A Survey of Targeted Poverty Alleviation in the Severely Impoverished Areas of Southern Xinjiang
February 14,2022   By:ssap
Abstract: In recent years,the local economy in the deep poverty areas of Southern Xinjiang has achieved rapid development,the local financial revenue and expenditure has maintained rapid growth,and the income of rural residents has increased to a certain extent. However,under the influence of such factors as the low level of economic development,the primary stage of industrial structure,the deep level of poverty,the low level of rural residents’ income,the poor natural environment,the remote geographical location,the low quality of the population as a whole,and the weak ability of self-development,etc.,it has become the focus and difficulty of poverty alleviation in Xinjiang. At this stage,Xinjiang is facing unprecedented historical opportunities. The deep poverty areas in southern Xinjiang are closely linked to “two no worries,Three guarantees”,Solidly Promoting “seven ones in one batch”,implementing “three more efforts”,deepening factor investment,and achieving phased results in poverty alleviation. However,the task of poverty alleviation in the deep poverty areas of Southern Xinjiang is still very arduous. It is necessary to consolidate and improve the thinking of targeted poverty alleviation.
Keywords: Southern Xinjiang; Targeted Poverty Alleviation; Deep Poverty Areas