LU Haina: Beyond Experience of the West: Formulation of the First Law Against Domestic Violence and Its Enlightenment on Women's Rights
February 19,2020   By:
Beyond Experience of the West: Formulation of the First Law Against Domestic Violence and Its Enlightenment on Women’s Rights
LU Haina
Abstract: In March 2016, China’s first Anti-domestic Violence Law, adopted by the National People’s Congress in the end of 2015, entered into force. This law is widely regarded as a milestone of the cause of promoting women’s rights and interests in China after two-decade long efforts made by various advocates, including scholars, NGOs, lawyers, relevant government bodies, and the Women’s Federations. First, this article intends to identify the most influential factors which led to the promulgation of this law eventually and to examine how these factors interacted and gamed with each other during the two decades (1995-2015) of the legislative efforts. Second, based on the findings of the first task, this article intends to define the gender regime of China, characterizing the Chinese women’s movement, the future of the women’s rights in China and the implications of the Chinese experience to the protection of women’s rights.
Key words: domestic violence; women’s rights; women’s movement; women’s federations;gender regime
Chinese Dictionary:


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