Human Rights Protection: Chinese, European scholars discuss science, technology and human rights
May 12,2022   By:CGTN
May 12, 2022 -- Dozens of scholars have attended a joint China-Europe seminar to discuss the role science and technology can play in human rights development. 
LI YUANYUAN Academician, Chinese Academy of Engineering Party Secretary, Huazhong University of Science & Technology "Through the current technology revolution, we should learn how to make use of technology to promote human rights development. Science and Technology can play an active and positive role in promoting human rights, help us to make commitments to upholding the shared value of humankind and diversify our civilization."
CHRISTINA BINDER Professor of European, International and Comparative Law University of Vienna and Bundeswehr University Munich "New Information technology has been crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic and has contributed to facilitating and realizing numerous rights. But the pandemic has also highlighted how information technology can also pose challenges for effective human rights protection. It appears crucial that the use of new information technology is subject to the parameters and safeguards that are posed by international human rights law. It's only under the condition that new technology complies with the new parameters imposed by human rights laws that these technologies will deploy the potential at the service of human rights protection."


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