seven state departments, including National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Railways (MOR), Ministry of Communications (MOC) and Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), jointly held 2008 National Spring Festival Transportation Videophone Conference to discuss the management of transportation in the special period. An official from NDRC conveyed that any one or organization would be punished severely if the price of train tickets was raised without approvals.


Jan 16


To stabilize the price of daily necessities, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) announced Measures of Interim Price Intervention on Certain Products. The involved commodities were closely related to people's daily life and had experienced galloping price rises lately, including grain, edible oil, meat, milk, eggs and liquefied petroleum gas.


Jan 16


The Supreme People's Procuratorate held a commendation conference to praise outstanding teams and excellent individuals from investigation departments of duty crime across the country. Wang Zhenchuan, vice procurator-general of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, expressed they were to strengthen civilized law enforcement. Proposed by the 17th National Congress of Communist Party of China (17th NCCPC), respect and guarantee of human rights had been protected by the constitution, which was a progress in the legal development history. As law enforcement organizations, procuratorates were obliged to act strictly in accordance with the laws in a civilized way. With the protection of rights and interests of the suspects and plaintiffs, civilized law enforcement during duty crime investigation was to be the key part of improvement of law enforcement work for all the procuratorates,. To build and develop socialist administration by law, procurators would naturally act in a civilized way during duty crime investigation, while properly handling the relationship between anti-corruption and protection on human rights. In adapt to the revised Criminal Procedure Law and Lawyer's Law, procurators were asked to improve their performances in a civilized way during duty crime investigation.


Jan 21


According to Ministry of Labor and Social Security, the numbers of insurants, who had participated in basic endowment insurance and health care insurance, reached 201,070,000 and 220,510,000 at the end of 2007, which was the first time that over 200 million insurants had participated in the two basic insurances. In terms of employment, 12,040,000 people became newly employed in the urban area 2007. The figure of newly employed was the highest in the past years. Furthermore, minimum wage had risen in 27 provinces.


Jan 21


Interviewed by media, Wei wei, director general of the department of consular affairs of Chinese Foreign Ministry, conveyed that the Foreign Ministry would enhance safety work for Chinese people and firms abroad by improving its functions of danger prevention, incident disposition and cooperation with different sides. With the principle of "acting actively and properly", the department would safeguard the safety and legitimate rights and interests of Chinese civilians and legal entities.


Jan 25


Strong blizzard hit China, especially the east, the south, the southwest and the central, severely affecting normal life of people, production of enterprises and spring festival travel for all the traditional Chinese. Within few days, Emergency Response Program for Public Incidents was launched in provinces of Guizhou, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Guangxi. While emergency funds and relief supplies were sent to the disaster-stricken areas, workers, fighting against the blizzard, did rapid repair work for the destroyed infrastructures of transportation, electric power, communication and water supply with all their efforts in order to help people and enterprises in the blizzard-hit areas back to normal lives and productions as soon as possible, making sure the affected people have electric power to use, food to eat and relief supplies to keep warm and also protecting the safety for people who were traveling back to hometown for the upcoming spring festival. Furthermore, state departments, such as bureaus of civil affairs, traffic management, railway management, civil aviation and meteorological, also responded to the unexpected blizzard quickly to help people in the snow-hit areas.


To guarantee the normal life of people in the blizzard-stricken areas, series of measures were taken by multiple state departments, including National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Civil Affairs and offices of electric power and communication. Since product price rose up for its transportation was badly influenced by the strong blizzard, the National Development and Reform Commission sent an emergent notice to all-level of its offices and price offices to carefully supervise price changes of life necessities and try their best to stabilize the price of vegetables, fruits, other foods, fuel oil and drugs. Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Civil Affairs jointly allocated RMB 28 million yuan as emergency relief funds to transfer victims in the devastating snow-hit provinces of Hubei and Hunan. Mr. Zhu Xiaoliang, deputy-director of market operation regulation department of Ministry of Commerce, expressed that Ministry of Commerce was taking effective measures to guarantee the supply of necessities during Spring Festival for ordinary people since strong blizzard seriously affected food supply in the south of China.


Jan 28


Human Rights Knowledge Competition & Excellent Papers published on Human Rights Magazine Awarding Ceremony were held in Briefing Hall of the State Council Information Office. Human Rights Knowledge Competition was jointly organized by China Society for Human Rights Studies, Guangming Daily and Human Rights magazine. Excellent papers published on Human Rights Magazine were selected by the magazine of Human Rights. The twin events were held for the 5th anniversary of Human Rights magazine and further understanding of human rights' achievements in China for the public. A group of officials and professionals attended the ceremony including Mr. Qian Xiaoqian, deputy director of the State Council Information Office, Ye Xiaowen, director-general of State Administration for Religious Affairs and vice president of China Society for Human Rights Studies, Mr. Li Junru, vice-president of Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C. and vice president of China Society for Human Rights Studies, Mr Gou Tianlin, chief editor of Guaangming Daily, Mr. Chen Shiqiu, vice president of China Society for Human Rights Studies, and Mr. Dong Yunhu, vice president and secretary general of China Society for Human Rights Studies.


Jan 30


Until Feb. 30th, State financing departments had allocated RMB 293 million yuan in total as relief funds for blizzard-hit areas to fight against the cold weather.


In Jan. 30th , Ministry of Finance earmarked RMB 100 million yuan as agricultural production relief funds (also known as subsidiary for diesel fuel, fertilizer, seeds and livestock production recovery) to ten severely snow-hit provinces such as Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Anhui and Jiangxi. Besides, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Civil Affairs, in Jan. 30th, jointly earmarked RMB 67 million yuan as relief funds to six provinces of Hunan, Hubei, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Guangxi and Anhui to transfer those affected and improve their living conditions. Furthermore, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Civil Affairs had allocated RMB 28 million yuan and RMB 98 million yuan to snow-hit areas in Jan. 25 and Jan. 29 respectively.


Feb 3


Feb 3, 2008 was the 70th anniversary of the tenth Panchen Lama Lobsang Choekyi Gyaltsen's birthday. He was also the vice chairman of National People's Congress and honorary president of the Buddhist Association of China. Choekyi Gyaltsen was born on Feb 3, 1938 in Xunhua County, a Tibetan area of Qinghai Province, with a secular name of Gonpo Tseten. At the age of five, he was recognized as the tenth Panchen Lama following Panchen Thubten Choekyi Nyima in 1943. Later, after KMT administration approved the selection of the 9th Panchen Lama's reincarnation, he was enthroned in June 3, 1949 and then completed his installation ceremony in the August. In June 23, 1952, he returned to the traditional seat of successive Panchen Lamas, Tashilhunpo Monastery. Lobsang Choekyi Gyaltsen, the tenth Panchen Lama, was a respected patriot, a famous activist of state affairs, a faithful friend of Communist Party of China and an outstanding leader of Tibetan Buddhism.


Feb 4


According to GOV.cn, Wen Jiabao, Premier of the State Council, China's Cabinet, issued the Nurse Regulations as the decree of the State Council of the People's Republic of China No.517, aiming to safeguard legal rights and interests of nurses, normalize their work, promote development of the nursing cause, guarantee medical treatment safety and protect people's health. The Regulations would take effect on May 12.


Feb 19


According to GOV.cn, the State Council issued a document about employment promotion, urging a proactive employment policy framework. The document said the present tax policies (issued in 2005) to support employment and reemployment would be still effective until the end of 2008, while the new tax policies would take effect from 2009. Satisfying relevant conditions prescribed in regulations, registered unemployed persons may be aided with preferential tax policies, if they wanted to start their own companies. According to regulations, registered unemployed or disabled persons may be offered an exemption of relevant fares, including administrative fare, registration fares, and fees of certificate and license. Additionally, the document also pointed out the major targets in employment promotion, such as raising the rate of the newly-employed, controlling the rate of the unemployed, helping the unemployed to find new jobs, especially those with difficulties in hunting jobs, decreasing number of the long-term unemployed but capable to labor, and reducing number of urban residents whose livings almost relied on government-funded minimum living allowances.


Feb 21


Mr. Dong Yunhu, vice president and secretary general of China Society for Human Rights Studies, and Prof. Liu Hainian, a consultant of China Society for Human Rights Studies and a research fellow of the Institute of Law under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, were invited to deliver speeches on China's human rights in London School of Economics and Political Science. During his speech, Mr. Dong Yunhu introduced major achievements of China in the late 30 years since China adopting opening-up policy and the history of China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS). Liu Hainian gave a presentation about the achievements in promoting the rule of law and reforms on human rights. Furthermore, the Chinese delegation also conveyed China's standpoint on Darfur issue and efforts they had made, noting that it was unfair for China and irrational for some sides to connect this issue with the forthcoming Beijing Olympic Games regardless of Chinese contributions. Besides, the delegation answered questions from the audiences, involving freedom of speech, reeducation through labor, rights and interests of rural migrant workers and the approval of two UN covenants of human rights.


Feb 24


The Supreme People's Court (SPC) released Civil Causes of Action (Provisional), which would formally take effect in April 1, 2008. This is an important measure taken by SPC to guarantee the implementation of the Property Law, promoting the work of civil trial and offering convenience for parties involved in suits.


Feb 25


In a regular press conference, Jiang Peimin, the director of the basic education department under Ministry of Education, said great progresses had been made in tackling problems for the “two basic moves” (namely the implementation of nine-year compulsory education, the eradication of illiteracy among young and middle-aged adults). By the end of 2007, 98% of the rural population in western China had accessed to basic education, up 21 percentage points from the figure of 77% in 2003. The gross ratio of secondary education exceeded the planned 90%, while more than six million illiterates had been wiped out in western China, with less than 5% of adults remaining.


Feb 26


Chinese top lawmakers convened to discuss a draft amendment to the Law on Protection of the Disabled in an effort to better safeguard their rights and interests. The disabled should be guaranteed of the right to play a fair role in social life and share the fruits of China's economic and social development. In Feb 26, 2008, the draft was submitted to the 32nd session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature, for the first reading. The amendment also urged the government to provide various types of special aid and support to the disabled. Offering some detailed articles, the draft further clarified the rights of the disabled in rehabilitation, education, employment, cultural and social life, and social security.


