SONG Yaoxi: Development of Poverty Alleviation For the Disabled in Guangzhou and Protection of Their Rights: From the Perspective of Inclusive cosmopolis Ethics and Social Justice in the Post-Empire E
February 19,2020   By:
Development of Poverty Alleviation For the Disabled in Guangzhou and Protection of Their Rights: From the Perspective of Inclusive cosmopolis Ethics and Social Justice in the Post-Empire Era
SONG Yaoxi
Abstract: Poverty is not only an economic and social issue, but also a development and rights issue. The vast majority of the poor people in China live in rural areas, but a considerable part of them are poor people with disabilities living in cities. On the one hand, it is the main work and important task of the state to help the disabled out of poverty and constantly build a safety net for the basic livelihood of the disabled. On the other hand, it is also an important way to ensure that citizens share the fruits of national reform and development, protect their rights and build a community with a shared future for humanity.
Compared with the poverty alleviation work for the disabled in rural areas, the poverty alleviation work for the disabled in urban areas has its unique working objects and methods. The study of poverty alleviation of urban disabled people is a cross-research field between human rights studies and urban sociology, involving profound state ethics, social ethics, urban ethics and rights ethics. The poverty alleviation work of the disabled in Guangzhou has accumulated a lot of valuable experience in theory and practice, but at the same time, there are also some constraints and problems to be solved urgently. This paper intends to help urban disabled people out of poverty and protect the rights of urban disabled people by means of promoting employment and income of disabled families, giving full play to the role of disabled people serving social organizations, launching various special actions to help disabled people alleviate poverty, increasing financial support, and ensuring that poor disabled people have priority in gaining income from assets. In this way, the disabled will be able to keep up with the overall level of economic and social development and not be excluded from the social structure. As a result, our society has a universal basis for inclusive justice, and Guangzhou will thus demonstrate the urban civilization and inclusiveness of the new era.
Key Words: Guangzhou; the Disabled in cosmopolis; Poverty Alleviation; Protection of Rights
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