Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies

Human Rights and Harmonious World

2007-12-31 16:32:30Author: CSHRS


Author:China Society for Human Rights Studies

Press:Tuan jie Press

Publication date:2007




Sponsored by China Society for Human Rights Studies,and taking thetheme of Respecting and Promoting Human Rights and Constructing a Harmonious World,the International Symposium on Human Rights was held in Beijing,China from November 22 to 24,2006.More than 70 humanrights exports and government officials from China as well as 18 othercountries and regions including the US,Switzerland,Sweden,Greece.Japan,the ROK,Saudi Arabia,Mexico,Zambia,Belarus,Vietnam.Cuba,Indonesia,Iran,Ukraine,South Africa.Brazil and Argentina attended the symposium.Jiang Zhenghaa,ViceChairman of the StandingCommittee of the National People’s Congress,and Cai Wu.Minister 0fthe State Council Information Office P.R.C delivered speeches at the opening ceremony.




Constructing a Harmonious World of All People Enjoying Human Rishts
Advancing the Human Rights Cause Throush More Dialogues.Communication and Better Mutual Understanding and Trust
Promoting Human Rights,Building a Harmonious World
Human Beings’Eternal Will——Promoting Human Rights and Constnlcting the Harmonious World

Section Ⅰ Harmonious Thought and Human Rights
Respect for and a Guarantee of Human Rishts—The Comerstones of a Harmonious Socialist Society
Human Rights,Human Ri gllts Culture and the Harmonious W0lrd
Human Riights and a Harmonious Worid
Globalization,a Harmonious World.and Human Rights
The Right to Harmony:Human Rights 0f the Fourth Generation
Harmonious Human Rishts:Combining Chinese Spirit with Human Rights Cuhum
Building a Harmonious World and Developing Global Human Rights
Pranloting Human Rights Protection in the Course of Building a Harmonious World
Basis for Respecting and Protecting Human Rights
Women’s RJlghts and a Harmonious World

Section Ⅱ Peace,Security and s Harmonious World
Safeguarding and Promoting Human Rights and Building a Harmonious World
Respect for Human Rights—A Fundamental Foundation for a WoAd of Peace.
Security and Harmony
Safeguarding W0rld Peace.Promoting Global Development and Building a Harmonious World
To Promote Peace.Security and the Construction of a Harmonious World Through
Respecting and Safeguarding Human Rights
Realization of Peace and Security and Construction of Harmonious Wodd froin Chinese View
Peace,Security and the Harmonious World
Peaceful Development,a Solemn Commitment and Important Contribution by the
Chinese People to the World’S Hunmn Rights Cause

Section Ⅲ International Human Rights Criteria and a Harmonious World
On the Relationship Between the Development of International Human Rirght
Mechanism and the Construction of Harmonious Human Rights
To Build a Social and International Order in Which Human Rights Can be Fullv Realized
Respecting Human Rights to Build a Harmonious International Communitv
The Ratification of the International Covenant on Civil and P0litical Rights and Follow—up Actions
The Role of National Human Rights Institutions in Protecting the Human Rights of Migrant Workers:The Implications of Santa Cruz Declaration
On Domestic Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic.Social and Cultural Rights

Section Ⅳ Economic,Social,Cultural Development and a Harmonious World
The Full Play of Labor Union’S Role in the Construction of a Hamonious Societv
On Harmonious Interactions Between Human Rights Protection and Social Development
On Economic Growth and Human Rights Promotion
Privatizing Human Rights:Can Multi—Nationals Excel Where Governments Fail?
The Role of Economic,Social and Cultural Rights’Establishment in Legislation of Belarus
Observations of Law on me Rights of Labor
The Brazilian Experience and the International Scenario
Human Rights Issues on the Ainu People in Japan

Section Ⅴ Rule of Law and Harmony
Rule of Law and Harmony
Exerting Judicial Functions and Safeguarding the Economic,Social and Cultural Rights
On the Relation ship Between the Concept of Scientific Development and the Construction of a Socialist Harmonious Society
Civil Equality and Its Protection by Administrative Laws
Study on the Legal Guarantee of AntiDiscrimination in Chinese Government Serviee
Equality Under the Law in Latin America
Human Rights and Liberalization of Judicial and Legal System in Uzbekistan
Humall Rights Protection in China’s Administrative Prejudication and Its Contribution to Building a Harmonious Society

Section Ⅵ Equality, Dialogue, Cooperation and harmonious World
Religious Dialogues, World Peace and Social Harmony
Enhancing Cooperation in the International Human Rights Field and Constructing a Harmonious World
Equality, Dialogue, Cooperation and Harmonious World
Human Rights and Soft Power: the Role of Human Rights in China' s Diplomatic Relations
Hegemonic Orders in an Anarchical Society :  Conditions for Stability
Hunan Rights and the Harmonious World-A Brief Perspective
Human Rights, Terrorism and the Importance of a Secure Society
A Harmonious World and China ' s Responsibility
International Human Rights Law :  A Tool to Strengthen Peace and Security
Some Problems of the World Recognition of Human Rights Conception
Human Rights: Dialogue and Intemational Cooperation
Cooperation and a Harmonious World: Advances for the Human Rights
Equality-A Foundation Characteristic of Harmonious Society
Equality, Communication, Cooperation and the Harmonious World
Thoughts on Building a Harmonious World
Promoting Human Rights Through Social Harmony: the Chinese Practice and the Commom Mission of the International Community