Feb 26


Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi meets with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing. "China is willing to keep contact with the United States in all areas ... we are willing to resume human rights dialogue with the United States," Yang said. The Chinese side conveyed that the Chinese people enjoyed extensive human rights and freedom of religious belief and were willing to exchange with the United States and other countries concerning human rights on the basis of mutual respect, equality and non-interference in each other's internal affairs. In March, 2004, China suspended the human rights dialogue when the United States decided to introduce a human rights motion related to China at the 60th session of the UN Commission on Human Rights.


Feb 28


China's National People's Congress (NPC), the top lawmaker of China, confirmed the qualification of three rural migrant workers, including Ms. Hu Xiaoyan, as newly-elected deputies, making them the first batch of "spokespersons" for about 200 million migrant laborers in the top legislature. All the three were elected in major migrant-worker destinations, including Shanghai, Guangdong, and Chongqing.


Feb 28


The Information Office of the State Council published a white paper titled China's Efforts and Achievements in Promoting the Rule of Law. This was the first white paper published by the Chinese government to tell the public about the prominent achievements in promoting the rule of law while building socialism with Chinese characteristics, during about six decades, especially the past thirty years since the opening-up policy.


Feb 28


A recovery program after the snow havoc was released by the Disaster Relief and Emergency Command Center under the State Council, outlining a detailed timetable for the recovery work of power grid, transportation, telecommunication and the damaged houses. The Chinese officials expressed in the middle of February that the snow storm had left 350,000 collapsed houses and a great number of damaged houses while the number of collapsed houses might increase after the snow melted. According to the recovery program, the authority would focus on guaranteeing normal life of poor residents, whose homes were damaged or destroyed in the blizzards, in the severely affected seven provinces including Hunan, Guizhou, Hubei, Jiangxi, Anhui, Guangxi and Sichuan. Funded by the central government, the rebuilding subsidies to them increased from RMB 3,000 yuan per family to RMB 5,000 yuan and the families would have a subsidy of RMB 200 yuan for each of their damaged houses.


Feb 28


Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held talks with his British counterpart David Miliband at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Yang conveyed that a successful Olympics was an aspiration of the Chinese people, as well as a common wish of the international community. "We resolutely oppose to the attempts by any individual or organization to politicize the Olympics in the name of human rights. They are not eligible to stand for the international society”. Furthermore, he expressed Chinese authorities would try to hold a successful Olympic Games in Beijing, along with the British government, and also support the London Olympics in the future. Meeting the press, British Foreign Secretary David Miliband said, "We do not believe that issues of human rights should be restricted to the Olympic year. Those universal values are an issue for every year."


Mar 2


Wu Jianmin, the spokesman for the First Plenary Session of the Eleventh National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), answered questions from journalists during a news conference on the CPPCC session at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 2, 2008. The session would open at 15:00 March 3rd in the Great Hall of the People and end in March 14th, lasting 11 days. 2,075 of the total 2,237 CPPCC National Committee members had arrived in Beijing for the session till 12:00, Mar 2.


Mar 5


The First Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC) was open at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 5, 2008. Premier Wen Jiabao, on behalf of the State council, delivered a government work report to the session.


Mar 10


Chinese procurator-general Jia Chunwang and China's top judge and president of the Supreme People's Court Xiao Yang delivered work reports to wrap up the work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the work of the Supreme People's Court respectively at the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC). Both of the two work reports highlighted judicial protection on people's livelihood. According to the work report of Jia Chunwang, the procurator-general stressed on duty crime investigations involving with education, employment, finance, health and medicine, social security, land requisition and resettlement, disaster relief, and immigrant compensation. Meanwhile, in the work report of Xiao Yang, the president of the Supreme People's Court said the court would safeguard social equality and justice, following the guidelines of impartial jurisdiction and concerns on people's benefits. Within the past five years, the Supreme People's Court had assisted the people's courts at all levels to take a series of measures for the convenience of the people.


Mar 11


China's lawmakers met on Tuesday to hear an explanation of a government reshuffle plan at the fourth plenary meeting of the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC). According to the plan, China would set up five new "super ministries", including the Ministry of Industry and Information, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, and the Ministry of Transport. After the reshuffle, the State Council would have 27 ministries and commissions apart from the General Office, compared with the present 28. This had been the sixth government reshuffle over the past 30 years.


Mar 13


China voiced strong opposition to Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2007 released by the U.S. Department of State which willfully distorted and groundlessly criticized China's human rights conditions. Responding to the U.S. report, the Information Office of Chinese State Council released Human Rights Record of the US in 2007. This was the ninth consecutive year when Chinese State Council Information Office published human rights record of the US.


Mar 14


Lhasa riot erupted in Mar 14, 2008 had not only caused heavy losses of life and property in the city, but also seriously disturbed social order there.


Regardless of the state law and monastery rules, around 300 monks from Drepung Monastery assembled to create disturbance at downtown Lhasa in the afternoon of March 10. The monks aggressively confronted security forces and challenged officers who were maintaining orders. They held up flags of the so-called Tibetan exile government and shouted "Tibetan independence". In the ensuing days from March 11 to 13, more monks assembled to downtown and continued to chant independence slogans. They came with backpacks full of stones and flammable liquids. Dozens of policemen and officers were injured including several badly hurt. In attempts to create sensation, three monks in the Zhaibung monastery lacerated their bodies with knives and took pictures of one another, and blaming others for the harm they inflicted upon themselves.


Rioters swarmed the commercial streets of Bargor in March 14, setting off a destructive rampage. Local police stations, government offices, banks, shops, gas station and even markets were targeted by the rioters, who smashed, stoned, looted and committed arson. According to figures, the number of burnt buildings reached 22, including 3 middle schools. Dozens of police cars and private vehicles were burnt. Above 10 innocent civilians were burned or stabbed to death and 12 policemen and armed police, who were instructed not to use force, were also injured, including two who were critically hurted. The riot in Lhasa in March 14 caused heavy losses of life and property.


Mar 18


The First Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC), which closed at the Great Hall of the People, had "roundly completed all its procedures and successfully accomplished its significant mission." The session adopted a government reshuffle plan, endorsed the new leadership of the country, and approved a new NPC Standing Committee and line-up of ministers of the State Council. With attendance of 2,932 deputies, leaders of the country and the party attended the closing meeting, including Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, He Guoqiang and Zhou Yongkang.


Mar 20


The Organization Department of the Communist Party of the Chinese Central Committee (CCCPC) worked closely with the ministries of education, finance, human resources and social security to hold a meeting on selection of graduates to work in villages. Li Yuanchao, a member of the Political Bureau of CCCPC, Secretary of Secretariat of CCCPC and head of Organization Department of CCCPC, pointed out that, in view of thoughts of the two sessions concluded lately, the Organization Department of CCCPC had launched a project to make 100,000 college graduates over five years to work in villages. Graduates who passed written, oral and physical tests would be dispatched to work as assistants to heads of CPC branches and directors of village committees.


Mar 27


Xinhua News Agency published an article titled "Lhasa Riots are Serious Violations of Human Rights". The Lhasa riots were violent crimes of beating, smashing, looting and burning, seriously infringing upon human rights, endangering life and property and sabotaging the social order. 18 innocent civilians were killed with 382 people injured, while 120 homes were completely destroyed with 908 stores destroyed and seven schools and five hospitals attacked. It turned out that Lhasa riots were severe violation of human rights of the people in Tibet.


Mar 31


Symbolizing the Olympic spirit of hopes and dreams, brightness and happiness, friendship and peace, the Olympic flame arrived in Beijing, capital of China, the 29th Olympic Games host city. At the welcome ceremony for the Olympic flame, Chinese President Hu Jintao lit the cauldron with Olympic torch, marking the official start of the round-the-world relay at the Tian'anmen Square in Beijing, capital of China.


Vice President Xi Jinping, a member of the Political Bureau Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), addressed the ceremony. Zhou Yongkang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau, attended the welcome ceremony.


Apr 1


The People's Daily (Overseas Edition) issued on April 1st  an article entitled "Dalai Lama Tells Lies Once More", written by Ye Xiaowen, a special commentator of the news paper and the deputy director of China Association for Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture.


It said that recently the Dalai Lama was busy with making irresponsible and groundless speeches.


Apr 1


The Seventh Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council lasted for four weeks comes to an end in Geneva on April 1st, during which 36 resolutions have been approved, including a resolution of researches on the climate change.


This session is an important meeting opened in Palais des Nations in Geneva on March 3rd after the United Nations Human Rights Council completed its establishment of relevant rules and regulations last June. It reviewed all the mechanisms of United Nations Human Rights Council except the Universal Periodic Review mechanism, completed the reappointment or extension of some human rights special mechanisms in such fields as the housing right, food right, the aboriginal people and child trafficking, and elected 18 members for the human rights council consultant commission.


Apr 2


China Society for Human Rights Studies on April 2nd released a statement that the report issued by the Amnesty International on March 31st about China's human rights was unfair, groundless and unacceptable which was totally ignorant of the objective facts and achievements made by China, and unreasonably criticized and distorted the situation of human rights in China.


The statement said that China would insistently fight against any organization's intention to defame or attack China under the pretence of human rights, or to make the advantage of Olympic Games to threat China. As a country under the rule of law, China would never concede to certain organization's groundless criticisms. Instead, China would insist on the reform and development, promote the democracy and the legislation, persist in running the country in accordance with the law, and respect and secure the human rights to boost the full development of human rights cause as well as promote the harmonious development of the society.  Besides, the Chinese people determinedly disagreed to politicize the Olympic Games and showed great confidence in hosting a high level Beijing Olympic Games with distinctive features. No organization or individual could hinder its normal development.


Apr 5


The Party and national leaders Hu Jintao, Wu Bangguo, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinlin, etc came to the Beijing Olympic Park in the morning to plant trees with representatives of labor models from Beijing, Olympic volunteers and young pioneers.


During the 24th National Tree-Planting Day, nearly 2 million officials and citizens headed to the tree-planting spots to make contribution to the greening of the capital Beijing.


Apr 5-6


During his visit to Hebei Province for the investigation and research of the agriculture and spring ploughing situation, Wen Jiabao, the Premier and the member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, said that the possession of adequate food could reassure people. And the Chinese people could live on their own with sufficient storage of food despite the large population, which made great contribution to the whole world.


Apr 7


Beijing Olympic torch relay was disturbed on April 7th by Tibetan separatists when passed on in Paris, and the local policemen immediately took action to crackdown on the inappropriate behaviors. Finally the Beijing Olympic torch relay was concluded with the cordial welcome of the French citizens while the evil practice done by the Tibetan separatists was strongly criticized by the French people and the torch bearers.


Apr 7


Climate Change and Public Health Program of China/WHO, funded by the Spanish government, was launched on April 7th in Beijing to support the UN agencies in China and related departments to develop related work on the alleviation of and the adaptation to the climate change in China. The Health Ministry of China and WHO would work together to deal with environmental and healthy problems.


Apr 8


The Chinese human rights experts held discussion on April 8th, they strongly criticized reports on the human rights situation of China recently published by the Amnesty International. The experts believed that these groundless speeches made after the Lhasa Riot event and before the Beijing Olympic Games intended to correspond to the Dalai clique and overseas separatists, disturbed the smooth development of the Olympic Games and hindered China's peaceful development.


Apr 9


Mr. Qiangba Puncog, chairman of Tibet Autonomous Region and Mr. Si Ta, the vice Minister of the United Front Work Department of the CPC Central Committee introduced the recent situation of Tibet and replied questions put forward by the Chinese and foreign reporters on the press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the morning of April 9th.


Apr 9


During the year of 2008, China would fully carry out special assistant system for Planned Parenthood families to help more than 80 million single-child families guarding against childbirth risks, according to the meeting on Pilot Work of National Special Assistant System for Planned Parenthood Families held on April 9th.


Apr 11


Responding to an anti-China resolution adopted by the U.S. House Representatives, Jiang Yu, spokeswoman of Foreign Ministry of China said, China was strongly indignant and firmly opposed to the resolution, for it unreasonably distorted the history and truths of Tibet and rudely interfered into China's domestic affairs.


Jiang Yu said, the U.S. House Representatives turned a deaf ear to China's strong opposition and solemn representations and stubbornly passed the anti-China resolution proposed by the U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, which waged groundless accusation on the legal handling by the local government of the Tibet Autonomous Region of China of the severe violent crimes that happened in Lhasa, rudely interfered into China's internal affairs and harshly hurt the feelings of the Chinese people.


Apr 11


The meeting on the Prevention and Reduction of Disasters in Chinese cities was held in Qingdao today. The attendees included leaders in charge of offices of the civil administration from certain provinces, relief directors, some enterprise representatives, experts on the management of disasters and members of relief commission of Qingdao city.


Apr 14


On April 14th in Beijing, the Health Ministry launched the birth defects intervention program in six middle and western provinces to reduce the rate of serious birth defect incidents in China and improve the quality of the birth population.


It is said that the program would cover six provinces in the middle and western areas, including 293 key state-aided poverty-stricken counties where the rate of neural tube defects was with high prevalence.


Apr 14


All-China Federation of Trade Unions started on April 14th to distribute books to its first 845 demonstration spots of the worker bookstores.


Over 1 million books were firstly distributed with the total value of more than 30 million Yuan, containing books in such fields as social science, art, scientific education, business management and technical training. Those books were expected to arrive at their destinations around the Labor's Day.


Apr 20


According to a resolution passed on the 2nd Session of Chairman of the 11th NPC Standing Committee, the General Office of NPC Standing Committee publicized on April 20th the full-length Draft Food Safety Law (see the 10th and 11th editions) to solicit public opinions and suggestions, so as to better improve the draft law. It was the first time for the new NPC standing committee to ask for suggestions about a draft law from society.


Apr 21


The Beijing Human Rights Forum, featured with the subject of "development, safety and human rights" and held by China Association for Human Rights Studies, kicked off on the morning of April 21st in Beijing.


More than 100 participants including the international experts on human rights, well-known figures and officials attended this multilateral gathering for the issues of human rights, among which 50% were foreign attendees.


The openning ceremony of Beijing Human Rights Forum was hosted by Dong Yunhu, the deputy director and secretary-general of China Society for Human Rights Studies. Luo Haocai, director of China Society for Human Rights Studies, Sergei Ordzhonikidze, director general of United Nations Office at Geneva and Nina Karpachova, Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights had made speeches during the openning ceremony.


Apr 22


The Xinhuanet published on April 22th an editorial titled "Issue on human rights in Tibet is the variant of 'Tibet independence'". It cited Sherab Nyima, the vice president of the Central University of Nationalities as saying that considering what the Dalai Clique had done, the occurrence of the 3.14 Riots in Tibet and the then criticism from western countries was not a surprise, since the issue of human rights in Tibet had only been a tool for them to attack China.


The comment made by Sherab Nyima was agreed by many foreign experts on human rights during Beijing Human Rights Forum. "I have noticed that Tibet is developing very fast with good infrastructural facitilies, and the people there are satisfied with their life", said Mohan Guruswamy, chairman of the Indian New Delhi Centre for Policy Alternatives, who has paid a visit to Tibet last year. He said that the nature of western countries' criticism on human rights in Tibet was actually to interfere into China's domestic affairs under the excuse of Tibet issue.


Apr 24


The NPC Standing Committee passed on April 24th the revised law on the protection of disabled persons, which spared a whole specific chapter to make rules for barrier-free environment.


It prescribes that authorities and society shall take measures to gradually improve the construction of barrier-free facilities and promote barrier-free information exchange, so as to create a barrier free environment for the disabled to equally participate in social activities as the common people do. The law has made certain specific rules on this issue.


Apr 30


The People's Daily published a signed article titled "Tibet issue is irrelevant to human rights". It said that since the 1950s and 1960s, the Dalai Clique touring around Europe and United States persistently promotes the so-called "human rights in Tibet". The issue of human rights in Tibet has actually become a weapon for them to draw international community's attention to the Tibet issue.


In fact, the Dalai Clique intended to obtain support from western countries through provoking the nationalists' sentiment and ultimately made Tibet secede from China, from which we could see the true color of the "human rights in Tibet" advocated by the Dalai Clique.


Apr 30


The large-scale theme exhibition, "Tibet, the Past and the Present", opened in the Cultural Palace of Nationalities on April 30th in Beijing. Visitors around the country headed to the exhibition during the May Day Holidays. The 160 displayed articles and over 400 pictures showed the huge historical transformations of Tibet, which deeply impressed all the visitors.


May 3


Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the first convention in the history of UN that safeguards the rights of the disabled goes into effect today. The rights of 650 million disabled people in the world are ensured in the form of international convention from now on.


After 5 years of negotiation, Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities won approval at the UN General Assembly in December 2006. It was the first convention of international community on human rights in the 21st Century.


May 4


The article "Historic progress of the cause of human rights in China" written by Li Junru, vice-president of China Society for Human rights Studies, was published in Study Times.


The article said, on the 60th anniversary of the publication of the Universal Declaration of Human rights, we were delighted to see that China had won historic progress on the cause of human rights and obtained successful experience with the Chinese characteristics. At a new historical starting point, under the leadership of General Party Secretary Hu Jintao of the CPC, China had raised highly the flag of the people's democracy, the cause of human rights in China had reached to a new level and had a brighter future.


May 12


May 12 is the International Nurse Day. The International Nurse Day in this year has a special meaning. Today is the first day to put into effect the Regulation of the Nurse issued by China's State Council. It is the first legislation set by China for nurses' rights and obligations.


May 12


The launching ceremony of promotion of Chinese citizens' health literacy and the first issuance of 66 Items for Health——the Book of Chinese Citizens' Health Literacy was opened today in the Great Hall of the People.


It shows that the education among the masses of people and the health promotion activities will be launched in the whole country which takes the improvement of citizens' health literacy and the book 66 Items for Health as the mainline and main contents.


May 15


Wen Jiabao, member of Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee, Premier of the State Council and the commander-in-chief of the State Council earthquake relief headquarters, visited victims and PLA officers and soldiers and medical staff who took part in the rescuing work at Muyu town of Sichuan province on May 15. Wen encouraged them to continue their efforts to rescue survivors and rebuild homes with the help of the CPC and the government.


May 15


The Ministry of Health released "program on sanitary and epidemic prevention in earthquake relief". The program guides the works for sanitary and epidemic prevention in the earthquake relief in 9 aspects: epidemic surveillance, food sanitation, water sanitation, environmental health, vector biology control, disinfects, prevention and control of chemical poisoning, cadaver handling and psychological intervention.


The program defines that the initial stage after the outbreak of earthquake is to rescue the people and cure the wounded, then the public sanitary and epidemic prevention will be followed. In order to timely prevent the outbreak of epidemics and other public health incident in the disaster areas, the control measures should be taken immediately, the emergency disease monitoring system should be timely launched, and the disease monitoring groups should be established in the relief commanding HQs or commanding centers in the front of the disaster areas.


May 16


In the critical hours of earthquake relief in Sichuan province, Hu Jintao, President, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, consoled cadres and the masses in the disaster areas, visited the rescuing military officers and soldiers, policemen and medical workers and gave guidance to the disaster relief works.


May 18


The State Council issued a notice stating that May 19 to 21 would be designated as national mourning days to express the deep condolences of the peoples of all nationalities in the whole country for their countrymen who died in Wenchuan Earthquake. During this period, the country and all its overseas offices would lower its flags to half-mast and all public recreational activities would stop. Condolence books would be opened in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese embassies and consulates abroad. At 14:28 on May 19, the whole nation would have a 3-minutes of silence for the victims.  All vehicles, trains, and boats will blow their horns and air-raid sirens would sound during the three minutes.


May 23


"Sino-Russia Joint Statement" was released today. The 10th article of the statement is: The two sides reiterate to respect the principle of universality of human rights and at the same time each side has the right to promote and protect human rights according to its national conditions. On human rights issues, each side will, on the base of sovereign equality and non-interference in each other's internal affairs, remove the conflict through dialogue and cooperation. Both sides will oppose to politicize or exercise double standards on human rights issues, and oppose to interfere in another country's internal affairs under the pretence of human rights issues. The two sides will push the international society to deal with human rights issues in objective and nonselective ways.


May 24-28


The 14th human rights dialogue between China and the United States was held in Beijing. It was the first time to resume human rights dialogue between the two countries since December 2002. Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi and Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jieyi separately met and entertained the American delegation. Wu Hailong, director of the international affairs department of the Ministry and David Kramer, the assistant Secretary of State presided over the dialogue.


Qin Gang, the spokesman of the Foreign Ministry said, director Wu Hailong explained the consistent views of China on human rights and emphasized that the two sides should conduct dialogue on the bases of equality and mutual respect. In regard of differences on some issues, both sides should take and deal with them in a constructive way and neither resort to take confrontation, nor exercise double standards or even interfere in another country's internal affairs in the name of human rights.


May 25


The department of public security in Sichuan province released "10 measures on serving the people in the disaster areas". According to the new measures, the registration policy for newborn infant in the disaster areas is relaxed.


May 26


The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held meeting on May 26 to discuss and arrange the quake relief and reconstruction work. General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Hu Jintao chaired the meeting.


The meeting emphasized to send experienced expert and guarantee medical first-aid material supply, transfer and cure the wounded, rescue the injured and make an effort to secure the lives of the wounded. The importance should be given to well arrangement of the people's life in the disaster areas, such as to make full use of all kinds of resources, produce, allocate and transfer canvases, movable houses and other canvas materials, transport the living materials in guaranteeing the people's temporarily life in the disaster areas. Special attention should be given to the work of health and epidemic prevention, so as to send more epidemic prevention workers, allocate and transport epidemic prevention medicines in time, dispatch epidemic prevention personnel to the whole disaster areas, strengthen the epidemic monitor and report, so as to secure no occurrence of any significant epidemic disease after the strong earthquake. Take precautions against the secondary disaster tightly, strengthen monitor and prediction of earthquake, keep a lookout of aftershocks well, deal with dangerous case of Barrier Lake. Repair the infrastructure as soon as possible, resume traffic, communication, power supply, and water supply of disaster areas as soon as possible. On the premise of guaranteeing security, the enterprises in  disaster areas should rely on their own efforts, save themselves actively, rush harvesting and rushing to plant in the rural areas, resume industrial and agricultural production as soon as possible. Help students in the disaster areas to resume classes, arrange the lives well for the orphans and lonely elders. Appease people's psychology and comfort the thought, strengthen social management, safeguard the social order in the disaster areas. Arrange the initial rebuild work after the earthquake, so as to make overall planning and scientifical assessment, and establish rebuild program and concrete implementing scheme as soon as possible, set up coordinated cooperation mechanism and speed up the reconstruction work with the strength of the whole country.


May 28


The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of China made public the 11th group of new professions, including driver of motor train unit, machinist of motor train unit, the operation watchman of gas turbine, hydrofining worker, dry quenching of coke worker, worker of plugging with temperature and pressure, equipment checkman, installation and maintenance worker of gas apparatus.


Jun 1


The newly promulgated Narcotics Control Law of the People's Republic of China has taken effect since June 1, 2008. As the basic law on narcotics control, it regulates the leadership system, working and security mechanism and other related work in this field. Yang Fengrui, deputy secretary general of National Narcotics Control Commission and also director of the Ministry of Public Security's Narcotics Control Bureau, underlines five focuses of the new law on narcotics control.


Firstly, it specifies that drug control shall be the responsibilities for the whole society, including the governments at all levels, relative ministries and departments and people in all walks of life.


Secondly, the narcotics control commission is written into the Law of Narcotics Control, which requires the State Council to establish the National Narcotics Control Commission, and the local governments at or above county level may, in light of the local needs, set up narcotics control committee which can organize, coordinate and guide the drug control work in their respective administrative areas. The establishment of narcotics control commission demonstrates that the CPC and the government have intensified their efforts to curb the drug abuses and that is based on the results of practical experiences.


Thirdly, the law particularly gives priority to preventive education in association with comprehensive drug control model as well as with simultaneous efforts in banning the cultivation, production, traffic and abuse of drugs.


Fourthly, it specifies the security mechanism and system on narcotics control. It requires that the local governments at or above county level shall put narcotics control into their general plan of the local economic development and list the drug control expense as part of their fiscal budget, which can meet the demands for the work of narcotics control.


Fifthly, the Law conducts significant reforms on the mechanism of drug treatment and rehabilitation in accordance with the people-first principle. It abolishes the previous main models of compulsory and reeducation-through-labor treatment and transforms into such measures as the compulsory isolated drug treatment, community drug treatment, community rehabilitation, voluntary drug treatment, and drug maintenance treatment, etc.


Jun 8


Premier Wen Jiabao on June 8 signed the No.526 Decree of the State Council and promulgated the Regulations on Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Rehabilitation and Reconstruction which should come into effect from the date of promulgation. It is for the first time to promulgate regulations particularly for the reconstruction of a post-earthquake place and legalize it.


Jun 11


The first Public Lecture of Exemplary Deeds of Heroes and Models in the Earthquake Relief Mission was held on June 11 in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Li Changchun, member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and Xi Jinping, member of the Standing Committee of Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice President of China, attended the lecture.


The public lecture was co-organized by the CCCPC Publicity Department, the CCCPC Organization Department, the General Political Department of PLA, the Work Committee of Offices Directly under the CCCPC, the State Organs Work Committee of the CPC, Beijing Municipal Committee of the CPC and Sichuan Provincial Committee of the CPC. More than 3500 attendees including leaders from state institutions and Beijing municipality, soldiers and officers served in Beijing, police and college students and teachers from Beijing universities and representatives from all walks of life attended the conference. After the first public lecture, the team will give lectures to the cadres of the central Party and state organs, the PLA soldiers and officers, armed police, police served in Beijing, and the college students and teachers in Beijing universities, and then give a tour of lectures around China.


Jun 12


The National Audit Office on June 12 published the No.1 Notice on Auditing Information of the Relief Funds and Materials for Wenchuan Earthquake, and exposed 3 illegal incidents up to now.


Jun 20


President Hu Jintao came to "Strong Nation Forum" of People's Daily on Line this morning, and had a brief online chat with the netizens. This move causes netizens' hot discussion and they cordially call president Hu the "No.1 Chinese Netizen". According to a survey, more than 60% of the netizens believed that this would apparently promote officials to have online direct contacts with the ordinary netizens.


Jun 23


At the press conference held by the State Council Information Office, Liao Xiaojun, the deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance said, this year the state organs of the central government planed to save 2.545 billion yuan from the public outlay for the earthquake relief work.


The ninth routine session of the State Council called on all state organs to reduce 5% of their public expenditure, which was responded with full support from them. It is estimated that the reduction of 5% of public expenditure can save 1.545 billon Yuan. In addition, another 1 billion Yuan of public funds arranged to improve the administrative abilities of the state organs and civil servants has been spared for the relief work.


Jun 24


Meng Jianzhu, the State Council Member, and minister of the Ministry of Public Security, hosted the Plenary Session of the National Narcotics Control Commission in Beijing to convey the related directions, notify the work situation of drug control in recent years and plan the work of drug control for the next period.


Meng said, President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and Secretary of CCCPC Political and Legislative Affairs Committee Zhou Yongkang had issued important directions for the work of drug control. The task is required to be regarded as a long-term mission.


Jul 1


Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Public Security started the police return-visit system in the whole city. After receiving the information from the informer, policemen in the police station shall pay a return visit to the client, investigate and verify the information concerned, seek for clue and hear opinions and suggestions from the client.


Jul 1


A set of revised laws and rules started to take effect on July 1st, which would bright important impacts to China's economic and social developments. The laws and rules are: "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of the People with Disabilities", "Regulations on the Protection of Famous Historical and Cultural Cities, Towns and Villages", "Measures of Registration for Buildings and Houses", "Detailed Implementing Rules for Specific Client Asset Management Business of Securities Companies (Interim)", "Detailed Implementing Rules for Specific Collective Asset Management Business of Securities Companies (Interim)", "The Regulation on the Administration of Geological Survey Qualifications", "Measures of Beijing on The Law of the People's Republic of China on Emergency Responses" and so on.


Jul 1


The Government of Hong Kong performed the solemn flag raising ceremony on Golden Bauhinia Square in the morning of July 1. Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, Mr Gao Siren, Director of Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr. Lǚ Xinhua The Commissioner of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Commander Zhang Shibo and Political Commissar Liu Liangkai of the Hong Kong garrison, the Chief Justice Andrew Li Kwok Nang of the Court of Final Appeal, Hong Kong and several thousands personalities of all circles in Hong Kong witnessed the solemn moment.


Jul 2


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the meeting of the Standing Committee of the State Council. "National Framework for Medium-to-Long-Term Food Security" and "The General Programming on Increasing Commodity Grain Production of 5 billion kilogram in Jilin province" were passed in principle. The meeting points out: To ensure the food security, China is facing serious challenges. A system to ensure food security needs to be constructed faster.


Jul 3


Guiding Opinions of the State Council on Post-Wenchuan Earthquake Restoration and Reconstruction was issued. The three parts guiding opinions: Guidelines and Basic Principles, Major Task and Requirement, Implementation Step and Safeguard Mechanism.


Jul 4


According to "Audit Law of the People's Republic of China", the General Auditing Administration audited and investigated the guarantee, management and use of rural compulsory education investment in 54 counties (cities and banners) of 16 provinces(autonomous regions and cities), dated back from January 2006 to June 2007. The General Auditing Administration made public the investigations today. According to the Administration, the Ministries of Education and Finance, the local people's governments at various levels and the relevant departments paid great attention to this auditing and investigation. The corrections afterwards have already produced results. Behaviors that deviated from the policy have been corrected while the relevant people have received due punishments.


Jul 6


China Foundation for Human Rights Development issued an article on People's Daily: "Earthquake relief shows a new image of China’s human right". The article said, the destructive earthquake happened in Wenchuan, thousands of people died and injured, which shook the whole nation and the world. From the moment when the earthquake happened, the Party and the government led all Chinese to launch a great battle that struggled with the disaster. The unswerving struggle demonstrates the Administrative notion of the Party, that is "the people first" and "the power in and for the people", and shows the fundamental purpose of the Party, that is "to serve the people wholeheartedly and the peoples' interests are the highest". It shows the great spirits of the nation: all the people of one mind, getting united, waging indomitable and heroic struggle. It shows the historical progress in China's human rights in the 30 years of the reform and open-up policy and the understanding and affirmation of international society to the progress of China’s human right, which is filled with effulgence of humanity, human right, civilization and progress.


Jul 6


The 19th seminar of the People's Congress of 30 National Minority Autonomous Prefecture was held in Haibei Prefecture of Qinghai province. 220 people participated in the seminar. They were chairmen, vice-chairmen, secretary-general of the standing committees of the people's congress of the 27 Minority Autonomous Prefecture and the heads of the special committees or the operating organs of the Standing Committee of NPC. The leaders of the people's congress, the Party, the government and the political consultant conference of Haibei Prefecture also attended the seminar..


Jul 8


The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang held a press conference. A journalist asked: How did you respond to a report issued by Amnesty International that China had not honored its commitments when bidding for the Olympic Games, and it urged China to improve human rights before the Olympics? Qin Gang answered: "There are three points I want to make. Firstly, the Chinese Government is devoted to the improvement and protection of human rights and fundamental freedom of the Chinese people, and writes the principle of respecting and protecting human rights into the Constitution. Therefore the Chinese Government is endeavored to promote economic development and social progress in an all-round way, push forward judicial reform and improve democracy and legal system so as to build a fair, just and harmonious society and realize the all-round development of its people. China's human rights cause has made continuous progress, which is acknowledged by all the unbiased people around the world. Secondly, China's pledge to improve human rights is not only for the Olympic Games. Since its establishment, the Communist Party of China has devoted itself to improving human rights, which will remain our lofty goal in the future. The efforts of China to improve human rights are not decided by the will of any country, any force, any organization or anyone, nor are the efforts judged by their standards. The 1.3 billion Chinese people shall have the final say in China's human rights situation. The third point is what I have just answered to your previous question on 'some hostile forces sabotaging the Olympics'. If you could add that part to your article and cover the three points completely, you could make a fair and comprehensive report."


Jul 9


China Society for Human Rights Studies held a symposium named "Studying the dissertations on human rights by the leaders of the Central Committee of the CPC and comrade Hu Jintao". Nearly 30 executive directors and directors of China Society for Human Rights Studies participated in the symposium. Purpose of the symposium was to study the dissertations on human rights by the three generations of central collective leadership of the CPC and that by the leaders of the Central Communist Party under the leadership of General Secretary Hu Jintao, so as to promote China's human rights theories and contribute to the course of China human rights under the guidance of the human rights views of the Chinese Party Central Committee.


Jul 11


It is World Population Day today. The theme is "Planned Parenthood: It is a kind of right and let us turn it into reality." The theme offers the people the chance to improve the understanding of Planned Parenthood, which plays a vital role in improvement of health for the pregnant and puerperal women, gender equity and elimination of poverty.


Jul 16


Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the CPC Central CommitteePresident of the State and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, visited in Zhongnanhai the representatives of students and purples from the earthquake-stricken area who would go to Russia for recuperation.


Jul 17


The anti-terrorist bureau of the Ministry of Public Security issued "The Citizen's Manual on Guarding Against Terrorist Attacks". It teaches the citizens how to timely find traces of possible terrorist attacks and how to protect themselves in the event of a terrorist attack, so that they can rescue each other or rescue by themselves and they can minimize the danger.


Jul 18


The State Council Information Office published a white paper titled "Status Quo of Drug Supervision in China". It was the first time that the Chinese government issued a white paper on supervision on safety of medicine. The full text is about 11,000 words and is divided into 5 parts: Overview of Drug Supply, Quality and Safety, Drug Safety Supervision System and Legal System, Policies and Measures Concerning Supervision of Drug Safety, Supervision of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Folk Medicine, International Exchanges and Cooperation in Drug Safety.


Jul 23


"2008 Nation-wide Health Volunteers Action", jointly sponsored by 8 institutions including All China Federation of Trade Unions and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, was launching in Beijing. From July to December 2008, the campaign will start one by one in 10 cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Hangzhou.


Jul 24


The Chinese Communist Party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Ministry of Supervision, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and State Bureau for Letters and Calls jointly held a press conference for the issuance and implementation of "Interpretation on some problems regarding the use of 'Chinese Communist Party disciplinary Rules' for violations of petition work" and "Provisional Regulations on Punishment for Violations of Standards Governing Work on Letters and Calls".


It is the first time that the state has formulated systematic regulations for investigation of responsibility on petition work. It is the first time in recent years that the state issues the Party disciplinary measure as well as administrative disciplinary measure and calls to account towards disciplinary offence of a certain domain. The above explanation and regulation defines the "leadership responsibility" of petition work clearly, which concludes and generalizes into 16 disciplinary offences for investigation of leadership responsibility, and regulates the standards on the relevant Party disciplinary and administrative measures and improves maneuverability on ascertaining responsibility.


Jul 26


13 ministries and departments, including the Civilization Office of the Central Communist Party Committee, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Civil Affairs, .Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Culture, General Administration of Radio, Film and Television, General Administration of Press and Publication, State General Administration of Work Safety, All-China Federation of Trade Unions, The Central Committee of the Communist Young League, All-China Women's Federation and the Red Cross Society of China, jointly delivered "Notification on the Implementation Opinions of China Fire Protection Volunteer Action" and initiated to launch "China Fire Protection Volunteer Action". In order to strengthen the organizing and supervising, the 13 ministries and departments jointly established "Steering Committee of China Fire Protection Volunteer Action", and invited Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Li Jianguo to take the position of Honorary Director, vice minister Liu Jinguo of Ministry of Public Security and Lu Yongzheng, secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Young League to take the positions of directors, the relevant leaders of the ministries and departments to take the positions of the members.


Jul 30


The capital information no-obstacle communication platform for the disabled was launched at Beijing Center for the Disabled on July 30. The platform offers voice SMS to the blind, emergency SMS call, transfer between fixed telephone and mobile phone to the deaf, self-help-management of address list and so on.


Jul 30


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao presided over a routine meeting of the State Council on July 30 to study and dispose the work of waiving tuition and fees for compulsory education in all cities and towns across China. "The Draft Amendment to the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China" was discussed and passed in principle on the meeting.


The conference decides to waive tuition and fees for compulsory education in all cities and towns across China from 2008 autumn term, continue to offering textbooks freely to the students of compulsory education who are enjoying policy for income and property in minimum Life guarantee family in urban population. Students staying in dormitories will continue to receive boarding fee subsidy.


Jul 31


Spokesman Yin Chengji of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security said at the press conference of the second quarter of the year on July 31: China would ensure basic living of low-income populations through adjustment of minimum wage standard, increase the standard of unemployed insurance, adjust enterprise retiree basic pension standard and carry out proactive employment policy.


Aug 1


The Buddhist Association of China held 2008 Beijing Olympic praying ceremony at Ling Guang Temple in Beijing. Presbyter Yi Cheng, the president of the association, presided over the ceremony.


Aug 2


General Office of the State Council delivered the notification that required the provinces, departments of the State Council and all affiliates to further raise their awareness of energy scarcity and keep energy-saving in mind and to encourage all citizens participating in 10-power-saving-action, so as to relax the intense energy demand and protect the environment.


Aug 2


The Vice Presidents of ACWF, Huang Qingyi and Mo Wenxiu, attended the donation ceremony of the Cistern Project in Beijing. Qin Guoying, the Deputy Secretary-General of the China Women's Development Foundation, handed over the water purification unit worth 8.2 million RMB to the Women's Federation of Sichuan Province, and accepted the pennant from the federation.


Aug 3


The Beijing Municipal Government announced in the publication that the government should explain to the press if certain information could not be disclosed. The day before yesterday, the new municipal government bulletin released 5 documents concerning the government information publication policies, requiring the government agencies to set up information platform that accepts public complaint about false information.


Aug 4


Beijing Olympic Game is the one that attracts the most countries and regions ever in the history, including 205 countries and regions sending delegations with 16 thousands participants, said Wang Shilin, deputy director of international liaison department of Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee, in the "Olympic family gathering in Beijing Olympic Game" press conference in the Main Press Center of Beijing Olympic Games this morning.


Aug 4


The superintendent of China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Xu Shuqiang, said his hospital would precisely follow the confidentiality policies associated with the Beijing Olympic Game, and the members of the Olympic Family such as the foreign athletes are qualified for the same medical care enjoyed by the Chinese citizens.


Aug 5


State Statistics Bureau released a statement today said that, the price of real estate should not go further up either from macroeconomics and policy points of view or from the demand point of view, "after 10 years of surging prices, the era of easy money in real estate industry is over that the price has come back to be rational."


Aug 5


In accordance with "Opinions on punitive administrative detention for illegal waste dumping" issued by the law working committee of the National People's Congress, the Environmental Department delivered a notification demanding severe punishment for the evil waste dumping. The illegal actions, such as discharging or dumping into the water the dangerous materials which are poisonous, radioactive or corrosive, would be severely punished, for example, given a administrative detention according to the law.


Aug 5


Wen Jiabao, the member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC, the Prime Minister, commander in chief of relief headquarters, hosted the 24th headquarters conference, discussing the rebuilding project after the Wenchuan earthquake.


The conference demanded that all parties concerned should precisely follow the requirements issued by the relief headquarter, considering refugees first and giving priority to livelihood, respecting the nature and planning scientifically, taking all facts in and being coordinated in development. Also, the local government should create a new system, cooperate in rebuilding project, with major concern over safety matters and guaranteeing of the quality. Finally, rebuilding departments should keep saving in mind, protecting the cultivated land, and should heritage the traditions, protecting the ecosystem. In 3-years time, the major rebuilding tasks should be finished. All parties concerned should make every family having their houses, jobs, and welfare. The living condition and economic level is expected to revive to the ones before the disaster, all parties concerned should try their best to create harmony, safe, environmental friendly, civilized home for refugees, as a base for future continuous development of Sichuan disaster areas.


Aug 6


Dong Yunhu, the vice president of the Society for China Human Rights Studies, met Kint Nork, the human rights policy and humanism aid commissioner of the Germany foreign ministry.


Dong Yunhu introduced to the guest about the progress in China human rights cause since adopting the policy of reform and opening-up in the last 30 years as well as the nature, status and function of the Society of China Human rights studies and its efforts and contributions to China human rights development. He also explained to the guest about the barrier for the Chinese government to pass UN "International Convention on Civil and Political Rights", and the method of implementing "International Convention on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights". He also answered the questions regarding the way to guarantee the immigrant workers' rights and the reform in system of education through labour and the impact of the Olympic Games to China human rights.


Aug 6


2008 Beijing Olympic Youth Camp held the opening ceremony at 2 p.m.. 481 young people coming from 205 countries and regions would gather for the next 12 days to learn from each other, to understand China, and to experience the Olympic Game through a series of activities.


Aug 8


The Beijing Olympic Game opened tonight at National Stadium. Hu Jintao, the President of China, attended the opening ceremony, and announced the beginning of the Games. The Olympic movement with more than 2000 years history and the Chinese culture with more than 5000 years perfectly combined tonight, writing a spectacular new chapter in human civilization.


Aug 9


"Chinese Lives In Camera" exhibition, hosted by the State Council Information Office, was opened at Beijing Nationality and Culture Palace this morning. Zhou Tienong, Vice Chairman of NPC, attended the opening ceremony and cut the ribbon. Wang Chen, director of the State Council Information Office, delivered the speech.


"Chinese Lives In Camera" is the reflection of lives in the last 30 years of reform and opening-up of China. From the cameras of the Chinese and foreign photographers, one can see the beautiful rivers and mountains, the impressive nature, the ancient customs and hardworking spirits. The exhibition records the people's works, lives, leisure and entertainment. Through this exhibition, the audience can see the ancientmystical and beautiful landscape and the lives of multi-nationalities in China as well as the great changes both in the cities and villages. They can experience the economic and social progress, and feel the freedom, happiness and fulfillment of Chinese people. This exhibition also indicates the major progress of the Chinese Human Rights achieved through all these years.


Aug 9


The 5th "Summer Camp Concerning AIDS-Orphans" opened in Beijing today. About 100 kids who affected by HIV coming from 14 counties of 6 provinces, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Xinjiang, Sichuan, Shanxi and Henan were invited.


Aug 11


All-China Federation of Trade Unions officially published Legal Aid for Labor Unions Practice, which ruled that all labor unions should set up free legal aid system and provide free legal assistances to the workers, union members and union organizations who were hurt.


Aug 13


The Ministry of Finance said the central government recently dispatched 8.64 billion RMB for a special fund for the free textbook of this fall semester. The fund would ensure the pupils all over the Chinese rural areas to get the free textbooks promised by the state after the first day they are back to school.


Aug 13


The proposal of Post-Earthquake Rebuild & Relief Program was made public today, requiring implementation of employment assistance program. More than 1 million laborers in the planed areas are expected to have their stable jobs after conducting directional recruitment, directional or technical trainings.


Aug 15


The Ministry of Education opened a 24-hour higher education financing hotline from 8 a.m. today to 5 p.m.Sept.15th. For convenience to confirm and resolve the complaints, the Ministry of Education asked complainants to include information like real names, family address, contact telephone, the entry or current schools.


Aug 15


The Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council made public the Draft of China Social Assistance Law and issued a notice canvassing the opinions from all walks of lives, so as to further review and amend and then report to executive meeting of the Sate Council.


Aug 15


The development of education was transforming China from a big country with a population of 1.3 billion to a country with quality human resources, Zhang Xinsheng, the vice minister of education said in a press conference along with disclosing a series of index this afternoon at BIMC.


Aug 16


Wu Shimin, the vice minister of State Ethnic Affairs Commission said at Human Resource Development Conference of Chinese Minority that the human rights of Chinese Minority nationalities have been developed with three major characteristics.


He said, "China is a country with outstandingly long history, abundance of cultures and also a country with many nationalities. The Chinese government has always highly concerned with the development of human rights of minority nationalities, adopted a series of acts, and set up a protecting system that guarantees broad human rights for minority peoples.


Aug 17


The deputy director of the Economic Research Institution under National Development and Reform Commission, Wang Yiming told the press conference that the permanent population of Beijing had increased 2.1 million during the 7 years of preparing for the Olympic Games.


Aug 20


The No.4 Female Forum around the Japanese Sea Regions was opened today in the city of Changchun, Jilin province. Hundreds of feminist social workers and researchers from China, Russia, Japan, Korea and Mongolia attended the meeting. They discussed the issues over improvement of feminist progress and development. Mme Liu Bohong, the deputy director of the Chinese Woman Research Institute introduced to the attendees about the progress of the cause of equality of woman and man since the 30 years of reform and opening-up.


Aug 23


The State Council decided that the school sundry fees for Compulsory Education would be exempted all over the country from the fall semester 2008. Zhou Ji, the minister of education, said all parties concerned should work hard on the education issues for the immigrant workers' children, making them receive same level of education as the urban ones.


Zhou Ji said at the joint conference of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance, the emphasis should be given to the unified planning, the children of immigrant workers would be included in the public education system, and the government would dispatch enough public spending for the public schools that had admitted the children of immigrant workers. Increasing the input of the educational resources, the central government would provide for each province the incentives of the public spending and conditions for running schools, depending on the number of immigrant workers' children they included in their public system.


Aug 24


The president of China Federation for the Disabled Persons, the vice executive president of the BOCOC, Zhang Xiaoquan told today at the press conference that the human rights of disabled persons have made remarkable progress, and the laws related to the human rights of the disabled persons have increased to more than 50. The whole legal system to guarantee the rights of the disabled persons has been put into effect, with the constitution as the foundation, the criminal, civil and litigation laws as basis, the Law on the Protection of Disabled Persons as centerpiece and the administrative law and local laws as supports.


Aug 27


August 27th, the deputy minister of National Development and Reform Commission, Zhu Zhixin said, the brand new joint medical care system had almost covered the rural areas all across China, serving over 800 million peasants.


Aug 30


The memorial wall of "Convention of Rights of Disabled Persons" was inaugurated this afternoon at the peace square of Beijing Paralympics Village. This memorial wall is the first one using U.N. Convention as the theme, the purpose of erecting the wall is to urge everyone around the world to follow the Convention of Rights of Disabled Persons which has been put into effect on May 3rd this year. The athletes, coaches, sports officials and the visitors of the Village could sign on the wall during the Beijing Paralympics Games, and all the signatures would be well reserved after the Games for remembrance.


Sep 1


From now on, the Chinese families across the country are able to send their children to school with tuition-free for the nine-year compulsory education. From the new starting point, China is stepping forward to a country with quality human resources. Based on equality among students, the Chinese education is endeavoring to build up a bright future for the country.


Sep 1


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao attended the opening ceremony of Beichuan Middle School in southwest China's quake zone as the new semester started on September 1st. Wen said to the students and teachers in the school, "remembering lessons learnt from the disaster, try your best to study at school now and, with other people in the city, construct a new and more beautiful city of Beichuan in the future."


Sep 1


On September 1st, 2008, China's Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the Adoption Registration Work Norms. With 8 chapters and 54 articles, the provisions also address the procedures for adoption registration and its rescission, requirements for canceling adoption registration, handling of remedial proof of adoption and proof of rescission of an adoptive relationship.


Sep 6


The ceremony of Activity of Health Literacy Promotion in China was launched in Gansu province on September 6th. Li Xinhua, chief of health education division of the department of maternal, children and community health at the Ministry of Health, said Gansu was the first province to launch opening ceremony for Health Literacy Promotion, since Scheme of Health Literacy Promotion in China (2008-2010) was released by the Ministry in this August. In the following two months, six provinces would hold opening ceremonies for the event.


Sep 7


Published by Zhonghua Book Company, Culture of Qiang Ethnic Group - Students' Book was issued on September 7th, in Beijing. The book has 45,000 words and 9 parts: the Ancient History, Immortal Da Yu, Mysterious Turret, Splendid Poems, Attractive Embroidering Art of Qiang Ethnic Group, Melodious Flute of Qiang, Gorgeous Dances, Colorful Folk Customs and Postscript.


Sep 8


In the morning of September 8th, a press conference on the status of development of people with disability was held in the main press center of Beijing Paralympics. Mr. Yu Faming, director of the department of employment promotion of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security; expressed that the Chinese government attached great importance to the employment of the handicapped. In urban areas of China, 4,337,000 disabled people had been employed and 16,966,000 disabled people had been employed in the rural areas.


Sep 8


At the Ninth Session of Human Rights Council in Geneva, ambassador Li Baodong, the head of Chinese delegation, said that China suggested the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights could create a harmonious and mutual respected human rights culture among different civilizations and promote equal and justice human rights concepts, as this year marked the sixtieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the fifteenth anniversary of Vienna Declaration and Action Program.


Sep 10


To mark the country's 24th Teachers' Day, President Hu Jintao, also General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, during his work trip in Henan Province, paid a visit to the students and teachers at Zhengzhou Blind and Deaf-Mute School in the provincial capital.


Sep 10


When interviewed by telephone on September 10th, the responsible official from the Secretariat of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities said, China had made a great progress in the undertaking of protecting persons with disabilities and she felt that the Chinese government was trying their best to protect the rights of this group of people.


Sep 11


Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made public today 2008 Report for the Millennium Development Goals in UN Headquarters in New York. According to the website of the United Nations, the Report pointed out that the world was on track to halve the global poverty rate by 2015 and achieve the number one target for the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), thanks to progress made in East Asia, particularly China.


Sep 11


Introducing religions in China, a Chinese delegation, consisting of middle-aged and young Chinese religious leaders and officials, held a panel discussion titled "Religion in China: Perspectives from Chinese Religious Leaders and Officials" at the famous think tank, the U.S. Brookings Institution.


Sep 12


The Ministry of Health issued a circular on its official website, requiring all the health bureaus across the country to report statistics on cases of infants affected by Sanlu powdered formula before 17:00 on September 12th. And the new cases were required to report in time.


Sep 18


China's State Council, or the cabinet, on September 18th, announced the abolishment of regulations on inspection exemptions for food quality. In a circular, the cabinet said that, for the health of people, it had decided to abolish the regulations relating to quality inspection exemptions for food in a document issued on December 5, 1999.


Sep 18


Premiere Wen Jiabao approved No. 535 Decree of the State Council, issuing implementation regulation for Labor Contract Law on September 18th. Xinhua News Agency was authorized to publish the new regulation, which was comprised of six chapters and thirty-eight articles. The regulation was an effort to clarify confusion surrounding the law.


Sep 20


Premiere Wen Jiabao delivered a speech of Several Important Issues on Further Implementation of Scientific Development Outlook, at a meeting for the senior cadres at the level of provinces and ministries. Wen emphasized the importance to persist in human orientation, the implementation of scientific development should be embodied in the improvement of people's living standard, in the satisfaction of people's material and cultural needs and in the all around development of people. With challenges and opportunities, positive elements from all walks of life should be converted to scientific development. Besides, we should also concern the harmonization between economic development and social progress, the political restructuring and economic restructuring, the compatibility with oversea countries and independent innovation, modern spirit and traditional culture. Finally, the state would make better quality developments within a longer period at a higher level.


Sep 21


Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao on September 21st visited hospitals, communities and supermarkets in Beijing to see for himself the infants sickened by tainted milk powder and investigate the rescue and medical care for the sick infants as well as the milk market situation.


Sep 21


During CEIBS (China Europe International Business School) 4th Annual China Health Care Development Forum, Mr. Wang Dongsheng, the director of social development department, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), said, over the past three decades since the launch of reform and opening-up policy, the largest losses in the medical reform were the disorientation on development direction in medical industry, the degeneration of original sacred purpose of the industry and the increasing hostile relationship between doctors and patients.


Sep 21


Breaking out at around 11 p.m. on September 20th, a fire left 43 people dead and 88 injured in Wuwang Club, in south China's Shenzhen city. To enhance safety for the cultural places, the Ministry of Culture issued an urgent notice, saying the importance of safety should be highly concerned in all cultural entertainment venues across the country and the concept of "safety the first" should be established; and all the relevant venues should be checked thoroughly to make them free of potential problems that could threaten public safety.


Sep 23


Jiang Yu, spokeswoman of the Foreign Ministry, on September 23rd, expressed China's strong rejection to U.S. State Council's International Religious Freedom Report 2008, when answering a question from a journalist.


Sep 24


"China's Progress Towards the Millennium Development Goals, 2008 Report" was launched on September 24th at UN Headquarters in New York. He Yafei, vice minister of Chinese Foreign Ministry, explained that China had closely integrated the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) into its own development planning and into its work to build a well balanced, moderately prosperous 'Xiaokang' society. The new report shows that China is ahead of schedule to meet the MDG targets of halving the impoverished population and providing universal access to primary education, while firmly on track to meeting most of the rest of the goals by 2015. Vice Minister He emphasized that China would continue its earnest endeavors to achieve the MDGs in China, thus making a strong contribution to their achievement globally.


Sep 25


The Information Office of China's State Council on Thursday issued a white paper titled "Protection and Development of Tibetan Culture". Over the past half century, and especially since the adoption of the reform and opening-up policies in 1978, the Chinese government has attached great importance to the protection and development of Tibetan culture. With great enthusiasm and a highly responsible attitude, and in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China and the Law on Ethnic Regional Autonomy, the Chinese government has dedicated a large amount of manpower, materials and funds to the protection and promotion of fine traditional Tibetan culture, and vigorously developed modern scientific, educational and cultural undertakings in Tibet, bringing about unprecedented protection and development of Tibetan culture.


This is the seventh white paper of Tibet released by the Chinese government. The paper comprised 13,000 words and 6 parts: Foreword; Learning, Use and Development of the Spoken and Written Tibetan Languages; Inheritance, Protection and Promotion of the Tibetan Cultural Heritage; Religious Beliefs and Native Customs Respected; All-round Development of Modern Science, Education and the Media and Conclusion.


Sep 26


The ceremony to start Lanyu Railway (Lanzhou-Chongqing) construction was held on September 26th on the north bank of the Yellow River in Lanzhou. It was said there were 13 state-assigned poverty-stricken counties along the railway route. Due to the limited environment and transportation situation, several counties, involving Minxian, Weiyuan, Dangchang, Linzhao and Zhuoni, are still poor counties that need aids from the state. In the future, Lanyu Railway will bring about new development opportunities to those counties. According to relevant figures, the area of counties along the railway route was 140,000 k, 11.0% of the total area of Gansu province, Sichuan province and Chongqing city. Areas along the rail route are full of natural resources, mineral resources and tourist resources. Besides, the areas also have a large population of 36 million at total with 25.220 million tourists and 6.24 million local people working at other areas. Thus, after the new railway of Lanyu open to the public, the ability of self-development in these counties are enhanced and the poverty populations will become rich while making full use of the valuable natural and human resources along the railway.


Oct 5


Chinese President Hu Jintao has written to the Tibet Nationalities Institute (TNI) to celebrate its 50th founding anniversary, which was the first institution of higher learning for ethnic Tibetans set up by the Central Government outside Tibet Autonomous Region. Hu, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, hailed the institute's "important contribution to the economic development and social progress" of Tibet, which has turned a great number of ethnic Tibetans into high-quality cadres and specialists.


Oct 6


The State Council, China's Cabinet, held an executive meeting on the nation's milk powder industry. Premier Wen Jiabao presided over the meeting. The meeting approved draft regulations on quality control for dairy products. The regulations stipulated stricter and detailed rules on animal husbandry, fresh milk collection, dairy production, domestic sales and import and export of dairy products.


Oct 8


At a ceremony in Beijing's Great Hall of the People to honor outstanding organizations and individuals for their contributions to the rescue and relief work, President Hu Jintao urged China to carry on the spirit of unity, courage, "people first" and scientific thinking that characterized the May 12 earthquake relief effort. Hu said the spirit should be promoted among the CPC members and the public. This would help advance the sound and rapid economic and social development.


Oct 9


A two day meeting on labour protection work of national labour unions was convened in Harbin this morning. Exemplary experiences of provinces like Heilongjiang, Sichuan and Liaoning were spread at the meeting.


Oct 9


To provide effective guarantee of legal system for quality and safety of dairy products, China's State Council promulgated Dairy Products Quality and Safety Supervision and Management Regulations on Oct 9, 2008. The Regulations further perfected the management system of quality and safety of dairy products.


Oct 9—12


Hu Jintao, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, delivered a work report at the Third Plenary Session of the 17th CPC Central Committee, which was held from Oct. 9 to 12 in Beijing. The Session approved a decision on major issues concerning rural reform and development.


Oct 14


China's long-awaited health care reform plan, which aims at providing universal medical service to 1.3 billion people, was released today for public debate. The draft was formulated by a team of officials and experts from 16 departments, including the Ministry of Health and the National Development and Reform Commission. The draft will be open for public debate until Nov. 14. People can visit the website: shs.ndrc.gov.cn/yg to leave suggestions and comments.


Oct 17—21


The 15th national congress of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) was held in Beijing from Oct 17 to 21, 2008. Forty-seven Chinese migrant workers were elected to attend the congress. It is the first time migrant workers have attended the meeting. They represented more than 66 million people who come from rural areas and land jobs in cities. China has the highest number of trade union members in the world, with membership increasing from 123 million in 2003 to 209 million by June, 2008.


Oct 22


China's State Development and Reform Commission issued Measure on Hearing of Price Fixing by the Government on its government website.


Oct 27


According to Yin Chengji, spokesman of China's Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the country created 9.36 million jobs in the first three quarters, while the target figure for the whole year is 10 million. About 215 million workers joined the nationwide urban pension system by the end of this September, 13.37million more than the figure by the end of last year.


Oct 27


According to Yin Chengji, spokesman of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security (MOHRSS), the country created 9.36 million jobs in the first three quarters, and helped another 4.09 million laid-off workers re-employed. About 215 million workers joined the nationwide urban pension system, nearly 274 million participated in the basic medical care system, 122 million were in the unemployment insurance mechanism, 135 million were covered by the work injury insurance and 88 million were in the maternity insurance.


Oct 27


According to figures released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the average cash income of China's rural residents reached 3,971 RMB yuan in the first three quarters of this year, 11 percent more compare to the same period of last year with the deduction of price factor.


Oct 28


The 10th National Women's Congress was held in Beijing today. According to the work report delivered by Huang Qingyi, Deputy-Chairwoman of All-China Women's Federation (ACWF), at present, women account for 45.4 percent of China's total employed population. In terms of politics, Chinese women are playing a larger role with females occupying 39 percent of official roles. Of CPC members, 20.4 percent are female.


Oct 28


According to Hong Changyou, Vice-chairman and Secretary-general of Chinese Islamic Association, the Chinese government will help 11,800 Chinese Muslim to go to Mekka for the hajj. This will be a record number of organized hajj pilgrimage in Chinese Muslim history.


Oct 29


China's State Council Information Office published a white paper titled China's Policies and Actions for Addressing Climate Change. It fully introduced the influence of climate change to China, China's policies and actions to slow down and accommodate climate change, and China's system and mechanism construction on this issue.


Oct 29


The Chinese Juvenile Research Center issued Status Report of Chinese Minor Rights and Interests the other day. The Report indicated that the undertakings of Chinese minor protection had made rapid strides since the initiation of reform and opening-up, especially since the promulgation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors. The minors' rights to subsistence, development, be protected and participation were further realized.


Nov. 1


Hu Jintao, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Chinathe President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, made the speech this morning when he met with the newly elected leaders of the All-China Women's Federation and some delegates to the 10th National Women's Congress. He stressed that the Party and government paid special attention to women and had formulated and implemented series of policies and guidelines in order to bring the women's roles into full play and promote the development of the course of women. The women must get a clear understanding of the overall situation and keep it in mind, seize opportunities and work hard, so as to make new achievements worthy of the times.


Nov. 1


As the core achievement of the research carried out by 208 experts, The Concept, Aim and Action Plan of China's Social Security Reform and Development Strategy and other three reports related to old-aged pension, medical security and social assistance were issued, with the aim to theoretically build the future blueprint of the new social security system and offer a reference for decision-makers.




 Li Changchun, member of the Politburo Standing Committee of the Communist Party of China, delivered important instructions on ideological and moral education for juveniles in the conference held in Hangzhou. He pointed out that we must further enhance our sense of responsibility, of mission and urgency, lay great importance to children's development and their future, work hard to bring up successors qualified for the cause of socialism with the Chinese characteristics and make contribution to create a new situation for the ideological and moral education for juveniles.




China and ASEAN countries jointly released the Nanning Proposal, which mainly focuses on cooperation in promoting social development and reducing poverty. It appeals the developed countries related to assume their responsibilities proactively and increase their assistance to the developing countries, so as to achieve the UN Millennium Development Goals. The 2nd China-ASEAN forum on social development and poverty reduction was successfully concluded this afternoon. In this forum, the senior officials of China and 10 AESAN countries came to an agreement on the Nanning Proposal after discussion.




The World Health Organization (WHO) released the Beijing Declaration in Beijing, with the purpose to promote the development of the traditional medicines worldwide.


Nov. 9


"The Forum on Development of Criminal Law in 30 Years of Reform and Opening-up" was held in Beijing. After reviewing the course of development of the criminal law in China since reform and opening-up in 30 years and summing-up the achievements and lessons in this period, the forum looked forward to its future development, it world aroused comprehensive attentions upon China`s rule of law on crimes from the theoretical and business circles at home and abroad.  




The 5th National Congress of China Disabled Persons Federation was held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. The Party and government leaders Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabao, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, He Guoqiang, Zhou Yongkang and some other senior officials presented. The targets of the meeting include: 1.summarizing the work of past five years, giving an overall review on the achievements in the programs for the disabled in the past 20 years, summing up the experiences and fixing the aim of the coming 5 years or even up to the year 2020; 2.amending the constitution of China Disabled Persons Federation according to the new situation; 3.electing the new leadership.




The National Development and Reform Commission released the National Medium and Long-term Planning Outline for Food Security (2008-2020), which included a preface5 columns and 5 main parts covering the achievements, challenges, guiding principles and main targets, main tasks, policies and measures on food security.




The Children Protection Project in Disaster Areas in Sichuan province was jointly launched in Chendu by All-China Women's Federation and UN Children's Foundation. This project including 40 Children Friendly Homes built in Sichuan disaster areas have mostly been opened to the children in the disaster areas.




Premier Wen Jiabao went to villages of Fuyang city in Anhui province to investigate the work on fighting AIDS and visit AIDS patients, orphans and health personnel working at the grass-root levels.


Dec. 1


President Hu Jintao and vice Premier Li Keqiang visited Beijing Ditan hospital to review the prevention and treatment of AIDS.




In memory of the 60th anniversary of the declaration of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 30th anniversary of the adoption of China's reform and opening-up policy, the China Society for Human Rights Studies held a symposium in Beijing named 30 years of China's Reform and Open Up and the Development of Human Rights, in which, more than 60 human rights experts presented. Luo Haocai, Chairman of the China Society for Human Rights Studies and Wang Chen, minister of the State Council Information Office, respectively delivered a speech in the opening ceremony.




A group of laws and regulations concerning the national interest and people's livelihood had been formally implemented, including the Supreme People's Court interpretation on Several Issues Related to the Application of Judicial Monitoring Procedure of "the Civil Procedural Law of the Peoples Republic of China" publicized by the Supreme Court on 30th November, the Measures for Hearing on Government-fixed Prices by the State Development and Reform Commission, the Administrative Measures for the Law Enforcement Certificates for Industrial and Commercial Administration by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce, etc..




Jointly sponsored by the Central Committee of the Communist Young League, the Ministry of Justice and the Office of the National Law Popularization, "the Action of Protecting the Minors-- the Week of 2008 Legal Education for Juveniles" was formally launched. The activities were initiated to improve minors' legal consciousness through education and advocacy of the Constitution and the Minors Protection Law and the Law of Prevention of Crimes for the Minors, so as to reduce the crime rates among youths and guide them to grow up healthily.




The Supreme People's Court released a news conference and publicized two policy documents, respectively the Opinions on Providing Judicial Guarantee and Legal Services to Ensure National Financial Security and Sustainable Development of Economy, the Opinions on Providing Judicial Guarantee and Legal Services to Promote Reform and Development in the Rural Areas. The former includes 6 measures of the Supreme Court to safeguard national financial security, 3 acts to ensure corporation development, 5 criterions on economic order and 2 institutions on promoting sustainable economic development and timely understand new questions emerging in the macro economy. The latter comes up specific requirements to courts at nationwide on strengthening the protection of modern agriculture and improving judicial guarantee and legal services.




On Dec.5th this year, the 23rd International Volunteers Day, more than 10 volunteer organizations at home and abroad and members of college volunteer organizations in Beijing and non-governmental volunteer organizations gathered in Beijing Foreign Studies University for the celebration ceremony for 2008 International Volunteers Day. According to statistics, volunteer service has lasted for 15 years since the Communist Youth League of China started it up in 1993, with total volunteers of more than 382 million offering more than 7.8 million hours volunteer service.




The Central Economic Working Conference was held in Beijing. President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao made significant speech and other leaders Wu Bangguo, Jia Qinglin, Li Changchun, Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, He Guoqiang and Zhou Yongkang presented. It was stressed in the conference that the task for the coming year was to tackle hot and delicate problems related to people's interest, maintain social stability, take more proactive employment policy to improve employment rate and ensure general stability of employment situation, quicken the pace to complete the social security system in cities and countryside, enlarge the coverage endowment insurance, medical insurance, study and put forward unified insurance transferring measures, open endowment insurance pilot sites in the countryside and effectively prevent the decline of living condition of those in poverty.                                                                                          




The 2008 China Competition on Health Knowledge among Peasants was held in Beijing. It's the first competition of this kind in the name of the state to spread health literacy knowledge.




The Symposium in memory of 60th anniversary for the publication of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was held in Beijing on Dec.10th. President Hu Jintao wrote to China Society for Human Rights Studies to send his best regards to the whole staff and express his sincere gratitude to those who had made contribution to the development of human rights course in our nation. He pointed out that the publication of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was of great significance to the human rights course around the world, and it showed the common wish of the whole world to promote the development of human rights. Wang Chen, minister of the State Council Information Office, read out Hu's letter. In the letter, Hu expounded general views on human rights questions of our nation which offered guidance for the human rights work. Wang said, according to Hu's requirement in the letter, we must carry out constitutional principles of "respect and guarantee human rights" and spare no efforts to make contribution to China's human rights development. More than 100 experts including the president of China Society for Human Rights Studies Luo Haocai presented at the symposium.




 Interviewed by the magazine Human Rights, the minister of the State Council Information Office Wang Chen made positive remarks about the position and function of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, elaborated general views on human rights questions and achievements in the course of human rights, and gave a forward look to the development of human rights in China and  the world.




The working conference on national reform and development was held. It was obtained from the conference that the investment from the central government in the next year would mainly focus on 5 aspects, including the "Three Rural Issues", Comfortable Housing Project, infrastructure construction, energy conservation & emission reduction and social undertakings.




President Hu Jintao, accompanied by Zhang Wenyue, secretary of Liaoning province and Chen Zhenggao, governor of Liaoning, paid a visit to places such as Yinkou and Shenyang in Liaoning, discussed how to complete the chief task of the next year to maintain a relatively high and stable economic growth rate, how to make efforts on keeping growing and encouraged to strengthen confidence to strive for new achievements in social and economic development.




The China Society for Human Rights Studies held a symposium to learn Hu's letter. Luo Haocai, the president of China Society for Human Rights Studies hosted the symposium. The vice-presidents of China Society for Human Rights Studies Wan Exiang, Chen Shiqiu, Dong Yunhu and some others presented and made speeches. The scholars and experts believed that Hu's letter elaborated general views on human rights that needed a deep appreciation and we should completely realize the significant achievements we had gained in the course of China's human rights development.




The conference in memory of 30th anniversary of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of CPC was held in the Great Hall of the People and President Hu Jintao delivered an important speech.




Announcement for Adjusting Height Limit of Children in Child Ticket Use by the Ministry of Railways came into effect. The height limit improved form 1.4 m to 1.5 m.




The Sixth Session of the Eleventh Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was held in Beijing. It lasted for six days. This session passed the revised Earthquake Precaution and Disaster Relief Law of the People's Republic of China and the decision to amend Patent Law as well as the decision to hold the second session of the Eleventh Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. President Hu Jintao subscribed the No.7 and 8 Order of the President of the People's Republic of China.




The Seminar on Construction and Benefit Evaluation of the Grain for Green Project in Northern China was held. It was learned from the seminar that the regular inspection on the benefit of the Grain for Green Project had been finished. With a total investment of more than 430 billion and an involvement of more than 100 million peasants, the forestation area has exceeded 400 million mu in the nine years since the project was started.




The first analysis meeting of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on the developing situation of population, resources and environment was held in Beijing. In the two-day-long meeting, participants discussed several important questions related to population, resources and environment together and offer pertinent advices and practical plans as a reference for the central committee.




The start-up ceremony of "San Xia Xiang", a program under which officials, doctors, scientists and college students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers, was held jointly by 8 departments including the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the CPC in Feixi county of Anhui province. It marked the beginning of nationwide "San Xia Xiang" in 2009.




The central rural work conference was held in Beijing. It summarized the rural work of 2008, analyzed the present situation in the rural area, studied policies and measures to promote stable development in agriculture and increase peasants' income, deployed agricultural work in the rural areas in 2009, and discussed the Opinions of the Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting Stable Development in Agriculture and Increasing Peasants' Income.




President Hu Jintao visited rebuilding construction sites, workshop, villages, schools, health centers in major earthquake area including Mianyang, Deyang, Chengdu, Aba in order to know about the progress of rebuilding process and bring new year greetings on behalf of the Central Committee to residents of the earthquake and construct workers from other parts of the nation.




The general office of the NPC Standing Committee released a report on the Social Security Act Draft and its amendment. The office asked for a wide range of opinions and advices so as to further revise and complete the act.




The Information Office of the State Council released a news briefing with the topic "Taking a More Open Stance to Show Real China to the World". The minister of the office Wang Chen explained the topic and answered questions from journalists.
